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Hunter relied on Biden privilege — 38 Comments

  1. “In Joe Biden’s home state, where the Biden name is feared and the Biden family has been royalty for 50 years….”

    Turns out Hunter’s jury was very brave, since the trial was in that rotten state of Delaware.

  2. Eeyore:

    Joe only said he wouldn’t pardon Hunter. He never said he wouldn’t commute his sentence. He might even do that prior to the election, if the sentence involves prison time. He might want to do that before the election just in case he doesn’t win.

  3. Turley has said, in another article I think, that Hunter Biden’s felony conviction now becomes a force multiplier of sorts, in his other legal problems; in other words, he now faces those problems as a convicted felon, thus putting them into a different legal context. This not only includes the tax dodging, but also the perjury issues in his Congressional testimony.

    I’m not terribly concerned with whatever penalty Hunter scores; It’s a first-time conviction on a charge that, as I understand it, is normally only pursued in conjunction with more serious felony charges. But I am very interested to see what becomes of the investigations into more serious ‘Biden Crime Family’ activities. What is the current, best-guess estimate of the Biden family’s aggregated wealth, and how is it that such unexplained accumulations seem to perpetually evade the interest – and scrutiny – of forensic accountants that work with prosecutors?

  4. Here is a pleasant little fantasy; the Judge sends Hunter to prison. Political considerations prevent Biden from immediately commuting Hunter’s sentence. How would a “a train wreck, a con man, a drug user, a people user, and a scam artist” whose “arrogance is phenomenal” handle that? Might he not in a fit of rage go on record condemning his father as fully complicit in he and his father’s pay-to-play schemes? Revealing damning details that confirm his story. How sweet would that be?

  5. Hunter’s story is really quite astonishing. If I was his father, I would be embarrassed and ashamed. Your children are a reflection of how you instilled values in them. Either Joe instilled these low moral values, or he allowed Hunter to grow up like a weed, with no care and guidance.

    Either way, if I were Joe, I would consider myself a failure as a father. Heckuva job, Joey.

  6. interesting this involved form 4473, which was an addendum around 2003, of other statutes going back to the 1968 organized crime control act that arose out of that tragic year,

    no 2, offspring ashley seems to have a powder fetish as well, although not as pronounced, and they have the nerve to throw stones at trump, she has as nearly blinkered judgement when it comes to partners, and I’m charitable, of course when the Bureau is your repo service for your wayward journals,

  7. Either way, if I were Joe, I would consider myself a failure as a father. Heckuva job, Joey.


    OT, but as an ex-hippie, this is my deepest problem with Timothy Leary. His first wife committed suicide on account of Leary’s infidelity. His daughter murdered her boyfriend then committed suicide with shoelaces in jail. His son barely survived all this trauma but was a loser. Leary and son never made peace.

    There’s something wrong with this picture. Biden and his children too.

    I don’t overlook this stuff.

    Heckuva job, Timothy Leary.

  8. did not know about the leahy household, I remember his round robin with gordon liddy, who despite his desire to make a little too much of his notoriety in miami vice, and even a little cyberpunk series, Super Force, where he played some kind of ludicrous Japanese villain, he was more on point,

  9. Well, there are occasionally good, careful parents whose children turn out wrong. However, I see no evidence of Joe and Jill being good, careful parents.

  10. they aren’t even good stewards of their pets, apparently, from the behavior of Major and Commander,

  11. Well, there are occasionally good, careful parents whose children turn out wrong.


    True. It’s damn tricky business. And visa-versa.

    Some kids figure out that their parents are crazy or worse and they find a better way.

    Tony Robbins tells the story of two brothers born to disastrous parents. One became a lifelong criminal. The other became a reputable physician. When asked why they took the paths they did, both said, essentially:

    Given my upbringing, how could I have done otherwise?

    Thus endeth the lesson.

  12. The whole Biden clan is rife with drug and alcohol problems, sexual oddities if not outright perversions, and sleazy business dealings. The only one with some rational judgment seems to be Hunter’s ex-wife, who kicked him out over his drug use. He owes her, according to court filings, over $2 million in unpaid alimony. The family is disordered.

