Self-admitted voter fraud
This Rasmussen poll is certainly interesting, and it’s only what people are admitting to. It’s not the type of organized, institutionalized voter fraud alleged to have been witnessed in the 2020 election, but it’s the type that is alleged as part and parcel of the move to mass mail-in voting without proper safeguards:
More than 20% of voters who used mail-in ballots in 2020 admit they participated in at least one form of election fraud.
A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute finds that 21% of Likely U.S. voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child, while 78% say they didn’t. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Thirty percent (30%) of those surveyed said they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election. Nineteen percent (19%) of those who cast mail-in votes say a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf. Furthermore, 17% of mail-in voters say that in the 2020 election, they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident. All of these practices are illegal, Heartland Institute officials noted.
“The results of this survey are nothing short of stunning,” said Justin Haskins, director of the Socialism Research Center at the Heartland Institute. “For the past three years, Americans have repeatedly been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. But if this poll’s findings are reflective of reality, the exact opposite is true.
I have repeatedly said that the way mail-in voting was expanded and used in 2020 – with security rules so relaxed as to be crying out for violation – undermined Americans’ faith in the election whether or not massive fraud occurred, and was dangerous for that reason alone. Nothing in this report should be surprising except for the fact that many people admitted it in a poll.
The following may not earn me any popularity points, but I nevertheless wonder if some of the respondents to this poll were people on the right lying in their fraud confessions in order to establish the idea of a fraudulent 2020 election. The following results indicate to me that this actually might be the case – for some, anyway:
Among those who cast mail-in ballots in 2020, nearly equal percentages of Democrats, Republicans and unaffiliated voters admitted to fraudulent activities. For example, 19% of Republicans, 16% of Democrats and 17% of unaffiliated voters who cast 2020 mail-in ballots say they signed a ballot or ballot envelope on behalf of a friend or family member. On the question of voting in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident. more Republican mail-in voters (24%) than Democrats (17%) or unaffiliated voters (11%) admitted doing so.
Of course, fewer Republicans than Democrats voted by mail in 2020, so higher percentages don’t necessarily mean greater absolute numbers. But the parties weren’t all that far from each other in terms of voting by mail itself:
More Biden voters (36%) than Trump voters (23%) say they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election. Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Democrats voted by mail in 2020, as did 24% of Republicans and 27% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
So, what does it all mean? I’m not sure, except that I continue to believe that (a) we’ll never know how much mass, institutionalized, organized fraud occurred in the 2020 election; it may have been a lot or not so much, but there are reasons to suspect the opportunity was there to a greater extent than in previous elections (b) personal election fraud of the type measured by this survey probably occurred in record numbers as well, but it’s not clear that this poll is accurately measuring it.
And I remain in strong favor of increasing election security, but it will not be happening in blue states and blue cities.
}}} fewer Republicans than Democrats voted by mail in 2020
LOLZ, and the ones who did vote by mail were much more likely to be RINOs.
I saw this on Powerline blog in a post by Hinderaker. And therefore I’m glad you’ve raised it to a brew thread here.
But there is MORE from the Heartland/Rasmussen survey, and it reinforces the message of extreme political polarisation. And Democrat radicalism is now their Truth. Thus, these are the fruits of the propaganda media writ large:
“47% of likely voters believe Trump guilty of alleged crimes to overturn the 2020 election, including 72% of Democrats and 20% of Republicans;
“18% of Democrat likely voters think Trump should be punished by “jail for life,” “permanent exile,” or “death,” if found guilty;
“77% of Democrat likely voters think Trump should be “banned from running” for public office again, if found guilty:
“48% of likely voters say media members who alleged election fraud should be criminally punished, if Trump found guilty
“48% of Democrat likely voters believe media members who alleged election fraud should be “banned from public speaking,” receive prison time, or a combination of both.”
Trump himself weighed in on this reveal, saying that it’s the biggest news story of the year, and therefore Republicans must take it up and do something about it.
(I imagine this message was directed not these last details but rather to your thread post’s survey findings.)
Anyway, perhaps someone else will have a look and clarify this here.
CO is Vote by Mail, if you choose to. You have to sign and your signature is suppose to be checked.
I don’t know, 20% seems high to me. But what do I know.
