Home » The Biden administration follows in Obama’s footsteps and abstains in the UN regarding Israel


The Biden administration follows in Obama’s footsteps and abstains in the UN regarding Israel — 25 Comments

  1. I really don’t understand the concern over Michigan voters. The Muslims will vote for the Dem, no matter who it is. This saying they won’t vote for Biden is just bad theater.

  2. Why are we still hosting and financing the UN? When I was a kid, there were bumper stickers that said “Get the US out of the UN.” I didn’t understand why then–but I sure do now. In addition to the Biden administration, the UK, France, Japan, Malta, Korea, and Switzerland should be ashamed of themselves. Russia and China must be quite pleased. And the remaining dwarfs (Algeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and Slovenia) should be cut off from all US aid after an American patriot returns to the White House. Disgraceful.

  3. The IDF said the number of confirmed members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad … had risen to 500 out of over 800 suspects arrested since the raid began last week.

    Suspects! That’s our limp-wristed ‘news’ media talking as if this were a police raid in the US, with eager non-prosecutors waiting to bail them out.

  4. What is this “Biden administration” of which you speak? Obama I know, and Obama is in charge. “Biden” is merely the hollowed-out husk of a former human being who sold his soul–or what passed for it in his wretched existence–to grab the elusive ring of “The Presidency”, an object of his perverse desire since he was humiliated in his first and second attempts to gain it legitimately. Of note is the second failure, in which he withdrew in favor of Obama, who returned the favor by installing him as his V-P. Whereupon commenced the systematic disassembling of the human host and its replacement by what you see today.

  5. Gideon saar is the one who worked with the lincoln duffusses

    Reading gallant was the one that helped abu jihad arafats spymaster in 88


    Biden is falling in the polls, much of the Democrat base is pro-Hamas, and Biden is desperate to turn things around. He doesn’t have room to lose votes, even with the Democrat cheat machine.

  7. Don (6:01 pm), are you very sure you’re not seriously underestimating the will to absolute power and the visceral viciousness of “the Democrat cheat machine”??

  8. “The resolution calls for an immediate cease-fire during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and for the immediate release of all hostages.”

    Historically, worldwide Islamist terrorist attacks go up during the month of Ramadan.

    But this resolution presents Israel with an opportunity. Israel can state that it will be happy to implement an immediate ceasefire, as soon as Hamas complies with the resolution and releases all of the hostages.

    Of course Hamas won’t do that but that provides Israel with the moral high ground. Israel can repeatedly respond to future demands that it immediately stop the attacks in Gaza by conditioning it upon Hamas complying with the UN resolution.

  9. Steve (retired/recovering lawyer):

    That’s why I refer to it as the “Biden administration” rather than saying that Biden himself is doing this or that. I have said from the start that I think Obama is very influential in it, as are people from Obama’s administration.

    I also think that although Biden mostly follows their lead, he is certainly part of it and not completely senile.

  10. @ Geoffrey Britain: “But this resolution presents Israel with an opportunity [and] provides Israel with the moral high ground.”

    It won’t matter in the least. To her enemies–the UN, the “Biden” administration, the intersectional US and international left, the Arab street, et al.–Israel cedes the moral high ground simply by existing.

  11. Israel cedes the moral high ground simply by existing.



    Once upon an innocent time I thought Israel’s ceding Gaza to the Palestinians free of charge with tons of nice infrastructure and greenhouses, would be the show of Good Faith that would prove to the world Israel’s Good Intentions.

    The Palestinians destroyed the greenhouses and started digging tunnels. The UN and the rest of the world funded Gaza.

  12. Shirehome,

    Muslim voters are clannish. If their mosques and leaders suggest they abstain, they’ll do it. It’s Jewish voters who don’t have that kind of pressure. The administration made a calculated political move here – nothing more.

  13. }}} …in the international community known as the UN…

    …in the Western Civilization destruction organization known as the UN…

    You seem to have misspelled something there. Fixt it fer ya.

    De Nada 😀

  14. }}} Once upon an innocent time I thought Israel’s ceding Gaza to the Palestinians free of charge with tons of nice infrastructure and greenhouses, would be the show of Good Faith that would prove to the world Israel’s Good Intentions.

    The Palestinians destroyed the greenhouses and started digging tunnels. The UN and the rest of the world funded Gaza.

    I certainly agree, they bent over backwards to do this — it WAS as much the “two state solution” as anyone could ask for, and they freely set it up.

