Home » Would you like to hear what Chris Cuomo has to say about the Trump trial?


Would you like to hear what Chris Cuomo has to say about the Trump trial? — 70 Comments

  1. Democrats if they saw this would be saying “La, La, La, La, La … inconceivable!”

    Or “Rut rho, we are already at the 11 scale of Our Democracy is about to be destroyed!”

    As the Democrats blow up the republic. It’s called Fundamental Transformation.

  2. Wow, I never thought I’d say this; ever. But, I really respect Chris Cuomo right now. He’s definitely shown himself to be a more thoughtful liberal than about 99% of them.

  3. He’s Chris. He changes positions like a snake changes it’s skin.

  4. Yeah, I reevaluated Cuomo after his Cuomo: Footage from Oct. 7 program.

    Great summary also – and point about giving the “biggest middle finger” was right on, and a huge mistake by such voters. That summary also reflects on why I feel ‘America’s so-called right gets pretty much herded to wherever the Democrats want to go…’ Example, running disaster Biden against Trump – whom everyone knew would be Republican presidential candidate again—else he and his MAGA mob/herd would take down the Republican party. Seems almost a win-win for Democrats and their Swamp – short-term win-win on their *LONG-TERM* goals.

    Trump’s VP pick will be a big step (need a better word ??), IMHO, towards whether the Democrats get that win-win. If he keeps the Republican party as the ‘Party of Whites’ then this election could turn into a major disaster for America’s future…

  5. ” ‘…as the Party of Whites’ AND WHITE-ADJACENTS…”

    There, fixed it for ye’…

  6. Marco Rubio is not white?


    The Cubans I’ve known would dispute that. But racists gotta racist, I guess.

  7. I do not expect the Bragg case to be the last Democrat-fostered blast to be leveled at Trump and Republicans before the election. And I am not talking about the other three legal cases that are pending. Stand by for another FBI raid over something other than classified documents, or perhaps an FBI raid (à la Mar a Lago) on the residence of the person he names as his VP pick, or some over-the-top gesture. The Democrats really think total power is within their grasp, and this is the time to pounce. I worry about where the Ds will go now.

    Thanks for the link to both clips, Neo. Both were eye-opening. As Ackler wrote at 3;24, this is a new look for Chris Cuomo.

  8. @Karmi:Yeah, Marco Rubio (Fla.) also signed that above List,

    Yeah, so, 37 more GOP Senators to go? But let’s see if they hold up appropriations, because if they’re not willing to do that then it’s just more talking. I’d be delighted to be surprised by that.

  9. 8 Republican Senators doesn’t mean much. McConnell has joined Schumer to break a Republican filibuster before (involving some of these very same Senators, so of course they know it perfectly well). Contrary to narrative, only 51 Senators are needed to do a one-time set-aside of the filibuster rule, and they do it a lot more often than you hear about it, because the media only bothers to report on that kind of inside baseball when it furthers a narrative.

  10. Eeyore

    Marco Rubio is not white?

    🙂 Yeah, I answered that question from a close Cuban Lady friend wrong one time. Had thought Cubans were Hispanics or Latinos/Latinas, but but but … anyway.

    MSM said George Zimmerman was white after he had shot a 17-year old ‘CHILD’, even tho Zimmerman had identified as Hispanic, so I dunno…

    Cubans become Hispanics when it comes to politics… 😉

  11. @Eeyore, Karmi: I had always thought that I Love Lucy had established that Cubans were as white as they needed to be, at least for 1950s America.

    Of course in those days there wasn’t yet a racial spoils system.

  12. Rubio is Graham with a tan.

    No way he’s going to be the VP.

    In these strange times, I think it may be Vivek. Bergum will be a cabinet pick– possibly energy (though he might be talented enough for defense or even state).

    If it is Vivek– he’s going to have to learn to speak s-l-o-w-e-r.

  13. According to Wikipedia (!!) a 2014 study of genetics showed Cuba’s population is 72% European, 20% African, and 8% indigenous tribal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuba#Demographics

    Like a whole lot of people in the US, Zimmerman is a mixture — father of European ancestry, with a German surname, and mother Peruvian, with mixed Spanish/indigenous/African ancestry.

