Home » The Palestinians and the jihadi motive: being clear


The Palestinians and the jihadi motive: being clear — 24 Comments

  1. Here again, we see that our biggest threat is not actually Islamism, or Russian revanchism, or Communism, or climate change, or a major meteor impact. The reason reality is so clouded, that so many people who ought to no better don’t, is multifold, but one _big_ one is that the Western elite media/academic/business/state class deliberately presents a false world and an imaginary set of options.

    To put it another way, Trump was right when he called the ‘mainstream’ press enemies of the people. They, as a group, _are_ . They have been for decades.

    There’s an old joke to the effect that if it wasn’t for the media, Massachusetts would vote like Texas, and Texas would vote to the right of Genghis Khan. There’s some truth in it. For that matter, without the constant leftward/globalist pressure of the ruling elite, much of England would vote like Texas, or at least like Missouri.

    Which is why the culture war/social issue/nationalist arguments raging across the West are not a sideshow or a distraction. They are the Main Event.

  2. Miguel: More Americans need to see that video, especially college students.

  3. What the Islamic fanatics are courting is nuclear destruction. If not by the West, then by the CCP. They’re pursuing a future in which Mecca has been turned into a glass parking lot.

  4. “What they want is for Israel to be obliterated and for the Jews to be wiped off the face of the earth – and then the Christians – and/or converted to Islam. In other words, they are jihadis first, Palestinians second.”

    Thank you Neo, that’s exactly what they want. They’re not afraid to say it out loud and the left is ignoring it. By the time they wake up it will be too late. What is the expression, something like “first the Saturday people and then the Sunday people.”

  5. Yes israel is the near enemy for them, we are the far enemy

    Thomas harris had this notion, in black sunday

  6. That was ostensibly why they were going to fly the blimp into the superbowl (a plot borrowed by tom clancy in some of all fears)

  7. In the early years of the modern “Palestinian” movement, they used resident Christians as spokesmen (or spokeswomen, like Hanan Ashrawi), to fool Westerners into thinking the movement was broad-based. More recently, they have pushed out their Christian residents and have become blatantly Islamic jihadi, no longer pretending to represent any other viewpoint. Those Christians were, essentially, useful idiots, thinking that because they spoke Arabic they wouldn’t be targeted. There are still some of these useful Christian fools in the region, but not nearly as many.

  8. The Marxist left and the Islamists both hate America. So too, do the authoritarian governments.

    The Islamists find their reasons in the Quran. The Marxist left finds their reasons in the Frankfurt School of Marxism. The authoritarians (Russia, China, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Nigeria, etc.) don’t like democracies because they make authoritarian governments look bad – thus threatens them.

    They’re not officially allied, but they make common cause against the democracies at the UN and in any other way that seems to advance their interests against democracies.

    The Muslim countries are unable to mount modern militaries, so they rely on terror, blackmail, and propaganda.

    China and Russia have modern military capabilities, but are not, at this time, superior to the democracies. They watch and wait for their opportunities and foment trouble for the democratic world wherever possible.

    The international left is still mesmerized by their dream of an egalitarian utopia. So, they work to tear down the fabric of democracies planning to replace them with their worldly paradise. This, in spite of all evidence that socialism/communism have never worked wherever they have been tried.

    If and when the democracies are destroyed, these three groups will fight it out for supremacy.

    Democracy and freedom are, unfortunately, not widespread in the world. About 29% of the world live in democratic countries

    Our founders, and many wise men since, have rightly pointed out that freedom is fragile. It’s not a given. In fact, the tendency of humans is toward authoritarian governments.

    This stuff should be known by every citizen educated in our schools. Again, unfortunately, it’s not.

    Democracy, free enterprise, and Judeo-Christian values are under attack. The most immediate danger is from the termites that are eating away at our society. In the meantime, however, we have to keep our guard up against the Islamists and autocracies. It’s a multi-front situation. We have to defend ourselves if we want to remain free.

  9. Tariq aziz was the honorary christian in saddams cabinet if memory served most were sunni some in the army ranks were nasquabandi sufis

    You look at the great span of human history and republican government is so rare like fine diamonds greece descended into oligarchy
    rome into Empire with nary an objection it
    Was only a question of who would hold the crown sort of the fantasy at the heart of Gladiator that one could return to the Republic even if a dying Emperor wished it

  10. Flying a blimp into the Super Bowl was the idea in the movie Black Sunday. Clancy’s terrorists wanted to detonate a nuclear device outside the stadium at the Super Bowl in Sum of All Fears.

