Home » Open thread 12/27/23


Open thread 12/27/23 — 43 Comments

  1. Well, as our drill instructor used to tell us, I want to see you marching like you have a ram rod stuffed up your butt (or words to that affect). I still habitually walk that way.

  2. We’ll get 2024 whether we’re ready or not, so we’ll have to cope with it. I am very worried about the country.

    On the personal side, I had one cataract surgery yesterday, with another scheduled in two weeks. The left eye is now 20/20. I’m wearing just safety glasses to protect the operative eye. It’s slightly disorienting, but not too bad. I could probably drive locally, but my husband may not want me to. As others who’ve had cataracts removed have told me, I find a significant color difference between the two eyes. My right eye shows me my old world, sepia-washed like old photographs. Colors on the left are clear and pure.

    I’ll need reading glasses.

  3. Good luck with everything Kate. Just talked to someone over the holidays (69 yrs old) who had cataract surgery very recently and she is astounded by how much better she can see.

  4. Kate:

    Drive locally, comment globally!

    Anyway, glad to hear your first cataract surgery went well. My sister had her cataracts removed and said it made a big difference.

    Best on the next.

  5. I think those of us who are determined to not allow the media to condition our thinking need to promote a refined use of the term “robot”!

    As real robots become… well, real, we need to quit using the term to describe the mechanical single-armed machines that are ubiquitous in auto and other heavy goods factories. I suggest perhaps these be called “assemblers”, or “manipulators”. This is the type of machine referenced in the article cited above.

    Real robots should be mobile, not bolted to the floor!

    Real robots should exhibit relatively complex behavior, not simply repetitive motions like lifting a part and placing it in a jig for further processing, over and over.

    Real robots should exhibit decision-making capabilities that require sophisticated sensory ability, usually in vision.

    Real robots should be basically humanoid in form, and capable of walking and working in a normal human environment, such as a home, a hospital, or an office.

    Real robots should be able to respond to voice commands in reasonably non-technical and unstructured language, eg. “Please sweep the floor, and then mop it.”

    Real robots should be able to offer information verbally, eg. “A tornado warning has been issued for the local area!”

    Real robots should be able to seek information when required to complete a task, eg. “Shall I use the vacuum or a broom to sweep the floor?”

    And obviously, a real robot should have a level of AI that allows it to avoid actions or situations that could cause harm to a human being!

    This is not intended to be definitive, and is just a train-of-thought reaction to the irritating use of anthropomorphisms when applied to industrial manipulators. I’m sure the folks here can improve upon it!

  6. After the second eye is done, I’m going to be able to actually see birds through the binoculars, instead of constantly saying, “Where is it? I don’t see a bird.”

  7. Thank you for this. I am constantly telling my husband to put his shoulders back and straighten his neck.

  8. Kate: I did the same almost exactly a year ago. I was 78 at the time (79 now). I am also back to 20/20, both eyes, and back to Wal-Mart readers for the close work; turned the bifocals over to the local Lions club. 🙂 The only down side is I now have to remember to don safety glasses in the shop.

  9. Sorry for Cornhead, but it looks like Vivek is dropping out as he cancels all his ads.

    Down to just DeSantis, Haley, and Trump. I’m voting for Ron, but maybe a useless vote by the time the FL primary rolls around. I’m convinced Trump can’t win the general, and if nominated is going to tear the country totally apart. The Ds and the Left will not tolerate him at all and their opposition will turn violent, and then the counter violence from the right. We are heading into very dangerous waters.

    VDH had a great column a few days ago about how the Democrats are basically doing the same things they did in the late 1850s, complete with keeping Lincoln off many state ballots. They seem determine to repeat history, only this time with a CW2, other countries won’t standby and watch what happens. China especially will be ready to swoop in.

    Post Christmas pessimism on my part.

  10. On robots: looks like we really need the Asimov’s 3 rules of robotics to be real thing programmed into AI

  11. Is a “fire and forget” munition (weapon) a wascally wobot?

    What if the wobot’s reason for creation is warfare, and inherently involved the harming of human beings and human created things, or the environment?

    A “kinder, gentler, machine gun hand,” Neil Young.

    Mustn’t disparage robots. Getting into science fiction turf.

  12. Thanks to all for your kind wishes. My eye surgeries are not nearly as complicated or risky as Neo’s from last year. I’m 74; this has been getting worse for several years without my realizing it.

  13. Physicsguy, if polls are worth anything, it looks like Trump might in fact beat Biden this time. HOWEVER, I am increasingly unconvinced that Biden will be the nominee. The Dems could switch at their convention and present us with someone else. Whether that someone could win is a wild card.

    And if Trump does win, he’ll have trouble assembling a competent government, having insulted his way into the nomination, and I agree that we’d have violence much worse than after his first win.