  13. Neo:”He might want to do that before the election just in case he doesn’t win.”
    The election is in November. The election is certified by Congress on Jan 6. Inauguration is Jan 20. Joe has full powers until 1/20.
    It would make more political sense to a) String out the appeals until after 1 /6, and b) Pardon him after that. Either Joe has lost, so how can it hurt, or he’s won (Lord have mercy) and “what are you gonna do about it?”.

  14. So whatever happened to the damning Biden family banking records that the House Republicans were supposedly releasing this week?

  15. The Devine article said:

    In Joe Biden’s home state, where the Biden name is feared and the Biden family has been royalty for 50 years […]

    Is it really indeed “feared”? That surprises me slightly. Of course, this is judging from the rather unimpressive figure cut by the Marionette of late, so if I’m just out of the loop on this, I can be corrected. Are they just big fish in a small pond, or is there more to this somehow?

  16. The problem with pleading out on the tax evasion charges is that, having openly put the special prosecutor on the spot and demanding a trial after the very same prosecutor tried very, very hard to give Biden a sweetheart deal to make all of it go away is that the prosecutors are now under a microscope that will basically demand that Hunter Biden cooperate in all investigations into the Biden family financial dealings- I don’t think Weiss and anyone working on this in the DoJ now has any real freedom to not put the screws to Hunter Biden in exchange for a plea deal. No one is going to take a bullet for the Bidens now- that is the real danger of yesterday’s verdict to the Biden family- no one fears them any longer and no one likes them.

  17. Biden will pardon his son and he won’t really have to do that until after the election given the way the federal court system moves so slowly.

  18. This might even be the thing that is used to get Biden to step out of the race at the convention.

  19. What is WRONG with you people??
    I’ve been serving the people of Delaware AND the people of the USA— the greatest country in the world—for over 50 years … and THIS is the thanks I get !?
    What is WRONG with you MAGA scum?
    Hillary and Bill can skim a bit off the top… and I can’t??
    For all those years of faithful service?
    I’m warning all a ye. This isn’t the end of this. You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet…
    I’m warning you…

  20. Nothing new here…but LEST WE FORGET…

    …What’s the take-away? The Biden campaign knew it had a problem a year before the election. A phony narrative was invented that the Russians were behind the story. The FBI communicated this narrative to social networks; dozens of intelligence officials backed it with the weight of their credentials; Biden himself invoked it as a defense in a presidential debate with Trump; and MSM reporters like Leslie Stahl dutifully repeated it. Finally social media companies suppressed the true story, depriving the American people of information they were entitled to know before they voted. This was election interference.

    As journalist [Matt Taibbi] explained, “By any marker, this is an enormous news story. If we go by the usual measuring stick of American scandal, the Watergate story, this potentially meets or exceeds that, on almost every level. Does it reach into the current White House? Check. Was it a craven attempt to subvert the electoral process? Check again. Did a presidential candidate engineer a massive public deception? Yes, resoundingly. Did it involve intelligence agencies? Yes, and these weren’t amateurs like Nixon’s plumbers. These were 50 of the most powerful people in the intelligence world… conspiring to meddle in domestic politics on a grand scale.”….

    H/T Powerline blog.

  21. I’ve stopped wondering at the stupidity of the protected class. You and me, if we’re going to expect to get away with crime have to be smart about. They don’t and now they’re rubbing it our faces.

  22. The IRS and DoJ don’t let the statute of limitations run out for just anyone. So we who aren’t protected by officialdom need to be smarter than they are. The good thing is unlike hunted animals they never needed to be smart. So they won’t grow brains

  23. Not sure, in fact maybe I am very sure Sundowner has no shame. I was surprised he got convicted as evidence is not the only information needed these days. I think we need to let this play out until sentencing and a November election that will effect this court case.

