Home » Open thread 6/5/24


Open thread 6/5/24 — 64 Comments

  1. I had never heard of the tri tone then again i dont get into the minutia of notes

    Ive only really watched a few times in the last few years

  2. Well to his credit, he does mention Steven Sondheim once in the video. I agree Leonard Bernstein was a genius. I think Sondheim is too, and I don’t know how much that collaboration allowed Sondheim’s genius to flower and how much it influenced Bernstein’s writing of West Side Story. I suspect we’ll never know. I will just enjoy what both left us..

  3. Seven senator voted to ratify bidens last judicial pick why the dems never do this

  4. despite this, hamas refused to go along with the charade of a hudna, like fellow islamognosists like robert spencer, I like labeling things the way they are not the gauzy narrative they pretend it to be,

    circling back Dan Silva did imbibe much more of the first wave revisionism of Benny Morris which probably did as much damage as second wave like regev pappe and co, amplifying the nakbah narrative, there was this other fellow that justified suicide bombers in Iraq,
    better to be meticulous in these launch things then to rush things

    I didn’t catch enough of the Bernstein biopic to see how true this depiction was, I suppose the Freddy Mercury was (although the pitch meeting suggests there were more than a few liberties,

  5. Apologies Mike and others, turned out the link I gave up there is a scam site on YouTube– although there is a Starship launch scheduled for tomorrow, so, watch for that, I guess. Again, apologies for the bad info, and for being had.

  6. when something is publicized everywhere it’s probably wrong,


    the level of omission was rather striking though, well considering how things are done overseas with the al durah affair or even the most recent hospital incident in gaza
    probably not

    thats why I’ve become ‘confortably numb’ to the latest publicized ‘outrage’

  7. after challenger and columbia, one does feel a certain sense of icarus challenging the heavens in these situations, this was an old technology like those galleons thahttps://donsurber.substack.com/p/media-pays-for-getting-trump-wrongt tried to venture to the forbidden realms

  8. Where is the World’s outrage at the Nazi-like Russians? Reduced to skin and bones in Putin’s ‘Nazi-like’ detention camps: Horrific pictures show painfully thin Ukrainian Chernobyl guard after his release following two years held by Russia

    Roman Vasiliovich Gorilyk, one of 74 prisoners exchanged in a prisoner swap on May 31, is pictured, frail, with bones protruding after returning from dire conditions critics have claimed are in breach of the Geneva Conventions.

    The former prisoner, a senior controller at Chernobyl power plant, was not involved in any fighting before his detention – but was ‘taken hostage’ by the Russians, dragged back through Belarus in March 2022, according to army hotline ‘I Want to Live’.

    During their entire time in captivity, the project claimed, neither Roman nor the other 74 prisoners were visited by observers from the International Committee of the Red Cross in violation of international law.

  9. Miguel that silly operation will probably get a lot more publicity than what Iran does. Search on “Ramin Yektaparast”.

  10. or qatar. ‘they are soaking in it’ like goldfish they don’t know whats outside the water,

  11. I hope they triple-checked all the door and window seals on the Boeing Starliner.

  12. Well, the first episodes of “The Acolyte” series have dropped. “The Acolyte” is the all-singing-all-dancing-all-vaginas-all-LGBTQ+ Star Wars thingie-without-much-thingie.

    It attempts to push Star Wars into mystery thriller territory. An assassin is killing Jedi warriors. Wooo…. But the Jedi are portrayed as obnoxious LAPD types, so maybe that’s understandable.

    You see, life is not so simple. The Jedi, like the United States, are actually the Bad Guys, if one is paying attention.

    The plot centers on a pair of good and evil twins. (How original!) Birthed somehow from a pair of lesbian space witches.

    Whoa! Is that cool or what?

    Then the big reveal at episode 3 or 4 — The Force is Female! Not just a t-shirt slogan worn by Kathleen Kennedy and her female assistants. The Force is a female entity. A Goddess, I guess.


    A few weeks ago at Cannes, George Lucas spoke vaguely about how nobody knew what the Force was. Certainly not the current shotcallers at Disney.

    Anyway. This looks to be an epic confrontation between the Gramscians Marching through the Institutions and a rather pissed-off, normie, majority male fanbase, who loved the Star Wars IP and have found themselves consistently betrayed and humiliated by the Disney woke hive mind.

    Someone said politics is downstream from culture. It’s worth attending to this battle.