    The Republican Party is emphatically not my church, and I get annoyed by local party events which look to me more like evangelical church meetings than political meetings. I think we exclude lots of people with that approach. However, when I’m in my actual church, I pray earnestly for our country. Leftists, like Islamists, are violent.

  14. Well last time he extended invitations to tillerson mattis and they stabbed him in the back of course we know the lawfare against flynn and his team

  15. “Android” was the SF word for human-like robots. I would keep “robot” for the relatively simple mechanisms, and come up with new words to describe new inventions as they come along. They won’t be “robots” (manual workers, or slaves) anymore, but may end up ruling us.

    Whether they’ll seriously end up ruling us, I don’t know, but “robot,” may end up being regarded as an insult or an embarassing term like “Negro” or “Oriental.” Real androids are still in the future. They may not be called that either, since mobile phone makers co-opted the term not so long ago.

  16. Maybe Vivek is about to be announced as the Trump VP.

    That being said, I too would prefer DeSantis. He seems much more emotionally stable yet is willing to push back against the left.

  17. How can Trump tear apart a country that is already torn apart? Anti-Semitism is rampant in universities and in our cities. Every perversion you can think of is not only tolerated, but promoted by our ruling class. Illegals are being trucked into the country wholesale and then spread throughout it, and our ruling class is rewarding them for ignoring our laws. Our court system is held hostage by the left, from the legal schools training new lawyers to the highest courts. What exactly is the risk of electing Trump at this point? Civil war? You think we aren’t already in one?

  18. Oh, I know we’re in a non-shooting (largely) civil war. I worry that Trump may not be focused on some of the things that need to be changed. He keeps proposing federal programs and laws when in fact the federal control of everything is a large part of our troubles.

  19. “What exactly is the risk of electing Trump at this point? Civil war? You think we aren’t already in one?”

    Yes, a cold one. Do you really want a hot one?? It would be the end of the US as China and Russia march in and pick up the pieces. As I said, read VDH’s column…it’s quite chilling how the D’s seem determined to repeat history.

    Trump has become too polarizing, and looking at his past record shows some real lapses in judgement (Fauci anyone??). I won’t ever convince an Ever-Trumper, I just think DeSantis would be much better for the country. Yes, the Ds will attack him, but the MotR voters don’t have the same level of disdain for him as they do Trump….at least among those I know.

  20. Open Thread: off the current topics.

    There is a 30 minute interview about the Holodomor (1930-1932 Soviet genocide against Ukraine) on The Telegraph (UK) podcast Ukraine:The Latest.

    The person being interviewed is a soviet era historian at a UK university. A free podcast BTW.

  21. Fauci was proferred by Pence through olivia toye i think thats her name they waged their color revolution through the spring and summer of 2020

  22. Physicsguy:

    Do you not think that the endpoint is a hot civil war? Not in terms of battalions marching, but, the total break down of law. I am a Trump guy because I don’t have a good recollection of Desantis doing well outside of state politics. However, based on what I have observed over 40 years I think some kind of chaotic end is in store for this country. The best quote I have heard is that the only thing holding this country together is prosperity. Once that goes it’s over.

  23. Richard Cook,

    Of course I see a probable endpoint as a hot civil war. That’s why I hope we can avert such a disaster. You seem to almost relish such a prospect.

    Of course there’s not much of a track record on DeSantis outside of state politics other than his stint in the House. But he has shown good qualities leading a large and diverse state. How much national politics experience did Trump have in 2016? And I see his record as president as mixed. Add to that the white hot hatred that maybe 50% of the population have for him…maybe you’ll get your wanted hot war.

  24. DeSantis could have picked up a lot of support, including mine, if he’d immediately, strongly denounced the absurd lawfare tactics being used on Trump. He could have said, I will be a better and more effective president but what’s being done to Trump is wrong. Instead, it seems that he is, at the least, not bothered by the persecution of Trump and, more likely, pleased with it. In any case, the fact that DeSantis is so far behind in the primary polling doesn’t bode well for his appeal in the general.

  25. Re: Hunch video

    Occasionally I see elders who seem to have lost much of their neck strength and are unable to lift their heads. Perhaps that’s a special condition as opposed to one more easily correctable with exercises and awareness.

    I had a SoCal friend who lived within some blocks of Mickey Rooney. My friend saw Rooney now and then out for a walk in this condition.

  26. Civil wars tend to have outcomes that are not entirely as expected by either party. Just sayin’, past performance is no
    guarentee of future ….

