Home » On Merchan’s charges to the jury


On Merchan’s charges to the jury — 10 Comments

  1. That indicates to me the verdict is guilty. A hung jury would deliberate much longer. And I think an acquittal is impossible in NY and with the way Merchan charged the jury and handled the trial.

  2. Neo: I was thinking that it was taking so long was a sign that they were hung. I figured there was a holdout and the others were asking for the testimony to persuade them.
    I was wrong. I feel ill.

  3. Nothing says “America!” quite like a Stalinist Show Trial says “america”.

    RIP, old thing.

  4. GUILTY on all 34 counts. Trump is addressing the public.

    He keeps calling it a rigged decision, and that we have a very divided country.

    True dat.

    Now where do we go? Biden is weak and incompetent, Trump might very well not get on the ballot in all 50 states, and a few people will decide they cannot vote for Trump under the circumstances.

    I truly didn’t think it would go this way — I thought a few jurors (the lawyers, for example) would vote against a guilty verdict.

    And every one of Biden’s campaign speeches will include the words “convicted felon.”

    Alas Babylon!

  5. I saw a meme on Twitter, an American flag with 50 bananas instead of stars.

  6. Cap’n Rusty: Indeed. This was set on the rails by Obama. I hope he’s happy.

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