    Since these classifications are so fluid, we’d be a lot better off ditching the whole “race” structure and treating people fairly no matter what they look like. I thought the country had decided to do that back when I was in high school in 1964. Democrats instead prefer continued and intensified racism.

  14. I question Cuomo’s instincts if he believes the sentencing scheduled for shortly before the Republican convention was coincidence.

    Given the new cycle this is timed to do maximum damage to the convention. Four days of Republicans are going to nominate a convicted felon— to Republicans NOMINATED a CONVICTED FELON!!!!

    Bonus points if it starts a floor fight over the nomination. I don’t know whether or not Trump’s supporters control the convention, but if he doesn’t, I wouldn’t put it past the GOPe/never Trumpers to inflict maximum damage.

  15. Yeah, unfortunately, Identity Politics is/are not going to go away, so the Republican Party can either go with the flow or stay as the Party of Whites.

  16. I didn’t know Indians from India were white!

    Byron Donalds would be an interesting choice. Back to the Florida thing, but the few times I’ve hear him speak– he impressed.

    Does Tim Scott have a killer instinct? Like Ben Carson, he comes across as too nice.

  17. Enrique tarrio is black hes serving 22 years antonio maceo the leading independence leader was as well lead commando

    Rubio has been a little behind the curve on these matter so has ted cruz for that matter

  18. Ramaswamy is a Tamil, parents from South India, who speak a language not derived from Indo-European, the ancient parent of most European languages and of northern Indian languages. Sanskrit-derived Indian languages come from the groups described as “Arya,” who came into the subcontinent before the time of Christ, probably from the general vicinity of Iran (hence “Aryan”).

    The US, with all this racialist rhetoric, is starting to remind me of India, where everyone knows what caste or tribe everyone else comes from, and treats them well, or not, accordingly.

    Democrats are trying to turn us into that kind of tribal society. I don’t want to play.

  19. And the Jews of Israel are browner and blacker than the Palestinians, in reality. But Israelis are suppedly white and Palestinians brown, the better to hate Israelis.

  20. “White” is becoming the code word for “people we hate,” no matter what they look like.

  21. I wouldn’t put it past the GOPe/never Trumpers to inflict maximum damage.

    Jeez, Trumper Brian E. Everyone knows that Trump & his Trumpeteers were going to bring the Republican party down if Trump wasn’t selected as presidential candidate, so you should stop calling the kettle black.

    Republican party *LOVES* the Rule of Law—UNTIL it rules against them, and then their Beloved’ Rule of Law becomes illegal or sumpin’!?! Er…OK.

  22. @Brian E:Bonus points if it starts a floor fight over the nomination.

    The national GOP has never had the nomination process locked up by insiders, the way the Dems have, in my lifetime. I think the reason is the same reason why Donald Trump was able to get nominated for 2016 and why there won’t be a floor fight for 2020.

    It’s because the national GOP is not oriented toward gaining control of the government. (Which would explain why they do rarely seem to do anything lasting with it when they have it.) They are oriented toward individuals holding office who can leverage their positions to secure appropriations. I’m pretty sure this was institutionalized over the 50-some years that the Republicans were a minority in Congress from 1935 to 1994.

    It’s not easy to change this for two reasons. First, while in theory you could turn the whole House over every two years, gerrymandering is so pervasive and thorough (except in a couple of states) that a House seat is a seat for as long as one wants it. Second, only 1/3 of the Senate turns over every two years and that’s plenty of time for the other 2/3 to help the newbies get their minds right about how things are supposed to work.

    This thing we saw with Trump where the Dems at all levels worked together to cause him legal trouble, Feds and state-level working hand-in-glove, the GOP is not set up to do this because that is not what GOP officeholders prioritize.

    The closest thing we ever got to a Republican party that wanted to govern was the Contract with America. But Congress is not Parliament and you can’t govern from the House. Within ten years, Republicans had gone back to pork as usual, because it was mostly the same people from the permanent minority days. They rode the wave a bit, and then jumped off it, and went right back to their old ways.

    Twofer link from 2005: Glenn Reynolds on CNN talking about “Porkbusters” (those were the days!) and also a discussion about Tom DeLay’s bogus indictment and resignation of his Speakership. If the Republicans were a party in the way the Dems are, they never would have let that happen more than once without retaliation. Maybe they can get it together before it’s too late, but their fifth column is pretty sizeable–41 out of 49 GOP Senators willing to sell us out to keep the trough full (and who knows what the 8 who signed a pledge are actually going to DO).