  11. In fact black sunday is referred by one of thd characters in sum of all fears the american indian one i think

    The premise was behind the first world trade center attempt according to notes from ali mohammed (the guy who fooled andy mccarthy) then skipped town and cased the embassies
    Eventually was captured and was a source for at least one of the pdbs the most informative one in 99

    William ayers the utility magnates son turned wannabe terrorists never knew the lesson of the social revolutionary they could not topple the czar from the outside this was the lesson lenin took to heart after his brother was killed

  12. I distinctly recall when I started to think this was not the case. It was some time during the 1990s, and I was reading a lengthy article about the education of Palestinian children…. But I remember the content. It described in detail how the Palestinians were being taught to hate Israelis and Jews and consider it the highest honor to kill them

    Martha Gelhorn, better known as Hemingway’s ex, wrote this article in 1961 for The Atlantic. The Arabs of Palestine. Gelhorn visits a UNWRA camp in Lebanon. What are the children taught in school?

    The camp consisted of little cement or frame houses rambling over the hillside, a village of poor people, disorderly and beflowered and cheerful. School was letting out for lunch; troops of children, dressed in the pinafore uniform that small boys and girls wear in Italian schools, meandered home, shouting bye-bye at friendly, giggling length. They are Roman Catholics here, but the young teachers are refugees, not priests. They have to teach the children about Palestine, since most of them have never seen the country and even the oldest cannot remember it. The children are taught hate, the Garden of Eden stolen from them by murderers; their duty is to live for Return and Revenge……

    The principal of the school then spoke up. “In our school, we teach the children from their first year about their country and how it was stolen from them. I tell my son of seven. You will see: one day a man of eighty and a child so high, all, all will go home with arms in their hands and take back their country by force.”

    Gelhorn asks several Arabs about Partition. In 1947, the UN planned a partition of Israel: one part for the Jews and one part for the Arabs. The Arabs, as we well know, overwhelmingly rejected Partition, while the Jews accepted Partition. Over a decade later,in 1961, Gelhorn finds some Arabs who favor Partition.

    “Now you say that you want to return to the past; you want Partition. So, in fact you say, let us forget that war we started, and the defeat, and, after all, we think Partition is a good, sensible idea. Please answer me this, which is what I must, know. If the position were reversed, if the Jews had started the war and lost it, if you had won the war, would you now accept Partition? Would you give up part of the country and allow the 650,000 Jewish residents of Palestine -who had fled from the war–to come back?”

    “Certainly not,” he said, without an instant’s hesitation. “But there would have been no Jewish refugees. They had no place to go. They would all be dead or in the sea.”

    Gelhorn gave another example of Partition dialogue, with the same result: we want Partition now that we have lost, but if the Jews had lost, there would have been no Partition- Jews would have been “all dead or in the sea.”

    Like Gelhorn wrote, it is hard to have empathy for such people.

  13. Gringo:

    A wonderful, true comment. I swear I can hear the Old Man’s voice in Gelhorn’s writing.

  14. I read an interpretation of the Palestinian campus protests. The objective is not to bully the Universities into divestment; nor is it to obtain public concessions from the University’s leadership; nor is it to advance Palestinian 2-state solutions. The objective is far simpler than that, and much longer term: The normalization of Jew Hate, of the concept that all the Jews should be killed; the normalization of genocide, in other words.

    What we’ve been seeing reveals one of the principle weaknesses of American culture: Attention span. Because things that are outrageous, are quickly forgotten before they’ve been resolved. Today’s catastrophe is replaced in tomorrow’s News Cycle, unless it’s really, really bad. And this short-term memory dynamic guarantees that eventually, there will be a really, really bad event. Twin-Towers-bad.

    No – the objective of these well-funded, very well-organized protests is to normalize the presence of hate displays in day-to-day society. People may be repulsed by the virulent anti-semitism from protest crowds today – but tomorrow, it will become an aggravation, not a transgression. Next week, we’ll be working around the congestion on campus by taking an alternate route. Next year, your college freshman daughter may be taking part in one, wearing the scarf and vocally hating Jews because that’s what her sorority crowd is all doing, during rush.

