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Roundup — 32 Comments

  1. New Zealand, Argentina, and now The Netherlands.
    Is there something in the air?
    I hope the hostage exchange works out for Israel. We know it gives time for Hamas to regroup.

    Update on first thread today. I got all the shoveling done, in time for it to start snowing again a bit. According to my Health App on my phone I did 8,579 steps/2.9 miles

  2. Wilders should live long enough….

    If Hamas is smart, the hostages released will have no horrid tales to tell, and no scars inflicted just for grins. Must have some around. Right?

  3. “The fact that anyone can walk in and buy a semi-automatic weapon, its only purpose being to kill many in seconds, is simply wrong.”

    To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin; those who forfeit the means to resist tyranny will find that the price
    they pay for that temporary safety is their incremental enslavement.

  4. “The shooter’s parents have said their son was having mental health problems. I can well believe it.”

    One might ask why the parents didn’t put their son on a watch list and keep the police updated?

  5. One might ask why the parents didn’t put their son on a watch list and keep the police updated?

    Exactly ! The gun control nonsense continues as authorities ignore real issues. A mass shooter in Illinois bought a gun to kill his boss and other employees even though he had a felony criminal record and should have been on the “no buy” list.

  6. You may recall all the conflicts over the last few years between Dutch farmers and the government which was trying to put them out of business (for climate change reasons). Voters probably got sick of that government. The current concern with migrants, crime and terrorism probably didn’t help the sitting government either.

    Don’t count on New Zealand yet.
    It took a month & a half for the “winners” to form something resembling a hydra for a coalition. Leadership coalitions in Parliaments are notoriously built on rubble & that’s shaky as Lizzo’s thighs.

  8. “One might ask why the parents didn’t put their son on a watch list and keep the police updated?”

    Have you ever tried to talk to a government apparatchik about someone you consider unstable or unsafe to those around them? And as a parent the temptation & deepest wish is thinking “He’ll get it straightened out before it gets that bad.” Then it gets that bad.

    As the Boss notes from the article: Their son showed zero signs of violence or aggession.

  9. }}} [The victim] did nothing to deserve this, he simply went to work one day just like all of us do. The fact that anyone can walk in and buy a semi-automatic weapon, its only purpose being to kill many in seconds, is simply wrong.


    First off, defanging the sheep dogs will not protect you from the wolves.

    Second off, and this is vastly more critical, I can think of literally three ways off the top of my head to create a much more horrific and lethal result than a semi-auto weapon. In actual fact, these guns almost certainly LOWER the death toll than if the perpetrator set out to do harm and did NOT have access to a gun. It is notable that the UK is now looking to ban kitchen knives. So apparently banning guns hasn’t done enough for the UK in the “murdered innocents” department.

    Thirdly, you imbecilic clothead: you’re literally, actually justifying the actions of the perp, here. You’re making his objective, to kill people for no justifiable reason to instill fear in stupid people like yourself to push gun control, valid. Nice work, dumbass.

  10. Unfortunately, the wilders bloomberg piece is behind a paywall. 🙁

    P.S., an important point that many have missed — as I understand it, the second most conservative party, the one most supported by Dutch Farmers, also got a lot of support. No one in the lying-by-omission merdia seems to be noting this.

    This means there is a lot more conservative support behind Wilders than suggested.

  11. The previous opposition leader baudet was stabbed by antifa

    The problem as with the vlams bloc no will partner wirh them they want the rot to continue

  12. OBloodyHell on November 24, 2023 at 7:12 pm said:
    Unfortunately, the wilders bloomberg piece is behind a paywall.

    Here’s a link: https://archive.is/asL80

    Every once in a while, I post this public service(?) announcement:

    From time to time, Neo writes a post in which she cites an article that’s behind a paywall. For those who want to read the blocked article, there’s an alternative to getting out your credit card and starting a subscription.

    Here are six sites for getting around paywalls. Sometimes they work; sometimes they don’t. The last two are internet archives, which are also useful for finding pages that have succumbed to link rot.

    1. pdf.fivefilters.org
    2. printfriendly.com
    3. 12ft.io
    4. txtify.it
    5. archive.today (mirrors: archive.ph, archive.vn, archive.li, and archive.is)
    6. web.archive.org (Internet Archive Wayback Machine)

    After a while, I got tired of taking the extra step of using these sites. Laziness drove me to install a browser extension that automatically implements paywall bypass. Of course, this doesn’t work for every blocked site. To install the extension, just download and follow directions.

