Home » Israel now controls the Philadelphi corridor


Israel now controls the Philadelphi corridor — 59 Comments

  1. … buying off the Palestinian crocodile so it doesn’t eat them.


  2. I suspect that Cairo will lodge a public protest, put some forces near the border on alert… and not much else. I could be wrong. But this would fulfill the requirement of objecting to Israel’s actions without actually helping the Palestinians in a material way.

  3. It’s good to know the Israelis are proceeding while ignoring the leftist whining.

  4. Kate:
    Trouble is, the entire planet has turned anti-semitic, anti-Israel, all rather suddenly. Our Democrats, who control 90+% of our media, are the anti-semites. Why?

  5. Why? One reason is not enough violence directed their way. I suspect codepink Jew hate would cool quickly if Israel said “you support murder as a political weapon. Here is your share” and killed a bunch of them.

    Edit. This is why not murdering is kind of a big deal.

  6. Code Pink are a particularly loathesome group indeed. Always have been. Medea is in it for the benjamins? But who supplies them?

  7. Cicero –

    I can’t speak for other countries. But what I’ve seen locally (LA County) suggests that the pro-Pakestinian protestors are a tiny minority of the population. The vast majority appears to be just fine with what Israel is doing

  8. om

    Code Pink are a particularly loathesome group indeed. Always have been. Medea is in it for the benjamins? But who supplies them?

    Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans
    is the one with the benjamins, as she has a penchant for marrying gazillionaires who fund her political activism. She hates capitalism- unless she can access those millions for herself. Current husband is Neville Roy Singham, who sold his software company for $785 million.

  9. Junior (and Cicero)– Your unscientific evaluation of LA County appears to be in sync with a nationwide poll I saw about a week ago that showed and overall 70% support of how Israel is dealing with Hamas. Across all age segments the support was almost 60% or higher. These protests are the equivalent of the child’s tantrum in the cereal aisle; we don’t judge all shoppers by their actions.

  10. om:
    Gringo:Stuff you already know:

    The Wikipedia article on Medea Benjamin is an example of the “all the news that fits the narrative” approach that one often finds in Wikipedia, especially if one already knows something abut the subject. Definitely NOT “all the news that’s fit to print. “ There is no mention whatsoever in the Wiki article about Medea Benjamin’s four years in Cuba, nor that she got deported from Cuba.


    But I must say it didn’t last a long time for me to be very content living in Cuba, because I saw the other side as well. I saw the side that you couldn’t form independent organizations, you couldn’t speak out very forcefully. You could speak out–everybody complains in Cuba about everything. But when you start really trying to do something about it, you get in trouble. So I got in trouble in Cuba. And I actually got put in jail and deported from Cuba.

    JAY: Everywhere you go.
    BENJAMIN: Everywhere. I just don’t know what it is, Paul.
    JAY: What did you do in Cuba that got you thrown out?
    BENJAMIN: Well, I was working. There weren’t a lot of places for me to work in Cuba. One of the only things I could do is work as a translator. And so I worked at the newspaper. And there was only one newspaper. It was the Communist Party newspaper. And it was a terrible newspaper. It was a rag. I mean, it had no interesting analysis. It was all about what Fidel Castro did every day.
    And I was translating Fidel Castro’s speeches. I must say, he’s brilliant. And the fact that anybody could talk for five hours without a note and put facts and figures and all kinds of things, I mean, I was just amazed by this guy’s brain.
    But it was very flowery language in Spanish, and when you translate into English, I would tend to cut out the stuff that didn’t make a lot of sense in English. And so they would come to me and say, well, this speech was, you know, five pages in the Spanish version but is only three pages in English. What did you do? And I said, well, I cut out the parts that didn’t really sound very good in English. Well, you know, what are you doing editing Fidel Castro’s speeches? That was the first thing that got me in trouble.
    Then it just escalated. You know, I would question things. Why are we doing things this way? Why don’t we have more interesting stories? Why don’t we have other points of views in the newspaper? So I got kicked out of the newspaper. And in Cuba, if you lose your job, you lose your housing.
    And then, one thing after another, I just ended up writing freelance. And the Cuban government got a hold of some of the pieces that I wrote and said that I was counterrevolutionary because I wrote that the farmers’ markets that they had created–. They were selling things at very high prices. Fidel Castro didn’t like it, so he closed down all the markets. And I said that that was the wrong way to deal with it. And my critique was considered counterrevolutionary. And in the end I was put on a military escort to a plane and sent out of the country.

