Home » Open thread 6/4/24


Open thread 6/4/24 — 34 Comments

  1. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. No yard work today.

    Wind Advisory
    Severity: Moderate
    Possible threat to life or property

    Take action within next hour.

  2. Struggling to think of what dogs WON’T eat. I saw one eat a golf ball. Why would a dog’s brain even register such a thing as potentially food?

    A cicada’s a sizable chunk of slow-moving protein, I don’t imagine it’s nutritionally any different from anything dogs routinely eat.

  3. When I was a high school teacher, I overheard students bragging about eating cicadas. This was during the big 2004 swarm northeast of Baltimore. I thought they were prevaricating. But while waiting for a bus to pick us up after an event, I saw some of my band students grabbing them from the air and eating them. Sometimes pulling their wings off first. Said they tasted like peanut butter.

  4. I just reviewed your list from your gardening section. It appears you have not posted about gardening for a long time.

    This year at the Royal Chelsea Flower Show there are multiple references for people with houseplants, or those who should have a few! Either way DH and I have been grateful to have every day of the show available this week when we really needed a garden. You can find it as, “Royal Chelsea Flower Show”, and I believe it is on Prime TV Video. Every night of last week they offered information regarding houseplants.
    There is also “Gardener’s World” every Friday or Saturday night of the week until deep winter. I believe it is also on prime, but may be on Britbox.

  5. My dog was quite fastidious and stayed away from eating poop and bugs and didn’t even like puddles or rain. He killed a garden snake once, though.

  6. “They eat cat turds too, so…”

    And also deer, horse, other dogs’…. They are 4-legged barbarians.

  7. Kitty Roca ….. has Toxoplasmosis IIRC. Kitty food has more protien. But dogs depend so much more on smell. Can’t live without em.

  8. My late Weimaraner liked to play with oysters. He stick his face in the water to get them. When he was done there was always a sweep of the area to return his toys to the water.

  9. When I was a kid I would place my pet cat near any cockroach I would find in our apartment.
    These roaches – typical NYC roaches – were fast moving, about 1/2 inch long and they could fly.
    But the cat was faster.
    The cat would play with the roach for a minute or so, then it would eat it.
    It was disgusting, but it got rid of the roach.
    You could hear the eksoskeleton crackling as the cat chomped on the roach.
    It was disgusting.
    But no more roach.
    The cat really seemed to enjoy the chase and the snack.

    Cats will also chase flies and eat them.

  10. JohnTyler (3:38 pm): Cat = Deep State, Roach = Trump/MAGA ?

    or might it end up as Cat = Trump/MAGA, Roach = Deep State ?

  11. Dogs eat cicadas… or sometimes not. They literally get a buzz from them, apparently!

    Neo, are you going to introduce a new ‘Cicadas’ category to your collection?

  12. Re: Joan of Arc

    Yesterday there was some discussion of St. Joan. I wanted to add that while technically the English executed her, they had the support of the Catholic Church, in particular from the French Bishop, Pierre Cauchon, who presided over the trial.

    Bishop, I die through you!

    –Joan of Arc, on the morning she was burned at the stake

    A tiny, odd bit of redemption for Cauchon was that, although Joan had been excommunicated, he allowed her to receive Holy Communion before her death.

    Afterwards an onlooker said, “We have burned a saint.”

    I think Bishop Cauchon knew.

  13. I once got into an online argument with a staunch Roman Catholic who claimed that it was mostly secular authorities, i.e. the English, who ran the trial and burned Joan.

    Au contraire, the English did the dirty work, but it was an ecclesiastical trial with more than 150 clerics including one cardinal and six bishops assembled against one solitary teenage girl, imprisoned, in irons, and without any counsel or comfort, legal or otherwise.

    We have the court transcripts. Joan was so heartbreakingly magnificent that the public trial was taken private.


    There’s a wonderful compilation from the transcripts:


    I keep giving my copies away. I need to buy another.

  14. 2020 Voter Fraud:

    Remember hearing that JFK won presidential election because Democrats cheated. Some 60+- years later Trump was president, couldn’t stop election fraud even tho he was president, and apparently still can’t prove enough election fraud had happened that it caused him to lose. Is that correct?