    For Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers:

    For Firefox and other Mozilla-based browsers:

  13. OBloodyHell,

    I also disagree with the shooter’s victim’s brother’s statement, and you are correct that it validated the shooter’s political motivation.

    On the other hand, I can’t imagine the pain the brother is going through, so I cut him slack for that.

  14. The gun control nonsense continues as authorities ignore real issues. A mass shooter in Illinois bought a gun to kill his boss and other employees even though he had a felony criminal record and should have been on the “no buy” list.

    Mike K:

    Once, while arguing with gun control advocates over having some teachers or security guards armed on school grounds, I noticed how ferociously those anti-gun were opposed to providing schoolchildren with armed protection.

    I really had to wonder whether they were truly concerned for the kids. Whether they preferred that children die in school shootings in order to prevent credit being given to guns or to allow school shootings so as to increase political will for gun control.

    Is gun control another long-term, bloody sacrifice to be made for the leftist utopia?

  15. @ huxley > “I really had to wonder whether they were truly concerned for the kids”

    After the disgusting display by our Democrat leaders and useful idiots (the few sane party members excepted) about the children killed by Hamas (and they get the bill for Gazan as well as Israeli victims), plus the gun-grabbing agenda, and a few other reasons, anyone who announces a policy is needed “if it saves one child” or “think of the children” is manifestly lying and borderline evil, if not already over the edge.

  16. People just don’t know how much more restrictive buying a rifle or pistol is today. Semi-automatic rifles have been in use for over a century, AR-15s are 60 years old. Until 1968 anyone could buy a gun through the mail. WWII surplus guns were bought from ads in the back of magazines. Until the late thirties anyone could own machine guns or explosives. Compared to that, it would seem to be almost impossible now to buy a firearm. Yet despite all the restrictions we have now there are more and more shootings. So, maybe it’s not the weapon. Maybe it’s the culture and the people. Still, killings with rifles are overshadowed by killings with blunt objects. That’s from the FBI’s stats.

  17. Jordan Rivers on November 24, 2023 at 10:50 pm said:
    I think it is unethical to breech a paywall. How does it differ from stealing?

    1. Jordan Rivers has taken the position of many publishers.

    2. For a variety of reasons, I’m opposed to the publishers’ position.

    3. This is an old and complicated debate. I can’t begin to cover it in a blog comment. In order to not drag Neo into it, I won’t repeat my comment offering guidance for overcoming paywalls.

    4. Jordan Rivers has made up his mind. For others who might be curious, I’d recommend starting with these two articles. Both are published by “The Electronic Frontier Foundation,” which takes an expansive view of copyright.

    “Hachette v. Internet Archive” (https://tinyurl.com/muyb264a)

    “Fair Use Creep Is A Feature, Not a Bug” (https://tinyurl.com/ynt5uun5)

  18. I’ve notified Next of Kin, and run the unit roster for other guys catching the duty. The same for Survivors Assistance Officer. You never argue with one of the bereaved. And they come to some odd conclusions. So I don’t blame the brother.

    I can easily imagine government apparatchiks eagerly slurping up any, least info leading to a red flag grab.

    Armed guards? “I JUST DON’T WANT GUNS IN SCHOOL!” It isn’t supposed to solve the problem. It shows the speaker is more concerned for the kids than you are.

    A firearm releases stored energy. So does a cherry bomb taped to a Pepsi two-liter full of gasoline. Most school shootings would have been worse if the gunman had had two or three of those instead.

    The bank shooter showed no propensity for violence. That’s irrelevant. It isn’t necessary to go around swearing you’re going to kill everyone you meet. He had a problem to solve , he thought. Shooting people would be the logical solution. So he did. Not like Audrey Hale who was nearly drooling at the prospect.

  19. Sadly this will continue to happen rince repeat

    Same with the 20th hijacker qahtani and the nuclear smuggler paracha that we released in the last few years from guantanamo like the ones the brits released one of which ended up in iraq as islamic state

  20. “People just don’t know how much more restrictive buying a rifle or pistol is today. Semi-automatic rifles have been in use for over a century, AR-15s are 60 years old. Until 1968 anyone could buy a gun through the mail. WWII surplus guns were bought from ads in the back of magazines.”