    The Wiki article also notes that Medea Benjamin co-authored a book on Cuban agriculture that was published in 1985. Too bad Medea Benjamin didn’t write an update. After the loss of the Soviet sugar daddy, milk production in Cuba, which had tripled from 1961 to 1990, fell by about two-thirds, which meant that current Cuban milk production, for the most recent year, is about only 10-20 percent above 1961 production. (From 1961-2021, Latin American milk production was over four times what it was in 1961.) Don’t want to write about that, Medea?

    Discover the Networks-Medea Benjamin also points out her deportation from Cuba.

  11. His comments, in a rare statement published on the Sabbath and only in English, came after United States President Joe Biden announced Friday that Israel had proposed a three-phase deal for a ceasefire in Gaza in exchange for Hamas releasing hostages, told the terror group to accept it and urged the Israeli government to stand behind it.

    “Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Netanyahu said.

    [emphasis added — sdferr]

    Notice — we all notice — that Vile Joe Biden makes these major and duplicitous policy pronouncements cynically timed to fall upon the Jewish Sabbath (like Hamas’ attacks on holy days) when communication is most difficult for the Israeli leadership.


  12. I mean to say, look at this information op shit, in headlines culled today from ToI:
    1) ‘Intensive efforts’ underway to renew hostage deal, truce talks
    2) In Hebrew and Arabic posts, Macron backs hostage deal, says war ‘must end’
    3) Lapid: Government must take hostage deal, it has ‘safety net’ if far-right ministers bolt
    4) Netanyahu says there cannot be permanent Gaza ceasefire until Hamas destroyed
    5) Hostage families call for Israel, Hamas to ink deal: ‘This might be the last chance to save lives’
    6) Labor chief urges Herzog to ensure government approves hostage deal proposal
    7) Blinken discusses Gaza ceasefire proposal with Saudi, Turkish and Jordanian FMs
    8) German FM, EU chief welcome proposal announced by Biden for ending Gaza war
    9) UK foreign minister calls on Hamas to accept hostage deal proposal presented by Biden

    Those are sequential headlines concerning this info operation from newest at “1)” an hour ago to oldest at “9)” 12 hours ago.



  13. no he isn’t but neither was obama, how much the previous regime was forcing sharon’s hand on gaza, as much as encouraging his world wearyness,

  14. Well, Obama is a closet Muslim, based on his acceptance of Allah in kindergarten. Once a Muslim, always a Muslim. Going to that hate-filled “protestant” church with the “Rev”Jeremiah Wright for 20 yrs was just cover.
    Islam is an ideology disguised as a religion so it unfortunately has a free voice in our land.

  15. Obama is, according to Muslim teaching, a Muslim because his father of record was a Muslim. He’s never accepted that creed or any other as an adult as far as I can see. His belief system appears to be deity-free neo-Marxism.

  16. Re: Becoming Muslim or Reverting

    I have a smartass technical argument that of course Obama is a Muslim because he must have recited the Shahada sincerely at least once while in Muslim school in Indonesia.

    The words of the Shahada are: “Ash-hadu anla elaha illa-Allah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadun rasul-Allah“, which translates to “I testify that there is no other god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger.”


    Boom! That’s all it takes. You are now and always shall be a Muslim.

    Kids, don’t try this at home!