  23. If there had been a serious primary fight maybe but there wasnt niki got bupkis or gornisch

    The gope wanted hastert in and delay out they didnt seem to serious challenge the stevens charges or mcdonnell they did seem to suffer fainting spells with akin odonnell et al

  24. What are the letter agencies and the so-called “elite” prepared to do? Whatever it takes…

    “All the signs seem to point that an assassination is headed our way
    killing the so-called tyrant may be the ultimate play
    for the so-called elite to keep their stranglehold on power
    no matter the consequences even if it leads to our darkest hour…”

    — excerpt from “In need of a course correction.”

  25. @Richard Milne:What are the letter agencies and the so-called “elite” prepared to do? Whatever it takes…

    What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and brought up in my household, who let their [President] be treated with such shameful contempt by a [short-fingered orange vulgarian]?

  26. He was the one whose wifes quack doctor actually injected bleach his brother was responsible for 30,000 covid deaths in nursing homes

    Part of a carveout to the nursing homes to prevent civil liability a payoff so cynthia nixon wouldnt win (he adopted her
    platform) on nuclear power and cashless bail among other things

    If the court had been responsible they would taken texas v us there would be 1200 israelis alive some 400,000 lives would have been spared in the caucasus

  27. Kate thanks for the specifics of Vivek’s heritage. Are you saying Vivek wouldn’t be considered a PoC? Surely he would pass as a BIPOC.

    Karmi, you’re not making any sense. I may not be remembering correctly, but depending on who wrote the convention rules, the delegates might be bound only for the first vote. If Trump didn’t win on the first ballot Halley and other anti-Trump delegates could attempt to derail his nomination.

    What you wrote here is just nonsense as it relates to the convention:

    “Republican party *LOVES* the Rule of Law—UNTIL it rules against them, and then their Beloved’ Rule of Law becomes illegal or sumpin’!?! Er…OK.”

    Here’s a story written in February, indicating Trump is in control of the convention and no attempt would be made to derail Trump’s nomination, as occurred in 2016. But this was written in February, and a Trump felony conviction was just a potential.

    It reads like Trump’s supporters are in control of the convention so it’s unlikely anti-Trumpers would attempt a floor fight, but TDS is a strange phenomenon.


  28. @Brian E:Are you saying Vivek wouldn’t be considered a PoC? Surely he would pass as a BIPOC.

    Depends on who’s counting for what. Many Indians have been lobbying for their own non-white classification. 2020 US Census counts “Asian” as including

    A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.’

    But I once read of a nasty intrafaculty fight where a black professor called a Japanese professor a “white male”, so there you go. The problem with racial spoils is there’s not enough “whites” to take things from, since some of our minorities are significantly overrepresented among those with something to spoil, and you must consult the league table of the progressive stack to know which minority is “white” with respect to what other minority.

    If Vivek were Trump’s VP pick, the media would fall all over themselves to lecture us about about the racial regress in swapping a “black” Vice President for a “white” one. Despite both of them having Tamil background.

  29. Cuba had a largely mixed population till the 19th century when there was a last minute mass immigration from spain

    The exile cohort is largely from that cohort (not exclusively)

    There are some amusing blindspots well in a dark humor way

    A hack vp vs an accomplished one i know there would be a meltdown with gore his woodenness was an asset or was it merely his youth a second generation dixie crat with the right sheepskin

  30. @miguel:The exile cohort is largely from that cohort (not exclusively)

    Excellent point: Cuba may 20% black but that doesn’t mean individual Cubans are 20% black. After all, America is 12-ish% black but not many of us are actually 12% black ourselves.

  31. Brian E. @12:37pm does not get it. The trial was an obscene sham. It was a Stalin-Beria type of trial: Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.
    In that era, BTW, Jews were hung in the USSR for not being sufficiently good Stalinists. Which I fear is the Democrats in power wish to convert the USA to that form.
    And Chris Cuomo is more intelligent, more ethical than his brother the ex-governor who killed thousands of elderly during the COVID hysteria by forcing COVID positives into nursing homes full of old folks, COVID targets.

