Home » Netanyahu’s plan for “after Hamas”


Netanyahu’s plan for “after Hamas” — 21 Comments

  1. A parking lot would also be accessible. Really Israel needs to take care of itself, another Leftists US government will drop them even more I think. And the world is being taken over by Leftism so they won’t help Israel.

  2. @ excerpt: “Trump did suggest in the Univision interview that Israel had to “do a better job of public relations, frankly, because the other side is beating them at the public relations front.”

    This is true, but it is a handicap that conservatives labor under as well, because the PR of “the other side” is largely based on lies, always based on spin, and totally devoted to their own position with no allowance for anything good about their enemies.
    So, yeah, hard to beat that with truth, honesty, and generosity.

  3. @ the excerpt: “Israel will work to end UNRWA’s activities in the Gaza Strip and replace it with responsible international aid agencies.”

    Good luck with that, and I totally support closing down the UNRWA completely, but I hope the Israelis don’t have the Red Cross on their list of replacement agencies.

    “The Red Cross Has Abandoned Israeli Hostages and Its Pretense of Neutrality”

    Former discussion of both entities:

    It also covers Hamas propaganda — excuse me, “public relations.”

  4. “The Palestinian Authority has sharply criticised a “day after” plan for Gaza presented by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling it “destined to fail”.” Enough said…

    Israel has returned enough land back to the Islam nations over the years. Enough returning of the Gaza—They should just keep Gaza now, and allow them into Lebanon 🙂 🙂 🙂 if they don’t want to be “occupied” 🙂 .

    No more photo ops for Palestinian fathers holding their son whilst son is shooting an AK & wearing a Hamas rag. That is cruelty to a child, and should be an immediate death sentence for dear ol’ dad!

    It seems it stands nearly alone at the moment – although, somewhat ironically, some Arab nations such as the UAE and the Saudis might be secretly supportive although publicly critical.

    Yeah, I agree that the Saudis are secretly behind Israel on this.

    Hopefully Israel keeps Netanyahu in charge for the long-run on this.

    US needs to nuke any & all of Iran’s nuclear works also – let Putin & China know we are going to start using nukes to settle threats. Where is America’s Genghis Khan when we need him!

  5. Re: A comprehensive de-radicalization program will be promoted in all religious, educational and welfare institutions in the Gaza Strip, as much as possible with the involvement and assistance of Arab countries which have experience in promoting de-radicalization in their territory.

    Now do the U.S.

  6. An X-pressive post from mid-November tells us all one needs to know:
    “The cult of death amongst Palestinians will take generations to reverse. It’s a poisonous ideology that also infected Germans, Japanese et al until they were resoundedly defeated and rebuilt.

    “…Dr. Eli David @DrEliDavid · Palestinian baby receives an organ transplant from a dead Israeli soldier.

    “Listen to this mother: ‘Jews value life. For us life is zero. Life is worth nothing.’” https://twitter.com/mdubowitz/status/1725789035631694053

    QUOTED and displayed here:

    Western Civilization treasures life, in no small part because of our Judeo-Christian roots.

  7. Trump might try to deport anti-semites and others holding antithetical views, but unfortunately the bureaucracy and the courts would defend them – and defend them more strongly than they would an American citizen of good moral character!

    We need a good house-cleaning, but I’m afraid I can’t see where it might come from!

  8. So it will be a genuine occupation, rather than a fake one. The content sounds sensible. I hope the Israelis are able to find enough people and organizations to help with the stated goals, as it is quite possible they themselves will have their hands full with Lebanon, etc. for some of the time period required to stabilize the Gaza situation ultimately.

    One sad aspect for me (there are multiple sad aspects) is that there is all this effort being expended over a little tiny sliver of land, what, 2 miles by 10 or something? I understand the necessity, but there is at the same time something extravagant about it.

  9. Philip Sells:

    Jews have no other land on earth. They have been persecuted – sometimes very violently – in nearly every other place in which they’ve lived. This is the only land they have – this tiny sliver.

    Arabs and Muslims have enormous amounts of land. But they refuse to lose even this small sliver, which was once part of the Ottoman Empire – especially to the despised Jews. They also want back Spain. And they would like the Gates of Vienna to open this time. They take the long view.

  10. They also want back Spain.


    Osama bin Laden chimed in too. It is a popular notion within current jihadism:

    All in all, we request of Allah … that the umma should regain its honor and prestige, should raise again the unique flag of Allah on all stolen Islamic land, from Palestine to Andalus [Spain].

    –Osama bin Laden


    IOW if they have the power, Muslims won’t stop with Israel.

  11. Neo,
    I take your point, and don’t disagree, but it seemed to me that Philip was referring to the Gaza Strip, not the whole of Israel.
    (Not that I think they should give up the Gaza Strip.)

  12. Hi, Jordan. It’s true that I was talking about the Gaza Strip there, but Neo’s point about the irredentist streak in Islam is also useful to bear in mind.

    Also, I think it’s quite logical for Israel to occupy Gaza for the stated purposes. I’m just sad that they’re going to be forced to waste their time and energy doing so.

  13. Ask yourselves these questions:

    Who guided the Persians in Greece?
    What or who gave Atilla the notion he was entitled to the Roman Empire?
    How was it that Hengist and Hrosa first came to Britain?
    Why was it that the Normans thought they were entitled to England 600 years later?
    What brought the Anglo-Normans to Ireland?
    How was it that the Moorish invasion of Visigothic Spain was precipitated?

    Yeah but forgive them because they know not what they do. The Hell, they don’t.

  14. interesting mr hengist was the sad sack possessed by the soul of jack the ripper in a classic trek episode,

  15. “…sliver…”

    But it’s the principle that counts, don’t ye’ know!
    – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Speaking of which…it’s time for some Compare and Contrast:
    “Palestinian Leaders Have Brought a Nakba to Their People”—
    With a little help from their friends, to be sure…
    “How the US Abandoned Israel under Biden”—
    This title should be corrected to read ‘under “Biden”‘….
    “The EU’s Complicity in Financing the Iranian Regime”—
    And this should be corrected to ‘under ‘EU’s and “Biden”‘s Complicity’….

  16. huxley on February 24, 2024 at 1:47 pm said:

    I was told there wasn’t going to be a test….

    That’s ok. They all have the same answer. Their own people.

    In all but the case of Greece which was not a single polity, putative or otherwise, the natives, incompetent, or weak, or vengeful, sought the alien out, and invited them in.

    The circumstances and motives vary slightly, but outlines were similar.

    The hirelings, in short order intend to become the master. Or the replacemernt population.

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