Home » Caroline Glick: what Hamas expected to happen, the international courts, and the function of anti-Semitism


Caroline Glick: what Hamas expected to happen, the international courts, and the function of anti-Semitism — 21 Comments

  1. I’ve really appreciated her insights from the very beginning. Her heartfelt emotion in this presentation is very moving.

  2. I did know this about Trump’s Executive Order regarding the ICC, but I didn’t know about the bill in Congress to go beyond an EX Order. Personally, I think Biden would veto it out of bitterness and spite. I find him to be just that venal.

  3. The asking of important questions, from Caroline. Very welcome to me.

    “The lava of Jew Hate arising after” Oct7. The Islamist Triumphalism in achieving political power is Out In The Open, and “we will kill all the Jews,” “and they are doing it without fear.” These aren’t bumper sticker slogans one can take or ignore — but serious WARNINGS. Of historic dangers upon us.

    A seductive set of prepping, followed with an open invitation to keep on, keep going with Caroline’s speech.

    These are needed, pregnant observations. And with insights we the people need to spread, if only to steal ourselves for the hard choices and harder times soon to come.

    Frontpagemag and their associated David Horowitz Freedom Center writers have long been onto this hurtling train of evidence and straightforward need to confront it.

    I find myself challenged to stare into the horrors of the abyss arisen in our time they’re anlready immersed in. And therefore I have denied myself the regular exposure to their lessons and painful Enlightenment. My summer project may well be to change that for myself.

    Douglas Murray spoke wisely at a Manhattan Institute hosted Awards Banquet event a week or two ago. He observes the Oct7 events, yet finds himself heralding the bravery and purpose among Israelis, as well as (surprisingly to him and me), that Gen Z-ers performed so well and focused. “Choose Life, Not The Death Cult” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oM4L5DUh_Q
    Painful yet uplifting.
    After reprising the horrors of last October, Murray finds pleasure and succour in human and humane heroism against the too real of Islamic genocide and Jew Hate.

    “It always starts with the Jews….it never stops with the Jews….It’s a pivot moment towards tyranny,” Glick summarises Harvard’s Ruth Weiss message.

    I remember the power of my elders, such as the great German and European historian Robert Pois’, and thus his dark and stark HEADLINES — at CU-Boulder — flashed in his lecture classes, up through the 1990s and for decades prior, teaching and warning about our coming evil times. (His teaching changed the lives of at least two young people I’ve personally known.)

    The Professor’s message: Jew hate will be back! (I believe Prof Pois passed prematurely for a historian in his 50’s or 60’s suddenly, during the early or mid-naughties.) It is not over and done with now that living voices are quieted in cemeteries and reliquaries.

    EVIL times are here now, this year. If not before. LISTEN up.

  4. Watched it last night.

    It was very good.

    She provides insight into the Israeli deep state, which is closely tied to the US deep state. I find the actions of our (and theirs) deep state fascinating, due to several characteristics I perceive:

    1) Fool vs knave. This fits in with old neo posts IIRC, but our deep state/elites seem to be both. In many ways they appear fools, but they certainly are knaves.

    It seems to me that they are the product of elite education, where they are taught things both foolish and evil, but they are also smart and educated, often lawyers. But they also lack for real world experience.

    2) Tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP): I find this interesting, both on what they seem to think is important and also as an attempt to understand what they are trying to do.

    For example: Comey briefing Trump on the dossier to give media a “news hook”.

  5. I hadn’t known about Trump’s executive order regarding the ICC. Yes, one more example of why we must elect him.

    A little off topic, but today the IDF achieved full operational control of the Philadelphia Corridor. This is a huge deal because now Hamas is completely cut off. No fuel or weapons can pass into Gaza without passing through the IDF. I hope I’m not being overly optimistic, but it might mean the beginning of the end for Hamas.

  6. The current international pressure on Israel is reminiscent of South Africa and also Serbia. The people who caused those travesties promoted a narrative that most people accepted, because alternative points of view weren’t easily available. Now they’ve moved on to Israel. IMO, understanding the big picture and making common cause, in retrospect, with South Africa and Serbia would give Israel supporters more moral force. I cringe every time some otherwise smart person refers to Mandela or Gandhi as a role model, or Milosevic as a bad guy. We have to stop parroting these lies. What they did to Milosevic is what they’re now doing to Netanyahu. Wouldn’t it be great if more people saw this. Unfortunately, even my fellow Zionists are still drinking the Kool-Aid.

