Home » Open thread 2/6/24


Open thread 2/6/24 — 38 Comments

  1. Very nice! Were they in Rio at the time of that scene? The band is dressed more like they’re in Mexico.

  2. Curiously i was watching notorious with cary grant and ingrid bergmann which was partially set there but it was shot in los angeles

    The plot concerns ig farbin executives exiled in rio with claude rains as one of the villains

    Similar to gilda with rita hayworth

  3. Caroline Glick, JNS, “360 degrees of hostility: The Biden administration and Israel”:

    The rising expressions of rage at the Biden administration from ordinary citizens are a testament to the shock and anger Israelis feel at what they perceive as a betrayal of Israel’s most basic interests by Biden and his top advisers.

    Three and a half months ago, when Biden came to Israel, most Israelis couldn’t imagine his warm embrace would transform into a torrent of hostile actions. […]

    Seemingly with each passing day, the Biden administration announces a new initiative aimed at undermining Israel’s ability to defend itself, either by limiting its military options, constraining its diplomatic maneuvering room, empowering its enemies or inducing domestic discord and social cleavages. At a certain point in the not-so-distant future, Netanyahu will need to say “no” to the administration. It can only be hoped that the vast majority of Americans, who stand with Israel against its enemies, will stand with Israel when we arrive at that point.

  4. Biden betrayal coming soon. The House will vote on a stand-alone Israel support bill. If it were to pass the House and Senate, Biden says he’ll veto it.

  5. What fun, so smooth. The first dancers were pure Sex.
    I posted yesterday about a proposed Pet Tax here in CO. Well, the sponsor is backing off and letting it die in committee.
    I hope the appeals court decision comes back and does a Harry Reid on some Dem. But, that is expecting too much.
    Cocaine Mitch is backing away from the border bill. Urged his caucus to vote against it. Guess someone talked to him.

  6. I am interested in the DC Court’s worry about presidents “selling pardons,” when I seem to recall a Democrat president doing just that (Bill Clinton, early 2001).

  7. for mark rich and his gang, who proceeded to loot nigeria, for susan rosenberg, who fat nadler pressed to have released, the ma barker of occupy and antifa,
    for the FALN butchers of Frances Tavern, yadda yadda,

  8. “Presidential Immunity is no longer a thing…”
    Just Presidential Family—or Former Secretary of State—Immunity, I guess…
    – – – – – – – – – – –
    Meanwhile in Argentina (and elsewhere, perhaps)…HOLY CARAMBA….
    + Bonus…
    “Argentinian Pres. lights candle at Western Wall for Hamas victims;
    “Newly-elected Argentinian President Javier Milei visits Western Wall in first stop during visit to Israel…”


  9. if you’re selling out your country to china, kazakhstan little bits to Russia and Mexico if you’re carving up Haiti and Nigeria, well do you have to ask,

  10. I thought it was unlikely that the film was shot in Rio, but in fact, parts of were.

    From IMDB: Filming Locations
    Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Copacabana Palace, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    RKO Studios – 780 N. Gower Street, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA

    The dancing scene in the video looked like a studio set to me, but I could be wrong.

  11. Gilda has a similar subplot, with hayworth in the bergmann role, holden as grant approximation,

  12. even when they did anti nazi films at the end of the war, there is that orson welles one, the stranger, they were kind of a light touch in it, it was around the ebb of the hollywood left nearly at that point, the brazilian and argentine government were among some of the votes against the recognition of israel,

  13. (I accidentally put this on a page for yesterday.
    I’ll put this comment here, as well. ):

    This is just my view:

    A mother in Michigan has just been found guilty of- “not stopping her 15 year old son”, from killing his classmates”, in a mass killing.

    This court decision is nonsense.

    Did she + the boy’s father, take classes in- [how to keep your children from killing or murdering people?]
    I don’t think so.

    Who would even offer classes like that?

    This is all about the fact that this teen killer, killed people WITH A GUN.

    OK…..what if he had killed them with- a car, with fire, or with a [sword he bought at a tag sale?]…would his parents be tried + arrested + found guilty, if he killed/murdered people with those items?


