Home » Three more bodies rescued from the ghouls of Gaza


Three more bodies rescued from the ghouls of Gaza — 12 Comments

  1. Hamas delende est.

    I hope that we have a final resolution on the remaining hostages soon.

  2. Most of the planet has declared its anti-semitism, its anti-Israel stance. I do not understand why. What do jungle-dwelling totally ignorant bush-dwellers, which most of Earth still is, have against Israel? Are most Muslims pro-Hamas, in favor of brutal evil?
    I fear we are at the beginning of a new, very long Dark Age. It may be that this is the wrath of God for ignoring Him, given Western secular materialism. I worship weekly; do you who read this?

  3. Kate- I am well aware of the Koran’s dictum of “kill the Christian, kill the Jew” but does that extend to being pro-Hamas and its wanton butchery, its incineration of infants, and the taking, raping, holding of hostages?

    That is the kind of Islam of the period between its birth ca. 730AD and the year 1200 or so: convert or die, torture was not included. The Muslim tax on us dhimmis was needed by the Caliphs. But to my knowledge, not since.

  4. Well the salafis think otherwise since ibn tammiyah they though islam was too
    liberal ridi mawdudi qutb down to

    They want to return of al andalus and other territories they didnt manage to conquer

  5. Cicero, I did some reading on the history of Islam and of Egypt when I went to live there for a couple of years. Islam was indeed imperialist from the outset, but in very many places it was happy to take the Jizya tax and let the dhimmis alone, with some social restrictions to make them realize they were inferior. In Egypt, the Copts kept their language and few converted to Islam until about the thirteenth century, when pogroms forced many to convert.

  6. I said long ago hope IDF is doing forensic tests on every body recovered
    DNA samples, all wounds and how death occurred.
    My sympathy for Gaza is at 0.

  7. It just floors me how willfully stupid SO MANY PEOPLE ARE about Israel and Hamas.

    Back when ISIS was brutally murdering people right and left, I went to different churches for church services. I mean, this was the height of the brutality — beheading people, burning them alive, throwing them off of buildings. Christians were targeted, along with Yazidis, Mandeans, and others. But I figured Christians should at least care about Christians, right? But NOT A ONE MENTIONED ANYTHING.

    Hamas is the same as ISIS. Just as brutal and bloodthirsty. They did the same thing in Israel on October 7 that ISIS did in Syria and Iraq. On a smaller scale, but just as inhuman. To call them — Hamas and ISIS — “animals” is an insult to animals.

    But there are so many people buying into this moral equivalency. Really? Netanyahu is as evil as the leader of Hamas? Really?

    People keep writing about the US response to the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor, and how we fought the war. As if these idiots will go, “Oh, yeah. Excellent point.”

    But these people, the idiots, these morons who think Israel is evil also think the US is evil. I remember seeing one of those videos where they stop a college student on a college campus. A bunch of them thought that the Japanese were justified in attacking Pearl Harbor — in retaliation for the US bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki! Their professors were weaned on Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five, and the Allies were “disproportionate” in bombing Dresden. And overzealous in attacking Germany. (You know that the Nazis spoonfed propaganda to the the Allied POWs they held?) So the US, to them, is just as evil as Israel.

  8. A classic article from 2003 at VDARE.com: “Is Population Transfer the Solution to the Palestinian Problem — and Some Others?” https://vdare.com/articles/is-population-transfer-the-solution-to-the-palestinian-problem-and-some-others

    That contains history I hadn’t known about the massive forced population transfers in Europe following WWII.

    Meanwhile, I say that the Palestinians, as a group, have earned every bit of lethal misery anyone would chose to inflict upon them.

  9. I used to think mass punishment–strategic bombing in WWII–was regrettable if unavoidable.
    Rethinking that in current circumstances.

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