  24. I don’t expect you to know, but my first fighter squadron was the Sundowners. VF 111.. I was never in a payed flight status but I pride myself to think I played a role in my squadron winning the PACFLEET Boola Boola. And the TARPS Derby. I realize those words mean nothing to you but they meant something then. My squadron didn’t win the Tomcat follies because either VF 1 or 2 figuratively bombed us and destroyed everything. It was a while ago, over twenty years, and everything is quite literally forgiven and forgotten.

    Then there was the time VF 2 crushed our Tomcat follies Sedan de Ville with a rented tank. Every squadron had to sponsor a Tomcat Follies. We had the caddie. They had the tank. They won fair and square. Hats off.

  25. This is where I think I can help out. Competition is good because it forces you to think outside the box. When I saw the other squadron crushing our car with the rented tank I wasn’t angry. I was wondering why I didn’t think of it first.

  26. The difference between life and death hangs in the details. I talked with WWII aviators who spoke with sincere affection about the engineers who rebriicked the boilers to add two extra knots to the carrier’s speed. Just two. It was enough. No detail can be ignored.

  27. I mistakenly thought this was the open thread. But there are Biden family details that need attention

  28. Hunter will be pardoned by his corrupt, senile dad one day after election day.

    The election will be over by then and Joe has nothing to lose by pardoning him.
    Joe will also figure out a way, after the election, and with the help of his compliant DOJ, to quash any investigations / criminal proceedings against Hunter or himself or other family relations; they all will walk away , freely, with the millions of $$$$ they have taken from foreign sources.

    Hunter was indicted because his father was up for re-election, so Joe had to go along with it. But it was just a ploy, a scam to make it appear that nobody is above the law and give credence to the fiction that Joe is not involved in any way with the Hunter (or Trump) indictments. No need to continue this silly game after the election.

    The only criticism Joe will receive for his upcoming pardon will be from dumbpublicans and conservative pundits / websites; sources that the general public – for the most part – pays no attention to.

    The mainstream media will more or less ignore or downplay the entire fiasco and, once again and par for the course, they will circle the wagons to protect their ideological brethren (see “the laptop;” see Trump is a Russian asset, etc) .

    Stalin’s Izvestia and Pravda could not teach the American mainstream media any lessons. The latter has a very large percentage of the American citizenry convinced that they, the media, are independent, truthful and impartial providers of the news.

    The big question remaining to be answered is how many states will suspend the overnight vote counting in the next presidential election.
    Let me speculate that it will be ONLY those 4 or 5 states, in the late innings of the game, whose votes will determine the results of the entire presidential election. No need to cheat in 50 states; just target those 4 or 5 that will really matter in the end.

    Trump had best win the popular vote by at least 15 points in any key state in order to overcome the cheating the demonkrats will engage in.

    Regardless, the Bidens – all of them – will be home free right after the election.

  29. John Tyler,
    Ana Navarro on or about June 26, 2023: “…a father’s love for his son…”
    On the View, just after Hunter pleaded guilty on federal tax charges and Joe expressed his pride for his son.
    The table’s been set for a year, no need to wonder how the media will cover a pardon.

    Ana Navarro, what about a president’s love for his nation???

  30. This is all chicken shit about Hunter Biden. Shit from shit. I have read all comments, and none express any optimism that justice will be served.

    Meanwhile there is SOS Blinken negotiating (yes!) with Hamas to no effect except by negotiating with a terrorist group he provides it with legitimacy and standing.

    The hostages, including some US citizens, have been held since Oct. 7 of last year, and the administration of our Democratic Biden fools does nothing but blather on and on. And they are crushing our Middle Class, the moral backbone of the USA, in the process, with the help of the leftist MSM.
    I loved America when I was young. Now I rather despise it for what it has become.

  31. neo on June 12, 2024 at 6:41 pm said:

    Joe only said he wouldn’t pardon Hunter.

    Now, that’s something you can take to the bank. 😉

    I’ll stick with what I said. After the election.

  32. Not one of twelve Delaware jurors was afraid of Delaware royalty.
    I guess we’ll have to see if the IRS shows up at a home at six in the morning.

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