Home » Open thread 11/24/23


Open thread 11/24/23 — 14 Comments

  1. UGH! Its around 16 degrees, with about 4 inches of snow on the ground. It is suppose to snow all day and into to tomorrow. Not heavy but mostly continuously. Oh well, having my coffee (instant during the week) before going out. First order of business would be to shovel out to the Bird/Squirrel feeder to fill them up. Going to be a most of the day job on the drive. I take my time since I am 77. Maybe my neighbor will come in and clear my driveway when he has cleared the street. Has a big RAM truck with a blade on it. Good neighbors here.

  2. https://twitter.com/KT_Insights/status/1728091298224304423
    “Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs says 13 Israelis, 10 Thai, and one Filipino were released. A total of 24 hostages were released on the first day of ceasefire.”

    I’m watching X more lately, both the Ukraine fighting and the Gaza Hamas atrocities.

    Sad that the far more were killed by Russians, but because of less barbarity, & torture, it’s more like just “a statistic” (Stalin).

  3. 44 and sunny, hundreds of ducks sleeping and feeding here.

    This place is reclaimed industrial land and when we got it, it was pretty dead and sometimes it didn’t smell too good either. Now it teems. The ducks ignore my Weimaraner who goes in and out about 50 times a day about 30 yards from them.

  4. The Ruffled Grouse is the state bird of Pennsylvania.

    I guess now we know enough not to ruffle it or get in its way when it’s been ruffled — or when it starts grousing. You don’t want an earful of that either.

  5. RE: UFOs and sudden Disclosure

    It appears as if some intelligent and perspicacious people are starting to position themselves to get in on the ground floor, to get out in front of the issue– the new world which will arrive when the reality of UFOs and of Non Human Intelligences (NHIs) visiting the Earth and interacting with us humans really sinks in, and becomes mainstream.

    Thus, highly regarded Stanford Pathologist Dr. Garry Nolan recently formed the Sol Foundation which, among other things, will be conducting research, but also formulating all sorts of policy positions to help inform and guide government officials confronting and navigating this new Reality.*

    This past week the Sol Foundation held its inaugural annual conference—a two day affair with dozens of major, credentialed presenters, one of whom was Capitol Hill insider and former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon, who struck a cautionary note, citing historical precedents, and saying that government officials really needed to study what the effects might be of an abrupt and full Disclosure (back in 2004 the CIA reportedly convened a panel which concluded that such a Disclosure would have mainly negative effects).**

    (The full video of this conference and all of the speaker’s presentations will supposedly be released in the next few weeks, but, in the meantime, I am going with what some observers have been able to piece together of two of these presentations.)

    Another speaker, recently retired Army Col. Karl Nell–who had an illustrious, high level, high tech, and varied career, and who vouched for whistleblower David Grusch in the initial “Debrief” article presenting Grusch’ claims—warned of the negative consequences of a “sudden Disclosure,” and as an alternative, laid out a several year, very detailed plan for the kind of “controlled disclosure,” taking place in stages through 2030–which may be the kind of “controlled Disclosure” envisioned in the substantial and detailed current Schumer UFO Amendment to the 2024 NDAA.***

    Given the current pace of information coming out about UFOs, I somehow doubt that we will have the luxury of a long drawn out “controlled Disclosure” of the kind envisioned either by Col. Nell or by the Schumer Amendment.

    * See https://thesolfoundation.org/about/

    ** See a version of the speech Mellon presented here at https://www.sott.net/article/486249-Disclosure-and-national-security-Should-the-US-govt-reveal-what-it-knows-about-UAP

    *** See https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17ysbyw/karl_nells_full_disclosure_slide_from_the_sol/

  6. P.S.–Given all of the work that some elements within the government have done to “prepare the intellectual battle space” on the issue of UFOs and Aliens–many decade’s worth of books, of TV shows and series, movies, artist’s images, Alien Halloween costumes, posters, plastic, build it yourself UFO models, even crazy “Dissect an Alien” children’s toys, refrigerator magnets, and key fobs–I doubt that the “Ontological Shock” of finding out that UFOs and Aliens are real will be as bad as some experts apparently believe it will be.

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