Home » Let’s make this video go viral: about the NY Trump trial


Let’s make this video go viral: about the NY Trump trial — 20 Comments

  1. Yale Law professor, eh? He better be prepared to get cancelled and attacked mercilessly.

    The Left can’t tolerate anyone who defends our Constitution. Trump must be destroyed by any means necessary.

  2. I seldom watch videos, but I watched this all the way through, and it was excellent. Very even-handed and non-partisan. I hope the Trump law team will take his advice and ask for an emergency federal stay of judgment.

  3. Jed Rubenfeld, a.k.a. Mr. Tiger Mom.

    His wife, Amy Chua, is probably a lot less calm.

  4. Adding to Abraxas, Amy Chua “Tiger Mom”
    was (still is?) a Yale Law Prof, too.

  5. If I understand correctly, he clarified that the “second” crime had to have been committed prior to the payments to his lawyer, thus, there would have been some evidence of that crime. But one of the possible second crimes was also a two-part crime, and the second part of that crime was unknown. Is that how anyone else sees it?

  6. I saw this video yesterday on Sasha Stone’s substack. I agree that it could be effective with some people who are just ignorant of the facts of the trial. Although it would seem obvious to anyone who was paying attention that the New York trial was anything but impartial justice, there are quite a few people who actually believe that just making hush money payments is a crime in itself.

    I also think that there are a number of Trump-skeptical, establishment Republicans who actually are outraged by the brazenness of the tactics used by Team Biden to get Trump. I don’t know why it took something like this trial for them to see the Biden regime’s true colors but nevertheless I think it’s true.

    Overall, I don’t think the conviction changes the dynamics of the race much if at all. Trump’s poll numbers are more or less where they were before the verdict.

    I have to wonder again if the sudden emphasis on Biden’s feebleness is a final desperate attempt by the dump-Biden faction of Democrats to have him replaced.

  7. The only way this stops ( if it ever does ) is for red state DA’s to criminally prosecute Biden Cabinet members for state felonies. For instance, if Trump wins, a Texas D.A. needs to prosecute Mayorkas under Texas 20A.02 – Trafficking of Persons. This needs to be done in the Reddest of Red counties.

  8. 1. Thanks very much for the link to this video. Well said, professorial, but pointed. I admire the man who made the video, but the phrase “too clever by half” could have been invented for his explication.

    2. It doesn’t matter. Democrats have become Marxists, even in the universities. Law doesn’t matter. All that matters is power. In fact, even in law school, that’s become formal doctrine, and those who violate that doctrine will be cancelled. That includes this Yale professor. Tomorrow we’ll hear his apology. I’m taking bets.

    3. All this speculation about Trump’s upcoming sentence is silly. By now, it’s clear that they hate him. And I do mean hate, hate, hate. Off the rails hate. Trump will receive the maximumum sentence, and he’ll inevitabally be killed by some poor, oppressed black man who wants to be free to be female. If not for white male oppressors, he never would have raised a hand to Donald Trump. In fact, until he killed him, he didin’t even know who Trump was. You think I’m kidding? Sadly, no.

    4. Trump is dead. This isn’t hyperbole. The country as we know it is dead. Neither is that hyperbole. I’m not saying we’re about to enter a state of open civil war, but I do think that we’ll see violent conflict. As always, this will be fought by young people. People like us are too old for that, and the young people have all been indotrinated by leftists. The outcome is predetermined. What should we do? While we still can, read books written by eastern europeans. At least some of them survived.

  9. I saw this video posted on LI this morning. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but I’m looking forward to it.

  10. What a great lecturer! If the Ivies have other teachers like him this country may have a future after all.

    Three years with that guy and I’m confident I could pass the Bar first try.

  11. The progs on the Supreme Court are smart enough to understand that any sort of hand wave to make these 6th Amendment issues go away in this case is going to be incredibly difficult to limit to Trump (or at least Kagan is). If/when the Supreme Court hears this case, it is going to be making/affirming basic Constitutional law that will apply to all criminal defendants, mostly criminal defendants that the left views favorably.

    In short, I wouldn’t be surprised if the SC decision in Trump’s favor is 7-2 or even 9-0 like the CO ballot case.

  12. I see that Trump has evidently blessed tik-tok, but this video is loaded with the tik-tok tic, the repeated jump zoom in, the jump zoom out. In – out – in – out – in – out – in – out… Annoying.
    The video is sufficiently wishy-washy most of the way through until the end. Then he seems to give up the “on the other hand” shtick, and indirectly admit that the whole case was bullshit.
    Will this change any of the TDS sufferer’s minds? Nahhh. At best it might influence some LIVs, but they’re LIVs because everything is tl,dr.

  13. Well presented. I hope Trump’s team goes for the stay. It would prevent the Dems from labeling him a convicted felon until after the appeal is complete. IMO, this is very important. Optics and labeling. The LIVs accept it no questions asked.

    In the meantime, we have Hunter’s trial moving along. The evidence against him is overwhelming. Yet, with a Wilmington jury and a top-notch lawyer, there’s a chance he won’t be convicted. More evidence of a two-tiered justice system. And more fodder for anti-Biden anger.

  14. Jed Rubenfeld delivers an interesting take on the despicable lawfare against the Republican candidate for president. Professor Rubenfeld is not nearly as declarative of his opinion as is Allen Dershowitz.
    Professor Rubenfeld suggests that a way to speed this case toward the U.S. Supreme Court is to seek in federal court injunctive relief, specifically an order precluding Judge Merchan from entering a judgment of guilt against Trump. Professor Rubenfeld cites as the vehicle for such relief 42 U.S.C. § 1983, which provides as follows (boldface emphasis added):

    Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.

    So, Judge Merchan cannot be enjoined unless a declaratory decree has been violated (which has not occurred) or declaratory relief is unavailable (about which I do not know).

  15. There may be a few “moderates” who truly don’t understand the issues and would change their mind if they knew, but I don’t think it’s a significant number. Our society is too polarized these days.

    Most people who condemn Trump for being a “Felon” who don’t understand the problems with the case don’t WANT to understand the problems with the case, they only want to be able to decry Trump as a felon.

    And if he’d been acquitted by some miracle, they’d claim the jury was biased and the trial was rigged and White Privilege and any other excuse they could come up with and still say he’s a felon.

    Dershowitz…an avowed leftist, but the rare honest one…has been thrown under the bus by the left because he strayed from the narrative and defended Trump (or, more correctly, opposed the lawfare that’s being waged against him).

    This guy may be more calm, but his heresy will be no less egregious to the left. He’ll be dismissed as a right wing crackpot immediately and anything he says in the future will be automatically dismissed.

  16. Sailor, and it feels good, for some of them it just feels good to convct Donald Trump. They think we should pay attention to the verdict of their Stalinist show trial. Not to the Stalinist show trial.

  17. I thought some black people missed the point during Zimmerman. They want an unfair system

  18. …Of course, the Democrats MUST first kneecap SCOTUS so as to prevent the highest court in the land from getting in the way of the Democrats’ relentless goal of achieving TOTAL POWER.

    That’s what the Democrats’ war against Thomas, Alito, et al. is all about.

    Stay tuned….

  19. Some. Why are Jews attacked in London while im lectured about not hating all Muslims

  20. Islamapjobia. A made up term fabricated by Muslims to cheat Jews

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