Home » Another terribly dangerous J6 insurrectionist faces the possibility of prison: meet Rebecca Lavrenz


Another terribly dangerous J6 insurrectionist faces the possibility of prison: meet Rebecca Lavrenz — 19 Comments

  1. Where would we be without are our brave unelected deepstate nomenklatura, Dem Politicians, and deranged DC jury members to protect us from this vicious plague of grandmas without any previous criminal records who would dare pray and then walk into a building and do absolutely no damage? Democracy would surely be lost without such inspiring heroes!

  2. Nonapod:

    But mostly that Grandma is guilty of thought crimes acted out, not that actions are necessary for conviction. (sarc)

  3. these are evil evil people, perhaps demon possessed, look at the zeal of these oprichniks, and try to decide otherwise,

  4. My heart goes out to every Jan6 Rallier, not one should be anywhere near a court or prison. Like many have said, the administration ( Deep State)wants no protests and locking up people for political reasons will dampen any future protests against the government.

  5. At what point do we say enough? The GOP politicians don’t seem to mind putting grandma in jail for a thought crime. Are they deliberately trying to invoke people to violence? Certainly seems that way.

  6. well everytime they sign an continuing resolution, they continue this steamrolling,

    so tell your friends, does this praying grandma really pose such a threat,

  7. What’s it all about? They’re sending people like you and me and neo a message.

  8. I am not sure if this was mentioned on this site or not, but if you read the White House Executive order on ” The Transgender Day of Visibility” last week , Biden labelled people putting up opposition to the trans agenda as ” extremist.” Don’t want kids to have surgery to alter their bodies – ” Extremist”. Don’t want fake women in women’s spaces – ” extremist”!
    Imagine how they feel about a praying lady who is not a lefty around a protest.

  9. People made a big deal about that Biden executive order last week on Transgenders and Easter.
    The “Easter” thing was not the biggest deal about that order, imo.
    The biggest deal was the labelling of normal viewpoints that most Democrats would have had only a few years ago as ” extremist”.

  10. physicsguy and MJR have the right of it.

    The message is loud and clear but what those sending the message are apparently incapable of grasping is that the only thing preventing them from reaping what they’re sowing is the very things they are intent upon destroying. Only ideological fanaticism can result in the special kind of stupid that fails to realize that cutting off the branch upon which one is sitting is certain to be fatal.

    They’ve cut deeply into that branch and at the rate they’re going it seems likely that they’ll breakthrough in the not too distant future.

  11. YES, nonapod and others.

    I noticed this outrageous story too, and the un-ironic condemnation by the Bushite — said to have been W’s “brain” — Karl Rove, who called this lady’s ilk “thugs” only two days ago.

    I swear, Rove would be the good little German exhorting us on to the Nazi gleischaltung, and thus cheering on the fates of non-conforming Jews as untermenschen, too.

    As with other apologists for Democrat fascism, I put this question you: What Would Tom Paine Do?

    Paine not only fomented the Spirit of Independence that sparked the American revolution, but nearly two decades later sided with the French Revolutionaries.

    Paine arrived back in Baltimore after Napoleon took charge. It was 1804, IIRC.

    There, he wandered the streets, and no bar keep would serve him.

    After “The Age of Reason,” American opinion was dead set against his radicalism. And only, at long last, did he find a lowly Irishman barkeep who’d open his doors and serve this transatlantic traveller.

    I’m sure Rove has no acquaintance with the recent thoughts of former Cyber security expert with the DoS, Mike Benz, either.

    Karl Rove is clueless. And much too much comfortable with manifest evil.

    PS. Another thought provoked by “Clueless Karl.” Pols show us that the American’s have got it right: J6 was a protest that devolved into a riot — not violence against the Constitutional order.

    In fact, the Far Left Democrats do this quite regularly if not routinely — escaping eith no apparent punishments, at least since Trump’s inaugural in early 2017.


  12. They make it very clear dont even attempt to rebel, to refuse to worship the Old God
    s or we will crush you

  13. well in rove’s case, he had a mob lawyer, well robert luskin had most recently represented the provenzanos, to get him out of similar jam that lewis libby had fallen into, they both talked to judith miller and novak, of course pat fitzgerald who later went on to flack for michigan state, to insulate them from criminal liability, for larry nassar (remember him) this was a year before they had released his name,
    already knew that richard armitage, (who is also the name of an English character actor and novelist in his own right) had already leaked to judith miller,

    andy weissman was part of the task force, that went decidedly south and left whitey alone, to do his dark deeds, as with judge gleason who gives HSBC the confy chair treatment, while persecuting General Flynn, for perceived thought crime,

    thats a 20 year cycle of procuration, that wrapped conrad black into their clutches carving out his hollinger empire to less suitable buyers like the aspers and the barclays,

  14. The whole J6 thing was a setup engineered by Pelosi and the DC police chief.

  15. physicsguy (3:07 pm) asks, “At what point do we say enough?”

    PJ Media asks a very similar and related question, in a brief article by Stephen Kruiser:

    “Honest Question for Trump-Averse Republicans: How Bad Do Things Have to Get?”

    Recommended reading —




    Again: seriously, people.

    If you’re on the fence or thinking of sitting this one out because Trump offends your sensibilities, then please be aware that your sensibilities are going to get this country killed. Really. The Democrats are right about one thing — there is a threat to democracy, or, more precisely, the Republic. They’re it.

    Back to the headline. What will it take for you to decide that you don’t want to see things get any worse? Are you waiting for some kind of personal pain point? If Biden wins, you’ll get plenty of that, most likely in the form of an illegal alien criminal. Then you’ll be saddled with misery, regret, and your delicate sensibilities.


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