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Roundup — 41 Comments

  1. Well, in a way Weingarten is right, because to the left phrases like “democracy” and “our democracy” are just shorthand for “single party Democrat rule.”

    A good friend of mine was a teacher for many years in the L.A. Unified School District. Back when he started teaching in the mid eighties, he told me that roughly 25% of his colleagues had their own kids in private schools. My money says Weingarten did the same; either that or she lived in an area with “good schools.”

  2. Yes, Trump still shoots first and asks questions later, if at all. He needs somebody to control his tweeting, or at least pump up his game (“RINO” is inaccurate in Roy’s case, and at this point that insult has gotten stale), but it’s not going to happen.

    There’s now a backlash building against releasing the Epstein list. People who weren’t guilty of anything will be included (and some powerful guilty people’s names may be redacted). Victim names are also on the list. Will they also be revealed? There’s much to be said against ruining innocent people’s lives, but when the Washington Post suddenly weighs in with concern, after ignoring the list for years, it’s hard to take their concern seriously.

    It’s wise to be suspicious of polls — and certainly of this poll. I haven’t seen the details, but I think senior citizens still back the Republicans. It may be the 30-40 year olds who bring Trump’s numbers down a little.

    The Daily Mail webpage about the poll is showing a video of Charles and Camilla walking around with crowns on their heads and looking ridiculous. Monarchy doesn’t have the splendor and majesty it used to have.

  3. “But if they are just people who worked for him in any capacity, or had dealings with him in any capacity, that concerns me because the innocent will be tarred with the same brush as the guilty.” Fair enough, but consider the fact that the man was evil. He brought babes to business meetings for no other reason than to sit and adore him and distract everyone else. His depravity was obvious to anyone with eyes, even if the ultimate depths of it were hidden. Evil wins because good men do nothing; it often seems “not the hill to die on”, not worth making a fuss about and yet… if evil is not confronted, and shunned, it grows and rules. The people of Gaza are dying because they didn’t face down Hamas themselves; similarly, people around Epstein are not as innocent as might be supposed.

  4. For “Biden” and “his” squealing lapdogs in the media, nothing is too odious.
    “Biden White House Gets Media To Spread Nazi-Style Propaganda That Trump Is Hitler”—

    Anything and everything can be concocted as long as it gets the American people to take their eyes off “Biden”‘s criminal regime.
    To take their eyes off the ball.

    IOW, “Weapons of Mass Distraction” is not simply a pun. Nor is “Narrative Uber Alles” merely a distasteful joke….

    The tactical “24/7 Hate” is now deeply entrenched…just like all those illegal immigrants.

    File under: ‘ “How-to-Take-Apart-a-Country” for IDJITS’ with Foreward by Klaus Schwab and Appreciation by Karl Marx.

  5. Chip was a good choice signing on rove and rowe was catastrophic like the crew of the flying dutchman

  6. There are the bankers that enabled the transaction like morgans jes staley the government officials who did favors for him like say our current cia director but many were bystanders

  7. Speaking of the “Daily Mail”…
    “Nationwide swatting spree targeting nearly 200 Jewish institutions in a single weekend was a coordinated effort from group based outside of the US, FBI says”—

    + Bonus:
    “Brawl involving pro-Palestinian activists at Detroit Dem holiday bash leaves partygoers bloodied, bruised and in ER”—

    + Apocalypse WOW!
    “Maine forced to delay vote on EV mandate amid widespread power outages;
    ” ‘A storm like yesterday’s would render 80% of cars useless is, to say the least, ill-advised,’ Democratic Rep Golden says”—

    Divine intervention? And/or somebody is trying to really tell us something…but we’re NOT going to listen NO WAY!

  8. Re (3) – I’m pretty skeptical of polls right now.

    Re (4) – The illiberal progressives at the universities are going to wrap themselves in small-l liberal principles to defend their fiefdoms.

  9. Could this poll be accurate? It shows that among voters under 29, three-quarters do not approve of Biden’s handling of the Gaza war. I originally figured that’s because they think he’s being too nice to Israel, but they also back Trump 49 to 43 over Biden.


    I wonder if this doesn’t boil down to Strong Horse vs Weak Horse. Even if the young prefer BIden’s wokeness, they must also see Biden as a weak, semi-senile old man. Which for the young must be galling.

