A tiny pause
I usually finish my posting in the late afternoon, barring important breaking news. Today, though, I have some commitments for the next few hours and plan to post more in the evening.
I usually finish my posting in the late afternoon, barring important breaking news. Today, though, I have some commitments for the next few hours and plan to post more in the evening.
Take the evening off. You’ve earned it and we can entertain ourselves until tomorrow.
I second mongo’s suggestion.
Too late 🙂 ! Already published it.
Another, local, blog that I follow took 3 days off to get away from things after the verdict.
You have scroll down past 1/2 dozen ads disqus recently added to see comments.
I recommend it as lots of interesting posts,/topics, not just real estate.
Well, feel free to take it easy anytime you like. We love your posts, but you should also have as much of a life as you want, too, free of our baby bird chirping for more worms. 😛
P.S…. :
That’s the earliest post you have (1672 pages as I write!!), and it’s coming up on 20y soon. But implies there was earlier stuff… Did we pass a 20th already? Did I fail to note (or fail to recall) it? Or did it just not transfer with the move to “newneo”?
Or did you just not call attention to it?
I confess, I’ve been reading your stuff for most of that time (pretty sure it was the erstwhile Dr. Sanity who linked me here, waaaay back when… but I cannot recall exactly when that was.)