Home » Hunter Biden guilty verdict


Hunter Biden guilty verdict — 21 Comments

  1. He’s still got the tax evasion charges in California this coming September. Those are more serious.

    These charges are small potatoes, really. It’s nice to see someone connected held accountable. But aside from the whiff of corruption that would have arisen if he’d been found Not Guilty, I haven’t cared much about his conviction on this charge.

  2. funny about that, they went after manafort for five years for FARA violations, which were past the statute of limitations but no matter, even though they didn’t go after weber and podesta, who he was the middleman for,

  3. Surprised they didn’t have a hung jury to let him off. But they did find at least something to get him on while letting a lot more slip away. Probably by Sundowner is out the door he will be a free man again.

  4. huxley:

    I couldn’t remember what I had predicted, so I looked it up. I predicted a wrist slap here. So I apparently thought he could or even would get convicted, but get a light penalty.

  5. I’m wondering whether Joe and Jill Biden are surprised at the verdict. Having watched the NY Trump jury obey orders, are they perhaps a bit shocked that this court did not? To the degree that they expected a better result for Hunter, is it possible that they may interpret this verdict as a threat to Joe? In other words, do they see this verdict as the first domino to fall in their house of cards, as Joe himself might put it?

  6. Ugh – Hunter is such a degenerate sleazebag, I can’t see how any woman other than the most degraded lot-lizard with a calculating eye on his family’s ill-gotten gains could even bear to be in the same room with him.
    Yeah, his daddy will pardon him.
    (talk about degenerate sleazebags…)

  7. Up to $750,000 in fines is possible. So one and a half paintings.
    Up to 25 years is possible, but who really believes he’ll ever even drive by a prison. To paraphrase James Comey, no reasonable judge would ever…

  8. Hunter should get the same sentence other first time offender/recovering addicts would get for the same charges.

    We are seeking equal application of the law– I think. He’s a lawyer, so the judge might go slightly harder– since he should have known better, even as a coke-addled druggie.

    Jessica Levinson, a law professor at Loyola Law School, told CBS News that it’s rare for the charge to be brought as a standalone charge. And she added that she doesn’t expect that the president’s son will face the maximum sentence, or that the prosecution would ask for the maximum sentence. Levinson noted that “nobody should expect” to see the president’s son “behind bars for a quarter century,” though she made clear that some prison time is likely.

    This is no doubt causing dyspepsia in certain circles. Maybe put Hunter on probation and the gun in jail.

  9. The Bush administration certainly let people do time for the team. I’m not sure I’d put it past Biden to expect his son to do so if he thought he’d gain some political advantage thereby. It might not be for that long. Scooter Libby didn’t have to complete his sentence, and was eventually pardoned eleven years later by President Trump.

  10. According to the federal sentencing guidelines, Hunter should expect a 6-10 month sentence.

    Someone pointed out that Gen. Flynn, who was charged with lying to the FBI was sentenced to 6 months, even after pleading guilty.

  11. The corruption in this case occurred before this trial when the Biden DOJ had worked out a sweetheart plea deal for Hunter.

    “Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, had a plea deal on two tax charges and a gun possession charge, but it fell through on July 26, 2023. The deal was initially accepted by the court, but the judge, Maryellen Noreika, expressed concerns about the agreement and ultimately rejected it.
    The original plea deal was a combination of a plea agreement on the tax charges and a pre-trial diversion program on the gun charge.”

    The deal was so egregious the judge rejected it, and lo and behold Hunter is convicted on the three gun charges.
    He still has to face charges where he failed to pay around $1.4 million in taxes over a four year period.
    So yes, the system worked, because the judge couldn’t stomach the plea deal by the Biden DOJ.

  12. Sgt, Mom @ 5:25pm
    Bingo! My sentiments exactly.

    I’m surprised at the quick verdict. I thought the Bidens might have had a higher level of intimidation of the jurors. They certainly seemed to be giving it a go.

  13. Whatever the penalty, it will be in line with what others in similar circumstances have been given. Since he has no criminal record, it should be light. I think this is a straw man setup to show how even-handed the DOJ is, ‘really and truly, citizen !’ But remembering back, didn’t the DOJ try to slide through a plea deal that used these charges as a vehicle, to carry immunity for any other crimes that Hunter Biden could conceivably be charged with, in the future – and the judge smelled a rat and called it out? This, after the DOJ allowed the statute of limitations to run out on more serious tax evasion charges?

    So yes: Maybe they could spare us the pompous ‘See, it’s fair ! “ protestations. This has been engineered every bit as much, and as carefully tended as, the Trump prosecutions. So: In the interest of this ‘fairness’, then perhaps it could be explained to us why the Biden Family has 20+ shell corporations to handle their finances, which include no direct business concerns or production of a commercial product – just managing all those cash flows for as-yet unspecified services.. and yet the DOJ is incurious..

  14. Aggie, I, myself, am very curious as to the money flow through those companies.

  15. Did Judge Merchan delay sentencing for the Trump hush money case until:
    1) SCOTUS provided some ruling with respect to presidential immunity at the end of June?
    2) wait to see what kind of sentence Hunter might get from today’s result so Trump could receive a similar level without excess commentary? Was a sentencing date for Hunter announced yet?

  16. R2L, I understand the judge has stated that sentencing will not occur for some four months. He said this was normal for Federal sentencing. Merchan will go first.

  17. Well, Joe Biden said he wouldn’t pardon Hunter… but Kamala Harris didn’t!

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