Home » Fisking Biden’s “peace deal” speech


Fisking Biden’s “peace deal” speech — 41 Comments

  1. Horovitz: “. . . the Israeli proposal . . .”

    Well. That right there gives away the game Horovitz (and Biden, of course) is playing. Right? Because Biden lies. He didn’t offer an “Israeli proposal”. He lied. So Horovitz lies along with him. These scum are disgusting.

  2. sdferr:

    If you read Horovitz’s piece, part of his theory is that Biden didn’t lie. As I said, convoluted. Horovitz is not a Netanyahu fan and never has been.

  3. Horovitz is an Israeli establishment fathead, putting a faux “centrist” and “patriotic” veneer on the positions of the post-Zionist, DNC-worshipping Israeli leftist establishment (which is far more powerful than whoever happens to be prime minister). Not worth reading but perhaps useful for dog training or birdcage lining.

  4. Biden says this is Israel’s proposal: it isn’t. So, that’s a lie. I don’t care how a liar pretends to justify a lie like this.

  5. I don’t have the hour necessary to listen to Glick, but Biden’s people are targeting the opposition members of his war cabinet and the opposition voters in the populace- giving them a club with which to beat Netanyahu over the head.

    Look for the Israeli papers and media to be filled with “Netanyahu Refuses to End War.

  6. Speaking of equine excreta, I loved P.J. O’Rourke’s take on DC’s main effluvium:

    There’s this room, and it’s just filled with horse shit. And the politician, trying to sell you on the massive load of blatant horse shit, goes:
    “And with that much horseshit, you know there’s just got to be a pony in there somewhere!!”

    😛 😀

    I forget, but the most likely source would be his book Parliament of Whores. I could easily be wrong on that, though. But certain it’s PJ.

    One of my absolutely favorite quotes of his…

  7. }}} Not worth reading but perhaps useful for dog training or birdcage lining.

    TBH, isn’t this pretty much true of ALL of the merdia’s bloviations? 😀

    }}} I don’t care how a liar pretends to justify a lie like this.

    Oh, I do. It (paying attention) is a good way to learn their BS tricks so you can be both prepared for them and prepared to eviscerate them before they make their defenses. 😉

    I’m put in mind of this excellent quote from SF writer Larry Niven:

    “I don’t shoot a man for being incompetent in the Devil’s work. I shoot him for being competent in the Devil’s work. Admiration for his technique is part of the process.”

  8. I urge everyone to take the time to watch the Caroline Glick video. She does an excellent job in presenting the proposal and revealing just how duplicitous it is. She also does well in showing how Israel cannot accept it and remain secure for very long.

    Some thoughts…

    1) Biden looks really old and tired. He frequently slurs his speech and loses his place.

    2) Taking the Hamas proposal and using the prestige of the U. S. Presidency to present it to the world as the Israeli proposal at a time when Israel could not respond really shows just how evil that man is.

    3) As much as I think that Biden’s primary foreign policy goal is to resurrect the Iran deal — and I still think that — I think this proposal meant to be a shot at Netanyahu. It’s meant to take him out.

    4) The bit at the end about it having the full support of the Israeli defense establishment is actually the most concerning part in the whole video. I can only assume it’s related to point #3. I hope she goes into more detail about that on a future show.

  9. The Ayn Rand Centre UK video is labeled: “Did Biden Lie about the Israel-Hamas Deal.” Of course he did–just as he lies about pretty much everything. My differences with the Obama/Biden cabal rise above policy disagreements–those two and their teams personify evil. Their economic policies (the Marxian “from each according to their ability to each according to their need”) and foreign policy (appeasing people who not only hate us, but declare their intent to kill us) are out-and-out evil. Not only are they evil, they are stupid, because neither socialism nor appeasement has ever worked anywhere ever. Time to wake up.

  10. Again, Biden has no real agency. This is a Blinken-Sullivan enterprise.
    There’s no point to a ‘peace deal’ now, any more than there was a point to one in Europe in March of 1945. They’re trying to save Hamas. Hamas must be liquidated.