Not sure how broadly they define ‘filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member’ but I may have been guilt of this in 2020. My mom had a hand tremor and it was hard for her to fill in the circle so I filled out her ballot and I would ask her who she wanted to vote for but for most of them she would just say ‘I don’t know just vote for who you want’ so I did.
Did I commit voter fraud? Or did she?
Griffin, NC law specifically permits family members to help fill out ballots. I don’t know the law in your state.
Yeah, I don’t know. I would say I’m going to choose so and so to her so she knew what I was doing and she did vote for Biden because she hated Trump which didn’t really matter in deep blue WA.
its a matter of intent, if you can vote legitimately in person, then you should,
of course it’s if it’s Prince Insley’s bailiwick well anything goes (not from cole porter)
WA voter help rules
“Most individuals with disabilities are able to vote completely independently. However, some individuals with disabilities require assistance with part or all of the voting process. Almost anyone, including a friend, family member, care provider, or poll worker, can provide assistance to an individual with a disability. In this publication, a person providing assistance to the voter will be referred to as the “assistant.” This publication will explain the role of the assistant in helping an individual with a disability before, during, and after the voting process.
Before the Vote
The assistant indicates that help is available
The assistant does not assume an individual with a disability needs help voting. The assistant respects the voter’s choice to vote independently, but makes it clear that assistance with voting is available. The assistant does not provide assistance unless the voter expressly requests help.
The assistant supports the voter’s independence
The assistant knows that helping someone vote may be perceived as having control over the voter. To prevent unduly influencing the voter, the assistant:
* avoids expressing personal political opinions to the voter because:
* the voter may feel uncomfortable voting contrary to the assistant’s opinion.
* assistants who are personal care providers risk making a voter feel like the quality of personal care received will be affected by casting a conflicting vote.
* assures the voter that the voter’s decision is confidential.”
Wisconsin law allows someone else to fill out the ballot, as I did for my husband, but I had to sign that I had done so, and he did sign his own name–not well, but readable. I am also an election worker. I vote in-person. He was homebound.
My mom did sign her ballot and I did have a power of attorney for her but I didn’t sign her ballot or anything. It was probably borderline because she would ask me what she should vote for even in earlier elections but fill out her own ballot so this wasn’t that much different really. And I did follow her wishes on a lot of the races especially the local ones where she often knew or knew of some of the candidates personally. It was more state legislature and the like where she would rely on me. I would also just not vote for certain races if I had no clue who was better which I also do with my own ballot.
And she has since died so I think I’m probably safe from the hoosegow on this one.
Also WA is a mail ballot only state all elections not just 2020
There have been controversies about states removing those who haven’t voted in some time from the voter rolls and about whether the rules about removing those voters weren’t obeyed when mail-in ballots were sent out in 2020. There are certainly stories about ballots being sent out to those who had already long since died or moved away. I’d like to find out more details, but the “fact checkers” and their routine denials crowd out any serious, “granular” analysis. If habitual non-voters got a ballot in the mail and didn’t throw it out, maybe they asked a family member to fill it out for them. That is of course, apart from the more serious organized fraud that may have been going on.
Take a statistics course, hope for a good teacher and youll never pay attention to polls again.
I saw a poll today where most democrats considered “we cant have Trump” as the 2nd most popular issue after the economy. They did not have the option “we cant have Biden” in the poll.
Meaningless poll, loaded, biased. Move on.
Im still looking for the 38% who say Biden is doing a whiz bang job.
They sure dont like to talk about it.
The Declaration of Independence begins with “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Unalienable means that one cannot transfer the right to anyone else. Jefferson named three rights, but the use of “among these” indicates that the Creator granted us additional rights. I would argue that the right to vote is one of the unalienable rights.
Practically, it appears that mail-in voting may allow the most politically active/obsessive to multiply their effect on government by voting in multiple locations and/or voting ballots for less politically-engaged family or household members.
In my view, this is very much like the “polarized primary electorate” effect and actually undermines the legitimacy of democracy.
Of course the 2018 election was totally fair and honest.
Only an idiot could not see that Biden would receive more votes than any other presidential candidate in the history of the USA. Even breaking the previous record of Obama’s vote tally.
Any “irregularities” were insignificant, meaningless.
Just recall the crowds that Biden drew on the campaign trail !
