Home » The DOJ knew right away that Hunter’s laptop was Hunter’s laptop


The DOJ knew right away that Hunter’s laptop was Hunter’s laptop — 27 Comments

  1. The magnitude of their efforts to take down Trump is huge. In many cases, the details are interesting in what it shows about how they operate and think.

  2. This amounts to an information coup, direct election interference by dereliction of duty and public lying. If a Republican president is inaugurated, a heavy housecleaning at the the FBI and DOJ should be initiated that afternoon.

  3. He was not only a degenerate but probably a traitor hence he wasnt to be touched

  4. Many years ago, when I was still on active duty and recruiting college students to enlist in Naval Aviation, we were often protested by anti-Vietnam War protestors. They stole our brochure’s and, on several occasions, painted our van with slogans. I wanted to take some Shore Patrol sailors with us to maintain some security for our property.

    My boss, a Commander, was a man who had great respect for the way our system is set up. He kept reminding us that the civilians were our bosses. We worked for them.
    So, we continued to do our work, while being pestered by these no-nothing students – “our bosses.”

    It’s obvious that three are now far too many career government employees who think quite the opposite.

    That’s one of the things I like about Vivek. He’s spoken about this a lot.

  5. “Of course they knew, and most people on the right knew they knew. But the press and fifty “intelligence officers” were eager to suppress that news and create an alternate reality in which the whole thing was Russian “disinformation” and Joe Biden’s election would not be unduly affected.”

    Of course, it was many more than just the press and fifty “intelligence officers”. The White House, the DOJ, the FBI, the DNC leadership, many in Congress and quite probably a number of big donors were equally complicit in this criminal conspiracy.

    Rhetorical question; having publicly admitted to a criminal conspiracy, conducted while acting under the color of law, in blatant violation of the consent of the governed… has not this cabal voluntarily forfeited its legitimacy?

    Which begs the question, at what point do the lower ranks in both law enforcement and the military say we will no longer follow the orders of an illegitimate enterprise? As to not do so… is to become a complicit in that illegitimacy.

    Ideological fanaticism foments willful blindness to obvious realities. Thus, they see not the risk they court.

  6. Anyone who was paying attention knew that info on Hunter’s laptop was being collaborated. All anyone had to do was contact people who were on Hunter’s emails to verify they were true.

  7. Per Kate, If a Republican president is inaugurated, a heavy housecleaning at the FBI and DOJ should be initiated that afternoon.

    The willingness to do just that is a leading issue for many legitimate voters. Rhetorical question: Which candidate among the Republican field would be most likely to perform such a cleaning?

  8. The FBI won’t be housecleaned without taking lots of folks with them — like the politicians & donors who are not only on the Epstein list, but recorded on the secret videotapes which disappeared.
    Not unlike the illegal email server of HR Clinton, which had her bribery/ pay for play emails & payments thru her foundation.

    Trump will try, if he’s allowed to win, and the fight will be dependent on how many Reps go along with him.

    Vivek was the most pro-Trump alternative – but all Republicans should be shouting out:
    a) 2020 WAS stolen – if the truth about one candidate’s corruption is known but censored, it’s NOT a free and fair election; thus it’s stolen.
    b) Democrats are preparing to steal the election again. Bad voter rolls, ineligible voters, ballot harvesting — especially fraud friendly mail-in ballots.

    Voter fraud needs to be an issue BEFORE the election.

    I can’t prove they committed ballot stuffing, but believe they did. They also can’t prove they didn’t help their friends or relatives who usually don’t vote to get out a vote, up to and including illegally doing all the choosing so the relative merely needs to sign. Or maybe not even that, less than 1% were rejected.

    We won’t solve the rotten FBI problem until enough folks are convinced they are really rotten. Vivek’s idea of 8 year term limits for bureaucrats is among the most reasonable to get actually passed and, for the first few decades, make big improvements.

  9. The posters on this thread who are talking about cleaning out the FBI seem to forget that Christopher Wray was Trump‘s hand picked head of the FBI. Trump nominated Wray in August 2017, three years before the laptop was discovered. The Trump supporters say that he will clean out the swamp for sure this time. What makes them think that he will be able to do it? A few weeks ago he wrote a post on his Truth Social account saying that he was going to reward the FBI with a “big beautiful building” in Washington DC. Nominating Trump for a second term and expecting him to do better at cleaning out the swamp fits Samuel Johnson’s definition of a second marriage, the triumph of Hope over experience.

