Home » Open thread 5/16/24


Open thread 5/16/24 — 48 Comments

  1. @Foxhuntingman. Coming back to Michigan. There was a commenter, I believe the name was Spartacus, who commented from time to time on Michigan voting irregularities and what corrective actions he was taking. He had a number of good recommendations to reduce the amount of cheating in MI elections. It is important that independent checkers be present during all the ballot counting duration and to be fully involved in the verification of the legality of the ballots actually cast. I know that is a big order but it must be done – especially in Wayne and Genesee counties. Can you provide an update on what the Rep Party in MI is doing to combat voter fraud. Michigan should be in the bag for Trump – I know Michiganders – They are solid people for the most part – but with all the deception who knows?

  2. Yeaterday’s assassination attempt on the Slovak PM Robert Fico — in serous condition after surgery for three bullet wounds —certainly looks like an a politically motivated “attack on Democracy,” as a Member of Parliament calls it.

    It happens nearly five weeks after the Ukraine supporting Slovak President was defeated in the April 7 election, putting a Fico ally into that ceremonial office. BBC has more:

    Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok told a news conference on Thursday that the suspect had acted alone and that he had previously taken part in anti-government protests.

    “This is a lone wolf whose actions were accelerated after the presidential election since he was dissatisfied with its outcome,” he said.

    Peter Pellegrini, a populist and ally of Robert Fico [who is opposed to more Ukraine war support], won April’s vote [for Slovak] President.
    . https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0w0qpp9ggo

    Background and details at the LINK.

  3. Gallant proves himself just another dime-a-dozen Obama-Biden flunky, yet is — critically — another to Gantz’ first! claim-to-title inside the “exclusive” war cabinet of the Israeli Executive. If you’re counting along you’ll have the proper sense that Bibi is nearly outnumbered, save for the fact that Bibi is a mensch and these Obama-Biden stooges are pusillanimous midgets.

    Masks off. Gloves off.

    Time for a politically refreshing house-cleaning: be rid of these traitorous assholes! Do it soonest!


  4. TJ:

    As of today no one except the gunman knows who is behind the attempted assassination.

    Remember the mass graves of First Nation’s children in Kamloops? Truth will out eventually (sometimes).

  5. remember hopkinson, remember durbin and duckworth, was in communication with him,

    so now we’re going with no true scotsman, as defense minister, gallant would be charged to administer this ‘occupation’ call it management of the strip, since no other party seems willing to engage, aeons ago, he managed the team that took out Abu jihad, Arafat’s spy master, I know that was nearly 40 years, Jihad had managed the Munich operation under Ali Salameh, and years later had planned the intifada, which those without wisdom say was the first, but I count as the 4th, after Nebi Musa, and Hebron,

  6. Starving, I tell ya’….
    “Soldiers shocked | Tons of food from humanitarian aid found in Hamas hideouts;
    “Soldiers operating in Zeitoun found food forcibly taken by Hamas from humanitarian aid distributors. The terror organization first distributed the aid to its operatives and then to the civilians in the area.”—

    Compare with:
    “IDF confirms: Humanitarian aid pier off Gaza coast completed…”

  7. Yet another indication of how hopelessly lost we are as a nation, a culture, a civilization. And us taxpayers are paying through the nose to subsidize such idiocy.

  8. much like that golden oldy the oil for food program,* which was managed by nadhim aouchi, that slithery baathist, who funded many western politicians including Ear Leader himself Obama through cut outs, which explains why obama kept funding the troops, even though he had run against the War, until his patron Al Samarrai was caught up in the cookie jar, in 2006

    *more properly oil for palaces,

    such arrangements not any great moral authority, was why Chirac Putin and Schultz
    were so diligent,

    well the last one later partnered with a former stasi liason to Putin who was on the board of Gazprom, so draw your own conclusions, Chirac and Chretien were involved with a power company and Total Energy who will get in bed with anyone, the Janjaweed the Mullahs et al

  9. Schroeder, methinks (no, not the pianist)…
    – – – – – – – – –
    And raising World-Wide Thuggishness to the next level (AKA “Globalizing the Intifada”)….
    “Putting Keanu Reeves, Lady Gaga, Taylor Jenkins Reid on ‘Zionist’ blacklists “—

    Have we reached the breaking point yet?
    – – – – – – – – –
    …We’ll end this round with a most bizarre SCOTUS decision…
    “…In an awful 7-2 decision today, the Supreme Court failed to uphold one of the most important constraints on executive power and okayed the bizarre funding mechanism of the CFPB…. [T]here’s a reason England had a Civil War over this question.”

