Home » Open thread 5/22/24


Open thread 5/22/24 — 53 Comments

  1. It takes great skill and perserverance

    It makes river dance seem like tidly winks

  2. I really enjoy watching them. The hard work and dedication is amazing. I have a feeling that the Dance Instructor is a real dragon though.

    On another note, Biden just gave away our money again. More student debt forgiven. Really going for the votes, isn’t he. I want the money we paid back for our loans returned to us.

  3. So here we are:
    “The Ugly Lessons of October 7;
    “The bloodier the terror attacks, the more stark the eliminationist rhetoric, the more support for a Palestinian state”—

    “Norway, Ireland and Spain recognize Palestinian state; Israel immediately recalls ambassadors”—

    And a sorta bonus:
    “Canada Manufactures the Next Pandemic”—
    …as Trudeau declares (implicitly), “You won’t have Canada to kick around any more…”

  4. It makes river dance seem like tidly winks

    miguel, have you ever tried to perform an Irish step-dance?

    Tough tidly winks.

  5. Sometimes too many characters

    And i have two left feet thats why i marvel

  6. I’ve been watching a series of videos where male gymnasts try- and utterly fail- to do female gymnast events/ skills, and female gymnasts try- and utterly fail- to do male gymnast events/skills.

    It distills the physical differences between male and female athletes who are at the peak of their physical fitness. The men’s joints just don’t work the same as the women, and the women, as strong as they are, don’t have the strength for the men’s skills.

  7. RE: What will it take to convince you of the reality of UFOs and of NHIs?

    Yesterday, in an interview at the 2024 SALT Conference, Col. Karl Nell (check his fantastic, long, and varied CV) listed several other very intelligent, experienced, well-educated, high level and well connected individuals, each with many decades of government service—who were in a position to know—for instance, Haim Eshed, who, for some 30 years, was the head of Israel Defense Ministry’s Space Directorate, and former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer–who have either explicitly said exactly what Col. Nell was saying—that UFOs are real, that NHIs are also real, that they have been visiting this planet and are now present on Earth and, moreover, that our government has had contact with these NHIs and has made some sort of agreements with them–or who have testified to the reality of UFOs to include David Grusch, Lou Elizondo, and Chris Mellon–each one of whom has been very careful in their statements about these issues.*

    So, the question is, how many high level people, who were in a position to know, does it take to convince you that–when they are discussing UFOs and NHIs–they know exactly what the real situation is?

    Could Col. Nell and all these other high level government officials, with decades of experience, information, and observation to their credit, been so gullible as to believe some fantastic bullshit story–are they all suffering from some sort of mass delusion–or, is the truth of the matter that they are merely the first government officials to be brave enough to come forward and to reveal the actual Reality—know it or not–that we are living in?

    Are they just trying their best to “Redpill” us?

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaQkCRnQeG0

  8. the Aliens are here, Snow, we don’t even need the Mib to prove it,

  9. sdferr, Miguel, that is a good speech, and “satanic” is the right adjective for Hamas.

  10. RE: UFOs, NHIs, and Reality

    Coming to the realization that Reality is far less circumscribed, far more complex, weird, and layered–than you were taught and accepted it was, and thought it to be–can be a very frightening and extremely disturbing experience.

    Your prosaic, formerly comfortable world view threatens to shatter, and you have to somehow comprehend, categorize, and cope with radically new information, attempt to somehow fit/shoehorn it into your current world view, or have that former world view destroyed, and you have to find a new and expanded worldview which can accommodate these new facts; this is an extremely destabilizing and scary process.

    The discussion linked below is extremely interesting as Dr. Daniel Ingram, MD discusses the many aspects of such a “Spiritual Emergency,” and how people cope with it.”*

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdoFAi_hhPQ&t=1007s

  11. miguel+cervantes

    Given the government’s 80 year long UFO disinformation campaign, which has focused a lot of it’s efforts on popular culture and entertainment–throwing a whole lot of obscuring and confusing chaff into the air, by feeding people some real information mixed in with a whole lot of crazinesss and bullshit–you have to wonder just how much of the MIB series and another SF actually contains some elements of the truth.

  12. While women demonstrate a dash of soft elegance, men offer a serving of firm assertiveness. Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature.

  13. “Men and women – not the same:”

    And I say, “Viva la difference!” Or “Thank goodness for women!”

  14. What will it take to convince you of the reality of UFOs and of NHIs?

    One of the NHIs is going to have come up to me and plant a big, wet, sloppy kiss on my mouth. THAT’S what it will take. That, and nothing less.

  15. }}} RE: What will it take to convince you of the reality of UFOs and of NHIs?

    1 — actual flying saucers landing on the WH lawn. Mind you, blowing up the WH, given the current occupants, would be also acceptable. Ideally: Michelle, Nancy, Barack, and any number of other “important DemP leaders” will also be “visiting”…

    2 — it occurring at a time when a cry of “Hey, look!!! **PUPPIES**!!! is not of exceedingly great use to the current administration.

    }}} Snow on Pine continues his evangelism for unicorns Eunich Horns

    Small spelling error. Fixt it fer ya. 😛

    .       .
    .        .

    }}} It’s a helluva good speech, too.

    Yup. We need more politicians pushing back on this civilization-destroying insanity.

  16. Would you folks please provide an accurate and expansive description of Mossad? What is it, who is in charge, etc.? I know several people in academia who claim to have been to Israel and stayed for a two year program. What kind of program is that–what do they study? Would really like a good solid insight into this group.
    Thank you

  17. My friend Pew says he is the closest thing to an extraterrestrial that humans will ever see. He said none of his relatives from the Rockies to the Himalayas have ever seen a UFO. Pew lives in a local swamp – he’s a skunk ape.

  18. “What will it take to convince you of the reality of UFOs and of NHIs?”

