Home » Open thread 6/12/24


Open thread 6/12/24 — 36 Comments

  1. Moreso “how”?

    For what and whom are both the same answer, for those who consider themselves elite at the expense of those they consider not.

    Note: Light grey text on light lavender background is a horrible page layout.

  2. I think it’s kind of funny that we’re still not even sure what the true shape of the Milky Way is. For a long time astronomers have thought it was an unusual “barred spiral” type with 4 main arms. Now many think it likley only has two main arms. Not only that, but the distribution of stars in the stellar halo suggest that there may have been a collision with a smaller galaxy somewhere between 7-10 billion years ago that resulted in an overall “tilt”.

  3. In more sane times, Biden using Title IX to force schools to let boys into girl’s restrooms and locker rooms would have resulted in talk of impeachment. The changes go into effect this summer. But the changes are hardly even making the mainstream news and when it does it is often crafted in terms of ” LGBTQ rights “.

  4. It is interesting Nonapod, but that is an extraordinarily difficult thing to figure out. One cannot stand outside the Milky Way and take a look at it.

  5. No one is interested, but interest on the debt is now the second highest expense behind social security. Defense and medicare are third and fourth.

    We’re borrowing 6-8% of GDP to pay interest. We’re borrowing money to make the interest payment.

    In 30 years the debt will be $120 trillion. Apparently inflation will be the fiscal policy to handle the debt. We’re all be poorer for it.

    These are numbers no one talks about. Is it because we’ve hit the iceberg and our only option is rearranging the deck chairs?

    ‘Why Are We So Terrified To Tell The Truth?’: Schweikert Warns Of ‘Death Spiral’ Facing The U.S.

  6. Oligonicella:

    Plague, famine, war; the usual “how” methods supplemented by social conditioning in the first world to discourage childbearing and beneficial family structures.

    For Gaia and her acolytes.

  7. Kate,
    A while back I was watching one of those transgender protest on video where they showed up to protest against the real women.
    As I watched the way a couple of the transgenders were acting, I seriously suspected they were “possessed”* or oppressed. Totally insane.

    I do think that OCD sometimes has some component of demonic oppression – not possession – to it. Basically a demonic lie being yelled at a person. The ” unrelenting thoughts ” as that ad with that guy from America’s Got Talent does on OCD.

    * I have heard arguments that the word ” “possessed” is a bit off as far as accurate translation.

  8. In dan browns inferno the villain is a deep ecologist type who has conjured up a sterilizing virus because overpopulation interesting the who is an accomplice to him who has groomed a follower who will carry out the deed played by felicity jones

    In the book she succeeds in the film langdon prevents the epidemic the title is tied to plagues of the late middle ages
    The film soft pedals the who ties to a wef type outfit

    Yes the old gods of the levant and mesopotamia have certainly infiltrated thus world which ones ymmv astarte moloch
    dagon perhaps the greek ones

  9. RE: UFOs—some conclusions

    Dr. Kevin Knuth, a physicist from the University of Albany, has been studying the UFO phenomena for many years now, applying the scientific method to the data which is in the public domain, making calculations, and drawing some conclusions from this and other available data.

    His conclusions—that the many types of reported and imaged UFOs may indicate that we may not be dealing with just one type of NHI but, rather, with several different types of NHIs, which may be of different origins.

    Moreover, the most likely conclusion from the fast responses of UFOs to various military formations and other events is that these NHIs reside here in our solar system, and that they are either indigenous—another species produced by evolution here on Earth–or, that a long time ago, some or all of these NHIs traveled here from another solar system and, then, settled here. They live here, they are not just occasional visitors.

    Also of interest, Dr. Knuth pointed out that, while there have been widespread reports –starting in the 1940s–about UFOs hovering over and surveilling nuclear weapons research and production facilities, nuclear weapons storage facilities, ICBM fields, and nuclear powered ships, no one has given consideration to the fact that the reported surveillance of nuclear research facilities started before these facilities were even operational; the surveillance began as these facilities were being constructed.*

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUa-9qMH068&t=2160s

  10. @Brian E:No one is interested, but interest on the debt is now the second highest expense behind social security.

    I’m interested in this. So is the leadership of the GOP in the House and Senate, because they’re getting ready to go through another round of debt ceiling theater, partly by working with Democrats to get as many FY2025 appropriations through as possible before then.

