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Must-see videos on the Gaza war — 27 Comments

  1. I’ve known about the pernicious work of some NGOs in the area for a long time. They are anti-Jewish, as are, sadly, many Arabic-speaking Christians and virtually all Muslims.

  2. The ‘two state solution’ has been a dead letter because the Arab bosses rejected it in 2000 and again in 2008. Note, competitive general elections were held on the West Bank and in Gaza in 2006. About 45% of the ballots went to Hamas, which makes its position quite clear. Another 7% went to a red-brown assemblage who use a different idiom than does Hamas, but be no more friendly to Israel. About 40% went to the double-dealers of Al Fatah, and about 5% to parties which might actually want a settlement. The Arab public on the West Bank and Gaza reject a two-state solution as well, then kvetch about the ad hoc measures Israel takes to improve security and lower its exposure to West Bank and Gaza Arabs. The assumption of Israel’s detractors is that Jews should be dead and what they do for self-preservation is an act of effrontery.

  3. I watched that podcast of Caroline Glick’s yesterday. She makes it clear that much of Israel’s leadership, like the western leadership is committed to a two state ‘solution’. As long as they remain in power, they will continue to believe that they know best.

    The “Biden administration’s strange idea that the PA should get a role in running Gaza after the war” is an idea that only a ‘diplomat’ could endorse.

    I suspect that 99% of the NGO’s involved in the Israel / Palestinian conflict are funded by George Soros. I cannot but connect Soros with Edward G. Robinson’s slimy “Dathan” character in “The Ten Commandments’.

  4. Just starting the video…

    I always get a laugh from Glick’s intro music. It sounds like a 70s stadium rock band I can’t quite recall.


  5. BTW, Glick had a minor singing part in the brilliant Israeli parody, “We Con the World,” which sends up “We Are the World” with perfection.

    Here she is in the front row, wearing a keffiyeh and waving a knife.

    We con the world
    We’ll make them all believe
    The IDF is Jack the Ripper
    We are peaceful travelers
    We’re waving our own knives
    The truth will never find its way
    To your TV.


    Thanks to whomever recommended this video a month or so ago. YouTube removed it for a while after it came out, supposedly for copyright violations, though there were other parodies of “We Are the World.”

    I think some of the truth has reached the rest of us.

  6. It’s on the topic of the shift in public opinion in Israel towards a huge majority rejecting the 2-state solution, and that includes 70% of those on the left who previously believed in it:

    Most Palestinians do not support the two-state solution.
    Ditto Israelis.
    AWRAD: Public Opinion Poll – Gaza War 2023 – Tables of Results,November 14,2023

    Table 33: Do you support the solution of establishing one state or two states in the following formats:
    Two-state solution for two peoples 17%
    A Palestinian state from the river to the sea 75%
    One state solution for two peoples 5%

    Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research: Press Release: Public Opinion Poll No (90), 13 December 2023

    34% support and 64% oppose the idea of a two-state solution, which was presented to the public without providing details of the solution. Three months ago, support for this solution in a similar question stood at 32%.

    Support for the two state solution has been declining in both Palestine( West Bank/Gaza) and Israel since 2016.

    From the above:

    Figure 16: In your view, what is the best means of ending the occupation and building an independent Palestinian state?
    Armed struggle
    December -23 63%
    September -23 53%
    September -22 41%

    After 2 ½ months of decisive military defeat, the support for armed struggle increased from 53% to 63%. The biggest increase in support for armed struggle was in the “mostly peaceful” West Bank. Sounds to me as if Palestine is one big insane asylum.

  7. I don’t need the Muslim atrocities described to me. I can read THEIR OWN chronicles of their conquests of India. No need at all

    And yet I can’t bring self to hate. They can’t beat me down.

  8. NGOs: They’ve become a collective pain in the a**. Not only in Israel, but the ones in Central American are helping facilitate the invasion from the south. Something needs to be done about this NGOs. Here, there, and every where.

  9. Here’s a great excerpt (cleaned up a bit) from the show putting numbers to Israel’s shift to the right:

    So the Israeli people writ large totally got it right I mean like if it had been sort of an even split including the Arabs in support of a Palestinian State the two-state solution and then and then 50% of Israelis opposing it that totally changed so and direct polls analysis of Israeli public opinion since October 7th showed an incredible thing it showed that there’s been:

    * a 44 point shift to the right among Israelis

    * 30% of Voters who voted for the parties in the sort of the leftwing minority Block in the Knesset say that they’ve moved to the right

    * 58% of people who are already on the right move further to the right

    * 30% of leftists moved to the right

    * I think the most important data point in the poll that was published for the first time last week is that 81% of Israelis overall including Jews Arabs Druse everybody says that there’s no chance of peace with the Palestinians zero none