  32. Brian E:

    Karmi, you’re not making any sense.

    Neither are you. Anyway, GOPe/never Trumpers vs Trumpeteers should make for an interesting convention… 😛

  33. @Cicero:Brian E. @12:37pm does not get it. The trial was an obscene sham.

    I read Brian E as getting it perfectly, but expressing it the way the media will.

    Sham or no sham, “convicted felon” is the literal truth at the moment. Just like Tom Delay was literally convicted of money laundering. He was eventually acquitted, but the damage had been done. It would be wrong to say he IS convicted now that he’s been acquitted, but the media can factually say he was ONCE convicted…

    You can say “wrongfully convicted felon” about Trump, but that’s opinion, unlike “convicted felon” which is black-letter fact. He was, indeed, convicted of a felony.

    Likewise Trump is a twice-impeached President. They had to make a sham of impeachment in order to accomplish that, but as Nancy Pelosi said at the time, he is impeached and nothing can change that.

  34. Niketas:
    Did you watch the trial? I did, thanks to only Fox News. The MSM was as usual providing cover for Dems. It was an outrageous trial run by a bunch of Democrats against the Republican ex- president and likely next president. Stinks. The entire process stinks, harms us ALL as law-abiding citizens. Stinks.
    Welcome to the New Bolivia.

  35. @Cicero:Did you watch the trial? I did, thanks to only Fox News.

    Trump’s trial just now wasn’t televised, are you talking about his impeachment?

  36. Neo: Right. That is what I meant, thanks mostly to WSJ, not visual media.

  37. Brian E, it depends on how “white” is defined. If it means of European ancestry, then the tribes of far south India, speaking Dravidic languages and having much darker skin than the northern groups, are not “white.” That includes Ramaswamy. Nikki Haley’s parents came from northern India, are Sikh, and probably have substantial heritage from the Arya who took over India millennia ago, from Iran or thereabouts. Are those “white?” What does the term even mean?

  38. Back to closer to on-topic, Jonathan Turley points out that we had an early anti-free speech president, John Adams, and political prosecutions under the Alien and Seditions Act. The Republic righted itself and survived. I don’t see the path towards correction and survival at this point, but the spreading outrage over this wildly biased trial and verdict may help reverse the trend.


  39. No because the underlying crime doesnt exist according to the fec and the juryinstructions violated richardson v us 1999

    You must spell out the exact offense dont allow for options

  40. That so-called “trial” shows what low levels the Democrats will lower themselves to, in order to dominate and win. I am revolted by the judge, prosecutor, and jury, all Democrats sitting there in a nonsense trial with a Republican presidential candidate as defendant.
    This is very scary.Truly.
    Democrats in all offices must be removed from power. We continue to inch towards Civil War 2. The Bolsheviks are winning the undeclared war on the rest of us.
    Rise Up!

  41. I went back and reread my comment at 12:37. I thought it was clear I was talking about what the leftists/leftist media would do.

    I’ve always tried find the balance between being insulting to others by stating the obvious and being so obscure that I’m misunderstood. Obviously I’m going to need to re-calibrate.

    At to the Indians from India comment– that’s an inside joke with my family. I had been reading about the Indian wars of 1858 in Washington state and my liberal daughter and son had been critical with me calling them Indians (including Chief Moses of the Sincayuse tribe whose name was used for the town I live in– at least his Christian name). They’re indigenous persons, according to my kids.

    I would be OK with Vivek as VP. I have reservations, but I think he is small L libertarian. I think he even understand the necessity of fair trade vs. free trade– where fair trade benefits the country/people as opposed to free trade with benefits the investor/Wall St. class. Main St. vs. Wall St. He might attract younger voters and if he checks off the minority box– that’s OK.

  42. Karmi, said I wasn’t making sense, about the possibility of there being a floor fight at the convention is Trump doesn’t have the nomination locked up with the sufficient number of delegates.
    I think there are anti-Trumpers that would scuttle the chances of Republicans taking over control of the government if given a chance. They would never convince enough delegate, IMO, to nominate Haley and I doubt DeSantis would allow himself to be part of that debacle.

    Whether or not some Republicans deserve to be part of a governing coalition is a separate issue. McConnell and company come to mind.