    IrishOtter and OBloodyHell have the correct answers following Sagan’s pronouncement of extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence. People, no matter who they are, just stating such, is not evidence. Real physical, and biological evidence has to be presented to the public with non-interested scientists to examine such.

    There have been studies starting in the 60’s about cultural shock of NHI contact. Certainly there would be such, but I also think that the general public today would be much more accepting of the fact of NHI, than 60 years ago. The real question is how the paranoid, power mad, governments respond.

  19. The West hates itself. No culture, no religion, no direction.

    I went to find a video I favorited on YouTube by a young woman sounding the alarm in Europe about the increase in crime the more illegals you take in, and, the increasing percentage of illegals making up the population of European cities and it was removed for hate speech. SOB’S

  20. The West hates itself. No culture, no religion, no direction.
    No it doesn’t. A segment of the professional-managerial class and their dependents and hangers-on despise you and your ancestors. (And me and mine).

  21. Art:

    No. The West did not a thing when this was going on. The populace allowed this. The corruption of every aspect of civil life. Now we are a collection of individuals with nothing to tie us together except money.

  22. The populace allowed this.
    The populace consists of people who should pay more attention and show up at school board meetings. The people responsible are not ‘the populace’. They are various occupational guilds.

  23. “The West” is hardly a monolithic entity. And the “populace allowed this” largely due to being duped and distracted, not necessarily because a majority of people actually want to destroy themselves.

  24. Mossad or the institute are drawn from the military intelligence aman commandos like sayaret metkal or deduvan (plain clothes unit) and the leading university

    They have sayanim helpers kidon the former group bodel the honeytrap section et al

  25. Moisejev is tops at dancing parodies of peasants, high society nobs, ballet dancers or whatever. Great work as always!

  26. RE: UFOs

    Then, we can add to the list of those trying to Redpill people on the UFO/NHI issue Dr. Garry Nolan, plus the increasingly outspoken retired Admiral Tim Galludet.

  27. Anne:

    There’s plenty of information out there, much of it false and motivated by Jew-hatred.

    One of the first things I ever noticed when I went online in the mid-1990s was the exceptional amount of Jew-hatred. It’s probably neck-and-neck with porn in terms of volume. Jew-haters claim the Mossad is responsible for just about every evil on earth.

    I assume you already know that the Mossad is the Israeli intelligence arm, responsible also for counter-terrorism. You could try reading something like this (I’ve never read it).

  28. Snow,

    Believe me, I would be thrilled at a scenario such as in Arrival, Contact, or Close Encounters. And I don’t think it could be kept secret; and certainly not since the 1950s. But, that’s the only sort of evidence I can accept for the existence of NHI. Ask me 40 years ago I would have had a completely different attitude. However, 60 years of SETI, etc has made me come more to grips with the Fermi paradox, and made me much more skeptical. I hope I’m wrong…but hope doesn’t make it real.

  29. Snow on Pine keeps releying on “the argument from authority.”

    “So and so” has these credentials but when you get down to it has no actual evidence. An infinite number of credentialed “So and sos” without evidence will still be just a story.

  30. Thank you both for providing good information re Mossad. I never had a background I could feel comfortable referring to for reliable information. I have known several people who claim to have studied with Mossad or been enrolled in some way with Mossad in Israel. Is there a program whereby US citizens can enlist, or study with the Mossad? Why would a university librarian be interested? Or what about an upper-level hotel manager in the US? Is there some study or training program for amateurs?

  31. Anne:

    I don’t believe there’s anything even remotely like what you describe.

    I assume, however, there are retired Mossad people who might train others for a fee, perhaps in counter-terrorism security or something of the sort.

  32. What will it take to convince you of the reality of UFOs and of NHIs?

    –Snow on Pine

    Geez. I was trotting along on this beautiful spring morning — about as good as New Mexico gets before the summer heat — when I found myself somehow required to justify my lack of persuasion in Snow on Pine’s positions on UFOs and NHIs.

    I’m not fond of being addressed as the general “you” nor do I appreciate the rhetorical trick of shifting the onus to me.

    Snow on Pine:

    It’s your job to make your case, not mine to convince you that I am justified not to be convinced by or even interested in your arguments.

  33. Nonapod

    It’s monolithic enough to be called “The West”. Getting duped? Who’s fault is that? Politicians are going to be politicians. I find it hilarious that “The People” never hold themselves accountable for anything. The word virtue is found three times more than the word freedom in the writings of the Founding Fathers. Today you would think Freedom is the only word in their writing. We have met the enemy and they are us.

  34. I was only half kidding with regards to mib, I mean look around they don’t even hide it,

    so the story from paul sperry, re the evidence that mueller misrepresented to the 9/11 commission, which is prima facie evidence of a Saudi intelligence agent collusion with two of the hijacker, this didn’t even appear in the 28 pages, its part of a lawsuit under consideration since that act JUSTA, was signed in 2016

  35. ISW – May 22, 2024 – Snippets:

    Axis of Resistance objectives:

    • Erode the will of the Israeli political establishment and public to sustain clearing operations in the Gaza Strip
    • Reestablish Hamas as the governing authority in the Gaza Strip

    US intelligence indicates that Israel has killed 30-35% of Hamas fighters who were part of the group before October 7, 2023 .. The report stated that Hamas has been able to withstand Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip by recruiting “thousands over the last several months.” Senior US officials have recently indicated concerns that Hamas will survive in the Gaza Strip. The reporting is consistent with CTP-ISW’s assessment that Hamas retains combat-effective units in several areas of the Gaza Strip, despite continued Israeli clearing efforts. Politico also reported citing US intelligence that 65% of Hamas’ tunnels are “intact.”

    War takes time. What Gazan turns Hamas ‘Recruiters’ down?

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