    WW II was when semiautomatic rifles and handguns became popular. The US manufactured insane quantities of semiautomatic M1 Garands and M1 carbines during the war. The Garand was rated by many as the best battle rifle of the war, because it was semiautomatic (while most other countries were still using bolt action rifles) and could therefore keep up a sustained rate of accurate fire more easily. The M1 Carbine was developed for rear echelon troops, and was much more effective than a 1911 handgun for most, because it was far more accurate, and hit harder. That’s what my father carried during the war, stationed in the back woods of China. Then, after the war, the government had better than ten million of these guns on its hands, that it didn’t need. They were ultimately mostly sold to the American public at cheap prices. And that was why semiautomatic rifles and carbines became ubiquitous in this country. The M1 Garand because the standard hunting rifle in this country, while the M1 carbine became a well respected ranch and varsity gun. The M1 Carbine has a 20 round detachable magazine, now illegal in a half dozen states, as a High Capacity Magazine. The AR-15 (in 5.56/.233) is a nice compromise between these two WW II firearms. It’s cartridges are shaped like M1 Garand rifle cartridges, but are closer in size and power to the M1 Carbine pistol/carbine cartridges, and started with similar 20 round magazines, while the Garand utilized 8 round en bloc clips.

    Interesting comments at times by Limies (Brits) in Quora gun threads, asking why we need semiautomatic firearms, when they are happy with their bolt action rifles. The big reason probably is that their military utilized bolt action rifles during WW II, and while they were the best trained to use such, even the best trained troops cannot keep up the same rate of fire that comparably trained troops can with semiautomatic rifles. So, they never have had the general acceptance, and preference, for semiautomatic rifles and carbines in their country, because they didn’t grow up around a sea of WW II surplus semiautomatic rifles and carbines, like we did.

  21. Bruce. Used to have a pre-war Enfield. Bought it from a classmate whose family came from ,Canada, maybe around tenth grade. Over sixty years back.
    Turns out the Brits had designed a shorter “throw” in operating the bolt than most rifles. That resulted in the famed “five rounds rapid” which I was told I could find on YouTube. So far, only a music group by that name. I will try again.
    I saw it demonstrated once and semi-auto wouldn’t have been an advantage. You have to re-aim between shots or it’s just spray and so by eight rounds–with th a Garand you have to reload anyway.
    My Enfield had a ten-round box mag Fed by five-round stripper clips and with practice you could do it with the rifle at the shoulder.
    So I give the Brits some slack on the argument.

    All of which said, most school shooters and others inside a building had time for their evil work with practically anything more advanced than a muzzle loader.

  22. (2) The new Argentinian president is quite a guy, with quite a girlfriend. Here’s the story.

    It is not difficult to find his rants against politicians. Here is the Peronist March – FMV [English Sub] HD, the theme song of President Juan Domingo Peron and his followers. According to the song, Peron was Worker #1. But he was also Politician #1, who set the mold for generations of Argentine politicians. When Miliei is ranting against politicians, Peron is in the background.

    Peron was first elected 78 years ago, deposed 68 years ago, last elected 50 years ago, and died 49 years ago. Long dead, but his influence lives on. He brought big government to Argentina. Most of the Argentine Presidents since 1990 have been of the Justicialist/Peronista party. From the Marcha Peronista song:

    Because of that great Argentine
    Who worked tirelessly
    So that among the people may reign
    Love and Equality

    Love and Equality? Was Juan Domingo the first WOKE President? 🙂

  23. In re the hostage deal being a bad choice because (among ither things) it gives Hamas time to rearm and regroup.


    Terrorists: never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    The terrorist government is claiming multiple things, including that not enough aid trucks were allowed to enter Northern Gaza.

    Of note is that such a condition was not part of the deal, which means Hamas is actively breaking the agreement. Also of note is that aid trucks were allowed to enter Northern Gaza some hours prior to this news.

    Israel sends a message to Hamas: If the second group of hostages are not released by midnight (Israel time), the ground operation in Gaza will resume.

    What Hamas is trying to do right now is push the envelope. Its leaders want to get everything they can while the door is still cracked open and the bombs have stopped dropping. If they can get extra aid trucks, which will be stolen by terrorists, they’ll do that. If they can force the release of more convicted murderers and attempted murderers, they’ll do that.

    That should not be allowed, though. If Hamas doesn’t follow through as demanded, hostilities should resume and they should not cease until the terrorist government no longer exists. There should be no second chances if the hostages aren’t handed over at midnight. That is the scam Hamas has gotten away with over and over throughout the decades.

    Looks like Hamas figured it out since I read the first post.

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