    Americans just aren’t willing to be outraged, and then do something about it now. There are too many alternatives readily available to distract us, to let us get on with our schedule. Until something like the Twin Towers, that is. Then we start getting the message, and taking action. And, as a matter of course: Then we’re all standing in line at the airport, from now on – thanks to our policy leadership, who also don’t know how to pay attention.

  15. Kind of like the objective of “Biden” is America Hate….
    – – – – – – – –
    And some war stories…
    “The Gaza tunnel where hostage bodies were found;
    “A visit to the 10-meter-deep pit opening to where the corpses were recovered by the Paratroopers Brigade.”—
    H/T Powerline blog.
    Key phrase:
    “…Tell their story.”

  16. I have been yakking for 30 years there is only one way to deal with Islam. The West absolutely refuses to accept this. Even though the facts are before our eyes we make excuses why it’s not “necessarily that way”. We get what we get.

  17. Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword!

    Mao wrote “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

    Feel the same amount China as about Iran? If not, why not? Both continue to sponsor wars, terrorism, and subversion.

    The end of the Cultural Revolution and fall of the Shah were contemporaneous.

    The treaty freeing Ireland was signed in 1921. Have “the troubles” ever ended?

    The British burned the White House in 1812. One hundred years later, many Americans thought the British deserved their fate in WW1.

    The last battle of America’s Indian wars is dated to 1911.

    The last American slaves were taken by Moslems in 1805. This is hard to verify as Google’s search bias only documents when Moslems were enslaved by Americans.

    Slavery ended in Western European 1945. In Eastern Europe in 1991.

    The USSR transitioned to the EU in 1991.

    The last pogrom in Russia was in 1921 during the civil war.

    The katyn massacre was in 1940. If I were Polish, I’d hate Russia, too.

    The last invasion of the United States by a Mexican army was in 1916, followed by the last invasion of Mexico by an American army.

    I don’t think you expect people to regard the past as hazy and forgivable until it’s of one’s great-grandfather’s time. At best that’s about 150 years. For other peoples the past will never become hazy and forgivable.

    I know Catholics who are still mad at Henry VIII. Socialists have denounce capitalism as practiced during the Roman Empire.

    People(s) hate each other for good reason.

  18. Sadly, that sort of indoctrinating the children is NOT unusual.
    Pre-Civil War (1.0), it was the abolitionists that targeted their children (and other people’s) to, not just oppose slavery, but to HATE all those living in Slave States. The overblown rhetoric, used by many in the movement, but particularly the women, defined the Us (the GOOD ones) against Them (the EVIL ones). As is common today, failure to toe the line in every way marked people to be cast out of any association they belonged. It was largely enforced by women, something they are particularly adept at.
    After the war, the enmity was fairly even-handed. The North could have made the terms of re-association more palatable, but the Rabid Radical Republicans were out for blood.
    By the time Reconstruction had ended, the cultural split was well established. Both sides considered the other the essence of despicable, and it would be many years before there was a lessening of that bigotry.
    World Wars I and II helped reduce that divide. The modern Civil Rights movement split the South – some were ready to move on from Jim Crow, others were not. Over time, many Northern Black people with experience in both places decided to move back to the South, and entered leadership roles in businesses and government.
    The general good feeling about Obama’s first election to the Presidency evaporated after the extent of his readiness to make ALL White people “The Official Enemy”. Subsequent administrations doubled down, putting partisans in place, and seemingly impossible to get rid of.
    The worst part of The Left’s March on American Institutions was the schools – not just k-12, but the colleges and universities. Only the unaffordability of tuition, the bad economy for job creation, and the general failure of schools to educate children has exposed the soft underbelly of the targeted institutions.
    With or without Trump, things are going to change. They have already changed at the state and local level, and further change is accelerating.
    Hang onto your hats! It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

  19. Leftists in the west have chosen to ally with this group. They have bought the nationalistic rhetoric and deny the jihadi motive, which is why they scream that it’s the Israelis who are committing genocide against the poor victimized Palestinians.

    One thing that really bothers me about this narrative is that it’s like Egypt and Jordan don’t exist. If they truly believe Palestinians are victimized, they also ought to believe in the complicity of Egypt and Jordan with that victimization.

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