  17. his social circle, leaned to the left, his estranged father, his mother, probably his step father as an Indonesian army officer, was a devout muslim, he seems to have been the most squared away of his influences, of course Wright and Ayers were largely left, when he lived in Pakistan he was likely with the left opposition to Zia,

    which he had met at Columbia,

  18. At my progressive Episcopal church in San Francisco there was a woman of Middle-Eastern heritage who would preface her shares at that communal point in the Mass with an ear-piercing recitation of the Shahada.

    I suspect I was the only person in the congregation who knew what she was saying.

  19. Art Deco:
    How quickly can those 20 tunnels be blown up?
    More like 50. A very highly developed tunnel network.

    The 2 major reasons for Egyptian unease are:

    1. Pali refugees pushing through THEIR security wall. So far the only Palis making it across are a tiny minority with enough money for the privilege.

    2. Uncovering the tunnels will reveal the extent to which Egypt has been aiding, abetting, and re-arming the Palis – and may draw them into investigations of the hostages.

  20. huxley, that argument is sort of like the insistence of some people that Hitler was a Catholic because he was baptized in that church. Nah. 🙂

    That woman recited the shahada before receiving communion? Bizarre.

  21. BenDavid, yes to your #2. Egypt has been wanting to have it both ways for years. There’s money to be made from the smuggling.

  22. BenDavid:

    I have a question. You write, “Uncovering the tunnels will reveal the extent to which Egypt has been aiding, abetting, and re-arming the Palis.” But I can recall reading that they been doing this for years (perhaps decades; I can’t exactly remember), and that there are such tunnels in use. Why is this news? Is the key word “extent”?

  23. Obama is 100% pure communist like his mother and maternal grandparents were. Frank Marshall Davis was his mentor and ticket into Communist Chicago, Harvard, and the Democratic party far-left.
    His maternal grandparents were perfectly common and garden business employees from Kansas. His grandfather was a Willy Loman type figure, a salesman out of gas. His grandmother was the supervisor of escrow accounts at the Bank of Hawaii. His mother wasn’t notable for her social viewpoint, but for having her parents and 2d husband cleaning up after her until she was pushing 40. She was also a perpetual student. Her dissertation was finally finished when she was 50 years old.
    Frank Marshall Davis was a hookah smoking, checker playing pal of Stanley Dunham ca. 1972. He arrived on Oahu ca. 1945 as an official of the west coast Longshoremen. He wasn’t working for them during the period both he and the Dunhams lived on Oahu. He was in the advertising business at one point and owned a paper distributorship at another point. He’d been on the staff of a low circulation newspaper in Chicago ‘ere decamping to Oahu. There’s no reason to believe that in 1981 he had any contacts or influence in Chicago or New York.
    And, no, there’s no reason to believe that Obama’s a Muslim or a communist. He’s the deputy dean of students and his attitudes are perfectly banal among higher ed apparatchiks.

  24. My opinion of Obama’s belief system (which I’m pretty sure I’ve written about many times but am summarizing here): he’s an Alinskyite leftist who wanted to move the country to the left and succeeded; he is not religious; he is very full of himself; he is intelligent but not wise; he wanted to make Iran stronger and is a Palestinian sympathizer as well.

  25. Obama is, according to Muslim teaching, a Muslim because his father of record was a Muslim. He’s never accepted that creed or any other as an adult as far as I can see. His belief system appears to be deity-free neo-Marxism.
    His belief system is leftoid bourgeois blah blah. It’s a matter of public record that Barack Obama, Sr. was a drunk and there’s evidence that Lolo Soetero was as well. Not rigorous Muslims.
    Going to that hate-filled “protestant” church with the “Rev”Jeremiah Wright for 20 yrs was just cover.
    See Steve Sailer on this point. What was distinct about Wright’s discourse was that it was low on religion and high on political / Africanisant blather. Sailer notes that Oprah Winfrey briefly attended the church, then decamped elsewhere. The reasonable inference was that she did not go to church to hear political harangues.

