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On Trump’s NY show trial — 12 Comments

  1. As noted before, we are losing the constitutional American Republic to fascists and communists, also known as Democrats. Support Hamas, a vicious killer? The way to righteousness has been lost, intentionally obscured by evildoers.

  2. Are the Democrats determined to martyr Trump? Or to highlight him as a hero defending liberty? Do they actually plan to jail him for contempt, or imprison him on – excuse me – trumped-up charges?

    As far as I’m concerned, the current crop of Democrat functionaries in DC and New York have clearly demonstrated that they are willing to go to any length, violate any precedent, break any law, in order to stop Trump. This has become a holy crusade for them. Trump is an enemy of the faith (the Holy Church of Leftism). They see Trump himself, and perhaps more importantly his supporters and would be voters, as a great evil that most be stopped at all costs.

    As such, I expect they will absolutely throw him in jail for contempt, unless they believe it might somehow backfire on them. They don’t seem to be overly cautious though, or particularly clever really.

  3. Talk about a Constitutional crisis, jailing a former President. The first time the Eff Bee Eye took out a President most people knew jailing him wouldn’t look good. Now bet if you polled just Democrat/ Marxists it would be a overwhelming percentage

  4. Excellent video and great note by Trump.

    The American judicial system (Rule of Law) has been like this for decades, and probably even back to the founding of the United States. Trump gets more exposure because of who he is.

    I once was found guilty and sentenced by the judge. Afterwards, my public defender met me in his office to go over what had happened. Still insisting on my innocence, I asked if I could appeal the case.

    Public defender said that the judge had sentenced me BELOW the sentencing guidelines (a lighter sentence), and if I appealed his sentence, then the prosecutor could also appeal that the sentence was BELOW the sentencing guidelines. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Public defender said that the judge had “split the baby” – so I grudgingly accepted my half of that baby. Heck, I was white, and met many blacks in that jail house who had & were suffering a lot more under the yoke of the archaic Suwannee County Judicial System than I was.

    It should be a Capital Crime for humans to make laws…

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  6. Once again politicians learn nothing from history. To pull a phrase out from the Vietnam War, the Democrats are destroying the village to save it.

  7. The Triggernometry guys are going to interview Dershowitz. I’m looking forward to it. They are taking questions to ask now.

  8. “Are the Democrats determined to martyr Trump? Or to highlight him as a hero defending liberty? Do they actually plan to jail him for contempt, or imprison him on – excuse me – trumped-up charges?”

    If I was guessing, I’d say that they’re in a quandary, privately.

    If I read them right, they hoped at the outset to:

    1. Tie Trump up so he can’t campaign effectively.
    2. Use indictments and convictions to convince his supporters that he’s crooked and that they should abandon him.
    3. To send a message to other potential outsider candidates not to try it.

    Goal 1 has been partially effective, but Trump has managed to spin it his way to some degree. Goal 2, so far, has been a backfire, they didn’t weaken Trump’s support, they turbo-charged it. Goal 3 might be working, it’s hard to measure in the short term. Along the way, some of their own minions are starting to look to be in danger (like Fani Willis and the FBI men who handled the documents).

    I think now, again IMHO, the relevant Dems are in a conflicted quandary. So far, every round of lawfare has made Trump _stronger_ politically. I think they’re torn. They’d like him in jail where he can’t campaign, but what if that pours gasoline on the Trump fire? But if they don’t, their entire lawfare exercise starts to look even more transparently fake and hollow.

    I think they’ve managed to trap themselves and us by being too clever by half.

  9. What is going on here is that the Democrats are too stupid to act in their own best interests.

    After the 2016 election, Trump didn’t go after Clinton even though “Lock Her Up” was a common chant at the rallies. He just ignored her. And where is she now? The Democrats should have ignored Trump and the J6 protestors. By doing what they did, they made Trump and his supporters big and important. And of course they’re still at it everyday and twice on Sundays.

  10. “…in their own best interests…”

    Now that’s an interesting point.
    Let’s see…was successfully hijacking the last presidential election (and several subsequent mid-terms) “in their own best interests”?

    Is lying about EVERYTHING “in their own best interests”?
    How ’bout trashing the country and its laws?
    And/or treating half the country (or more) as enemies of the people?

    (Indeed, a major problem would be that the non-stop serial liars about EVERYTHING are accusing their political opponents of lying about everything; the thieves, gangsters and thugs are accusing their political opponents of being thieves, gangsters and thugs; the sexual and moral deviants—e.g., The Smartest Guy I Know(TM)—are accusing their political opponents of being sexual and moral deviants; the folks who are the REAL danger to democracy are accusing their political opponents of being the true, authentic, undeniable DANGER to democracy; the arsonists and wreckers, saboteurs and vandals are accusing their opponents of…well, you get the idea…ALL OF THE ABOVE WITH THE UNABASHED, UNASHAMED ASSISTANCE of the most corrupt media in American history…
    It’s enough to make a banana republic look on in rapture, amazement…shock and awe…)

    And so, one may ask (again), is all this “in [the Democrats’] own best interests”?

    Actually, the answer might be, “Yes, you bet!” (I mean, if they DO manage to achieve their goal of TOTAL POWER FOREVER, who’s to say it isn’t?)

    But whether it’s “Yes” or whether it’s “No”, “Biden” & Co. are simply too fatally compromised, no matter how much the corrupt media has been/is/will be shilling for ’em, covering up for ’em.
    (That’s the risk you take when you engage in serial coverup after coverup after coverup…to the power of “n”…—or, as others more in tune with the dark side than am I might say, “…when you sell yer soul to the Divil…”)

    They’re in the muck too deep.
    They have nowhere to go but further, deeper (madlier).

    They’ve got to keep on covering up the myriad coverups they’ve already managed to cover up…ad nauseum, ad infinitum, ad astra(!)—(this last one’s for SoP)…

    Now one might deign (or dare) to tell them, “Yer Nekkid”!! Yer NOT acting in yer best interests!! Nossssir! Change THY evil (or stupid) ways RIGHT THIS INSTANT! or else I’ll, I’ll, I’ll…”

    Well, good luck with that….

  11. Preceding an excellent paragraph [no need to repeat it here], JFM (5:05 am) said: “What is going on here is that the Democrats are too stupid to act in their own best interests.”

    Micro disagreement: not “too stupid”, but (far) too besotten with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and secondarily, (far) too besotten with the fanatacism of their leftist religion.

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