    As to Karmi writing nonsense– it’s a category error to conflate the Rule of Law to rules at a convention.

  43. I concur, Vivek is a very likely choice. I think Desantis is a much much better choice because I believe that Desantis will be a much much better PotUS however he gets into office — either by Trump (who is, indisputably, a bit long in the tooth) keeling over from old age, or by Trump serving out and his being the “right man” for the spot in 2028.

    Further, Vivek does not have a lot of executive experience in government, which would be good for him to get. What would really be smart would for Desantis to go veep, and for Vivek to aim for the Florida governorship. I suspect Florida would go for him and that way he’d get a lot of executive experience, which would let him aim for the presidency or the Veep slot later on.

  44. }}} Rubio has been a little behind the curve on these matters

    Rubio? No freaking way he gets even serious consideration. He’s a nothing who is entirely associated with the bloody RINO end of the GOP. No one in the main polity likes him No one. He only came in 2nd in 5 states in the 2016 Primary season, and only took one state — Minnesota — which is a caucus state not a primary state.

    Vivek has a much better reason, for obvious racial aspects of things. Even though I think Desantis would do a much better job in general, Vivek does have benefits — he’s the one most like Trump in terms of his attack attack attack behavior, but he’s not yet managed to learn to sell himself the way Trump has.

    And, usually, with Veeps, you want people who can do the job if needed (like Desantis) and who offer a different aspect of personality, too. Plus Desantis probably brings in a lot of voters because he’s a pretty popular governor even outside of Florida.

  45. He does miss the point with regularity

    If obama hates America and his people are largely in charge why do you think their escalation in the caucus is a good idea

    Conversely they want to strangle israel and arm hamas

    They want to destroy our transportation systems turn our cities to ruin introduce fables instead of science etc

  46. Re: Chris Cuomo

    I know we live in dark times and I don’t think the old saying “It’s always darkest just before the dawn” makes sense. It’s just as likely that “It’s always darkest just before it gets even darker.”

    However, I’m still an optimistic guy and I’m willing to take my optimism where I find it.

    That someone like Dem Chris Cuomo is willing to go on camera against the Trump show trial means something. Likewise Fetterman’s stance for Israel.

    Even some Democrats can see how off-course their party has gone.

  47. Brian E,
    Moses Lake I presume. My model railroad (under construction) is a fictional version of the Columbia Basin RR that runs from Connell to Moses Lake with major locations being modeled: Bruce, Warden, Othello, and Wheeler. As I am sure you know, the real CBRR tracks are out of service from the propane dealer in Moses Lake to Moses Lake airport.

  48. “That someone like Dem Chris Cuomo is willing to go on camera against the Trump show trial means something. Likewise Fetterman’s stance for Israel.” -Huxley

    Fair point. He is not his brother.

    Rubio co-sponsored the bill that would prevent Trump from withdrawing from NATO without senate approval. If NATO is based on a treaty I don’t think a president can withdraw anyway– so it is a moot point. I wouldn’t want him anyway for a myriad of reasons.

  49. Miguel Cervates:

    Good example of a “journalist” trying her best to manipulate an interview into a desirered outcome. She got the script, beforehand.

    Meet the Press indeed, lickspittles for the DNC.

  50. Chases Eagles, I think it was the Milwaukee Road when I was a kid.

    Interesting that you modeled it on that section. I ran across a book by a local author that delves into the history of the northern railroads called “Big Bend Railroads”. It gives the history of some of those towns.


    I bought a copy from him, and now I can’t find it– it’s in some pile or another.

  51. Brian E and Chases Eagles:

    It was the Milwaukee Road, and electric, not steam or diesel electric like the competition the Burlington Northern (now the Burlington Northern Santa Fe). The Milwaukee Road went bankrupt in the 70’s. And there was a race between the creditors and thieves for the copper cable that powered the locomotives, or so I was told by my boss at BN in 1980. The Milwaukee track ran over Stampede Pass in the Cascades, not Snoqualimie Pass, BTW.

    Things I learned working for the railroad, all the live long day ….

  52. Brian E, I used to live next to the Milwaukee Road yard in Renton. Next to as in short driveway>narrow lane>tracks. Be careful backing out or get hung up on the tracks close. Their division point was Othello and they switched to electric locomotives from there to Tacoma. Electric operations ended around 1970. The Milwaukee Road terminated all operations west of Miles City Montana five days after I started at Boeing. I remember seeing a lone locomotive along the Cedar River shortly after.