  13. These idiot EU countries, by recognizing a Palestinian state that is determined to erase Israel from the planet, have announced to the world as far as their shitty country is concerned, that Israel has no right to exist which is my opinion is a declaration of war against Israel. I see Slovakia has joined the parade of evil stupidity.

  14. Regarding the space launches

    – the Boeing Starliner successfully launched this morning. This was significant since it had been delayed a bunch. It’s sending astronauts to the ISS.

    – Space X’s Starship is set to launch as early as tomorrow morning @7am CDT (8am EST). This is the big one, the most exciting. This time they’ll be attempting to actually have Starship survive atmospheric reentry and have the Super Heavy rocket do soft splash-down in the ocean.

  15. well seeing as lucas borrowed from kurosawa and the bushido code as well joseph campbell, I think he did have a notion, but it’s harvey weinstein’s assistant leslie headlund, so its going to crash and burn, even more than the Marvels,

    this painful deconstruction that began with the last jedi, although the prequel trilogy
    had some elements, how did a regime that had lasted for a 1000 generations, fall so precipitously, they didn’t come up with a good answer so now with the high republic series that have not well, so of course lets adapt that, the rot in 250 years in the past,

    Marvel has similar problems since Endgame, when they killed off the strongest leads,
    well Captain Rogers is off the stage, and made a mockery of Thor and later Hulk, well the replacements have not done well, and they even made a mockery of Samuel L Jackson, the strongest African american character in the whole MCU

  16. An excellent op-ed by David B. Rivkin and Elizabeth Price Foley in the WSJ today.

    Whether you love, hate or merely tolerate Donald Trump, you should care about due process, which is fundamental to the rule of law. New York’s trial of Mr. Trump violated basic due-process principles…These three due-process precepts—notice, meaningful opportunity to defend, and proof of all elements—were absent in Mr. Trump’s trial….The Constitution demands that higher courts throw out the verdict against him. That takes time, however, and is unlikely to occur before the election. That unfortunate reality will widen America’s political divide and fuel the suspicion that Mr. Trump’s prosecution wasn’t about enforcing the law but wounding a presidential candidate for the benefit of his opponent.


  17. @ChasesEagles:These idiot EU countries, by recognizing a Palestinian state that is determined to erase Israel from the planet, have announced to the world as far as their shitty country is concerned, that Israel has no right to exist which is my opinion is a declaration of war against Israel. I see Slovakia has joined the parade of evil stupidity.

    Please don’t let the media raise your blood pressure. About 3/4 countries in the UN have already done this, including some valuable allies, over the last 40 years. Ukraine, for example has had a Palestinian embassy since 2001, and in addition

    In November 2022, Ukraine supported a UN resolution that asked the International Court of Justice to investigate Israel’s “prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territory”. In response, Israel summoned and admonished the Ukrainian ambassador… During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry condemned attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza and supported a two-state solution to the conflict.

    I don’t think that all who recognized Palestine have invidious motives for doing so, undoubtedly some do. In the case of Ireland and Spain, who recognized them recently, both have had recent and long experience of dealing with ethnic and religious terrorism, and both have found some way to come to coexistence that hasn’t been perfect or just, but there’s certainly not killing like there used to be. They may be naive in thinking any of that experience could be applied with respect to Israel and Palestine, but I don’t think it’s likely that they actually want to see Israel destroyed or Israelis killed.

  18. well after october 7th, it goes from mere folly to knavery to recognize any part of the pincer states as I call Gaza and the Authority, which have been waging a war that goes back more than a 100 years,

    So Hamas failed to commit to a hudna they demanded on their own, and well crickets,
    from all the usual suspects, most of whom have funded Hamas in one way or another at least for the last 20 years if not longer,
    through tentacles of the Moslem Brotherhood Ikwan Muslimiya, who are spread out all through out North Africa, into Europe in the States,

    the docudrama the Siege, written by Lawrence Wright, three years before 9-11 in part based on his experience writing for a Saudi newspaper OKaz, is very interesting it what it tell and more interesting what it leaves out, a unnamed organization which sounds much what Bin Laden was doing, is operating in New York City because a Sheikh much like the blind one was kidnapped, they made him Iraqi not Egyptian, and they gave him a Saudi name,
    the organization follows a plan like the second terror plot after WTC, attacking the FBI Broadway and other locations, I do recall at the the time CAIR complained about it, not for what they got wrong, but what they got right, but there is a reference to Hamas raising so much money here, why would they mess things up,

  19. @miguel: Oct 7 is the kind of thing that, whatever it is you have grievances about, you’ve put yourself utterly in the wrong.