    And when the debt ceiling is reached–remember the GOP leadership right now is planning for what date that happens and spending as much as they can to see to it that it does–right-leaning media will wring its hands about the poor Republicans who gosh darn it just don’t have enough power in Congress to stop it from getting raised, as though it was some kind of unforeseen surprise, as though the House Majority has no power to veto spending or borrowing simply by failing to pass anything, and this happens every freaking time.

    Left- and right-leaning media will trot out the same narratives they do every time this happens but with the names and dates and dollar amounts updated. We do not have to swallow it every time. Being a chump is a choice. It is a trivial matter to look this stuff up. By doing nothing they could prevent any further spending or borrowing, but the media will be full of all their hard work to “reach a compromise”.

    Once I saw Mitch McConnell help Chuck Schumer tank a Republican filibuster on the debt ceiling, that’s when I started to understand a lot better what was going on in Congress.

    These people can all do arithmetic. They can see that they are deliberately spending to hit the debt ceiling, and and they know now they are going to cut a deal to raise it because they already know when it will happen. The House GOP could forbid further spending, and thus the need to raise the debt ceiling, simply by not passing anything since the Senate cannot do anything by itself. But their first duty is to their cronies who need to get paid with our money, and they are more than willing to cut deals with Democrats that screw their voters in order to get that done.

    Johnson and his leadership team officially announced during a GOP conference meeting Wednesday an ambitious timeline to pass as many of the 12 government spending measures for fiscal year 2025 — otherwise known as appropriations bills — as possible in the coming months. He wants to do so before lawmakers spend August campaigning in their districts, according to multiple people in attendance who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss off-the-record meetings.

    …Last year’s appropriations process led to the first ouster of a House speaker in history and sparked the movement to remove Johnson from the speakership. In both instances, the GOP majority relied on Democrats to fund the government for the current fiscal year….

    …More pragmatic conservatives prefer to finish the appropriations process ahead of the new year, hoping to move ahead on consequential legislative deadlines — like addressing the debt ceiling — that loom in 2025. Those members also warn that the speaker should not entertain the agenda of a handful of hard-liners who have moved goal posts and ultimately oppose whatever Republicans put forth.

    “I think people understand we need to build back the muscle memory of actually doing our appropriations work. I think that means we need to come as close as possible to passing total appropriations bills out here before we leave for August,” said Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.), who chairs the pragmatic Main Street Caucus.

    So far, House Appropriations Chairman Tom Cole (R-Okla.) has released top lines for each funding bill that largely mirror parameters set by then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and President Biden last May, which the House Freedom Caucus has revolted against…

  11. You would have to look at the milky way at a different plane maybe several million light years apart

  12. @miguel:You would have to look at the milky way at a different plane maybe several million light years apart

    No more than we had to go to space to know the Earth is spherical. If you can take enough measurements and do enough calculations you can in principle figure out the shape from within the Milky Way just as you can figure out the shape of North America without leaving the ground.

    It’s not easy to get right the first time, true, and you can see this by looking at the maps made from ancient times to today. There’s a map of China carved in stone in 1137 which looks to a non-cartographer as good as any made today. Of course not every culture made maps, or thought that to-scale accuracy of geographical features was what a map was really for (as opposed to mnemonics for how to travel to somewhere), so it’s not easy to know what they ancients could have produced had they really tried.

  13. How about this for a coincidence.

    RE: Aliens–

    Well, well, well, lookee here.

    Here is as story, out today, about an academic paper, coauthored by three Harvard scientists, and set to appear in the June 2024 issue of the “Journal of Philosophy and Cosmology,” discussing the possibilities/liklihood of either indigenous “cryptoterrestrials”–beings from a separate ancient evolutionary line, a predecessor high tech civilization–or actual extraterrestrials, living here on Earth, out of sight, in one of the many as yet unexplored regions of our planet, perhaps underground, possibly deep in our oceans, on Mars, or on the dark side of the Moon.*

    * See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/are-they-here-scientific-study-suggests-ufos-may/

  14. check them for green blood,

    in deepspace nine, one of the more interesting trek successor series, most of the known planet, including earth and bajor are in the Alfa Quadrant, the ones more remote are in the Gamma Quadrant, some 70,000 lightyears by one measurement, thats why they needed the world, the Borg, the bio mechanoids were from the Delta Quadrant, and it took some time for them to appear, in our neck of the Woods,

  15. RE: UFOs and NHIs

    In just the last few years there has obviously been a sea change in public consciousness regarding the issues of UFOs and NHIs; these issues have started to acquire some respectability.