There literally was no room to accommodate the many many hundreds of thousands of his supporters that attended his many campaign appearances.
And truly, he would have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize if it hadn’t been awarded to Obama just a few short years before.
But hey, there is still hope !!
As for those election deniers, they refuse to admit that those election “observers” provided by Venezuela, Hamas, N.Korea, Putin and Cuba all declared that everything was on the up and up.
True, those election deniers point to those states that “delayed” vote counting over night, just happened to be by some miracle those states whose electoral votes would decide the election and had Trump in the lead just before they “delayed” the vote count.
And when the vote count in these states resumed, after having counted zero votes over night, ALL showed Biden in the lead, even though there was no vote counting over night.
This is meaningless, insignificant rubbish that those idiotic election deniers are hung up on.
What a desperate, foolish bunch.
But these deniers are still shedding crocodile tears.
They are just sore losers.
Now these same !!! election deniers insist that Joe biden took bribes.
Show me the evidence.
Hunter evaded taxes, OK, fine
This has nothing at all to do with the esteemed President Biden .
Hunter received a few million $$$; so what. He provided his expertise and guidance to entities in China and Ukraine, and they paid for it.
What is the big deal?
After all, Hunter has a BA in Finance from U of Chicago and a Harvard MBA plus years of experience in business consulting. He deserves big $$$ for his advice.
True, he on occasion and very infrequently took up crack cocaine and hanging with prostitutes but he was only trying to help the latter by paying them and providing them free crack cocaine.
What a nice guy and gentleman.
As for the next election, all I can predict with 100% assurance that it will be the most honest and fair election in US history unless Trump is a candidate, in which case Putin will be hacking into the voting machines to give Trump the edge.
Just ask Hillary.
Leftists have long said that if everyone voted — the poor, the apathetic, the illiterate, the homeless, convicts, ex-convicts, legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, those with dementia or mental illness — the left would win. Mail-in voting and vote harvesting are an application of that notion. Even voter fraud is a way of virtually representing those who don’t or can’t vote. Add to that the left’s self-righteousness and fear of losing and ballot shenanigans aren’t a problem for Democrats.
I don’t know if anyone here will be able to open this article in today’s Missoulian newspaper.
But, if you can read it you will see the problem here in MT with regard to the stupidity of the R party! They ousted their own elected official in charge of the election! Not only that they agreed with the democrats to hire someone from outside to come in and count ballots. In a state in which all government employees were hired by the previous democratic regime–how much integrity do you think that’s going to bring to the process. GEEZ LOUISE the Dems convinced the Republicans to take out their own elected official!!! 2024 is going to be one giant cartoon which the R party will loose!
P.S.You can also go to the Great Falls newspaper.
NC law specifically permits family members to help fill out ballots.
Kate, good point.
I think it was 2020, I was considering “helping” my father, who had dementia, vote. I looked into it, but wasn’t able to do it, because the rules in my blue state were quite strict about how to do this. (Not that I was trying to cheat.)
He didn’t really give a hoot about his vote, anyway.
probably possums on the board there,
Try being an election judge and watching a father take his clearly incompetent son into the booth and explain who to vote for.
Once, election laws were drawn up in a bipartisan manner. Neither side wanted easy cheating.
Decades ago Democrats figured out that Republicans won’t bother cheating.* And many races turn on less than ten votes per precinct. So they cheated, on a retail level, and no prosecutor wants to do election fraud. It doesn’t get you elected to the Senate. Unless, of course, one can find that nearly mythical Republican cheater.
Thus the Minneapolis Somali case where the guy did a video bragging how he had 300 ballots in the car with him. In 2020, who is going into the Somali hi-rises to interview Somali elders about their ballots? Even if they wanted to, there are no Somali cops or prosecutors to translate.
But with vote by mail, holy cow, wholesale cheating becomes possible, and it’s impossible to fix even if you detect it. The ballot’s already in the box.
Betcha Griffin receives a ballot for his late mother for years to come.
*Republicans won’t bother cheating because politics isn’t personal to them (Trump excepted).
I think all of the above comments are making a good argument for why democracy is a bad idea. 🙂
Some day I believe we’ll get to a theocracy and it will be heaven on earth. Unless you don’t like God. In which case, it will be hell, but not on earth. 🙁