Home » Hamas knows Israelis care about children. And so they set a trap for the IDF.


Hamas knows Israelis care about children. And so they set a trap for the IDF. — 9 Comments

  1. “…to side with Hamas and its state sponsors in their demand for an immediate cease-fire speaks volumes about the transformation of US foreign policy under Obama’s leadership.”

    Well, this is Obama’s third term. Joebama is doing pretty much wheat Barack wants.

    Has anyone ever heard a rational argument from anyone in the Obama/Biden admins for courting Iran and being anti-Israel? I never have. It.Makes.No.Sense.

  2. Evil tolerates no moral barrier to its agenda.

    “Has anyone ever heard a rational argument from anyone in the Obama/Biden admins for courting Iran and being anti-Israel? I never have. It.Makes.No.Sense.” JJ

    When the ‘covert’ goal is to destroy Israel and then America as the foremost proponents of national sovereignty… It.Makes.Perfect.Sense.

  3. fair is foul, and foul is fair, from the scottish play, it ties together all of the evils, we see in the various threads, from the Kangaroo court in Panem, to the sodomy in the Senate, to this exercise in resurrecting old gods, from Phoenician north and Canaan south,

  4. Has anyone ever heard a rational argument from anyone in the Obama/Biden admins for courting Iran and being anti-Israel?


    Well aware of his geopolitical genius, Obama decided his Middle East policy would hinge upon making Iran the local hegemon. Thus Iran would be converted from a troublemaker to a mafia don … er … responsible global leader.

    Sadly, with crocodile tears, Israel’s power would be reduced. And all would be well with that part of the world.

    Perhaps I exaggerate.

  5. The sentence ” Here’s Glick on the role of the Obama administration:” sparked a thought: Why is the Biden administration not being referred to as ‘Obama II”? Is it that doing so would give credit to someone whose nefarious doings are only now being recognized?

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