  11. David horovitz did strike me as a shallow thinker and the glicks as serious ones

  12. Yes that blurt in the 2008 debate was very odd but everyone that mattered said it was totes fine

    Of course fast forward to 2012 and thankd to al quds brennan we knew that wasnt true at all

    Around the same time biden was undermining karzai with abdallah serving his sherpa peter galbraith thinking his drone dart board was smarter than general flynns very deliberate chart of tribal ties

  13. A very off topic comment:

    I could never understand the degree of animosity the “deep state” exhibited towards Trump.
    Specifically, the moment he first announced he was a candidate for president back in June 16, 2015, the long knives were out to get him.

    How strange; here’s a guy with a big mouth, a goof ball hair style, with no political track record back then and whose chances of winning in everybody’s view was less than zero percent, yet he unwittingly mobilized the entire apparatus of the federal govt to destroy him.
    Why did this happen?

    Anyway, I came across this article that I think explains it:


  14. Greg kelley focuses on his critique of the iraq war among gopers thats what put mccains gang on the hunt

  15. Horovitz sounds like he’s willing to accept the status quo ante, in which Israel lives with routine rocket and terror attacks as the price of existence.

  16. @JohnTyler:I could never understand the degree of animosity the “deep state” exhibited towards Trump.

    Half of it is that he didn’t know who’s supposed to get paid off, so he threatened people’s livelihoods. He thought that he was supposed to promise to do things and then try to do them, without regard for whose living is affected. That’s the “why” they didn’t treat him like a normal Republican.

    The other half is that Obama never left Washington DC and the bureaucracy has been taking direction from him since 2017. That’s why the resistance has been coordinated and unscrupulous.

  17. I think that a lot of people remember that Israel was attacked on October 7th, but the scope of the attack is shrinking in their minds. I found that rephrasing the attack this way keeps the horror fresh. “On October seventh, 2023 a heavy battalion of Hamas troops attacked Israel. Targeting women and children, raping and killing them. The poorly defended Israelis were quickly overwhelmed.” Phasing the attack in this way is more impactful than “Terrorists attack”. This also clearly shows that the attack was an action by the Palestinian government.

  18. “ Obama never left Washington DC “

    This! If Felonious Trump gets back in, prosecuting this @#$&bag is a high priority.

  19. The nukba commandos who were islamic state were at the forefront

    Remember they were the jay vee team till they werent after bataclan and charlie hebdo

    General flynn knew al queda was very much alive because he saw the same players pop up in north africa and the levant

  20. A former president prosecuted for actions (duties?, or crimes?) performed while in office? That is unAmerican, has never been done before, and he is a Democrat. (sarcx11)

  21. Biden is a danger to our country and Israel. I blame my fellow citizens–even though I do believe the election was stolen. Enough people supported this man and his horrible running mate (Christians, no less!) that the theft was achievable. We have been suffering at the hands of Democrats here in California for years. This is now a national and international atrocity.

  22. Prosecute Obama not for what he did in office, rather for what he has been up to since then. To encourage future two term presidents to go away.

  23. “just read they found 4 more bodies.”

    They also identified other remains which proved another “hostage” is dead.

  24. I expect will be as bad as kirschner was or worse i have few expectation

    In the 70s mexico made a big deal of grand leftist gestures while suppressing their own guerillas

    Now the green parties will likely be in coalition so misery is likely

  25. “…danger…”

    “Who Is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests; Are They Aiming to Take Down America?”—

    + Bonus:
    ” ‘Agitate, Educate, and Escalate’: Columbia Students Behind Weekend Encampment Threaten ‘Summer of Disruption’ “—
    H/T Powerline blog (for both).

  26. Kate:

    Just another leftist. I couldn’t care less that she’s a woman, or Jewish.

  27. I don’t care, either, Neo. The salient fact about her is that this is a continuation of the leftist Mexican controlling party, and the vote total is getting towards the level at which, according to what I read, leftists could change the Mexican constitution and take formal permanent control. Not a good thing to have at our southern border, and no effective steps will be taken to control the gangs who now control that border.

  28. She is close to AMLO I understand. He is a leftist and weak towards the cartels. I expect the same of her.

  29. Just finished listening to Neutral on Fox, I don’t agree with him.

  30. Neo:

    Sometimes your comments have a box around them, and sometimes they don’t. Why is that, if you don’t mind my asking?

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