Home » A tiny pause


A tiny pause — 5 Comments

  1. Take the evening off. You’ve earned it and we can entertain ourselves until tomorrow.

  2. Well, feel free to take it easy anytime you like. We love your posts, but you should also have as much of a life as you want, too, free of our baby bird chirping for more worms. 😛

    P.S…. :

    Back in business
    Posted on December 14, 2004
    My post-election hiatus was fun, but if I don’t get back on this horse soon, I probably never will. So, here goes–

    That’s the earliest post you have (1672 pages as I write!!), and it’s coming up on 20y soon. But implies there was earlier stuff… Did we pass a 20th already? Did I fail to note (or fail to recall) it? Or did it just not transfer with the move to “newneo”?

    Or did you just not call attention to it?

    I confess, I’ve been reading your stuff for most of that time (pretty sure it was the erstwhile Dr. Sanity who linked me here, waaaay back when… but I cannot recall exactly when that was.)


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