    * what’s even more amazing is that 70% of people who voted for the
    parties on the left say that there’s no chance of peace with the Palestinians okay none

    * 10% said that there is still a chance for peace with the Palestinians

    * the other 9% said they don’t know

    * so 81% of Israelis I say absolutely no chance of peace with the Palestinians

    * 70% of people on the left said that there’s zero chance of peace with the Palestinians

    * the 10% of Israelis who think that there is a peace prospect I think we can all say that they basically are all you know on this very top level of the establishment in Israel and they’re starting to sweat

    –Caroline Glick

  10. I absolutely love Caroline Glick, but every time I watch one of her videos I can’t help but think it could have been 1/3 as long.

  11. Caroline Glick describes, among other things, the (leftist, elitist) Israeli establishment ‘s final solution to the problem of the “poor Palestinians”: demonize Israel’s own Deplorables.

  12. ALL THIS SHOULD have been crystal clear after Arafat’s rejection (twice) of any deal, in the years 1999-2000 and his launching of the murderous second intifada (which would have been in the planning stages for quite some time previously…sound familiar?)

    One of the more ironic things about THAT episode is that the weaponry (mostly guns provided by Israeli) and military/LE training (provided by the US)—received by the PA forces as part of the Oslo “deal” of 1995—were put to EXCELLENT use murdering and maiming Israelis.

    One would have thought that more than some would have remembered this.

    But no, many did not or if they did, preferred to put it aside (cf “Love is the victory of Hope over Experience”, not that this was “Love” exactly but a feeling of “We CAN DO THIS” and “THEY’RE JUST LIKE US”…wanting the same for their children, wanting to improve their lives, etc., etc., …and to some extent this IS true, except that “improving their lives” is subject to interpretation…even as the Palestinian leadership wishes—intends for Israel to disappear—and while nuanced, issuing encouraging noises from time to time, showing, um, PRAGMATISM (especially when it comes to their private bank accounts), it is an autocratic entity that brooks no opposition.)

    The same thing could be said eight years later, in 2008, when Ehud Olmert offered Abbas an offer he couldn’t refuse, not realizing that there was NO offer Abbas—or ANY PALESTINIAN LEADER—could/would actually agree to unless Israel agreed to erase itself from the map. (Wishful thinking, once again rearing its ugly head…)

    And still people did not understand. Did not remember—sufficiently—this further proof of Palestinian rejectionism (to be sure, it’s ALWAYS ISRAEL’s that is always labeled as “INTRANSIGENT”).

    Qualification: What I said above is not entirely true: there were many Israelis who were aware of Palestinian goals—were sending emphatic warnings about the trap that Oslo entailed—but these voices were sidelined, rejected, branded as archaic, foolish, criminal even, as missing the rare opportunity, as not understanding the current Palestinian to FINALLY accept and make its peace with the Zionist Entity. (Actually, not remembered general—ALSO—is that the level of Palestinian attacks on Israeli skyrocketed in the time immediately following Oslo was agreed to in theory and then signed; these were attributed by Israelis in government as something along the lines of “growing pains”…yes, true peace will take time, but we are on the road to a NEW MIDDLE EAST!)

    And so…how to explain the sheer amnesia following 2000? And 2008?
    And can one be CERTAIN that the latest round of butchery will not, equally, be forgotten?
    (Though, maybe, the time line will be longer…. MAYBE.)

    Besides, if Iran ad its proxies and its friends (and—ESPECIALLY—its ally in the Oval Office) smells sufficient blood…then all this may be a moot point in any event.

  13. @ Barry > “Experience keeps a dear school, yet Fools will learn in no other.” –Ben Franklin

    Regarding the optimistic Israelis, I don’t think they were fools in Franklin’s sense — but that didn’t lessen the price of the experience.

  14. It’s always your nearest neighbor who is your closest killer. They’ve been building it up for a thousand years. The Armenians thought the Turks were there friends.

  15. “Das Boot” is a Christmas movie, like”Die Hard.” The Germans only wanted to have Christmas in La Rochelle

  16. I’m just trying to excuse myself. I would have been exactly the piece of of shit that allowed it to happen

  17. Israel should be starting to unilaterally create a 3 state solution:
    1- Jewish, Democratic Israel,
    2- temporarily occupied Gaza Confederation of 5 cantons, with UN human rights, but temporarily without democracy, tho including private property and Swiss & Singapore capitalism. A real country with passports & citizens, but occupied
    3- not yet a country West Bank under the corrupt PA

    Peace thru humane occupation, forbidding terrorism or any aggressive violence.

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