Home » Open thread 5/1/24


Open thread 5/1/24 — 31 Comments

  1. Instapundit link with photos of young male students guarding the US flag after it was raised once again on the flagpole at UNC. Following the links, you can hear them singing (badly) the Star Spangled Banner.


  2. J.J. responded yesterday to my comment about wheelchair use at airports. I wanted to comment here since the open thread from yesterday is now long passed and wanted him to see it.

    I understand completely JJs need for such given airport terminal distances. Please note I was flying Southwest with their open seating policy. I observed that the number of wheelchair people at Delta, UA, American gates was about 50% less…those airlines have reserved seats. Many of the SW wheelchair people were in their 50s. I looked at it as a way to get first boarding even by passing the paid Group A pax.

    Disney is running into the same issue and are cracking down. People were claiming disability and getting scooters and wheelchairs which then allowed them and their family to get first in line to rides again by passing both the paid lightning lane people and standbys. Disney said no more and now requires written medical documentation. I was wondering if Southwest does the same?

  3. Lots of wounded but no obvious fatalities, so mostly peaceful mayhem.

  4. Art Deco on May 1, 2024 at 12:10 pm said:
    Jews at UCLA have run out of patience.

    Interesting to listen to and read the comments of the official pearl clutchers demanding the intervention of ‘the authorities’.

    I thought we were all agreed that the police were unnecessary and unwelcome? I guess that only lasts until the punching bag starts punching, or shooting, back.

    The Hamas supporters should consider themselves lucky the “Jews” did not arrive with baseball bats, crossbows, and molotov cocktails; and more serious back up awaiting use.

  5. Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll: 72 Percent Support Israeli Action in Rafah – a little relief from MSM’s 24/7 promotion of Jew Hatred & college antisemitism, in snippets:

    • Nearly three-quarters of Americans support Israel’s planned military operation to enter the southern Gaza city of Rafah

    • The survey found that 72% of Americans say Israel should “move forward with an operation in Rafah to finish the war with Hamas,” while 28% say the Jewish state should “back off now and allow Hamas to continue running Gaza.”

    • Eighty-four percent of those 65 and older say they support Israel’s plans for a military operation, while three-quarters of those 55-64 say they support them. Seven in 10 of those 45-54 and 35-44 say they support Israel moving forward with its campaign. Among those 25-34, 65% say Israel should move forward into Rafah, and 57% of those 18-24 said the same.

  6. It’s pretty obvious that 95% of both sides haven’t been in a fight since 4th grade.
    The cops were probably standing back, laughing, and making bets on the contestants.

  7. Tying my previous comment to the video:

    I’m old enough to remember maypoles as an activity in elementary school. As I remember it, it was a bunch of kids running in a circle, banging into one another. The end result of more than one looked like the aftermath of a brawl.

  8. physicsguy:

    You may be surprised to learn, as I was, that airlines are forbidden by law from requiring proof of disability. The whole thing is on the honor system and although the airlines know that people abuse it, their hands are tied. See this.

  9. Many of the SW wheelchair people were in their 50s. I looked at it as a way to get first boarding even by passing the paid Group A pax.

    There’s a similar phenomenon at high schools and universities with students getting “extra time” for exams. (As I understand it, this includes standardized tests like the SAT.) They do have to get some kind of doctor’s note, but the volume of these (often something like 20% of the class) tells me that these notes are a bit too easy to obtain. At some point these students will find out that in the real world they won’t get extra time or other special treatment (unless of course they are in a favored minority group).

  10. buddhaha on May 1, 2024 at 1:17 pm said:
    It’s pretty obvious that 95% of both sides haven’t been in a fight since 4th grade.
    The cops were probably standing back, laughing, and making bets on the contestants.”

    Hahaha. Yeah, and maybe that is kind of lucky: whether you attribute it to inhibition and reticence at the thought of physically maiming another human being, or to a lack of skill or physical power.

    Because as everyone here knows, it is pretty easy to do a great deal of irremediable damage to another person, even though it might be difficult to kill them instantly with a couple of blows. But it happens in bar fights and other confrontations not too infrequently. I mean, you topple someone like a tree, and then when the skull hits the pavement, the outcome is horrendous.

    Maybe it’s all for the best that they fight like untutored film extras banging swords together at shoulder height in some 1950s Italian sword and sandal or girl gladiator flick.

    Of course there are always a few psychopaths in any crowd, and many will remember Eric Clanton. https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2017/05/24/berkeley-college-professor-arrested-as-assault-suspect/

  11. Neo,
    Thanks for that link. It explains much. So Southwest is probably very aware of the abuse I witnessed, but their hands are tied. Most people I know hate the whole SW hovering over your phone 24 hrs in advance, the cattle call boarding etc, but they must be making a lot of money on the Group A pax. Maybe the abuse is not enough for them to go to reserved seats like the other airlines. It would also make their famous turnaround times longer I suspect. We like their checked bag policy, convenient flights, and no charge cancellation. The whole boarding process is ridiculous.

  12. From the American Thinker article Miguel cervantes linked at 3:56pm:

    “While I cannot condone outsiders coming onto a campus to fight, it needs to be stipulated that pro-Hamas outsiders were the first to enter UCLA turf, and that the non-student Jews who entered campus to fight were responding with the same tactic, to protect community members.”

    Ugh. Such mealy mouthed squishyness. Maybe if I just roll over, they’ll leave me alone. Hey while you’re here, have your way with my wife too…

    *eye roll*

    I fully condone people of any color or persuasion entering any space to ruthlessly crush those who seek to oppress others. Full stop.

    All it would take is a few terrorist-supporting faces to get bashed in and the rest of the group will stop and think real fast.