  27. ChatGPT-5 has been officially announced. As a subscriber to ChatGPT 4, I have access to something calling itself “New GPT-5”. I asked for clarification:

    I’m not actually “Chat-5” or GPT-5. I’m a version of ChatGPT based on the GPT-4 architecture. My design is to simulate advanced capabilities, like those you might expect in a hypothetical “GPT-5”, by providing more nuanced, detailed, and empathetic responses. So, while I’m not a new version, I aim to offer an experience that’s a step ahead of standard GPT-4 interactions.

    That’s not exactly clear. However, my main takeaway is that GPT-5 is about to become real. The rumors are that GPT-5 is close to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and will blow GPT-4 away and GPT-4 is pretty damn impressive.

    Things are moving very fast.

  28. @ physicsguy > “VDH had a great column a few days ago about how the Democrats are basically doing the same things they did in the late 1850s, complete with keeping Lincoln off many state ballots.”

    I couldn’t find a column on that topic, but Hanson did post a long X-Tweet that covers the territory, in which he mentions a very long essay he wrote in 2022, from which he excerpted the “pull quotes” of his analysis on why Silicon Valley billionaires are the analog of Deep South plantation owners.

    Andrea Widburg discussed the tweet, and added a rather discomfiting “deep fake” meme on the only two Republican candidates for President stricken from state ballots by the Democrats.





  29. MrsX:

    I am very very tired of remarks such as yours, which I see constantly (not from you – you are new here – but from many around the blogosphere on the right). These sorts of things started immediately when DeSantis became a candidate, and they were spread by people who were not just Trump supporters but Trump supporters who were perfectly willing to lie about DeSantis. I’ve written quite a few posts and comments on the subject.

    Some of the DeSantis criticisms have taken the form your comment here has taken: DeSantis didn’t do x, y, or z. Funny thing, very often he actually HAD done those things but that was ignored.

    For example, regarding Trump’s indictments, you apparently missed this sort of thing:

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reacted to his rival’s third indictment Tuesday by declaring he will “end the weaponization of government, replace the FBI director, and ensure a single standard of justice for all Americans.”

    Former President Donald Trump was indicted Tuesday on charges related to his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss. …

    DeSantis’ reaction Tuesday is similar to his past comments about Trump’s legal troubles. He has largely avoided criticizing Trump, and instead has followed many in the GOP in accusing the government of a politicized prosecution.

    DeSantis also is arguing that Trump can’t get a fair trial in the nation’s capital, saying he believes “we need to enact reforms so that Americans have the right to remove cases from Washington, DC to their home districts.”

    “Washington, DC is a ‘swamp’ and it is unfair to have to stand trial before a jury that is reflective of the swamp mentality,” DeSantis added. “One of the reasons our country is in decline is the politicization of the rule of law. No more excuses — I will end the weaponization of the federal government.”

    Ah, but you write, in your comment at 7:50 PM:

    DeSantis could have picked up a lot of support, including mine, if he’d immediately, strongly denounced the absurd lawfare tactics being used on Trump. He could have said, I will be a better and more effective president but what’s being done to Trump is wrong. Instead, it seems that he is, at the least, not bothered by the persecution of Trump and, more likely, pleased with it.

    Pleased with it? Not even close. I suggest you stop repeating falsehoods you read on some DeSantis-hating blog and start using a search engine more frequently.

    By the way, DeSantis also mentioned he would consider pardoning the January 6 rioters as well as Trump if need be; see this.

  30. What makes you think China and Russia could pick of the pieces of a Civil War 2.0? Russia can’t even handle a territorial war in Ukraine where they held all the cards. China’s economy is a house of cards, and it’s military looks good on paper, but hasn’t fought anything meaningful since a border war with Vietnam in the late 70’s. And if the goods we receive from Chinese manufacturers are any indication, those good-looking military weapons may just be a bunch of camouflaged crap.

  31. Hello. I was just looking at this pleasant video about the National Museum of Korea, which looks like a delectable destination. It took me about five times longer to get through it than the running time because I was trying to puzzle out as many words as I could (which isn’t many yet). I noticed that most of the sentences in the captions end in infinitives, which suggests there is probably some very formal register in use therein about which I haven’t learned yet.

    On another, uh, note… last week I ran into a fairly new Gregorian-chant channel on the ‘T00b that has some nice presentations of old-style arrangements like this one.

  32. Philip Sells:

    Sounds like you are down the language learning rabbit hole … and taking a most challenging route for a Westerner: Korean.

    Learning French is one of the great adventures of my life.

  33. I had cataract surgery about 8 years ago because I was going blind. At first, I couldn’t see to drive at night, then it started to affect my daytime driving. I told the surgeon I wanted to correct my nearsightedness. I was astonished at the difference it made. However, the surgery will not stop your eyeball from changing shape with age so eventually you may need glasses again.

  34. Neo, your reply caused me to research DeSantis’s response to the Mar a lago debacle. I stand corrected.

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