  10. That’s a good summary on RFK Jr., David Foster.

    Miguel, the NFL statement on the kicker’s commencement speech was outrageous. The speech was given in a private capacity at a religious college. So, evidently players can’t express personal opinions in private spaces without NFL criticism. If the Chiefs fire this guy because of the online petition, I hope he sues the pants off them.

  11. keanu, don’t you know he can kill someone with a pencil, (it’s his alter ego) also Pierce Brown, who set the Hunger Game on Mars, with Red Rising,

    remember how they bent over backwards and forward to pay tribute to St Floyd, and other criminal miscreants, that is the message they are sending,

    other messages like green eggs and ham ‘they do not like ‘in a house with a mouse,

  12. indictment of our teachers and education system in general. Calculators should be banned from school.

  13. we’re not talking about complex numbers, meanwhile the Indians and the Chinese look at us, and laugh,

    I bet she knows 57 genders and all associated pronouns though,

    Obama did declare a ‘war on math’ though around 2013, when they pretended Bob Woodward was senile, for pointing out a very obvious detail re the budget fight Woodward might have been senile for other matters, but in regards to this point he was on sound footing

  14. Unfortunately these idiots will be running our country in about 15 years…..

  15. Miguel, the NFL statement on the kicker’s commencement speech was outrageous. The speech was given in a private capacity at a religious college. So, evidently players can’t express personal opinions in private spaces without NFL criticism. If the Chiefs fire this guy because of the online petition, I hope he sues the pants off them.

    Shoulda beat up a woman or been a drug addict. NFL’s fine with those paragons of society.

  16. }}} @ Xylourgos Can you provide an update on what the Rep Party in MI is doing to combat voter fraud.

    Not much — Michigan just increased its chances for fraud by altering the rules to enable more fraud. The Dems control the legislature and the governor.

    Neo had an article on it on the 11th:

    }}} The camera subtracts 50 IQ points.

    Maybe, but the K-12 eddimikashinal system subtracts 75 points. 😛

  17. Romney makes me think, he should be trapped in a train car with a guerilla,

  18. Miguel Cervantes:

    Mitt Romney, a kind of candidate that CC™ can stand behind!

    In 2012 when choosing between Mittens and BHO I didn’t hesitate to vote for Mittens. But The Great Orange Whale broke The Severe Conservative and The Severe Conservative has shown his true proclivities since then, reverting to his MA governor mode.

  19. A few years ago a friend had her two nieces, fourth and sixth grades, visit for a couple weeks. She and her husband bought multiplication flash cards and offered each girl $100 for learning them. The girls declined; too much trouble.

  20. I was thinking more along the lines of this recent bizarro brain fart:
    “Well, Bless Your Heart, Mitt Romney”—
    H/T Instapundit

    Sen. Mitt Romney (R-For-Now, Utah) told MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on Wednesday that [President] Joe Biden “made an enormous error” in his duties as POTUS….

    …Romney’s estimation of Biden’s “enormous error” was that our sometime President hasn’t pardoned former President Donald Trump….

    As I said before, what is he smoking??
    Or vaping?

  21. he can’t be that dense can he (rhetorical) they have lined up a ring of prosecutors so he can be pardoned later, umcay,

    now the cynic in me, wonders if bain capitals joint ventures with chinese state apparat like huawei, have something to do with it,


    well irvine was always the craziest campus, but it does illustrate tim blair’s law, all the most ridiculous notions merge together,

  22. Almost undeniably a case of “You naughty Mittens, you’ve lost your marbles…”
    (Not that I’d want to taint the sainted Mother Goose with this nonsense…)

  23. I’m sure y’all know that “Bless your heart” is not a positive comment in Southern-speak. Romney says Biden should have pardoned Trump, and applied pressure to stop the state cases, because these prosecutions are turning out to boost Trump’s candidacy, and we can’t have that.

  24. Oh yeah, that was a bravura performance.
    Stuttering and spluttering with extraordinary virtuosity in all the right places—something not at all easy to achieve but he pulled it off with aplomb and an emotional intensity as profound as it was uplifting.
    Technically? There are really no words. What can one say? He played all the wrong notes but did it with such verve and panache—such sheer beauty—that no one really could possibly have taken exception, given the state of rapture in which they were enwrapped.
    All told, a breathtaking experience.
    Where did they find this guy?

  25. MMT is the economic theory of socialism, giving socialism a veneer of legitimacy.

    Deficits don’t matter according to MMT theorists– just when excessive spending results in inflation, just tamp down spending in that sector to control inflation.

    What happens when inflation rears it’s head in the agriculture sector? Stop spending on food?

