Home » Biden’s fake Israel/Palestine peace deal


Biden’s fake Israel/Palestine peace deal — 37 Comments

  1. Democrats have devolved into a stupid, mindless entity, wherein the masses just do as they are told.
    I agree the Dems will use both anti-Trump lawfare AND vote fraud. I hope against reality the GOP will be up to the game.

  2. So far Bibi is standing firm on offing Hamas.BUT, he is going so slowly that I doubt, and have doubted all along, that he really means “Never Again”. Time will tell. Is he waiting to see if Trump wins and he can then do what ”he really wants”? Or is he just a typical modern weakling stringing the Israelies along?

  3. See your previous post about “evil” to describe this kind of maneuver. This is the second time in just a few weeks that the Biden administration has tried stunt like this, trying to paint Israel into a box.

    My speculation is that “follow the money” is the explanation for this desperate attempt to save the remnant of Hamas in Rafah.

  4. its not that easy as we have seen with eisenkot, gantz and gallant, and those are just the outliers,

  5. I knew the minute this was released in the middle of Sabbath that it was a scam.
    The real goal is a destabilization of Netanyahu leading to a minimalized Israel…ultimately a collapse of the modern state.

    Yep…as Kate says, evil is out in the open in the Biden “administration.”

  6. For some comprehensive speculation on why “Biden” MUST end this war NOW, see the article by Bonnie Glick at the Townhall site (townhall.com);
    “What Hamas is hiding in Rafah; and why doesn’t Biden want the IDF to find out”

  7. The minute I heard him say it, I suspected it was a lie. Now it appears even more likely that it is a lie.

    I am speculating here, but I think he is offering a ‘deal’ that Hamas is prepared right now to accept, perhaps because they’re in a bad position and hope that a little time will allow them time to change to change that in their favor. I suspect that Sinwar has been backed into the last few km of tunnels and figures this is a good chance to get some breathing room. I hope that is the case.

    BTW, I was particularly suspicious this was bogus when I hear Biden say that
    ‘Hamas would never be in a position to attack again.’ Pardon the raw language, but this is total BS and everyone knows it. And then for him to go one step further and ‘guarantee that the US, Egypt and Qatar would guarantee it’ really demonstrated his total dishonesty.

    I have no doubt he is looking for something that he can hold up to Trump’s Abraham Accords. I am wondering if this was Jake Sullivan’s idea or it is a pure Biden fantasy.

    I cannot believe the Democrats really want to put him up.

  8. The link for Barry Meislin’s post is here. I don’t think it’s behind the paywall. Briefly, lots of baksheesh (bribery) going on, which has benefitted al Sisi and the Bedouin leadership in northern Sinai, whom the Sisi government wishes not to irritate. And, the Americans wish to avoid the disclosure of their complicity with this.


  9. Disagree. Biden reads what’s put in front of him. The authors of this scam are Blinken and Sullivan.

  10. My questions: Why must there be a ceasefire in Gaza, but endless war must continue in Ukraine?

    Do the Dems enjoy playing God with proxy wars? It’s like they’re saying, “Ukraine, you have to keep fighting even if we won’t provide you with the weapons necessary to win.”

    And, “Israel, you have to quit fighting because you might actually win.” Does this make sense?

  11. ”Do the Dems enjoy playing God with proxy wars? It’s like they’re saying, ‘Ukraine, you have to keep fighting even if we won’t provide you with the weapons necessary to win.’”

    What are you talking about? There is no proxy war. Ukraine is fighting because a foreign army invaded their country in a genocidal war of conquest. That army has raped thousands of Ukrainian women, kidnapped tens of thousands of Ukrainian children, killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians, established torture centers throughout the occupied territories, bombed thousands of schools, hospitals, grocery stores, and apartment buildings, and leveled whole cities to the ground.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with the Democrats.

  12. I don’t think it’s safe any more for Israel to rely on the US as a partner for its security.

    What is Biden threatening them with, that’s worse than the consequences of not finishing Hamas? Whatever it is, I hope Netanyahu tells Biden to do it and be damned.

