Home » Truck explodes between Canada and US: investigated as attempted terror attack [scroll down for UPDATE]


Truck explodes between Canada and US: investigated as attempted terror attack [scroll down for UPDATE] — 27 Comments

  1. The first of many no doubt.
    Interesting that it originated in Canada.
    I no longer view either Canadian or Mexican authorities as friendly.
    Individuals, maybe.
    In a news clip, I heard that the Biden Administration is doing everything possible to protect Americans. Expletive deleted.

  2. “…this was one effort – that has failed.”

    Yes, well… The shoe bomber, Richard Reid, failed too. He didn’t do significant damage to the airplane. However, the damage that he did to our flying security infrastructure was extensive. In that sense, he was successful. 100’s of millions still have to take their shoes off. I’m sure there are large numbers of flights not taken because of that one extra straw on the camel’s back.

    What stupidities can we expect from the “failed” Rainbow bridge attack? Actions must be taken. That they be effective actions is secondary.

  3. Relax, it wasn’t terrorism.
    Couldn’t have been.

    Apparently, the cause was wreckless driving (well, not entirely): a source, who refused to be identified and also insisted on speaking off the record, hinted that the explosion was likely due to several dozen casks of really turned apple cider in the back of that truck….
    (The source continued that it IS, after all, peak cider season….)

    Nope, nuthin’ to see here.
    So just relax….
    RELAX !!!!

  4. And so history continues to reassert itself. Our vacation from international terrorist attacks on the Homeland was always a bit more illusionary than we wished, as shown by things like Boston and Pulse, but it was still better than the alternative. Now we will see the alternative good and hard.

    Maybe this was an accident. I wouldn’t completely rule it out. Or a false flag. But I also can’t rule out the simple explanation.

  5. There *was* bad driving involved. Based on the early reports, it sounded like even if they were terrorists, they didn’t reach the spot where they were supposed to detonate. The question is, where were they trying to go, and what made it explode? Something definitely made a bigger boom than we should have seen.

  6. Of the three international bridges in that area, I note that this is the one that passes essentially within view (more or less) of the Niagara Falls themselves. Interesting choice of target – I wonder how big the actual explosion that happened was and whether it would have been bigger still had it gone off in the middle of the span. It seems to me the intent (assumptions here, of course) was to make the biggest splash possible… maybe in more senses than one. Not good.

    I will be very interested to see what comes of the investigation of this one (again assuming various things). Origin of the truck: Muslim neighborhood in Toronto, perhaps……? Or started in greater Detroit, then driven over Windsor and past Hamilton before ‘impact’, to give it a bit of false-flag flavo(u)r? My imagination running away with me, I suppose. Boy, am I glad I generally use the Lewiston bridge, relatively unglamorous.

  7. At risk of spamming, I’m confused now. The subsequent talk is of a car, not a truck, and coming from the U. S. side, not the Canada side. Very strange how a seemingly simple story can flip almost 180 degrees in the physical particulars.

  8. Reports are still very uncertain and changing, but at this time it appears this was not an attempted terrorist attack. Possibly by tomorrow some solid information may be available.

  9. Is it a car or a truck? The scrap of video which shows the vehicle launched and in the air at no small altitude, looks like a Chrysler sedan – but it’s fuzzy. Not a truck, though. Were they going to-or-from Canada, from-or-to the USA? You can find either option of this on the Legacy MSM, too. I don’t know the geography of the border complex on sight, so I can’t say – but one eyewitness interview was unequivocal that the car sped by him and his wife, who were on the sidewalk, at about 100 mph going toward Canada.

    These seem like pretty basic facts, don’t they? The videos of the resulting fireball look like the contents of a gasoline tank burning off, residually. It doesn’t sound like there was a huge explosion, and the windows around the crash scene are intact, so….. probably just the gas tank after a 100 mph crash.

    Sad state of affairs in this age of instantaneous communications with video cameras everywhere, but we dunno which way the car was going or why. Or if it’s even a car. Maybe it was a UFO.

  10. Just a middle-aged guy and his wife rushing to a KISS concert that it turns out was cancelled?

    Notice Andrew McCabe, though, in the CNN Twitter clip. Does that make you a little suspicious of the official story?

  11. @ Abraxas – “Does that make you a little suspicious of the official story?”

    At this point I would not believe McCabe, CNN, or the FBI about pretty much anything.
    Hard to get a handle on the facts that way.
    And we wonder why there are still Conspiracy Theories about Oswald & Ruby.