    At that time, the Gaza Strip was the second most prosperous region in the entire ME that was not reliant utterly on oil money, with one of the highest per capita incomes for residents in all the ME.

    Within about 2-3y of self-rule, the “Palestinians” had trashed it and turned it into a typical Islamic shithole (FACT is, Malaysia shows that Islam itself does not equate to “shithole”, but it damned sure is the only significant exception that doesn’t use lots of oil to prevent it)

  15. Just realized that I haven’t seen any Open Source research and/or intelligence reports being reported by MSM in this Israel/Hamas war. BTW, this is not the same Open Source as mentioned with the Linux OSes.

    I do use several Linux OSes as a ‘Companion OS’ to Win11 Pro, or as a recovery tool, as a hobby, and sometimes just to have an OS on a USB in my pocket.

    Discovered the Open Source research and/or intelligence tools and/or media sites about the time Russia reinvaded Ukraine in 2022. I did some blog posts which proved the Russian propaganda machine as liars, but those posts are on a private blog site that I will eventually shut down—after transferring some of the posts to a newer self-hosted site.

    Bellingcat is an example of an Open Source research and intelligence tools media site.

    ‘Exploiting Cadavers ’and ‘Faked IEDs’: Experts Debunk Staged Pre-War ‘Provocation’ in the Donbas is an example of how Open Source can be used to prove false propaganda.

    Open Source quotes:

    The promise of open-source intelligence
    It is a welcome threat to malefactors and governments with something to hide…

    THE GREAT hope of the 1990s and 2000s was that the internet would be a force for openness and freedom. As Stewart Brand, a pioneer of online communities, put it: “Information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time.” It was not to be. Bad information often drove out good. Authoritarian states co-opted the technologies that were supposed to loosen their grip. Information was wielded as a weapon of war. Amid this disappointment one development offers cause for fresh hope: the emerging era of open-source intelligence (OSINT).

    New sensors, from humdrum dashboard cameras to satellites that can see across the electromagnetic spectrum, are examining the planet and its people as never before. The information they collect is becoming cheaper. Satellite images cost several thousand dollars 20 years ago, today they are often provided free and are of incomparably higher quality. A photograph of any spot on Earth, of a stricken tanker or the routes taken by joggers in a city is available with a few clicks. And online communities and collaborative tools, like Slack, enable hobbyists and experts to use this cornucopia of information to solve riddles and unearth misdeeds with astonishing speed.

    Another link: First Steps to Getting Started in Open Source Research

    There are other such sites. I know Israel uses these tools to disprove certain Gaza & MSM propaganda, but am not sure if MSM uses it at all—and certainly Hamas hasn’t been using it.

    Still pondering this thought, but Hamas not using it certainly suggests they don’t want facts, and probably the same suggestion for MSM.

    Bellingcat has a few articles, for anyone interested in checking (see above link to site), but I haven’t checked them all out yet…

  16. I also think that although Biden mostly follows their lead, he is certainly part of it and not completely senile.

    When Biden says something it has some sort of impact. Not the same as, say, Trump, because most realize Biden isn’t fully in charge. But still, Biden does have some level of influence.

    My feeling is that no one is really in charge. There are multiple influences, some stronger than others. But no one fully dominate.

    It’s a dangerous situation.

  17. At that time, the Gaza Strip was the second most prosperous region in the entire ME
    It wasn’t.

  18. I have no idea where Gaza ranked precisely on the prosperity scale, but ObloodyHell is correct that under Israeli rule it was hardly an economic backwater by Middle East standards. That is made clear in historian Efraim Karsh’s wonderful essay in Commentary.


    From that very long but very worthwhile essay:

    During the 1970’s, the West Bank and Gaza constituted the fourth fastest-growing economy in the world—ahead of such “wonders” as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Korea, and substantially ahead of Israel itself. Although GNP per capita grew somewhat more slowly, the rate was still high by international standards, with per-capita GNP expanding tenfold between 1968 and 1991 from $165 to $1,715 (compared with Jordan’s $1,050, Egypt’s $600, Turkey’s $1,630, and Tunisia’s $1,440). By 1999, Palestinian per-capita income was nearly double Syria’s, more than four times Yemen’s, and 10 percent higher than Jordan’s (one of the better-off Arab states). Only the oil-rich Gulf states and Lebanon were more affluent.

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