  13. mkent is right (about the Ukraine War). The Russians want to conquer Ukraine and destroy it as a sovereign nation; the Ukrainians don’t want to be conquered by Russia.That’s it in a nutshell: that’s why there’s a war.

    Is that hard to understand?

  14. Erasmus:

    By the way, Bonnie Glick is Caroline Glick’s sister. I saw a video where Caroline interviewed Bonnie. Two very impressive women.

  15. J.J. may have been highlighting the FJB approach to Ukraine, first offer a plane ticket out if Kiev, play the too clever by half diplomacy and sanctions game, send weapons systems but not quite enough or not without significant use restrictions.

    Brandon, Blinkin, and Sullivan are Larry, Moe, and Curly (without a script). Generals Miley and Brown are NPCs.

  16. Here in the threat of a dissolution of the sitting government coalition we find the clumsily pointed purpose of Biden’s bullshit gambit: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/390911

    It won’t work to Biden’s aims, of course, but that’s just how stupid this foreign policy apparat actually is: they’re all morons who think themselves brilliant schemers.

  17. Mkent and Irish Otter, I believe you misunderstand my question.

    Yes, Russia is committing a war of aggression against Ukraine. Biden is providing weapons to Ukraine because Russia is wrong and a threat to NATO. (Just as he is providing weapons to Israel because they have been attacked by Hamas, also a threat to the West.)

    But he and his advisors have been very gradualist in the weapons they will supply and how Ukraine is allowed to use them. If you watch General Jack Keene’s analysis on Fox, it appears that Biden and his advisers want to keep the war going because they won’t commit to Ukraine scoring a decisive victory. That’s what I see and wonder about.

    On the other hand, when Israel is winning and just needs more time to continue their operations in Gaza to finish the fight, Biden and company want a negotiated cease fire. Yes, I know Biden has his eye on the Muslim votes in Michigan, Minnesota, and the college campuses, but why is winning by both Ukraine and Israel not a good thing? Then Biden admin doesn’t seem to want either one of them to win. Why??

  18. ”Mkent and Irish Otter, I believe you misunderstand my question.”

    I did misunderstand your question. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize for flying off the handle a bit.

    ”Then Biden admin doesn’t seem to want either one of them to win. Why??”

    The Biden administration’s top foreign policy goal is to cement Obama’s so-called Iran deal in place, allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons. Iran’s chief enemy is Israel, and its chief proxy is Hamas. Therefore the Biden administration wants Hamas to win over Israel.

    Unfortunately for Biden and his handlers, most Americans don’t see it that way. Most Americans want Israel to prevail over murderous Hamas. So Biden has to support Hamas while looking like he is supporting Israel. That can lead to a confused foreign policy to those paying close enough attention.

    Likewise with Russia and Ukraine. Russia is the Biden administration’s chief ally in the Iran deal. If you’ll recall, about a month after the February 2022 invasion Biden actually proposed paying Russia $10 billion to assist Iran with its nuclear program. So Biden wants a Russian victory in Ukraine (or at least a mild enough defeat) so that Russia will assist America with the Iran deal.

    The problem for Biden there is that Europe feels very threatened by Russia’s invasion and is very much on Ukraine’s side. Since the dawn of the 20th century Europe (and the Anglosphere) have been America’s closest allies. So there again Biden wants to help Russia while looking like he’s helping Ukraine.

    The common thread in these two situations is the duplicitous nature of the Biden administration, which has to hide its true objectives from its citizens and its allies.

  19. I missed Kate’s comment – what she said, quadrupled.
    And thanks to Erasmus for the video.
    Neo > “Bonnie Glick is Caroline Glick’s sister.”

    I wondered if there was a relationship.

  20. @ mkent > “The common thread in these two situations is the duplicitous nature of the Biden administration, which has to hide its true objectives from its citizens and its allies.”

    You can make that stick to any number of the Democrats’ actions, and possibly to all.

  21. “…but not really surprising….”

    Guess we should chalk it up to just another instance of “peace dividend”(TM).

  22. ”…here’s the link to Bonnie Glick’s post.”