  13. Wife asked and have to say don’t know why the Bolsheviks swiped May Day as a Communist holiday

  14. Turley on the reprehensible Andrew Weissmann’s hyperbolic, strategic intimidation of SCOTUS—staged on national TV—in the lead-up to the Court’s upcoming momentous decision on Presidential immunity…and the legality of “Biden”-attack-dog-Jack-Smith’s political persecution of Trump:
    ‘Robert Mueller’s Right Hand Man Warns SCOTUS: You’re “One Vote Away From… The End Of Democracy” ‘—

    …As disgusting, revolting and dishonest a smear as one would expect from this legal monster…(or, if one prefers, character assassination—or in this case, INSTITUTION assassination—at its “very finest”.)

    “End of Democracy”, indeed….
    Anyone not beclouded by the intensity of Democratic Party/Mainstream Corrupt Media propaganda KNOWS from which direction the dire threat to the American Republic is coming….

  15. Wife asked and have to say don’t know why the Bolsheviks swiped May Day as a Communist holiday


    May Day started as a pre-Christian European celebration of spring, the arrival of summer, fertility, etc. It’s not hard to understand the May Pole as a phallic symbol.

    The 19th C labor movement chose May 1st as International Workers’ Day to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago in 1886, where a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour day turned violent after a bomb was thrown at the police. Several police officers and civilians died, and May Day became a symbol of the struggle for workers’ rights globally.

    It’s not hard to understand May Day as another aspect of the left replacing religion with its own religious holidays.

    What you have heard of the left as a religion is true!

  16. Weissman still has the scar marks from the last time the Court tore him a new one

  17. May Day was a big deal at the Catholic elementary school I attended in the 60s. It was run by Irish nuns. I guess May Day was a big deal in Ireland.

    At that school it meant we lost recess for the previous month in order to drill May Day celebration dances for the parents to “enjoy” on the Big Day.

    I hated it.

  18. Well, it’s May 1, 2024:

    Today- the Biden…White House has [a ceasefire plan], for both sides of The War in Gaza.

    How many people here, who visit this site, think that this ceasefire-plan WILL NOT be agreed upon, by: Israel’s government, and the Hamas group?

    As far as I know:
    1] Israel [still] wants to fight the war, until they control all of Gaza, [and that includes Israel’s govt. putting an Israel-run government in Gaza], and,

    2] the Hamas group [still] wants to fight the war, until they get ALL of the lands that are called [Israel, and Palestine].

    I don’t think these two groups are going to take the current, ceasefire-deal, from what these two groups have said.

    What do you think?

    Please let me know.

  19. TR:

    Perhaps you’re not aware – or perhaps you are – that there was a ceasefire in place on October 7 which Hamas and various Gazan residents violated through murder, torture, rape, and mayhem. In addition, the Gazans had been violating it already for a long time by firing rockets into Israel, hoping to injure and kill any Israelis possible. A ceasefire is meaningless; only Israel abides by a ceasefire.

    Or perhaps you’re not aware – or perhaps you are – that the day Israel was created the Arab states set out to destroy it. They have been trying ever since, although some of them have renounced the activity (Egypt, the Saudis, etc.). Hamas has declared its goal to be the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews.

    In contrast, Israel has no such goals and never had. Approximately twenty percent of Israel’s citizens are Arabs. Israel offered the Palestinians their own state over and over again in many decades and the Palestinians refused the offer, preferring to continue to try to kill Israelis and destroy the state of Israel.

    Israel left Gaza in 2005 – forcibly uprooting Israelis who had settled there. In return, the Gazans voted for control by a terrorist group dedicated to Israel’s destruction. Seventy-percent of Gazans approve of the carnage Hamas committed during that “ceasefire” on October 7. Israel would rather not be in charge of Gaza, but until Gaza stops trying to destroy Israel the Gazans cannot be left to their own devices after this war. The hope is that perhaps some consortium of countries such as the UAE, friendlier to Israel, will end up controlling Gaza for a while.

  20. Hi neo,

    Thank you for your reply.
    Thank you for The points that you have mentioned.

    Your points are pretty much what I think is happening, in The War in Gaza.

    On a side note- please pardon me if my above comment caused for you, any unhappiness or irritation. Those were not things that I was trying to accomplish, in what I had said.

    Coming back to the war- I find the recent attempts of the Biden-run White House, to make [a ceasefire deal in the War in Gaza], to be attempts that seem like [overly hopeful attempts], or even [extremely naive attempts], being offered by the Biden-run White House.

    I do not think that The White House’s recent proposals have [much or any chance of succeeding], due to the ferocious fighting in that war, + due to the [anger felt + expressed, by many of the military commanders, in that war].

    I’m not trying to be humorous, right now, however: to me, the current attempt by the Biden-run White House is sort of like watching an ant trying to push a musk melon home- I understand the desire, but I do not think that this plan will succeed.

  21. We all know that Leftist-far Left billionaires are supporting the Free Pales and Jew Hate campus crusades.

    But JPost reports on an even larger source. Namely, Qatar spending a half trillion dollars to spread anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood tripe across the globe, especially in the US.

    Where the funding flows, Jew Hate follows, say researchers.

  22. And from the “What, Me Worry?” file:
    “As Campuses Burn, Here’s What Biden’s Been Busy Doing”—

    To be sure, “he”‘s not “fiddling”, not at all; but like the BLM and antifa festivities of several years back, there’s a REASON and a PURPOSE for the current all-too-prevalent campus “unrest” that “Biden” believes can be milked for “his” benefit and—MOST IMPORTANTLY—to the detriment and damage of those “thorns” in “his” side in the US AND the Middle East….

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