    This is all about: many of the people of Michigan, + some Michigan lawyers, [HATING civilians owning guns].

    They hate it that [my words]- most US civilians can own guns…by their rights, so they want to make as many court convictions, + restricting laws,…as they can, to take gun-ownership-rights away from The people of the US.

    Oh wait- a friend of mine is 30, and lives with his parents.

    His parents had better watch out…if he shoots at people, then his parents could get 15-60 years in prison as well.

    This court decision is a travesty.

    This court conviction should never have happened.


  14. TR, think you’re right. There appeared to be plenty of evidence to convict those parents of child neglect. Manslaughter, no.

  15. Via an Insty link today on Toby Keith I arrived at this article and from there to a luminous Toby Keith song, which Eastwood inspired while the two were playing golf:

    Out on the green, Eastwood shared [with Keith] that he’d be starting work on “The Mule” in two days, which also happened to be his 88th birthday. Struck by Eastwood’s relentless energy at an age when many are content to sit and reflect, Keith asked how he keeps going.

    “He said, ‘I just get up every morning and go out. And I don’t let the old man in,’ ” Keith recounts. “And I thought, I’m writing that.”

    –“Toby Keith Explains How Clint Eastwood Inspired ‘Don’t Let the Old Man In’ for ‘The Mule’”


    “Don’t let the old man in.” I don’t think about it exactly that way, but that’s the way I live. People think I’m in my sixties, but I’m 72 next week.

    Here’s the Toby Keith song, which ended up in Eastwood’s film, “The Mule”:

    –Toby Keith, “Don’t Let the Old Man In”

    Toby Keith is one of the great singer-songwriters of the 21st Century.

    Don’t let the old man in.

  16. RE: The apparently extreme danger of EVs

    Just happened upon this video, discussing the dangers posed by the large lithium ion batteries used in EVs, but also apparently the lithium ion batteries in items like electric scooters.

    Not only can they catch fire—fires which burn so hot and fiercely that they require far more massive amounts of water to extinguish them than normal fires–but, says an expert in this video, such batteries can also apparently reignite at a later time.

    These batteries can explode, and they can also put out massive quantities of toxic gases which, if they accumulate–particularly in a closed space—like say a house garage, or a parking structure–can ignite in a type of fuel air explosion (bombs which create fuel air explosions are one of the most powerful bombs in our military arsenal).

    See the video of what happens when such batteries malfunction in this link.*

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnKm9-S0_UY

  17. Spherules of an alloy not found or used on Earth, and they are extraterresterial, so therefore (Unicorn leap of faith) they must be Unicorn scat.


  18. Hard to cram a coal mine or grain silo (non military fuel air explosion sites) into your garage or typical parking structure.

  19. Huxley – that is a great Toby Keith song! The flags are flying at half mast in OK, per the governor.

    And have a happy birthday next week – I’ll be celebrating my 71st next week. I won’t let the old woman in.

  20. @ miguel > “Shot…chaser”

    Linking Lovecraft to Sperry, and Cthulhu to Willis?
    Pretty creepy, if true.

  21. The flags are flying at half mast in OK, per the governor.

    Liz: Geez, I didn’t realize Toby Keith died two days ago. 62. How can that be? What a loss. What a life!

    AesopFan: Thanks. 39 is a good age on to which to hold. 🙂

    Look out your window and smile
    Don’t let the old man in

    –Toby Keith, RIP

  22. OMG, looks like the Climate Hacktivist thugs have gotten to Phil….
    “…Meteorologist Warns Of Winter’s Return Next Week”—
    Opening graf:
    Punxsutawney Phil – the famous groundhog weather oracle – called for early spring last Friday, having not seen his shadow. However, a new forecast by Arcfield Weather indicates that the above-normal temperatures across the Central US and East Coast could end as early as next week, ushering in another vicious round of winter….” [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

    Don’t know how they did it, but it appears that Phil’s clearly compromised.
    Is nothing sacred to these people???
    (And could this be why his side-kick in Kentucky kicked it?)

  23. om—I did relook at the video I linked to, and the expert called the explosion a VCE or Vapor Cloud Explosion, bad enough, but apparently not the same as a fuel-air explosion.

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