    Whatever Trump’s faults, he remains a hale and hearty active figure. Trump is such a clear Alpha Male, still strong, it’s not a joke.

    It’s the Planet of the Apes. We like strong leaders.

  10. Remember: Hippocrates is (JUST) a Dead, White Male.

    “At Georgetown Med, the Doctors of Tomorrow Aren’t Hiding Their Support for Terrorism;
    “Future physicians must support ‘the resistance’ or find another career field, first-year med student Nicole Olakkengil says”—

    “You wanna be a Doctor, dude? Then you had BETTER HAVE THE RIGHT OPINIONS!”

    …which will soon “trickle down” to:
    “You want medical care, dude? Then you had BETTER HAVE THE RIGHT OPINIONS!”
    (Which is just a riff off “You want medical care, dude? Then you had BETTER BE JABBED!”)

    Yep, they’re acomin’ for ya’ YOU BET!
    (…And it won’t be long now…)

    File under: “First, do no harm (as long as they think right). And if they don’t, then screw ’em.”

  11. Sgt. Joe Friday, Weingarten has a stepchild, the child of her legal wife, a Jewish rabbi. Timing indicates she was probably not married to the rabbi (marriage in 2018) while the child was being raised.

  12. Re (1) Trump is an asshole, but he’s ‘our’ asshole. The left doesn’t like him because he’s an asshole. We like him because he shits on their plans.

    Re (2) I share your concern about tarring and feathering everyone on the Epstein list. But people of reasonably good will should allow the innocent to clarify their relationship with evidence.

    Re (5) Why is democracy a good thing and populism a bad thing, when they result in the same thing, majority rule? Personally, I don’t favor democracy. I favor a constitutional republic based on laws in which neither majority nor minority enjoy favored status. God is no respecter of persons, and neither should we be, when it comes to justice.

  13. 2) Epstein was used as a cudgel against Trump, then he was no longer necessary when other parties entered the chat, like the Panama Papers which used the overworld and underworld collaborations,

    3)Democracy is mob rule see spring of 2020, but it’s also the coordination of the zysgy, the coordination of state and private power,
    populism is more often then not common sense, a health scepticism of the above mentioned factions,

  14. Trump’s response was predictably immature, but I’m not sure what Roy’s motivation is here. DeSantis certainly seems like a lost cause at this point. Why endorse him and incur Trump’s wrath? Why not just stay neutral?

  15. Ackler, it seems to me that either:

    A) DeSantis is Roy’s friend, and it’s praiseworthy to support your friends, come what may, or

    B) Roy figures the Democrats will successfully sabotage Trump, so why not get a move-on with Plan-B?

  16. And the thing that dismays me is that DeSantis’ main ‘fault’ is that he’s ‘unlikeable’.

    Likeability is more important than implementing the best policy? In what rational world is this true?

    As governor, DeSantis stands head and shoulders above other candidates in not just talking the talk but getting things done. It distresses me that so many evidently don’t make this their #1 priority. Pretty words for empty minds.

  17. Neo’s point 6 appears to be about UK’s police forces being incompetent or evil. But the issue really is UK’s lack of freedom of speech. They even have a non-crime hate incident crime. This just might be on its way here.

  18. From the TechnoFog post, the vast majority (at least 100) of the people on the “Epstein list” are known because they either gave media interviews or testified during the Maxwell civil trial. The genesis of the list is the names that were redacted on various pieces of trial paperwork (depositions, witness lists, records introduced as exhibits, etc). Many, maybe even most, are probably victims or people such as doctors who performed medical exams though Techno did think maybe a half a dozen might be interesting if their names were released.

  19. Trump is an *&^%$, but he’s ‘our’ &^%$. The left doesn’t like him because he’s an &^%$#. We like him because he &^%$#s on their plans.

    OK, but I would prefer someone who’s not an &^%$#, who still &^%$#s on their plans.


    DeSantis certainly seems like a lost cause at this point.

    After zero primaries or caucuses have been held, and with Trump facing a significant chance of being unable to be elected, or to serve??

  20. Re Polls, saw that one poll had a majority believe that Trump should not be on the ballot, agreeing with the CO judges. Do not how the poll was worded or run. Seems high to me.