  26. Art Deco:

    They duped you. You should do a better search – focus on the schools they sent Obama’s mother to before college.

  27. huxley, that argument is sort of like the insistence of some people that Hitler was a Catholic because he was baptized in that church. Nah. ?


    Well, I said it was a “smartass technical argument.” 🙂 However, I stand by that as the official Islamic position. Which it is.

    Similarly, I’m a baptized Catholic. According to the Roman Catholic Church, I am a Catholic and I always will be a Catholic, even if I am excommunicated. I have no recourse to be taken off the rolls at my request or through any other means.

    Likewise Hitler.

    Them’s the rules!


    What do you do when you’re branded
    When you fight for your name?

    Whatever you do for the rest of your life
    You must prove you’re a man.

    –“Branded (TV series) Intro and Outro, Opening”

  28. I don’t think the shahada is sufficient, to establish yourself as a Moslem but it is part of the five pillars if memory serves, along with a pilgrimage to Mecca,

    one person who was a translator for Fidel and speech writer was june cobb, who apparently had some intelligence connections, along with her dopplegangers, i’m surprised they haven’t optioned her story, with cherlise theron, as
    the star, she had ties at different times in the Congo and Cuba as well as the States,


  29. Of course I am not saying that Obama is an Allah-fearing Muslim who bases his life on the counsels of Islam.

    I am saying that by Islamic doctrine Obama most likely recited the Shahada sincerely as a child and thus by Islamic standards — alley-oop — he is a Muslim.

    I understand this is an argument too subtle for some.

  30. I don’t think the shahada is sufficient, to establish yourself as a moslem but it is part of the five pillars if memory serves, along with a pilgrimage to Mecca,

    You could have read my link but it seems you did not.

    If you’re absolutely sure that you accept the basic beliefs of Islam and want to fully submit to the will of Allah, all you need to do is recite the Shahada which is a short declaration of faith.

    Once you have said the Shahada, you are committed to following Islam for life.


  31. Who cares what he is??
    It’s what he does…and how he lies, distorts and manipulates.

    And especially his MO of framing innocent political opponents who are then only able to clear their names after it’s far too late.

    The man’s a monster. So once again, who cares WHAT he purports to adhere to?
    – – – – – – – –
    There’s no possible way that Biden is responsible for this. Proof is Obama’s lightning quick muscling in on the “plan” to add his “prestige” to it, along with his gravitas and Uber-wise insights….

    Netanyahu, like Trump, is, for “Biden”, a mega-serious problem to be dealt with.
    – – – – – – – – – –
    One can rest easy.
    The Egyptians have already adamantly denied that there are any tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.

  32. For the record, Hitler was never formally excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church.

    They could have but they did not.

  33. Neo,
    All that has happened is a large part of the country is onto these people.

  34. huxley:

    I believe the Church was hoping the crocodile wouldn’t eat them. Or at least not most of them.

  35. They duped you. You should do a better search – focus on the schools they sent Obama’s mother to before college.
    She attended an ordinary high school in an exurb of Seattle. Thence to the University of Hawaii and the University of Washington.

  36. For the record, Hitler was never formally excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church.
    A formal excommunication would be an instruction to clergy that he was excluded from the sacraments. I doubt you could find an example of Hitler attending Mass after 1907.

  37. I believe the Church was hoping the crocodile wouldn’t eat them. Or at least not most of them.
    A discussion of the course of action followed by Pius Xii can be found in Hitler, the War, and the Pope by Prof. Ronald Rychlak.

