Home » Hur tells us what we already know about Biden and his storage of classified documents


Hur tells us what we already know about Biden and his storage of classified documents — 19 Comments

  1. My conclusion is that while it’s certainly true that Biden is currently senile, I don’t believe that he was particullarly senile when he originally took and kept these various documents (which was years ago in many cases).

    In fact, I’m willing to bet that it’s not just Biden (or Trump) who has kept classified information in ways that are incorrect and illegal. I strongly suspect that there’s been loads of senators, congress critters, ex-presidents and vice presidents, presidential cabinet members, and various government employees who have taken home troves of classified documents and handled and stored them incorrectly over the years and decades. But of course nobody really cared too much about all that until it was believed that they could get Trump over it.

  2. For the Democratic Party (and its enthusiastic supporters), Memory Lapse(TM) is a feature—and a TOOL, to be used tactically, strategically, and, with great pride, WHENEVER necessary—and NOT a bug…Cf. Comey, Fauci, and all those other goofy sharpshooters.

    The Know-Nothing Party revisited? (Or maybe just “Idunno”, Inc…)

  3. Since when is being senile stop being charged. Maybe not a trial but at least charged.
    And the Ghostwriter needs to be charged.
    Double tiered justice in this country is pulling it apart. I am fearful of where with WILL lead.

  4. SHIREHOME (2:12 pm) said: “Since when is being senile stop being charged.”

    Since FBI Director James Comey graciously let Mz. Hillary off the hook in 2016.

  5. Once again our immature media, politicians and society focus on the wrong thing.

    This and Trump’s similar indictment are not indications of wrong doing by Biden and Trump; they are glaring examples of our idiotic document secrecy laws.

    It’s our freakin’ government. Government of the people for the people by the people. Very little should be classified and what is classified should go through several echelons of independent approval. We just learned business leaders signed NDAs with California’s state government to collaborate on legislation. That’s insane! Except for extremely sensitive and easily demonstrable military secrets no government communications should be classified, hidden nor secret.

    They are meeting in rooms we pay for typing on computers we pay for printing on printers we pay for. All of this belongs to “we the people.”

    We don’t need more restrictions on handling of classified documents.
    We need fewer.

  6. My take: Guilty as H*ll but free as a bird…..because he’s a well-meaning old man with a faulty memory. 🙁

    My queston to Hur would have been: “Don’t you think it’s a bit presumptive to pre-judge what a jury would conclude in this case? Why not bring the charges and see what an actual jury does?”

    And – “Did it ever occur to you that Biden might be using memory loss as a strategy to fool you? Are you medically qualified to diagnose dementia?”

    And – “Did you know that your description of Biden’s memory loss would medically qualify him for evaluation of his ability to care for himself? Since you are an attorney, would you not refer the accused to a medical doctor for further evaluation?”

    And – “Does It concern you that someone can commit the crime of mishandling classified documents over a forty-year period, and go Scot free? If not, why not?”

    I yield back to the chair.

  7. The takeaway is that if you’re Republican, like Trump or Petraeus, the laws on classified information apply to you. If you’re a prominent Democrat, they don’t.

  8. Jayapal is the face at the core of the Democrat Party. It’s hard to forget, or to recover from the trauma of seeing it.

  9. So the law doesnt matter in point of fact, nearly every journalist is hot garbage except maybe a dozen or two like those af the tablet the federalist

  10. They will let you be killed and tell you why its a good thing that is evil message discipline

  11. Miguel @4:03 PM, Mr. Smith points out that many of the documents illegally in possession of Biden were almost 15 years old whereas those that Trump possessed were more recent, and proposes that that makes Trump guilty and Biden innocent. The problem is that Biden’s documents were fresh when he stole them so the theft was indeed serious. I use the term theft in Biden’s case because at the time he took the documents home he was in no way authorized to possess them.

  12. of course, that is a squirrel move, the fact is biden does not have a right to any of those documents, trump does, so if the law is to mean anything, the chain of custody is extremely lax, why no charges for katie chung or zwonitzer or that other lawyer, name escapes me, that had recently left the white house counsels office,

  13. My queston to Hur would have been: “Don’t you think it’s a bit presumptive to pre-judge what a jury would conclude in this case? Why not bring the charges and see what an actual jury does?” …


    My thoughts too.

    Though Dems and Power are as Occam is to Razor. Inseparable.

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