    This is worse than I thought. If Ms. Glick’s post is correct and American weapons are being smuggled to Hamas, then the Biden administration’s repeated unusual actions intended to prevent the IDF’s invasion of Rafah strongly suggest that it was aware of said smuggling and quite possibly complicit in it. That’s bad. Really really bad.

  23. The problem is that EVERYTHING is fungible.
    Money, weapons, UN support (to the point of UNRWA participation in Hamas attacks and atrocities, not to mention overall support).

    Plus, a lot of money “Biden” sent to Iran may be assumed to have been paying not only for the Iranian weaponry that has been sent to Hamas but for paying all those bribes (to Egyptians) to GET that weaponry into Gaza, and perhaps—actually, probably—even paying for those tunnels to be dug.

    IOW, your—“Biden”—tax dollars at work….
    (Keeping in mind that Trump turned off the spigot cold.)

    To be sure, there’s the Iran-Russia connection so that “Biden” is, in fact, helping to arm Putin…
    How’s THAT for fancy footwork?!

  24. Hezbollah has shot down two large Israeli surveillance drones recently, both with a heretofore unheard of Iranian surface-to-air missile system, also used in a shootdown of a similar Turkish drone by PKK/US affiliates in Syria last week. These too can be attributed to Biden/Obama largess bestowed on Iranian banking coffers and industrial development. Thanks, Obama!

  25. All my life the Left would talk about “American imperialism” and I always thought it was manifestly absurd. But what Biden is doing to Israel is the kind of thing Julius Caesar might have done to the kingdom of Herod.

    (It’s not really Biden of course, it’s Obama, who still lives in Washington DC, still meets with senior government officials regularly, and tweets about how smart the new Hamas ceasefire proposal is.)

    Whether the motive is something as trivial as Democratic votes in Dearborn, or whether it’s something more sordid, like cronies’ business interests in Iran, this is exactly the kind of bullying the Left used to talk about. Israel’s fundamental security is being threatened to prop up some far less important (to Americans) interest, but which is of personal benefit to people in Washington DC, even to the point of supplying aid (and possibly arms) directly to Israel’s enemies.

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  27. You can see what’s coming, right? When you listen closely, you hear the predicate being lain down.

    Listen, listen carefully.

    Joe Biden, in the name of the United States of America, is poised to unilaterally declare the recognition of a Palestinian State in the “West Bank and Gaza” later this summer.

    It is coming. Mark it.

  28. sdferr:

    I disagree. I think he plans to do it after he wins in 2024, as he thinks he will. Second term activity.

  29. Does recognizing a “Palestinian state” have any real meaning if the Senate does not concur?
    Can’t they pass a specific law banning any funding in support of the “newly recognized” Palestinian state?
    And Israel still gets an “on the ground” vote, too, of course.

  30. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/06/bidens-deal.php

    Also links to Times of Israel article that claims it’s an Israeli plan: “The proposal set out by Biden is indeed “a deal we agreed to,” Netanyahu’s adviser Ophir Falk confirmed on Saturday, in case anyone believed the US president was misrepresenting that core fact.”

    I think Glick is correct, but that Biden has people in Israel who will go along with his claims. So what’s with this claim by Ophir Falk?

  31. The tunnels between Egypt and Gaza are a reason Egypt wouldn’t want Israel in the area.

    Further, it also undermines the premise for this “peace deal”, since actors like Egypt would be critical for its success.

    Also, I’d say the whole thing further shows Israel can’t trust the US under the Biden administration. Biden is applying pressure to get his way, but it’s obvious Israel’s interests are not “front on mind” with Joe Biden.

  32. It’s Bibi’s decision what someone like falk thinks is immaterial,

    dejavu before the second intifada, they had the wye river accords, and then director tenet brought fatah members to observe the peace,

    he’s more of an informal advisor, not an official position, but I see the point,

  33. It’s an issue if Bibi has close advisors who are undermining him. US government has close association with many in Israeli government, the question is how much can and will those people influence things to push Biden policies or undermine Bibi.

  34. “Does recognizing a “Palestinian state” have any real meaning if the Senate does not concur?”

    Neither the Iran Deal nor the Paris Climate Accord went through the Senate. Democrat policy seems to be to do what they want as long as they control the executive. And do whatever they need to do to control the executive.

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