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The “evil” category — 35 Comments

  1. These people are willing to make a mockery of American justice to retain power. Evil is a correct description.

  2. I’m sure Biden handlers have sent the word out– Biden is to NEVER smile again.

    Trump’s campaign is upping their game.

  3. Naomi Wolf and others have expressed the belief that there are actual evil forces which have entered the world in recent years. Seeing the rictus on Biden’s face as a response to the reporter’s question gave me the chills. God help us, we have to fight this with everything in our power.

  4. The joker is in the WH.
    Nothing new there.

    What IS new—or at least what is now absolutely clear—is that the joker is the Joker.

  5. This is their Pearl Harbor. This is an opportunity to wreck their party for a generation at least. They exist on election fraud and money laundering. Every place the leftist trash control the elections, things are moving rapidly to the left. This is a golden opportunity that must be taken. You don’t reconcile with Imperial Japan after PH. You destroy it. Same with Hamas. Make it dead for all time.

  6. Wow! Reminds me of that Democrat testifying before Congress — Peter Strzok I think it was — who let the mask slip with the most sinister smile I’ve ever seen, and we all got to see the pure evil underneath.

    I also think it puts paid to the claim that this is all just some advanced form of incompetence. Trying times ahead.

  7. Yes, the Marxist left is evil. What of those who enable evil? At what point does willful blindness become complicity? At what point does ignorance and indoctrination become insufficient rationales? The argument can be made that we are not yet at that point. But can there be any doubt that those who enable evil are moving ever closer to that point?

  8. Chris B

    The evil is ALWAYS with us. It’s just the masks that change.

  9. Joe’s little “heh-heh-heh” has always made me wonder why so many people thought he was honest and decent and good and empathetic. He’s as quick as Trump to think of people as “losers,” but he applies the term to whole classes of people (rather than just political opponents and the odd heckler) and takes pleasure in their misfortunes.

    Biden was never a “nice guy.” He’s always had a malicious streak, but his folksiness and mediocrity have convinced some people that he really does have a “good heart.” And now “Dr. Jill” tells us this is a fight of good versus evil, Joe Biden who has vast knowledge and experience versus Donald Trump who can’t string a sentence together.

  10. Naomi Wolf and others have expressed the belief that there are actual evil forces which have entered the world in recent years.

    Does she mean this literally — is she talking about supernatural evil forces?

  11. IrishOtter49- I just finished reading her book and I think she does mean this literally. Tucker did a fascinating interview with her which I highly recommend. Naomi Wolf is a former liberal with an interesting change story.

  12. This post reminds me of brazenness and cluelessness of VP Joe Biden when he boasted about extorting the Ukranian government into firing one of their prosecutors. He was gleeful that both he and Pres. Obama had the power to pull their strings. Oooo, you’re such a big man Joe!

  13. Chris+B:

    As a believing Christian and a loyal (if not particularly devout) Catholic, I am not opposed to the possibility of the existence of supernatural evil, in both human and demonic form. So, kudos to Ms. Wolf for having the courage and perspicacity to say what she said in regard to evil forces taking shape and entering the plane of our material reality to influence events and the course of history.

    Relatedly, Christopher Tolkien said his father characterized Sauron as a “power point” or locus of evil of such strength and intensity as to become a real and manifest being/entity, as opposed to merely an idea or concept or descriptive term for radically malign actions and behaviors, and the effects thereof. I find considerable merit in this view.

  14. Irish Otter, 14 years as a road deputy taught me that Evil does exist, and there are people who quite happily submit to it. There are some really scary people out there.

  15. I agree that evil does exist. The question is, does exist in material form, i.e. is it or can it be embodied and incarnate? Are some of the very bad people you encountered in your years as a road deputy acting evil, or is it rather the case of evil acting as human beings? Are those people not really human but Pure Evil in human form?

    I say yes to all.

  16. Thus!
    How Obama was able to jump start “Fundamental Transformation”, why Trump’s election was such a disaster for the Democrats’ plan to destroy the country, and why the Democrats had to steal the 2020 election (Part ~):
    “National Security: Biden’s Weaponized Migration Policy”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

    “Biden” of course is not Biden….
    But you can call it what you want: President Fentanyl, President Tranq, President Gropey, President Dopey, President MKULTRA, whatever…

  17. And…fighting evil.
    “German grandson of Nazis comes to Israel during war to enlist in IDF;
    “In January, Edgar came to Israel, where he began volunteering and assisting soldiers on various bases. During his visit, he decided that he wanted to enlist in the IDF.”—

  18. I look on fauci he makes blofeld like a piker hes runner up to drax and stromberg

    Did he know he was going to kill 10 million people did he care

    On a smaller scare there is the villain in triple x played with great brio by marton csonkas who has played russian oligarchs general gage among others

    He has hired some russian scientists to make some new superweapon and then he cuts his losses

  19. Re: Good vs Evil in Star Wars

    The latest Disney Star Wars series, “The Acolyte,” is about to drop in two days. It’s Leslye Headland’s project. She’s Harvey Weinstein’s former personal assistant, which oughta be a clue. She’s gay and totally committed to DEI/LGBTQ+ and intends to reform Star Wars with extreme prejudice.

    She intentionally hired her team based on intersectional checkboxes and their lack of knowledge about Star Wars. It’s easier to subvert a legacy if you don’t know what it is.