  10. DOJ knew…
    Comey knew…
    Fauci knew…
    Those 50-odd CIA groupies knew…
    Hillary knew…
    Strzok knew…
    Obama knew…
    Milley knew…

    So watcha’ gonna do aboudit?
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Related… (unfortunately)
    “DNA Contaminants In COVID Vaccines Are ‘Beyond The Pale’: Florida Surgeon General”—
    (Of course one can’t believe a thing that emanates from “Fascist” Florida…can one?)

    + Bonus (rather incredible at that)?
    ‘ “The Western World Is In Danger”: Milei Warns Of DEI Doom, As Dimon Touts Trump On ‘Critical Issues’ ‘—
    Holy Yerba! Aaargh-entina to the rescue…(Charlie Brown)?
    (Don’t worry! “Biden”‘s CIA is working on this…)

  11. The fact that “they know we knew” and yet don’t care is a mark of their towering arrogance.

  12. Bucky, what if the fact that “they know we knew” and yet don’t care is a sign, not of their towering arrogance, but of their supreme confidence that nothing will happen about it? What if they’re right?

  13. The posters on this thread who are talking about cleaning out the FBI seem to forget that Christopher Wray was Trump‘s hand picked head of the FBI.
    Recommended by Rod Rosenstein. Wray had held a 2d echelon position in the Justice Department under John Ashcroft. NB. All of Trump’s nominees had to get past Glitch McConnell.
    You want to fix the problem, you have to dramatically reduce the text of the federal penal code, prescribe penatlies therein according to the median of state practice for comparable offenses, require to pursue a case a federal prosecutor must receive an information from a panel of federal magistrates, require that some informations require a preliminary hearing where an adversary process is followed, largely eliminate the discretion federal judges have over sentencing, require federal agents record interviews with subjects being questioned, dissolve the FBI and debar a selection of its employees from federal employment, and establish special-purpose federal police services distributed over about six departments. Also, put investigators and prosecutors in separate departments and debar prosecutors from initiating investigations.
    None of that will happen and NeverTrump refuse don’t want it to happen.

  14. Art Deco: “ Recommended by Rod Rosenstein. Wray had held a 2d echelon position in the Justice Department under John Ashcroft. NB. All of Trump’s nominees had to get past Glitch McConnell.”

    So it is not Trump‘s responsibility to vet his nominees? Trump made some horrendously bad personnel decisions and then tried to shift the blame to others. He will turn on and viciously attack people who had previously been loyal to him like Kellyanne Conway. Nothing he has done recently indicates that he will do anything different.

  15. Banned Lizard: “Which candidate among the Republican field would be most likely to perform such a cleaning?” DeSantis, most efficiently; Trump, perhaps slightly more scatter shot; Haley, not at all.

  16. Bob Wilson on January 18, 2024 at 12:28 pm said:
    So it is not Trump‘s responsibility to vet his nominees? Trump made some horrendously bad personnel decisions and then tried to shift the blame to others.

    They were establishment choices. The same type of people the Bush family used.

    Trump expected to be a normal POTUS, they didn’t let him. I doubt he will be able to drain the swamp, but I don’t think anyone else will either. The establishment types won’t try.

  17. Bob Wilson on January 18, 2024 at 1:39 am said:
    The Trump supporters say that he will clean out the swamp for sure this time. What makes them think that he will be able to do it? A few weeks ago he wrote a post on his Truth Social account saying that he was going to reward the FBI with a “big beautiful building” in Washington DC.

    He was being sarcastic.

  18. Sure the Democrats know they will win again. Nothing has changed at the DOJ, the DOJ that committed de facto election interference, and those mail in ballots are just waiting to be filled out. What human on Earth doesn’t think if something works once it will work again and again.

  19. Don, Trump didn’t label it sarcasm, and we were treated to numerous of his supporters telling how this was brilliant 3-D chess, to keep his enemies close.

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