  21. Jordan, I agree. Trump is not the ideal. But who else will take action and not just words? Your preference?

  22. Trump’s not allowed to play politics like everyone else? Really? Has anyone witnessed the nastiness of these Republican “debates”? Voodoo economics?
    I know a bunch of you don’t like Trump. Fine. But you’re holding him to a different standard.

  23. Bill K and Acker – You might consider another possibility. Chip Roy certainly appears to be a man of principle, unlike some of the other yahoos in that set like Bobert and Gaetz.

    Roy may genuinely belive that Trump should not be president again.

  24. RE: UFOs—Has Danny Sheehan lost his mind, or does he know something that we don’t?

    Linked is a long interview with Sheehan in which, starting at about minute 54, he quite calmly and matter of factly says that he has seen enough evidence that he is convinced that there are at least five species of NHIs visiting the Earth, that these NHIs belong to some type of Galactic Federation, and that his newly formed organization, New Paradigm Institute, is dedicated to investigating the UFO Phenomenon and NHIs, to bring people the truth about these things, to help people cope with this new Reality, and to help humans gain entry into that Federation.*

    So, is this famous Harvard trained lawyer—who has been involved in many of the major legal battles over the last 50 or so years, and who appears to be very sharp, and in command of all of his faculties (unlike a certain President)—nuts, is his bullshit meter busted, has someone sold him a bill of goods, does he just want this to be true too much, or, is he positioning himself and his organization at the head of the upcoming Parade?

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maFBmYqRedQ

  25. Only five species? The universe is truly a vast enourmous place; although time and distance and physics mean nothing to UFOs and NHIs.

    Shirley (intentional) this man has a tally of all the taxonomic characteristics necessary to distinguish between species, or just more BS being sold?

  26. Bauxite on December 22, 2023 at 8:18 am said:
    Bill K and Acker – You might consider another possibility. Chip Roy certainly appears to be a man of principle, unlike some of the other yahoos in that set like Bobert and Gaetz.

    Roy may genuinely believe that Trump should not be president again.

    Why ? Because he is 77 years old? Because he is controversial? The lawfare is not credible. I guess you don’t like Bobert and Gaetz. The GOP reenforced its reputation as “The Stupid Party” by voting to expel that guy from New York. Who cares if they have a majority or not ?

  27. Danny sheehan is a certified soviet asset who digressed to the maskirovna around pipelines (remember the indian private and sandmann)

  28. #1 As a DJT supporter wish he went after r the real enemy and stop worrying/ talking about DeSantis
    #2 Heard they are still covering up some powerful names, yes they want to get anyone not on their protection list
    #4 They don’t want to lose their iron grip on Cultural Marxist Seminaries
    # 5 in a Bad Blue Tweet Randi made comment saying a 5th grader said Dennis Prager U is not teaching honest history
    Cultural Marxism Seminaries indoctrination works

  29. Chip Roy is a Rino and a Bushie, just ask Ken Paxton. Trump called for someone to primary Roy, hope someone does.

  30. Chip Roy is a Rino and a Bushie, just ask Ken Paxton.
    Paxton’s sketchy.
    The sectarianism is tiresome, but it’s stoked by business Republicans whose metier is betraying their voters. (See, for example, Glitch McConnell).

  31. Bill K

    Welcome to the first world. Where style trumps substance. It has never been a rational world.

  32. The faculty are absolutely right. It is a hostile takeover of the university because faculty run universities. The reason Lawrence Summers was ousted at Harvard and Claudine Gay still lingers on is faculty support.
    It was a hostile takeover when some state legislatures like Iowa and North Dakota reduced diversity and it will be if Wisconsin pulls it off. Universities are run by the faculty. The outsiders are coming in and forcing the faculty to do what the outsiders want rather than what the faculty wants to do.
    Hostile takeovers are usually a good thing in business and often will be at the university level as well.

  33. Ken Winter:

    Faculties do not run universities. They have some power, but the trustees – for example – are above them. See this. The actions of trustees don’t constitute a takeover, hostile or otherwise.

  34. Neo, you’re legally right, but as a faculty member, at least in my experience, faculty think they ought to run universities, and try to, whenever given the chance. Like with the Deep State, faculty often hide what they do and teach from the trustees. Trustees are seldom on campus or in classes to see what actually goes on. So the sabot flies into the gears of trustee oversight often unawares until something like the Congressional hearing catches their attention.

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