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Christmas and Chanukah shopping — 5 Comments

  1. neo:

    I tried to click the link for the Amazon purchases below the Donate button, but I find nothing to click.

  2. neo:

    Ah. I thought you had perhaps run afoul of some Amazon anti-conservative edict.

    I guess the problem is Brave or Evernote.

  3. AesopFan “Islam’s enablers once again show how to make enemies and influence people to turn against them.”
    Yes, I hope so. The type of protestors that destroy things, hurt people or block travel have gained in number, since we have fewer police allowed to do their job, & city “leaders” who refuse to hold the guilty accountable.
    They are powerful brats with too much time on their hands. I do wonder what percent of them actually get paid to do the hateful, temper-tandrum, outdoors “jobs”.

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