Still Stayin’ Alive
[Hat tip: commenter “Ruth.”]
One of the most well-known and satirized songs on earth, instantly recognizable and not just by those who were alive when it first came out:
Interestingly, they didn’t really have to change the line about The New York Times’ effect on man.
One of the most well-known and satirized songs on earth
Which is why I am reminded of this version of Stayin’ Alive. Stayin’ Alive – Jo Stafford (As Darlene Edwards with Jonathan Edwards)
“It’s not proportional at all.” LOL
“Pharoah we should set truth aside, and tell a story of genocide.” LOL, again.
Truly excellent.
“We’re goin’ nowhere!”
I never heard of the annoying “song” parodied here. I guess it must have come out before I was born. Which would have been during FDR’s first term.
Consider yourself highly out-of-it as far as pop music, disco, and R&B goes, as well as a zillion movies and constant radio airplay. Also, perhaps you never had CPR training, because it’s commonly used that way. One of the interesting things one learns on YouTube is that young “reactors” who think they’ve never heard it before often listen to it for what they think will be the first time and realize they are already familiar with it. And this is true even if they’re from Asia or India or Africa, not just the US or Canada or Britain.
Here’s a little of the song’s history.
I saw this elsewhere and thought, neo will like it — I’ll find a thread to post it in. But of course, you’ve already got it!
Interestingly, they didn’t really have to change the line about The New York Times’ effect on man.
In the nearly 50 years since this song came out, this is the first time I was aware of the line about “The New York Times’ effect on man.” I had to look online for the lyrics. Guess I don’t pay a lot of attention to pop song lyrics.
Regarding lyrics, I recall a super-intellectual type in my high school class who pontificated about the significance of the lyrics of Wild Thing. Significance? Lyrics?
One time in South America I was asked to translate some American pop/rock lyrics. My reply was that if I could figure out what they were saying in English, I could translate it. Lyrics, schmyrics.
Jive talking also works (although maurice was aprised of the real meaning)
Some lyrics dont translate or fit in the rhyme parts
Cosa salvaje even mujer salvaje (considering the context)
Forgive me if I mentioned this previously on a Bee Gees thread, but the synergy of great music and filmmaking is really what catapulted this song. The director John Badham put together this 4 minute film opening.
It is only a small exaggeration to say that if you make a film with a fantastic opening and ending, then the rest of the film isn’t that critical.
Now the sequel is terrible in ways i couldnt fathom
…if you make a film with a fantastic opening and ending, then the rest of the film isn’t that critical.
That’s how some writers and poets work. Get a good opening and a good ending, then fill in the blanks!
“Saturday Night Fever” was a fine film. I remember being surprised how gritty it was — not the glossy celebration of disco I expected. It also had some of the most realistic dialog I ever heard in a mainstream film.
“Still Stayin’ Alive”…but for how long…?
Looks like the “Biden” administration’s “relationship” to Israel has become one of CLASSIC ABUSE.
(Just a heads up for those who already weren’t aware of this TRANSFORMATION between 2009 and 2016…and then continued between 2021 and….FOREVER(!), or whenever the ZIO-NAZI state disappears, whichever comes first…)
“US accuses Israeli military units of ‘gross human rights violations’ in stunning condemnation of troops during negotiations over a Gaza ceasefire deal”—
This, of course, would be the administration that accused Israel of killing more Gazans than even Hamas’s claimed!
(…as that old Obama sense of humor kicks in BUT GOOD…!)
I was 17 when it came out. And it was not at all the disco extravaganza I was led to believe it was. To a kid from medium town New Mexico, it was like another planet. Sure, there was a disco in the big town nearby but no one went there. What the hell is a White Castle?
To a kid in his senior year of high school, it captured perfectly the question: now what?
Barry Meislin: I like Mary Katharine Ham’s response to Glenn Reynolds, who advised Jewish students to come to the south, where they’ll be safe. Ham said she did not regret shunning the Ivy League for the SEC for her kids. The campus gatherings feature wings, kegs and cornhole, not anti-Semitism.
In Tempe, next door to me, the Arizona State protests lasted about 15 minutes, and apparently the fraternity guys volunteered to help clean up. As one wit put it, “finally the Greeks come to the aid of the Jews.”
This was similar to the George Floyd riot in fashionable Scottsdale. The prospective looters discovered that the local police were not having any of that crap, and it was over very quickly and definitively.
Stayin’ Alive, continued….
“Communist Defectors Warn About Four Stages Of Subversion — And America Is On The Last One”—
Maybe we can fight back with Disco… (Kinda’ like that goofy “Mars Attacks!” movie)?
…Just in case that bit about “Obama humor” isn’t clear….
“Who Funds Hamas? You Do, Thanks to Old Joe Biden”—
Ditto for funding Hezb’ullah, the Houthis and…Iran.
Hey! A four-fer!!
“Bedouin doctor: Hamas used me as bait on October 7 to kill IDF soldiers;
“Hamas terrorists ambushed Dr. Tariq Abu Erar on October 7 and made him prove his identity by reciting verses from the Quran”—
Yes finola hughes couldnt save it
Badham had nothing to do with the script it was sylvester stallone
Breaking down the song, track by track: isolated drums, bass, guitars, vocals