    Printing money necessarily reduces it’s value. Inside a closed system you could get away with it for a while by artificially setting the value. But how are you supposed to spend that money outside the country, where it’s true value is determined?

    It’s the type of theory we get when the citizenry have become economic illiterates.

  26. Barry Meislin:

    I read that “Cousins” piece a couple of days ago and have been contemplating a post on it. I found it fascinating.

  27. }}} She and her husband bought multiplication flash cards and offered each girl $100 for learning them. The girls declined; too much trouble.

    The proper parental reply:

    “OK. NOW you’re going to learn them, and get nothing but a pat on the head. If you DON’T learn them, well, there will be consequences, of which many months of grounding will be merely the beginning…”

    “We offered you ‘the carrot’. THIS is called ‘the stick’. Figure out which one you want more of in the future…”

    “Oh, and, from now on, there will be both carrot AND stick… just in case you decide to try to game things, and agree to the carrot with no intention of actually making any effort. This will ensure you learn that there are both rewards for accomplishments as well as consequences for failures…”


  28. I believe that MMT is one of AOC’s adopted pet projects.
    (AKA “‘Nuff said”…).

  29. The author grew up, it turns out, in the same neighborhood as my father…went to the same synagogue—the vast and impressive Brooklyn Jewish Center—and also to the affiliated Hebrew school, it seems.
    My father’s mother lived a long life in the same brownstone on President St. where my father (and his older brother) were born and grew up, so we spent quite a lot of time there over the years with my cousins (though not AS many), aunt and uncle…and other older cousins and extended family, which actually was plentiful, since they helped my grandmother raise her two sons, her husband having died several months before my father was born.

    Lots of stories—Cantor Richard Tucker’s being vetted by scouts from the Metropolitan Opera, who according to my father, were recognizable by coming in late in the service and standing (or was it sitting?) in their dark suits in the back of the sanctuary. An impoverished Mark Rothkowitz (name later shortened) teaching art classes to the youngsters at the Center-run Hebrew academy.
    Dodger fans, of course…where the “joke” was that in the late 50s and following, in Brooklyn, the three most-hated people on the planet were Hitler, Stalin and Walter O’Malley…not necessarily in that order…

    The author’s writing is astonishing…though I’m ashamed to say that until now I’ve never heard of him… Oh well, new discoveries are always nice…etc.

  30. “Cousins” was too depressing for me to read. I’ve envied people from large families since for ever. I have one sibling. My father was an only child. My mother had one sister who had no children herself.

    “Bernie” is slightly older than my mother would be. And has a lot of the same memories my mother would have. Same area and era of Brooklyn. Which adds to the depression. Not because it reminds me of my mom. But…

    Her sister is still alive and an awful piece of work. I used to drop everything and help her out whenever she called. She’s always been a malignant narcissist, but she was my mom’s sister and what little family I have. A year ago, she started losing it, however: showing signs of mild dementia. She decided I was an ungrateful wretch and stealing from her. And where she lives, unless you’re totally comatose incapacitated, you’re considered sufficiently compos mentis to name a total stranger to take up your durable POA, health care POA, and be your sole beneficiary. And even though this totally stranger picks a new lawyer for your elderly relative — from among her family friends — it’s not considered “undue influence.” She had her new lawyer to send my a nasty-gram. I can’t believe all the time I wasted helping her out over the last thirty years. Unfortunately, she also has all the stuff of memories from my grandparents. She gave my mother none of it when they died: photos, chachkies, etc. not valuable except for the sentimental value. Her new BFF will send it all to the landfill.

  31. Now granted, I haven’t watched the video, but as to the cover screenshot, 2 x 4 = 11 is a true statement when working in base-7….

  32. The dogma is deep in Transland.

    NBC Universal Peacock has a new promo video on “Queer Planet” explaining to the young and gullibly stupid that animals and fish are trans, gayz, and WONDERFULZ!

    Just in time for the now ancient relic Pride Month of June? One wonders.

    “NBCUniversal’s Peacock is launching a new series about gay and transgender animals” — 45 seconds of SPIN SPIN SPIN!

  33. T J: Thanks for the heads up. I’m glad my peacock subscription is ending at the beginning of pride goes before the fall month. I got it for $20 almost a year ago. Good riddance. Gives me enough time to cancel in protest of such horse shite programming.

  34. ObloodyHell – All the more reason to be vigilant. Get organized now to confront the fraud that is certain to occur. The outcome of the election could very well be determined on the results of the Wayne County vote.

  35. Kate:

    In the context of an ongoing culture war why was it outrageous concerning the KC kicker? The enemy must be destroyed. This seems to be a constant. The Left/Progs do what it takes to win and conservatives are outraged.

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