Home » CAIR further reveals itself as Jew-haters and Hamas-supporters, and the White House acts surprised


CAIR further reveals itself as Jew-haters and Hamas-supporters, and the White House acts surprised — 29 Comments

  1. The offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood have been at war with Israel and the U.S. since 1948. Our fondest hope has been that they would be “reasonable.” CAIR and its affiliated groups seemed to present an entity that could be reasoned with. At least to those grasping at straws of hope for change.

    But it has all proven to be like termites eating the foundation of your home. We should have understood this way back in 1993 when the “Blind Sheik” tried to destroy the World Trade Center.

    But hope springs eternal that surely these people will relent and become more reasonable. So, here we are thirty years later – after 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Benghazi, the ISIS Caliphate, and more – with the left still clinging to the notion that “we can work with these people.” It is to weep.

  2. Islam property understood is a creed of hatred. Thank you for making beauty part of my life . I don’t think I can tell you Neo just how much I treasure you

  3. Context is a favorite word of the ‘erudite’ class.

    Another is nuance. File under gaslighting.

    It’ll bite ’em in the end.

    Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

  4. CAIR was a Brotherhood surrogate from the beginning.

    I wonder, if they issue a weasel-worded “apology” for this statement, whether the Biden White House will accept the “apology” and carry on as usual with them.

  5. they are the propaganda arm of hamas, I remember when they did their debut tour at my alma mater, I knew a little about them notably how, in the aftermath of the WTC bombing they were pushing concerns about what would calcify as islamophobia,

  6. so the Egyptian colonial authorities thought till nukreishi pasha, nasser tried to work with them, the brits tried to enlist them in the suez plot, under al banna’s son
    hassan ramadan, the plot against them was why qutb died in prison, in the Citadel

  7. }}} Argh! Has EVERY name brand institution been infected?

    Mrrrr… Mike, it does not say, but I’m assuming that is the International Red Cross… they were infected by the Soviets 50-odd years ago…

    }}} But hope springs eternal that surely these people will relent and become more reasonable.

    The problem is, it is possible, but the techniques being used are ass-backwards.

    If you’ve seen pix of Pakistan or Afghanistan in the 50s which used to be easy to find, you can see that Islam was at least on its way to becoming civilized, just as Christianity did with time. But then we got “woke”, and multiculti — the notion that one culture is just as good as any other — became the norm.

    So Islam stopped being beaten like the red-headed stepchild it deserved to be treated like, and feted and rewarded, with the “soft bigotry of low expectations” applied to every stupid, violent, insane, and/or monstrous act.

    And it has, ever since, recidivated**, and returned to its barbaristic past. In fact, I’d say it’s by far the most barbaric major meme or creed currently applying in the world, though Marxism may be more destructive on the whole.

    Once again, PostModern Liberalism rears its filthy head, and demonstrates how it is a social cancer.

    No, the only option to turn Islam towards civilization is to stop mollycoddling it and beat the idea into their head that barbarism is flat out unacceptable, no matter what your excuse is. Make it clear that SOCIETY will no longer accept intractable or violent outbursts to all its members.

    “But… but… that’s not fair to the peaceful ones!!!”

    No? Well, the problem is, those “peaceful ones” are not policing themselves, so they bear some of the responsibility for all that the fanatics do. And that is why the “fairness” does not matter, because they ARE responsible for it.

    If your child misbehaves, you, the parent, need to bring them to heel, and to pay the price to repair any damage they have done. The social collective of “Islam” needs to act in-loco-parentis to their members, and police them accordingly.

    If a Christian blows up an abortion clinic, Christians are among the first to decry what they have done and at the vanguard of those who set out to apprehend the perp.

    Islam does nothing of the sort, and so force OTHERS to do the job, even as other Muslims set out to protect said perps from retribution.

    Well, if you force everyone else to police your BS, then, well, you don’t get to complain all that much about those who DO have to police your mess. Period. No “ifs”, no “ands”, no “buts”. Muslims need to police their own violent members or STFU when someone else is forced to do the job.

    ** Yeah, that’s the verb form for recidivism. I had to look it up, I actually do not recall having ever actually encountered its usage, prior to this. So there is your “Word of the Day” 😀

  8. in afghanistan’s case, and that of pakistan, it was the influence of mawdudi, the lead salafi influencer, that general zia spread,

  9. “If you’ve seen pix of Pakistan or Afghanistan in the 50s which used to be easy to find, you can see that Islam was at least on its way to becoming civilized, just as Christianity did with time. ” – Obloody H.

    Yes, the Ottoman Empire was in dire straits after WWI. Many Muslims were waking up to the good things that Western Civilization offered – mostly represented by the Brits and French.

    The beginning of the turnaround back toward radical Islamism was the result of two0 Egyptian’s – al Banna and Qutb. They were the organizers of the Muslim Brotherhood. Qutb’s writings, “In the Shade of the Quran” and “Milestones” have been their guidebooks ever since.

    If I know this, why don’t our government experts, who should know all about Islam, and know what the driving ideas are behind this movement. Why don’t they understand that we are at war with people who, like Putin wants to reclaim the USSR, they want to rebuild the Ottoman Empire?

    Seemingly, as in the case of the CCP, our experts believe that if they can accommodate them, eventually they will become more like us. It’ll happen if we just try hard enough. 🙁

    I used to believe that there were many people yearning to be free and live in a democracy. The War on Terror has showed me it ain’t necessarily so. Freedom and democracy are not natural to humans. If they were, freedom and democracy would be sweeping through at least the countries near the U.S. (Is Mexico getting freer and more democratic? How about Canada?) and other democracies. Instead, we see freedom and democracy under attack everywhere.

    Maybe we need a version of the Thirty Years War to put down the radical Islamists. Whatever, our government experts in the DOS, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Pentagon, etc. are letting us down.

  10. its quite striking what they don’t know, or don’t to admit, those funds from doha won’t flow on their own, and once upon a time, the UAE and the Kingdom was a major player in the matter,

  11. I used to believe that there were many people yearning to be free and live in a democracy. The War on Terror has showed me it ain’t necessarily so.

    You sound like one of those neocons mugged by reality.

    The liberty we prize is not America’s gift to the world; it is God’s gift to humanity. – George W Bush.

    Me too.

  12. take noah feldman, please, his contribution to policy, as the legal advisor to the afghan and iraqi government, was to make islam the official religion of the constitution of these countries, that’s like instituting nordic pagan worship in Germany,

  13. that last link concerned who is now the chief of staff of the adl, an obama adminstration official, who enabled cair,

  14. You asked me t neo spare the details of the pure evil of the crime that is war. I fear if I don’t talk about other world will live it again and again

  15. How could CAIR help in the fight against antisemitism?

    Easy: kill all the Jews, now no more antisemitism!

  16. “Why is CAIR not designated a terrorist-supporting entity and treated as such”

    One reason is because Obama is effectively in his third term of office, through his people in high places in the FJB Administration, and he is, if not actually (legally still at least) Muslim, is at least a Muslimophile. He made that obvious. Remember his talking about the beauty of Islam? Has he ever said anything remotely as positive about his claimed Christianity? His supporters just pretended that away. WTF did his Administration support the MB and their Arab Spring?

  17. I honestly don’t know what inspires such hatred. I’m not laying claim to being better than anyone else. It just seems that kind of hatred is too much work.

  18. Stevens
    We all have limited time and energy. More or less effective, we budget as seems best to us.
    I say “budget” because there is a limit and after we reach the limit, we can do/think/feel no more.
    So we choose not to do–because we’re out of gas–any number of things so we can do what seems important.
    What do people give up to pursue Jew-hate?

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