    I don’t think anything quite like October 7 has been seen in Ireland since the 18th century–though they certainly aren’t forgotten there–but Spain had things like that happening as recently as the 1930s. I don’t think the Basque terrorists ever did anything like that during the worst period in 1983 – 1987 but I’m open to being corrected there because I don’t know very much about them.

  20. well rewarding them for that, which is the way it looks to an impartial observer, is a a very bad thing, no the ETA never did anything that brutal, some might argue that their campaign was a retaliation for Guernica and other such offenses, to kill civilians and soldiers in their homes, to rape them, then kidnap them, the GAL which was the Government terror squad, retaliated against a few high profile operatives in the group, sometimes not in the nicest way

  21. @miguel:well rewarding them for that, which is the way it looks to an impartial observer, is a a very bad thing,

    Both Ireland and Spain did things that could be fairly be called “rewarding terrorism” as part of the peace processes they went through. Maybe they should have fought on until the last terrorist was dead, but they didn’t.

    I guess you have to weigh how much suffering is involved in fighting evil vs how much suffering there is in coming to some kind of terms with it. I think Spain came out better than Ireland and Northern Ireland did, because the Irish terrorists were given quite a lot when you add it all up.

  22. Niketas Choniates:

    I don’t get your analogy. Ireland and Spain were dealing with their own violent compatriots, not an invading foreign force bent on annihilating them. Israel is dealing with a foreign force bent on annihilating the state of Israel and the Jewish people.

    In the case of Ireland, the terrorists were fighting for Irish independence, so Ireland had a motive for wanting them to be at least somewhat rewarded.

    In Spain, are you talking about the Basque ETA? I don’t see that they were especially rewarded by the Spanish government, which cracked down hard on them and ultimately caused them to give up. The “Troubles” in Northern Ireland were more of a mini civil war, also quite different from anything related to Israel.

    But none of these groups were eliminationist murderers from a different country, bent on eradicating Ireland or Spain. The scope of the violence they caused over time was also far smaller than the toll on Israel over time.

    I agree that at least part of Ireland’s love of Hamas is some sort of identification with Hamas as brave freedom fighters. But this is an erroneous identification, to say the least.

  23. @neo:I don’t get your analogy.

    It’s not “my analogy”. It is a presentation of why other people may think differently from you based on the experiences they have had. (I do not actually think very differently from you about what Israel is doing with Hamas.)

    There’s a lot of things in your reply about Ireland and Spain that I think are not quite right factually, but let’s leave that aside, it’s a distraction. It seems you think the conflict between Israel and Hamas is fundamentally unlike what Ireland and Spain went through. If that’s what you think, I agree with you. Spain and Ireland think differently and they may be wrong but it’s not invidious for them to see it through their own experience.

    Ukraine’s UN ambassador explicitly connected the occupation of Palestinian territory with Russia’s occupation of the Crimea. I don’t agree with that, I think the analogy has problems, but he connected it with his own experience. I don’t think he was motivated by hatred of Jews, Ukraine had a Jewish prime minister at the time…

    In many cases where there is a difference in thinking, it is not because of having different facts or thinking wrongly. It is often a case of weighting facts and values differently. It is not true that people who agree on the facts must come to the same opinion.

    It really bothered me to see someone say that anyone who recognized Palestine is saying that Israel has no right to exist. There are people who think that, but there are also well intentioned and well informed people who think differently.

  24. ireland and spain have both been under insurgencies the british government in the 90s, did make what some considered a poorly thought out pact with the IRA, which absolved most of the latters offenses and has subject many rank and file soldiers to various punishments, similarly with Spain, because of their complicated history under franco,

    the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is as much a blood feud as between Russia and Ukraine, probably even longer term,

  25. @miguel:the british government in the 90s, did make what some considered a poorly thought out pact with the IRA,

    Wasn’t just the British and IRA. Ireland also participated, for example rewriting its constitution in a way that arguably rewarded Protestant terrorism.

    I think I would describe the situation as something like letting the Mafia legally run New Jersey. I don’t live in Northern Ireland and don’t know anyone who does, so maybe it’s not as awful as my metaphor makes it sound. But people are not getting killed over there like they were, and that’s something at least.

