Home » The Bronx ♥ Trump


The Bronx ♥ Trump — 14 Comments

  1. The contrast is something even leftists, some of them, are beginning to see.

  2. Biden will not go willingly, that’s been obvious for a while. I still don’t predict Biden on the ballot in November.

    I keep seeing signs of panic among Democrats as Trump keeps getting stronger and Biden keeps getting weaker.

    The lawfare hasn’t crippled Trump like it was supposed to. In polls Americans, even some Democrats, understand that Trump is being railroaded “by any means necessary.”

    Recall that in terms of the Electoral College, Biden only won by 100,000 popular votes in swing states. And now Biden has been revealed as the least competent, most bizarre president in our history.

    I’m sure Democrats will fraud harder. But Republicans will be watching harder. To be sure the watching won’t be perfect, but it’s not going to be as easy as 2020 and the Trump vote will definitely be higher.

    Too big to rig? At some point, yes, but what that margin may be remains to be seen.

  3. huxley,

    As I’ve written before, it would be a genius play by the Democrats to have Biden open the convention with a speech that he has decided to drop out of the race (health reasons, time with family, whatever…) and then open the convention up to nominees. It would become the biggest media story in the world, guarantee intense coverage over the ensuing days as potential, replacement candidates are debated and discussed. Then, pick a relative ingenue without much of a record that people can pin their individual hopes to (as was the case with B.H.O.).

    A few months ago I thought that would happen, but now, like you, I am less certain Biden will step aside. He is an arrogant ass. I thought his love of party and desire for a legacy would convince him to step down, but he certainly hasn’t been acting humble or conciliatory lately.

  4. What’s been amusing is to see polls on how the election would go against Trump if Harris were the nominee. Answer: Worse than Biden.

  5. Bronx woman at Trump rally is asked, “What do you like about Trump?”
    “Everything. He’s from Queens and he speaks our language.” 🙂

    Another comment from a rally attendee: “Trump gets things done.
    He can turn this country around.”

    Not a typical Trump speech. He spent a lot of time reminiscing about some of his building projects in the city and about his father and William Levitt, men he admired and learned from. By watching this speech, I learned more about Trump than I ever knew before
    IMO, he’s a great man. He has his flaws, but he has the psychic stamina, and love of completion that keeps him going when most people would be exhausted and give up.

    As many say, “I might not want to have dinner with him, but I can see that he has the qualities this country needs at this time.”

  6. Rufus T. Firefly:

    I don’t believe Biden will step aside willingly, but he might get an offer he can’t refuse. Democrats control so much these days.

    I doubt it would take more than a phone call for the Hunter Biden cancer to go Stage 4.

  7. What’s been amusing is to see polls on how the election would go against Trump if Harris were the nominee. Answer: Worse than Biden.


    True. I’ve also seen a poll that Michelle O. would lose to Trump by 3% like Biden.


    I would have thought better for MO, but maybe not. I think the Dem brand and wokeism are in trouble.

    Are you better than you were four years ago?

  8. I don’t think Trump will win New York either but I would not be at all surprised if the margin in New York was smaller than Trump’s margin over Biden in the former swing states of Ohio and Florida.

    Whoever follows Trump as the leader of Republican party will need to build on the expansion of the party that Trump has started. Going back to the good old days of the GOP is a loser.

  9. “And where does Trump get his energy? The contrast with Biden is phenomenal.”

    “There’s no stopping a man who knows he’s in the right and keeps a-coming.” Louis L’Amour

  10. “And where does Trump get his energy? The contrast with Biden is phenomenal.”

    It’s not exactly scientific — it’s part of my Planet of the Apes model of the world — but because Trump was so much more obviously the Alpha Male compared to Biden, I couldn’t believe Trump lost the popular vote by 7 mil votes in 2020.

  11. Yes, Trump lost NY in 2020 to Biden by a wide margin. But, let’s look at 2024 from a different perspective.

    Hochul won the 2022 governor’s race by 6.7%. She won only 13 of NY’s 62 counties, and lost the state outside of NYC by a healthy margin. In NYC Zeldin won about 30%, respectable for a Republican. If Trump can match Zeldin’s 2022 record, and if the other leftists in the race can slice away that 6.7%, could a miracle happen?

    A man can still dream, can’t he?

  12. }}} You can’t argue with this:

    Sure you can. Ask any liberal.

    Allow me to translate their answer:

    “NUUU-UHHHHHH!!!” 😀


    }}} I couldn’t believe Trump lost the popular vote by 7 mil votes in 2020.

    No one who seriously isn’t a Never Trumper believes it, either.


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