Home » Chauvin stabbed in federal prison by another inmate


Chauvin stabbed in federal prison by another inmate — 19 Comments

  1. Because somewhere between 10% and 90% of any given LE department consist of badge-heavy a**holes, it’s a good bet that he fit in that class, but it doesn’t justify the persecution he was subjected to.
    Anyone reading the coroner’s report knows that nothing Chauvin did was the proximate -or even an indirect- cause of Floyd’s death. Much as Lot’s daughters, Chauvin was offered as a sacrifice to protect the cowards within the entire “justice” system. Every prosecutor, Judge, and Justice involved this case should be ashamed.

  2. ‘the weapon, which the inmate shouldn’t have had, misfired and no one was hurt’

    So you’re saying prison inmates shouldn’t have guns?

    Seems kind of obvious I obvious I would say.

  3. I do find this sickening. No good choices — simply no protection in our prison system, as is.
    And also, I’m disgusted with our royal SCOTUS’ lack of a spine, or at least of more transparency.
    Chauvin was so used.

  4. Every prosecutor, Judge, and Justice involved in the Chauvin case belongs in prison. Most serve the left and they all fear the mob. As for SCOTUS, any member who was in favor of taking Chauvin’s appeal should have publicly said so because they all know that he did not receive a fair trial. Of course, he should never have been charged in the first place. The only purpose in charging him was to advance the agenda of the left. But the greatest responsibility for this rank injustice rests upon the shoulders of the media.

  5. Because somewhere between 10% and 90% of any given LE department consist of badge-heavy a**holes,

    Good thing there is that angelic 10%, otherwise you would be right there with Antifa who say “All cops are bastards!”

    Did you pay attention during the show trial at all?

  6. It wasn’t a foregone conclusion. Physicians volunteered to testify to what they knew were lies and the judge allowed the prosecution to stack the jury by refusing all of the defense motions to excuse prospective jurors for cause.

  7. Art Deco:

    Perhaps you don’t know what is meant by “foregone conclusion.” It means “a conclusion, opinion, or decision formed in advance of proper consideration of evidence, arguments, etc.,” and/or an inevitable conclusion. In other words, because of the political climate, Chauvin would not be allowed to go free, and the judge would do whatever possible to make sure a conviction happened.

  8. “Every prosecutor, Judge, and Justice involved in the Chauvin case belongs in prison.”

    I’m a bit less forgiving on this one. Prison is too lenient. Rope dance.
    And I’d draw the net wider to include every public official who took a knee or repeatedly lied about the knee to the neck/throat as the killing blow.

  9. The BLM crowd will welcome his death in prison as “street justice” since the legal system failed to give him the death penalty for murdering Saint Floyd George (sic).

  10. Why would anyone want to enter into law enforcement as a career after seeing this injustice?
    Was that the point of the whole exercise?

  11. Not a single person who took part in the show trial will care that Chauvin gets the death penalty. To them, he was just a blue collar cop who is expendable. They are disgusting people, and people like them have infiltrated all of our institutions.

  12. One would think that Chauvin should have been protected while in prison. But apparently he was not.

    An excellent description of cruel and unusual punishment.

  13. If speaking with a person who thinks Chauvin got what was coming to him, ask this. “Minneapolis cop Noor murdered Justine Damond. He was not stabbed while in prison. Your thoughts?”
    Okay. You could look up the case and try to find out why you should have heard about it but did not.

  14. All those who contributed to and enabled this gross injustice (including SCOTUS) will face judgement from their Creator.

    May they face judgement and punishment in this world as well!

  15. Richard Aubrey: MN cop Mohammed Noor … Safe in prison, indeed.
    I’ve not forgotten Justine Damond.
    Killed in July, 2017, by diversity hire Noor, while she was doing good.

  16. Alas, one can so easily forget that one is NOT supposed to speak—OR EVEN KNOW—the Truth about Chauvin…OR ABOUT ANYTHING…in Obama/”Biden”‘s America….

    Merely three examples…of, unfortunately, far too many….
    – “How The Democratic Party Faked An American Insurrection”—

    – “A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century;
    “Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation”—

    – “Why Don’t They Believe Us?
    “You’re struggling to understand where all this vaccine hesitancy comes from. Let me help you.”—

    (Moreover, FOR UNMASKING “BIDEN”‘S MULTITUDINOUS LIES and DECEPTIONS, is precisely THE reason why Elon Musk is being hounded and persecuted…by the Democratic Party’s Stasi and its PRAVDA accomplices.)

  17. Marlene.
    Be kind of fun to ask liberal friends why they didn’t ostentatiously direct their highly virtuous moral outrage towards that case.
    Did not hear about it? Whyever not, do you think?
    What? Did not hear you.

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