  38. as I recall from the late gordon thomas,https://www.amazon.com/Popes-Jews-Vaticans-Secret-Nazis/dp/0312604211

    who was an iconoclast in many ways and mark reibling,https://www.amazon.com/Church-Spies-Secret-Against-Hitler/dp/0465094112 much of the first and second popes were working with the mueller network to try to undermine hitler, in the 90s when the first big wave of two minute hate to pope pius was ginned up, by le carre’s brother, and james carroll and co, those details were left out, and of course the progenitors of arafat, the husseini clan, which became leading figures in the authority were whitewashed one does wonder why that happened at that particular time, taking the baton for Hochhuth’s the DEputy, that the late Pacepa documented how he constructed the narrative in the 60s,

  39. Re Hitler as Catholic, I think the record is far less controversial and that Hitler clearly was a Catholic, emphasis on Was. While his father had a poor relationship with the church he was still a Habsburg Dynasty Bureaucrat and so the family respectability demanded the baptism, and Adolf’s close relationship with his devout mother Klara helped keep him in for his childhood and early life. Momma’s boy, especially in comparison to his abusive, hated father.

    But since she was his major connection to it, he began to drop off as he grew up and especially after her 1907 death, remaining formally on the rolls but no longer attending. By WWI at the latest (with his choice of books, favoring Freddy N’s books over the Bible) I think it is safe to say he no longer believed inwardly if he ever had, and by adulthood he was a closeted apostate, formally professing Catholicism but inwardly favoring a really odd, very racist Neo-Heathen Polytheistic/Animist religion that he confided details of to his closest Allies like Goebbels, hating Christianity and Judaism but realizing he could only go so far so fast in destroying the former.

  40. his subsequent involvement with the Thule society, which were the real life equivalent of Hydra, and the Ahnerberbe, (that was the unit that was reputedly searching for the Ark in Raiders) this was behind some of the more peculiar rituals of Wawelsberg Castle if memory serves,
    Mussolini, another one of Haj Amin’s enablers was deeply contemptuous of the Church, as a former Socialist, Michael Burleigh’s Sacred Spaces, notes some of this, but he knew he could not antagonize the bulk of believers,

  41. Art Deco:

    She attended an ordinary high school in an exurb of Seattle.

    Trying to protect Obama’s Legacy?!

    Mercer Island High School

    Lots of scrubbing of Obama’s and the Dunham’s history has been going on. Obama’s maternal grandparents and mother were communists. Chicago, Seattle, and the Hawaii area were hotbeds of Communist activity back when Obama’s mother was growing up.

    If Trump wins, he should have Obama investigated in connection to the – Trinity United Church, 3 gay members murdered within 40 days of each other

    Three Members Of Trinity United Church Murdered between Nov. and Dec. 2007.

    A man who worked as a choir conductor and school teacher was found Dec 2007 shot to death. The victim is 47-year-old Donald Young. Young’s death has been ruled a homicide.

    Donald Young, a 47-year-old choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ—the same congregation that Obama has attended for the past 20 years. Two other young black men that attended the same church—Larry Bland and Nate Spencer—were also murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads—all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007.

    Obama was going to run for President, and his relationship with those three gay men had to go away…

  42. miguel, yes, reciting the shahada is enough to become Muslim.

    Because I am a confessing Christian, I tend to think that one’s affiliations as an adult are what count, but this is not so for some religious groups. Born of a Jewish mother? For many, that means one is Jewish, period. Born to a Muslim father? Muslim permanently, according to Muslims. Obama is therefore, strictly speaking, a Muslim apostate because of his decades-ago affiliation with a nominally Christian congregation.

    On topic, I hope the Israelis are busy blowing up those cross-border tunnels efficiently.

  43. Obama was going to run for President, and his relationship with those three gay men had to go away…
    Chicago, Seattle, and the Hawaii area were hotbeds of Communist activity back when Obama’s mother was growing up.
    The issue of your imagination is of interest to you and you alone.

  44. Hey, I graduated from Mercer Island HS. However, I was actually going to Seattle Central Community College AKA Commie Central. I encountered my first real commie party commies face to face there. What a bunch of cargo cult bozos they were.

  45. @ miguel > corrected URL
    “Let my people know: Egypt-Ethiopia conflict can affect Israel
    Amid rising tensions with Egypt, we are reminded that Egypt’s foremost important resource is water which it believes is under attack by the Ethiopian dam”

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