    I chose the CBRR because they have about 50 customers and the trackage is a Rube Goldberg setup. Connell to Wheeler is former NP branch line. The line went much farther north at one time. Near Warden the NP tracks have been connected to a fragment of former MILW mainline from South Dakota to Seattle for branch service to Othello and industry service in Warden. Rail service to Moses Lake is north to Wheeler to end of track then reverse south on a former NP industry track that connects to a former MILW industry track that intersects a fragment of former MILW east-west branch line that once connected Moses Lake and Larson AFB with Warden via Tiflis. One of those new segments bypasses this mess and heads west from the NP industry track in Wheeler.

    My father was stationed at Fairchild. That is where he met my mother, she is from Spokane. I saw in his flight records that he flew to Larson a lot for some reason. He was a B-36 engineer at that time.

  53. Nope, NP over Stampede to Auburn, MILW over Snoqualmie to Maple Valley and GN over Stevens to Monroe. The MILW had 100 year trackage rights from Maple Valley to Black River Junction and Seattle via the PCC. The BN connected to the MILW tracks in Easton to run the scrapper trains that removed MILW tracks from there to Maple Valley. When the BN was created by merger of the CBQ, NP, GN and SP&S in 1971, the PCC was a subsidiary of the GN. BN abandoned the NP right of way through Renton in favor of the PCC right of way (NP Black River Junction was pretty close to the MILW Black River Junction).

    The Hyak Ski area at Snoqualmie Pass was built by MILW as the Milwaukee Ski Bowl to create passenger traffic to Snoqualmie Pass.

    The MILW line is now the John Wayne Trail and the Iron Horse trail but is actually rail banked for possible future service.

    The BNSF (no longer Burlington Northern Santa Fe just BNSF) has been storing grain cars and locomotives on the Stampede line in Auburn but I read they want put it back in service.

  54. The MILW road had rail service here on the Olympic Peninsula. They had barge service from near where the stadia in Seattle are today to Port Townsend from there via the Port Townsend Southern RR to Discovery Bay and on MILW tracks out as far as Deep Creek.

    During WWI the United States Spruce Production Corporation (government entity) built the Spruce RR. This connected to the MILW tracks at Disque and they built a big mill in Port Angeles. This was for spruce to make airplanes. The war ended before it was finished. It was auctioned off and run as a private logging RR until 1953. The tracks west of Port Angeles were removed then. Tracks west of Disque were removed in the 1930s.

    The spruce mill was acquired by Olympic Forest Products 1928 and rebuilt as a pulp mill. Acquired by Rainier Pulp and Paper Company 1929. They produced so much pulp for DuPont Rayon they changed their name to Rayonier in 1937.

    The Port Townsend Southern was acquired by MILW in the 70s.

    After MILW terminated operations in 1980 this branch was operated by the North Coast RR until their bankruptcy in 1985 or 86. The remaining customers at the time included the kraft paper mill in Port Townsend where Debra Winger worked in “An Officer and a Gentlemen”.

  55. I stand corrected. NP = Northern Pacific. GN = Great Northern. NP + GN = Burlington Northern (BN). That’s about my level of interest. I didn’t work for Boeing, I worked for BN. BN has/had considerable land and mineral rights granted by the Feds to build the railroad; timber, coal, oil and gas, geothermal ….

    I guess my boss was wrong about those details.

    Saw abandoned Milwaukee lines in eastern MT and my boss passed on a summary of BN and the Milwaukee. But he also was a geologist by training and vocation and not a model railroad enthusiast.

    We were looking for geothermal resources in MT and WA (the best prospect was Mount Saint Helens), which included the Cedar River watershed and its hotsprings. I did three summer field seasons on BN lands in MT and WA.

  56. Kate….”The US, with all this racialist rhetoric, is starting to remind me of India, where everyone knows what caste or tribe everyone else comes from, and treats them well, or not, accordingly.”

    Another prototype for this kind of ethnicity focus would be the creaky Austo-Hungarian empire, about which I wrote here:


    And that’s the *best* case…more likely is something much, much darker.

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