    Just a few short years ago, I don’t think that any scientists–and scientists from Harvard, no less–would have touched this subject with a ten foot pole, and especially not set forth their ideas in an academic paper in a peer-reviewed journal which would be seen by all of their peers, and the rest of the world.

    (You might remember that it was the folks at Harvard who tried to cancel, to drum Dr. John Mack out of his tenured position, as the eminent professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical school, for his temerity in investigating the Abduction phenomenon and talking and writing books about it.)

  16. Snow on Pine:

    You have heard something lately of the rampant fraud in the scientific community in established fields of science, in dodgy climate science, and of course in virology and medical research (cough, China virus)?

    I wouldn’t hang my hat on the reputation of most researchers nowadays especially without independent rigorous testing of the claims.

    Otherwise it ain’t science, it’s just opinion and speculation.

  17. Snow on Pine:

    Please stop trying to convince us or persuading us we ought to be convinced.

    I suggest describing your journey and what made the difference to you. I’m half in the bag on UFOs, but you press too hard.

    Plus, as om points out, academics and researchers have made it clear in recent years that their appeals to authority are unsustainable.

  18. Re: Disney’s “The Acolyte”

    Episode 3 has dropped. It was rumored to break Star Wars completely. From numerous summaries I believe it did.

    * The Jedi are now evil patriarchal Child Protection Services cops with full power to kidnap children with abilities in the Force.

    * Space lesbian witch couples, even across galactic species, are an oppressed minority who must hide and build their own rebel communities.

    * Space lesbian witch couples, at least the witchiest, may use the Force to create twin female children without male DNA. This is Osha and Mae, the Good/Evil space lesbian twins on which the Acolyte series is based.

    * Everything was great in the Space Lesbian Witch Community until the oppressive white male Jedis arrived to disrupt their orgiastic Space Lesbian Witch ritual to raise Osha and Mae to full Space Lesbian Witch status.

    * Osha and Mae made an agreement to fake their Jedi results so they could stay together with the Space Lesbian Witch Community. (Wouldn’t you?)

    * However, Osha wimps out and passes the Jedi test. (Can you pass the Jedi Test?)

    * Mae, furious, burns Osha’s I-Wanna-Be-a-Jedi personal journal. As a result the stone fortress of the Lesbian Space Witch Community burns down. (The Acolyte writers are confused on how fire works here and in outer space.) Most of the witches perish as a result — Maybe! there’s doubt it is that simple. Damn the eyes of the Jedi! Damn them!

    * The Force, the Lesbian Space Witches inform us, is not The Force, but The Thread. The Force is Female. The Thread. Not some icky toxic male thing.

    Episode 3 of “The Acolyte” is really this stupid. I’ll put up Critical Drinker’s link to his usually masterful deconstruction when it appears.

  19. Re: Disney’s “The Acolyte”

    Today, when I told him, my younger, somewhat conservative, café friend sighed, eyes wide, “Space lesbian witches? Oh, man.”

    I understand.

    You can’t always get what you want.

  20. huxley:

    Osha (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) in space? But of course Osha is a force for the good (and for safety).

    Space Lesbian Witches are


    And undoubtedly there are no plot holes that will earn

    Super easy, barely and inconvenience!

    in the Pitch Meeting episode by Ryan George.

    OSHA to the rescue!

  21. Please tell me “Space Lesbian Witches” is a Babylon Bee satire. I am trying to keep a grip on my sanity.

  22. Please tell me “Space Lesbian Witches” is a Babylon Bee satire. I am trying to keep a grip on my sanity.


    Can’t help you there. “Space Lesbian Witches” or “Lesbian Space Witches” are a thing at least in Disney’s Star Wars universe.

    Perhaps the Critical Drinker may be of assistance:

    –“The Acolyte Episode 3 – I’m Done And So Is Star Wars”


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