The new RNC and election integrity
I hope the shakeups at the RNC described here aren’t a case of “too little, too late.”
The following is from an interview with Lara Trump on “The Benny Show”:
We have the first-ever election integrity division.
First ever? It’s extraordinary that it took this long. There certainly have been efforts before, but apparently they’ve not been coordinated by the RNC.
More from Lara Trump:
We have, in 23 states, 78 lawsuits single-handedly to address this issue, to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat in 2024. …
In addition, we now have the ability to train poll workers. These are not just poll watchers, people who physically stand in a polling location and kinda look around and maybe might be able to see something. These are people who get to handle a ballot, who can count the ballots coming in and the ballots going out, so they know what the numbers should be at the end of the day.
On top of that, we are also hiring and we are asking for volunteer attorneys all across this country. We want you in a polling location near you every single minute that there is voting going on because we want to be able to address a problem immediately, in real-time. We cannot wait until it’s too late.
Good point. In terms of voting fraud, an ounce of prevention is worth far more than a pound of cure, because it is virtually impossible to do much after the fact to prove the existence of the type of fraud made possible by widespread mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and voting machines.
But we also have to start thinking about things like legal ballot harvesting, something we’ve never embraced as a party. We’re going to start doing it now. …
We also have to embrace early voting. I know we want one day of voting in this country. It doesn’t exist right now. We’ve got to bank enough votes going into November 5th that we’re not playing catch-up on election day.
These all sound like excellent ideas. They need to be implemented pronto.
Next thing you know is, they may lose their reputation as “the stoopid party”.
Note, from 2017 until just the other day, Mitt Romney’s niece was Republican National chairman. It’s as if the entire family are saboteurs.
Not telling you or anyone else something you do not know already, but it is worth mentioning that many people, perhaps even most, join organizations if allowed, for reasons having little or even virtually noting to do with the ostensible broader aims or chartered purposes of the organization.
The possession of ulterior motives, or the self-serving insinuation of the would-be member into the organization for narrow or even strictly personal aims, and then their coopting of it, might even be considered the natural trendline for any organization that is not relentlessly vigilant in weeding out the users, the nesters, and the subversives.
In fact, it seems to be the story of this civilization in particular, and its institutions overall. They see something built by others, figure it would be a comfy nest or useful fulcrum point or provide a remunerative sinecure, and then move in.
Jeez. Am 78 but never voted until midterms after 911 – saw how the press was treating Bush 43 on 911, e.g., making a big deal of why he wasn’t immediately addressing the nation and/or was he afraid. America had just been attacked, and MSM was wondering where the President was…Ditto on the Jeez!? Let’s broadcast his whereabouts to the world (/sarc)!?! Registered as a Republican and voted in the midterms. Then it appeared that the GOP let Bush 43 out on a limb, and then sawed it off behind him. Went no party affiliation (NPA) to vote in Bush 43 second run.
Obviously am no expert on voting or politics, but I do know quite a bit about the Killian documents, Dan Rather & his home in Austin during that time, his left-wing activist environmentalist daughter Robin & her home in Austin during that time, and the Democratic Party Austin, Texas stronghold.
Now I find out that former RNC since 2017, Ronna McDaniel (born in Austin, Texas), is a niece of Mitt Romney!?! Double Ditto on the Jeez!!
OK – now I like & understand this recent move to remove Mitt Romney’s niece. Maybe Trump has learned from his mistakes this time around? Yeah, looks like a great move…
Hmm, DNW, sounds like a corollary (or sub-category) of Conquest’s Law….
(Wonder what Mitch McConnell would say…)
I know what I way to hear Mitch say… sayonara!
Haven’t been too excited about the R party, nor donations to it. Their ceaseless phoning for donations has killed our land line dead.
It’s been obvious for two decades that the D party is in the battle to win by any means necessary and would like to rule in the most authoritarian manner they can pull off as a one-party State. Their packing of unelected Federal employment slots is a clear demonstration of their Long March, as is their colonization of most Universities and now grades 1-12 schools as well. And their blatant welcome to eight million aliens is just icing on the cake – gosh, you can combine voting mobs and bomb plots in one invisible Department, and your poodle press will eagerly blame ‘right-wing extremists’ for the explosives.
My glum attitude might just be changeable if the Rs would commence some real campaigning explicitly targeting the alien tsunami, the abolishment of the automobiles we favor, the quartering of ‘heat pumps’ in place of heaters that work, and the wave of de-policing and turn-em-loose prosecutors, for starters. Imagine the Rs actually working on governance to fit those items! But still remains to be seen.
Well, I guess this move by the Republicans is nice, but it is four years late! I haven’t been active in politics since college, but I saw that this needed to be done after the last election.
The Democrats have also screwed up hugely in dealing with Trump after 2020. They should have just ignored him and had the MSM do the same.
DNW and Barry: Yes, Conquest’s Third Law (“The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies”) applies to the RNC. But Jerry Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy is even more on-point:
“Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the organization, and those who work for the organization itself. Examples in education would be teachers who work and sacrifice to teach children, vs. union representative[s] who work to protect any teacher including the most incompetent. The Iron Law states that in all cases, the second type of person will always gain control of the organization, and will always write the rules under which the organization functions.” (Source:
Shorter version: The Grifters Always Win.
Finally a good move, almost certain to reduce fraud. But still so late it might be too late.
First ever? It’s extraordinary that it took this long.
I don’t know the details, but there was a case in New Jersey in the 1980s that kept the RNC from undertaking ballot security work. Proposed measures had to be submitted to the courts, and this had a chilling effect. The judge retired some years later, but as an emeritus judge he kept renewing his injunction. More here.
Well, the RNC will certainly work for Trump (especially now that one of his daughters-in-law is on it), but will it aid its wider purpose, I.e, help other Republicans get elected? That remains to be seen. Canceling minority outreach and cutting off mail in voting are bad signs.
Until the Socialists start identifying people who are not registered and registering them involuntarily; until the Socialists start filling out mail-in ballots for all these newly registered voters; until the Socialists start voting registered voters via mail-in who did not vote in the last election: they will continue to lose to the Communists who do all these things already.
Decades too late. “Vote harder” is a fool’s motto and evidently the one the RNC has latched onto for this next election loss. At this rate it will take a generation before people wake up to the futility of voting in the mail-in age and the government authorizes mandatory voting.
A big part of the RNC is to fundraise and then allocate money to not only the presidential candidate but to down ballots as well. For example, they spent over $200 million on down ballot races in 2022.
Now, Lara says that ain’t going to happen and wants to spend the money on daddy’s legal fees. Seems to me this spells big trouble for a party struggling bigly with cash on hand.
well the previous occupant probably emptied the basket,