    I’m looking for proof of election fraud beyond a shadow of a doubt—that also shows enough voter fraud happened that it caused Trump to lose. Is there any such proof?

    Heritage shows cases over like a decade with only 1,284 convictions. However, they offer no evidence of 2020 extensive voter fraud, where it would’ve caused Trump to lose – or no evidence I could find there…

  15. Kami, the problem with national elections is not so much that there is fraud but so many opportunities for fraud exist. Why don’t the states remove these opportunities one by one to the point that fraud is near impossible? I have often wondered why the various states don’t hire poll workers from recommendations equally from the political parties. That would reduce the chance of fraud on both sides.

  16. why did marc elias push for a method of votes that was found faulty 19 years ago,
    in the baker carter commission, because they wanted to steal the vote, remember he was an architect of the Danchenko dossier through Perkins and Coie, Hillary was slapped on the wrist over that, so why would he change,

  17. Kami, I found it crazy that the 2020 election had the most votes cast than any other presidential election. While I do think there was fraud in the last election (no proof- just because there can be fraud) I also believe there is a real possibility that Biden won without fraud. I think everyone underestimates how much raw hatred there is/was for Trump. I still don’t understand it.

  18. i don’t because of the simple fact they have tried to sanction deplatform bankrupt or jail anyone who challenges these findings NewsMax Fox News Giuliani Powell,
    Eastman, Cheesebro, Lake, and a host of others, why did they never do this before,

  19. JFM: Yeah, I agree, proof or not – Democrats are always gonna do some cheating. Also agree that the cheating was probably not extensive enough to have helped Biden win.

    I like Trump, also recognize him as not having any Leadership Ability, but do not hate him. Yeah, Trump has a lot of raw hatred against him—which brings out a lot of voters who will be voting against him…ones who would’ve probably not voted if he hadn’t been running.

  20. I look at the things that don’t fit, like the baker carter commission, the hbo and frontline specials, no we can’t even raise those points, I have lived through nearly a quarter century of dem denials, Florida Ahia, and then generalized in 2016, where they suggested that the Russians had actually hacked the voting machines
    the access hollywood tape, showed what many executive suites in hollywood and
    other places had as SOP, the casting couch was fully extended,

  21. “I also believe there is a real possibility that Biden won without fraud.” – JFM

    Why do you believe that?

    Biden won by less than 80,000 votes. Yes, it’s claimed he won the popular vote by 7 million (I can accept he won the popular vote– that isn’t particularly controversial), but that’s not how we choose a president.

    Trump lost in Arizona by 10,500 votes, in Georgia by 12,600 votes, in Wisconsin by 20,000 votes and Nevada by 33,000 votes. There were legitimate concerns about illegal ballots in all these states. Trump very likely won them and would have been elected President.

    Even Pennsylvania, where he lost by 80,000 votes– it’s likely he won. A Pennsylvania court ruled that there didn’t have to be any signature verification and the the Secretary of State issued a directive that any ballot where there was a mark in the signature box was to be accepted.

    Michigan, where Trump lost by 150,000 votes is suspect, where Republican poll watchers were ejected from the counting, etc.

    The courts rejected attempts for a true audit of the votes– other than the obligatory recount, which could never prove anything– given that’s not where the illegality/fraud occurred.

    So I would say it’s not likely that Biden won, in fact given the proof I have in Washington state about the signature verification process I would say it’s a certainty Biden didn’t win.

  22. Rule of Law would want proof of election fraud beyond a shadow of a doubt – you got that kind of proof, Brian E?

  23. Brian E:

    I don’t think the word “certainty” means what you think it means.

    I have studied the entire situation a great deal, and I am 50/50 on whether Biden’s victory was attributable to fraud. My position – stated many many times – is that the door was wide open to fraud, and that inevitably created the suspicion. I have no doubt they would try to win by fraud if they felt they needed to do so and could accomplish it. I simply am not certain they accomplished it that way in 2020 nor do I think we can EVER know.

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