Home » The Trump “Unified Reich” hoax


The Trump “Unified Reich” hoax — 37 Comments

  1. One should have been able to see that coming.
    It’s merely the next “logical” progression…for the “Audacity of Hope” gang.

  2. I learned, beginning in 2015, that whatever the “mainstream” media said about Trump had to be double-checked. I can’t count the number of times leftists have breathlessly claimed he said something he didn’t say.

  3. Actually putting your lead opponent in prison on spurious charges thats not unified reich

  4. Yer right. It’s Thousand-Year Reich.

    (But try, try to understand: They’ve got to do EVERYTHING in their power to “Protect OUR Democracy”…)

    “Exposing The CIA’s Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media”—

    + Bonus—Creepy Cracker Jack Smith tries to get in on the act…
    “Special Counsel Requests (Another) Gag Order For Trump In Classified Docs Case”—

  5. Miguel;

    That can never happen to often in order to protect “our” democracy.

    Yes, Our Democracy is more equal than your democracy.

  6. During World War 2 we made no distinction between the German people and the Nazis. Willingly or not, the German people were supporting the Nazis. The cultural Marxist Left is evil. That faction utterly controls the Democrat Party and it cannot be internally challenged because socialism inescapably evolves into ‘cultural’ Marxism. Liberal/socialists like Bill Maher and Alan Dershowitz have begun to discover this, though still clinging to their last remaining vestiges of willful denial.
    However ignorant those who support the Democrat party may be, they are enabling evil. However unwittingly, their enabling support has made them complicit in that evil. 60+ million babies slaughtered, hundreds of thousands of children permanently physically mutilated with no end in sight for either atrocity. The rule of law eviscerated. Blatant censorship with sovereign bankruptcy ensured.

    What limiting principle in restraint governs them?

    “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


  7. Its a game of fizbin

    We come to the reality we are fighting principalities and powers of the air

    Who doesnt see this clearly?

  8. They need to put this out more than ever now to obscure and distract from leftist antisemitism which is growing like wildfire now. And though I fervently hope Trump wins if he does the left will blame it on the Jews and further ratchet up their own bigotry. Regardless of whether or not there is any evidence Jews helped Trump to win.

  9. I don’t get it. The leftists love Hamas, and the Hamasniks love Hitler. But Hitler is still a bad guy for the leftists? Is that because he invaded the Soviet Union?

  10. Neo: I’m sorry that you lost friends/acquaintances this way. Life is too short.
    My neighbor told me she lost Facebook “friends” just by finally pointing out that one egregious post was just plain false and referred the poster to her researched source. Ironically the poster is still friends with her but 2 others in that circle have disowned her. I asked if she had any regrets and she said she wished she would have done it sooner. She had finally reached that point.

  11. I do not believe these people are mentally ill. That’s an insult to people that have real mental illness. Trump just represents such a threat to their worldview that they latch onto anything with the hope that it’s true. They are incapable of looking a fact in the face and retreat to fantasy land.

  12. *sigh*
    On Monday, my daughter and with Wee Jamie the Wonder Grandson, set out on a road trip to California. My mother has been a bed-ridden invalid for some years, and is now on home hospice care. She has told my sister and brother that she wants to see us all, one last time. So – we’re hitting the road in obedience to that wish. We won’t stay long – my sister has a small house, her husband and two adult children living at home as well as our mother. It’s going to be a difficult visit, not least because the rest of my family are all very, very progressive. Mom watches the BBC, listens to NPR, believes every word. Sister and family watch 60 Minutes (for instance), read the progressive newspaper the LA Times, and believe every word. Any discussion of current political events and personalities is so far off the table it isn’t even in the same room. My daughter and myself will be biting our tongues for three days, I am certain.

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  14. Yikes. Good luck.
    Maybe the Wonder Grandson will be able to deflect any incipient, partisan, political talk with his special powers….
    Hope so.

  15. “Wonder Grandson…” – off topic but reminds me of what the neighbor lady now calls her grandkids.

    Her daughter-In-law was injured in an auto accident and needed help caring for her four youngsters, so she went to live with them for a month. Being exposed to the kids (and their schools) for that time meant that she has been sick for two weeks after returning home.

    Thus, her new name for her grandkids… the “grandvectors”!

  16. Sgt. Mom, I’ll pray for you this week, for the blessing of seeing your mom again, and for a peaceful visit otherwise.

    I have just learned what I feared was true, which is that my California family includes a sixteen-year-old boy who identifies as a girl. This means I will have to be extremely careful what I say when/if I visit, since I have no shred of a right to criticize or express my opinion about this. They can’t stop me from quietly praying for him.