  7. well Mandela was a terrorist, its rarely brought up, what he was being charged for,
    the late Wilbur Smith, retconned the events of 1962, with another protagonist, I sort of knew anyone backed by Fidel and the Soviets would be up to no good,
    when they had that big round the world trip in 1990, after he was released, almost all of the leadership of the ANC, including the last figure, Jacob Zuma, were product of the East Bloc trained Umkhonto du Siswe, the armed wing of that movement,

    I thought better of Ghandi, until I looked at things through the eyes of those characters in the Raj Quartet, I read earlier this year, they saw his antics, as leading to losing the war against the Japanese, through their proxy Subhanda Bhose, his militia plays a devastationg party in a number of the characters in the series,

  8. It is always to be welcomed when evil drops the cloak of its pretense. Islamism isn’t nearly as strong as those who celebrate it think.
    The barbaric always imagine the civilized to be weak. Reportedly, just before Germany declared war on the US, Hitler dismissed expressed concerns about the industrial might of the United States, thinking it’s people weak… Their barbarism prevents them from grasping that when pushed too far, the civilized can become ruthless in dealing with the barbaric.

    “If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting…” General Curtis Lemay

  9. I don’t know whether I’d heard about Trump’s executive order regarding the ICC, but it doesn’t surprise me. The entire globalist apparatus relies on the goodwill of the US. Everyone pretends that isn’t the case. But without US support, the entire thing is even more of a joke than the old League of Nations. Trump would be very much aware of that, and more than happy to pull the rug out from under the globalist apparatus, no matter how many horrified shocks emanated from the State Department as a result of those actions.

    Unfortunately, Biden promptly undid it.

    That’s a big problem. The two sides are so divergent these days that we don’t have a consistent foreign policy. Countries that are willing to fully support us are steadfast allies during a Republican administration, but shunned in a Democratic administration. Meanwhile, countries that openly hate us and attack us are given red carpet treatment when the Democrats occupy the White House.

  10. junior: “countries that openly hate us and attack us are given the red carpet treatment when Democrats occupy the White House”

    Isn’t that what they used to call … um, let me think … oh yes, treason?

  11. On Gandhi, all the Indians I have known are highly polarized depending on religion and caste. His movement and his assumption of power was good for some Indians but catastrophic for others.

  12. Once again Carolyn didn’t hide anything under the basket.

    When I hear the line “Why do the Jews vote against their own interests” the next worse line is “Why then should I care about the Jews” and so the crocodile gets larger and stronger.

  13. neo: I’m glad to see that about Gandhi on this blog. But it seems to be a minority view that hasn’t been allowed to be proclaimed from the rooftops yet.

  14. I cringe every time some otherwise smart person refers to Mandela or Gandhi as a role model, or Milosevic as a bad guy.
    Milosevic was a bad guy and Serbia fully merited being stomped on in 1999. Mandela compares favorably to his successors and to the ordinary run of political bosses in Africa. South Africa as it was in 1960 was not sustainable.

  15. His movement and his assumption of power was good for some Indians but catastrophic for others.
    He held no governmental office.
    Which others?

  16. Related:
    “How Israel should fight back against the ICC’s lawfare”—
    Key graf (RTWT):

    …Lawfare is a mere inconvenience to terrorists but to democrats it is a grave threat to their ability to lead their country. It is hard to believe this difference does not register with Khan.

    His announcement came on the same day that other international institutions, from the EU to Nato, rended their garments for Ebrahim Raisi, the Butcher of Tehran, claimed by the first fatal helicopter crash in which the only victim worth mourning was the helicopter.

    Khan’s decision was met with coruscating and utterly disingenuous rhetoric from the Biden administration. The president said the applications were ‘outrageous’, that ‘there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas’, and that ‘we will always stand with Israel against threats to its security’. What a crock. There would be no applications without the tacit approval of the United States. The administration, and specifically its furiously anti-Israel State Department, views the ICC as a leash that can be placed on Israel’s war efforts….

    [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

  17. Imagine that the Israel-Gaza war ended yesterday with a peace treaty. How long do you think the peace would last? Which side would break it?

    In November 2023, Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad said “We will repeat the October 7 attack time and again until Israel Is annihilated.”

    I am Irish Catholic and support Israel’s right to exist. I hope THIS time, Israel drives Hamas into the sea.

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