  26. “well informed and well intentioned people” after 10/7/2023?


    Maybe they were on 10/6/2023.

    Events, my boy, events.

  27. Less than two weeks after 10/7/2023 Ukraine called for a two-state solution, again. I don’t think anyone here remarked on it at the time, probably because right-leaning media didn’t try to amplify it the way they have with EU nations recently. (The power of the media to shape what we think simply by deciding what to omit is easy to underestimate.)

    The relationship between Israel and Ukraine has had its ups and downs, complicated by Israel’s longstanding relationships with both Ukraine and Russia. But I don’t think Ukraine is acting out of hate for Israel, or ignorance; a lot of people in Israel ARE Ukrainian after all. I don’t think Ukraine is denying Israel’s right to exist or declaring war on Israel by insisting on a two-state solution after October 7. I think it’s not the right thing to insist on, but I don’t think it’s invidious.

  28. Reform Party founder Nigel Farage decided to stand for a seat in the UKs Parliament Clacton on Sea (NE of London).

    YouGov polling puts Reform behind the Conservatives by just two percent — 17 to 19%.

    A story in the London Express features a former Secretary of Culture under PM Noris Johnson, opining that Reform will surpass thr Conservatived ny Saturday evening — whereas just w day before, Farage himself stated it would take a full week.

    Reform is nipping 6% from Labour, down to 40%, widely expected win the contest ending July 4th.

    The poll findings can be seen at GBnews, Sky News and The Express.

    Here’s snarky video of Channel 4 (UK) news of Farage meeting folks in Clacton on Tuesday.

    Formerly, Farage was an elected member to the EU Parliament for many terms — before backing Brexit in 2016.

  29. The countries calling for a two state solution are dumber than a box of rocks. They must be in the “they don’t really mean exterminate all the jews” camp of denial or they are straight up evil. I believe the Gazans mean what they say. They will never stop killing Jews. If you support them in anyway, you support the killing of the Jews. All of them.

    Legitimizing evil is evil. Recognizing their “country” is evil. Maybe it is a war between good and evil and Ukraine chose poorly and their tribulations at the attempted genocide by Russia is divine punishment. Maybe we too have lost “the Mandate of Heaven”.

  30. And Ukraine’s position in the world in their existential conflict with Russia somehow is tied to the existential conflict that Ireland, Spain, and Slovakia have regarding Hamashites and the one state final solution that the Gazamites, Westbankonians, and Iran have in mind?

    Ukraine saw their situation fall off the public’s attention span threshold after 10/7/2023. Desperate times given their military situation. Israel has walked a fine line on the Russian war on Ukraine; as with any nation their own national interests and dealing with their adverseries come before Ukraine’s.

  31. Veronica Garcia“: Interesting name choice for gender pretender, women’s sports invader Donovan Brown.

    There’s a difference between tolerance and indulgence. A number of sports leagues (especially in blue areas) don’t get the distinction.

  32. Veronica Garcia, a slow male, stealing the gold from the women.

    55:75 seconds in the men’s 400m is at least 8 seconds too slow to win a state championship, anywhere.

    Dispicable grifter.

  33. It’s not about me. Ok. About me. I’ve been communicating with an Israeli chick and she’s younger than me. I’d trade my life for hers. She’s got in front of her. I on the other hand am geriatric I’m not brave.

  34. Slovenia.
    Extreme left-wing government.
    The most European state of the former Yugoslavia, so I guess it figures.
    Nice country, alas. Gorgeous, well-preserved.

  35. “”Unprecedented Deaths”

    It’s not unlikely that “Unprecedented Deaths” will occur—but WHAT will have caused them?

    I suspect that it’ll be because people will be able to “die” more than once—heck, if people can vote more than once (especially dead people) why shouldn’t they be able to die more than once?

    I suppose there might be other reasons—paging Dr. Fauci and the Vax Makers (no, not a pop group.)
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    And in other yawners, it looks—unbelievably enough—like “Biden”‘s lyin’ again.
    (Actually, it would be far more unbelievable if he said something that even approached the truth…)

    + Bonus for Ilhan Omar watchers (assuming such people exist):

  36. “…two-state solution…”

    Hamas insists that the only ethical thing to do is destroy the Zionist Entity.
    The Palestinian Authority (the so-called “moderates”)—in addition to accusing Israel of committing genocide, and which also unceasingly defends its policy of subsidizing the families of those “freedom fighters” who were killed or imprisoned while trying to murder Israelis—insists that the ONLY way there can be ANY agreement with the Zionist Entity is if the latter agrees to the “Right of Return”(TM) for ALL Palestinians who once lived within Israel’s pre-1967 borders—actually cease-fire lines.