  17. Foolishness is the province of youth of course encouraging it is folly

  18. I was talking to a friend recently, and he expressed disgust for the “genocide” the Israelis were allegedly committing, repeating the lie that they had killed 30,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children. He’s an intelligent guy, so I was shocked that he believed this lie. When I told him the the figure of 30,000 was obviously made up, he scoffed, so I sent him a copy of the graph showing a clearly impossible perfectly linear increase in deaths over time. He responded that, well, yeah, the Palestinians were lying, and the deaths were no where near the claimed number, but he still thought the Israelis were murdering thousands of innocent people. Sigh…

  19. He responded that, well, yeah, the Palestinians were lying, and the deaths were no where near the claimed number, but he still thought the Israelis were murdering thousands of innocent people.
    I’d say you’re discovering that the position he took was not one he was reasoned into.

  20. MrBill:

    You might inquire whether he feels the same way about the Allies bombing Germany in WWII.

  21. Has anyone pointed out to them that this is talking about the SECOND Reich?

  22. Why would they want to waste their time, when they already know it’s the case? The fact that their perception of Trump as Hitler is based on a series of such lies is unknown to them, and toppling that edifice would require going through the lies one by one and proving each one to be a lie.


    This is a big thing I appreciate about neo — her awareness of the difficulty of political change. (Actually most change.)

    With political arguments the problem is usually not the issue at hand — that’s the tip of the iceberg — but the far vaster substructure beneath composed of beliefs, values, facts, opinions, lies, strategies, personal experiences, group allegiences, political preferences and how those all interconnect.

    To push through all that just to understand what the real issues are is massive.

    The frequent response on both sides is to dismiss the other as stupid or evil.

  23. I always thought “smart” should include an actual performance test. How can you be “smart” if you are often wrong and easily fooled? Educated, perhaps, talented, sure, but “smart” should come with a smidgen of wisdom.

  24. Well, you know what, I’d like to see a unified Reich, too, provided that it’s the Reich referred to in the German version of the Lord’s Prayer.

    “Dein Reich komme, Dein Wille geschehe, wie im Himmel, so auf Erden”

    If the Lord has mercy on me, I will.

  25. So what do we call people who refuse to evaluate truth claims by examining the evidence?
    You say they are neither evil nor stupid.
    I will say that they are very foolish.

  26. So what do we call people who refuse to evaluate truth claims by examining the evidence?
    You say they are neither evil nor stupid.
    I will say that they are very foolish.


    I would call them human and limited.

    Reality is so huge. How strenuously have you checked all your truth claims by evidence? Given that evidence accumulates or changes, are you still checking? If you ran into a contradiction, what would you do?

    Time is limited. Changing one’s truth claims can be expensive.

    Nonetheless, people can change their positions in the face of evidence, though it can take a while.

  27. Well—and judiciously, humanely—said!
    Who was it who said, “Judge not, lest…”
    Yet we all are prone to it. (Gotta watch out for that…)
    We all are human…

    File under: The Doors of Perception…

  28. Neo,
    1. How many of those friends of yours are Jewish?
    2. How many of them ( unlike Trump) do not have Jewish grandchildren?

  29. Huxley,

    When evidence accumulates in favor of other understandings of reality I acknowledge my previous error and change my mind. I am aware that I am not a ‘normal’ person.

    Case in point: Nuclear Power. In my youth I was an uber-environmentalist and contributed to efforts to stop the construction of nukes. I have changed my mind.

    Another case: Negative Population Growth. In my youth [you see the ‘young and foolish’ theme here?] I advocated for people having no children so as to reduce population. I have changed my mind.

    As for evaluating evidence, well, the more sources the better. Is the ocean rising? There is in New York City a sea level gauge which has been in place since the Civil War. In the one hundred 149 years since the ocean has risen about an inch, with the graph of the increments basically a straight line. So, yes, the sea in rising. And no, it is not a crisis. Nothing at all like the catastrophic rise following the end of the last period of glaciation, which was something like 400 feet.

  30. If Trump were actually the reincarnation of Hitler, or Stalin, or [pick your tyrant] then all these people telling lies about him would have been disappeared before Christmas, 2017. But they are still here. QED

  31. If Trump were actually the reincarnation of Hitler, or Stalin, all these people calling him Hitler or Stalin would be his most devout supporters.

  32. David:

    You’re my kind of guy!

    My point though is that most humans aren’t. Even the so-called smart ones. To me this is like Guys want the Babes and Gals want the Alphas. It’s deep biological programming.

    IMO to rail against this as evil or stupidity doesn’t make sense. They are being human.

  33. a roadblock to this travesty of a sham, maybe


    the whole tableau seems like something out of Frank Miller’s anarchist phase after dark knight series, Give me Liberty, where some character which seems to be a funhouse perception of Reagan, President Rexall seizes power for about a dozen years, you might call it a premature DEI graphic novel, because the heroine is a young African American woman from Cabrini Green,

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