    So one of her actors, Charlie Barnett, is some kind of non-white who has known he was gay since he was 13. When asked to describe “The Acolyte” in five words or less, he said:

    Barnett responded, “I would say a ‘battle for power.’” He then continued, “I mean the best parts about Star Wars is there is no good or evil. It depends on what side you are standing on, truly.”

    He explained, “You can look at any angle and see yourself relayed through all the characters: Darth [Vader] to Luke. You know what I’m saying.”

    Barnett then went on to provide more details on how The Acolyte reshapes Star Wars, “This show is truly about that balance of power and balance of good versus evil. And realizing so much of it starts at the root, truly.”


    There is no good and evil. I seem to have gotten the wrong impression from the original trilogy about the Space Nazis of the Dark Force versus the valiant, good-hearted Resistance of the Force.

    Apparently Disney is overturning standard morality with all the their Sympathy for the Devil remakes like Cruella, which takes the side of the ghastly dog-killing villainess in “1001 Dalmiations.” Now we are learning that the Jedi weren’t necessarily the good guys in “Star Wars” either.

  20. Anyway. Barnett is also an ill-prepared moron. He claims on camera that Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Death Star in the original film. Anakin is Luke’s father who became Darth Vader — perhaps the most significant fact in the Star Wars canon.

    Anakin Skywalker, as Darth Vader, built the Death Star. Luke, with a little last-minute help from Han Solo, destroyed it.

    I rewatched the original trilogy recently. It’s quite a delightful well-crafted series. Always very clear who is who, what is what, and what the stakes are.

    In one interview, after George Lucas sold “Star Wars” to Disney deal, he lamented, I sold my children to white slavers.


    Yep. That’s what he did.

  21. Yes they are professional idiots so just burn more cash in a pit

    The sith operate like satan frankly palpatine a protege of lord plagius temps anakin by promising eternal life
    Something he cant grant his confrontation on mustafar is like being sent to hell which is where vader sets up his headquarters by the time of rogue one

  22. Sigourney weaver was the heroine 30 years later she was the villain in avatar john hurt was the victim then by v for vendetta was the villain redford same from condor to winter soldier although its not immediately obvious

  23. Staring at DEI/LGBTQ+, I think, hmm.


    I’m not big on Evil as a cosmic principle or as a personal Devil enslaving human souls. Nonetheless, there is something weird going on.

    I’ve linked Vigilant Citizen several times. It chronicles the steady onslaught of Satanic/secret society imagery in the arts and entertainment. I don’t claim these people are necessarily controlled by Satan, but they surely seem to enjoy playing at it.

    Here are a couple samples from VC’s “Pics of the Month” feature.

    Anya Taylor-Joy [star of “Mad Max Furiosa”] recently posted pictures of her “secret wedding,” which included a bloody, anatomically correct cake shaped like a human heart. Her entire wedding was “vampire-themed”. None of this is a joke….

    Speaking of satanism in the Royal Family, Meghan Merkle was seen wearing a peculiar necklace while in Nigeria. During her trip, Markle wore an inverted cross, which happens to be the main symbol of Satanism.

    While some outlets attempted to “debunk” the picture, a quick zoom-in proves that this is truly an inverted cross (Snopes did not even attempt to debunk this). …

    Bizarre fact: Melinda Gates wore a similar inverted cross while promoting vaccines in 2020.


    Again, I’m not making any cosmic claims, but there is something weird brewing in our culture and Vigilant Citizen provides a shocking porthole into it.

  24. It should be noted: the inverted cross was a venerable Christian symbol, long before it was co-opted by Satanists. It is the cross of St. Peter (who was crucified upside down, as was the apostle Philip). It can be seen in scores of Christian iconography.

    I have no idea what either Merkle or Gates’s motivations were in wearing an inverted cross but it doesn’t necessary suggest anything nefarious.

  25. It seems a stretch, though, to think that Merkle or Gates were wearing the inverted cross to remember St. Peter. Probably for them it’s just a fashionable thing having no particular meaning. That site is right to point out the increasing use of Satanic/secret society imagery among “fashionable” people. Fashion shots of events like the Met Gala now show women in obscene and bizarre outfits (or lack of outfits).

  26. It should be noted: the inverted cross was a venerable Christian symbol, long before it was co-opted by Satanists.


    True. But what woke Westerners know that?

    The swastika was a venerable Buddhist symbol before the Nazis got hold of it.

    The inverted cross is known today through “Rosemary’s Baby” and rock musicians cosplaying Satanists.


    Note the inverted cross hanging over Baby Adrian’s bassinet in the first few seconds. Mia Farrow was incredible in that scene.

  27. well the balanciaga controversy, does put it fine relief, balanciagas founder comes out in
    a biography of Aline Griffith, the countess of romanones, who was a socialite operative in the oss, and allegedly in the cia, although many of her biographic tales apparently had alot of embellishement, she hobnobbed with among other prince max von hohenlohe,whose wife had an affair with Lord Rothermere of the Daily Mail, and who himself
    had ties to Allen Dulles, as a middlemen for German intelligence, his son Alfonso, helped found the Marbella social club in the 50s, that drew all sorts to that sleepy Andalusian town,

    they are inviting some dark forces into this world, the scenes out of malachi martin’s windswept chapel, seem eerily prescient, he wrote it in the 1990s,

  28. Quite a few well-connected people have joined Scientology, the fake Hollywood version of Kabbalah, and the NXIVM cult. If some intellectually-lightweight celebrities are suddenly wearing inverted crosses I’d be guessing something along the lines of NXIVM.

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