    (And yes, they say this with a straight face…heh. To be sure there are scads of people in Israel and globally, who believe that the Palestinians are prepared to compromise(!) on these demands. Go figure…maybe it’s because of “follow the logic”—something similar to…”follow the science”?)

    So hey, let’s talk about “CHOICES”!…. And also “realism” and “human rights”—why not?—while we’re at it…

  37. Related:
    “Palestinian Libels Against Jews: No Difference Between Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas”—

    But we’re sooooo tired of all this suffering, this belly-aching, this INJUSTICE…so give ’em a state.
    (Besides, if the Zionist Entity hasn’t, AFTER ALL THIS TIME, been able to make peace with its neighbors…well then, it has no justification for existing…)

  38. A record “Biden” can actually run on!

    “Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens”—

    Not sure how this can be true, exactly; but if so, then “he” has most certainly captured the Illegal Alien (and related) vote.

    + Bonus.
    “…J6 Committee Delayed Secret Service Driver From Refuting False Limo Story”—

  39. Starliner appears to have done its flip and entry burn over the Indian Ocean. A very successful test.

  40. At the convention of the Astronomical League in Albuquerque two years ago (yes, I go to astronomy conventions) the headline speaker was Harrison Schmitt. He walked on the moon and I think is the only professional scientist to do so. He’s fit and sharp at 87, and now consults for SpaceX. He told a bunch of great stories about how Musk lured away a big chunk of NASA’s best engineers. Keep in mind NASA tried, and eventually gave up, trying to build reusable rockets. NASA had grown very bureaucratic and risk-averse, even with unmanned vehicles. Musk said, “Come join me at SpaceX. Your bureaucratic nightmares will end, and you can blow up all the rockets you want.” And thus SpaceX was truly born. I was able to chat with him one-on-one briefly after his talk. He had nothing but the highest praise for the engineers working on this program.

  41. My husband had experience in the 1970s with NASA programs. The bureaucracy was incredible, and smothering. Hasn’t changed, really.

  42. something from my space program story that I have not shared before:

    IUS is the Boeing spacecraft that me, my father, my wife, my wife’s brother and my wife’s brother’s wife all worked on.

    TDRS is pronounced tee-dress

    After her return we had our second flight (IUS-1). This was the first flight of the space shuttle Challenger. The payload was a NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellite TDRS-A. This was the first of a satellite network to replace NASA’s ground station network.
    All went well from deployment off Challenger, through the first stage burn and the transfer flight to geostationary orbit. Then unfortunately, our spacecraft suffered a massive failure:

    2:30 AM IUS flight computers switch from primary to backup indicating a problem with the spacecraft.
    2:45 AM IUS second stage ignites; all telemetry is lost 80 seconds into the burn.
    2:57 AM Radio noise from IUS indicates the spacecraft is tumbling out of control.
    3:40 AM IUS controllers in Sunnyvale report “We’ve got no uplink” and begin transmitting separation instructions in the blind trying to command the IUS to fire its pyros to separate from TDRS before the IUS batteries die. Otherwise TDRS will be stuck to IUS forever.
    4:01 AM TDRS controllers at White Sands begin sending attitude control commands in the blind trying to control the stack using TDRS thrusters.
    4:19 AM NASA Goldstone locks on IUS transmissions and a few minutes later on TDRS.
    4:57 AM All telemetry is lost from both IUS and TDRS. The IUS batteries have died.
    5:08 AM TDRS is brought under control.
    5:50 AM New data show that TDRS is free of IUS and is now receiving commands. White Sands has begun deploying the TDRS solar arrays before the TDRS batteries die.

    The loss of spacecraft control and the telemetry problems resulted in very heavy use of the DEC-10s and Flying By’s enormous telemetry postprocessor program. We were both professionally very busy and passionately involved. She had finally revealed her true feelings and I did as well. It was at this time we decided the 10-mile drive between her place and mine was inconvenient and for logistical reasons we should live together.

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