  12. Governor Hochul and some in the media are selling the story that it is not an
    attempted terrorist attack. Just a car with a crazy driver that exploded.

    So in the photos available online one can see tiny fragments of the car widely scattered, numerous pockmarks on support pillars from the impact of high velocity fragments, and last but not least the entire engine block completely separated from the rest of the car sitting in the middle of the roadway.

    Not to worry. That’s what happens when gas tanks explode. (sarc)

  13. The car left the ground at high speed.

    I’m surprised by the explosion (though note the lack of a crater in any pictures, which suggests a lack of anything with real power), but not by the fact that the car is in many scattered chunks.

  14. Either the vehicle exploded, or it did not explode.

    The provenance of the vehicle should be easy to verify.

    If the vehicle did not explode, the identity of the occupants should not be too hard to verify (unless of course that chore is assigned to the White House Secret Service Staff. They know nothing; and wish to know nothing.)

    Someone in authority knows the true story. Why isn’t that someone out there publicly calming speculation?

  15. It appears that the car was going from the USA to Canada. Most reports say it was heading towards the *Canadian* border.

    Also reports say the car stopped at the Seneca Niagara Casino in the USA shortly before the crash.

    Yes, the Daily Mail story had conflicting info–surprise! /sarc
    The media can’t clearly report a basic element of the story. Sad.

  16. Golly, can’t believe anything ya’ read these days…. (Now who’da thunk THAT?)

    One thing is certain: That’s it, NO Bentleys for me…
    (Though I suppose one COULD argue that if you miss your LAST CHANCE to see KISS because THEY canceled the concert—how much were those tix again?—then it’s reasonable to conclude that your life is TRULY over…and your spouse’s, too…)

  17. Not to be too pedantic, but: gasoline tanks do not explode. They can rupture and catch fire, but not explode. In fact, NBC news had to rig an incendiary device to make it look as if a truck even burst into flame after an accident, for their Dateline NBC show. This is a myth propagated by a lot of movies, to make wrecks and gunshots look more dramatic. If there was an actual explosion, something else was involved.

  18. “gasoline tanks do not explode”

    What about Li batteries? I’m not sure that they “explode” but I believe they have caused some dramatic fires, not just a burning engine but the entire vehicle engulfed in flames. If they are not still trying to cover up some terrorist incident it almost certainly was an EV.

  19. The Narrative has been chosen and delivered: Not. Terrorists.
    Anything else is now to be labeled Conspiracy Theory.

  20. Buy American !

    From 2021: Bentley models recalled for sticking accelerator.


    ““Due to inconsistent fitment of the fuse box and the electrical harness the A-post lower trim can protrude into the cabin reducing clearance to the accelerator pedal. If the accelerator pedal is fully pressed whilst driving and is unable to return to its resting position, the vehicle will continue to accelerate, even when the driver’s foot is removed from the accelerator pedal.”

    Also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12781829/niagara-bridge-usa-canada-terrorism-explosion-gambling.html

  21. Aggie, WOW! A sticking gas pedal is terrifying, & may make some sense.
    (Though the explosion is still confusing.)
    If the gas pedal theory is true, I sure feel sorry for the couple. What an awful way to watch your death coming!
    I still, however, believe if there were explosives and/or this was terrorist-related, we may never know. Because part of the Biden team’s sacred mission statement is “There will be no terrorist act in America before Biden is re-elected.”

  22. Looks like they paid a handsome sum for a luxury vehicle which malfunctioned and killed them. RIP.

  23. }}} Looks like they paid a handsome sum for a luxury vehicle which malfunctioned and killed them. RIP.

    Well, that’s certainly better than paying a trivial sum for a mobile wreck and having it malfunction and kill them all… 😀

    Seriously — oddball issues have occurred many times for many vehicles — most of them exceptionally unusual. Anyone else remember the issue with sudden acceleration by Toyotas, about 15-odd years ago, ca. 2005-2010? It tarnished the Toyota reputation for safety and reliability considerably, even though only a small fraction of a percentage point of cars ever had an issue.

  24. Not to be cute, but…coincidentally, “coincidence” requires “coincide”. And when two or more items which are even somewhat unlikely–unlikelihoods–must coincide for something interesting to happen, we have a problem. Multiplying the non-probabilities is like multiplying fractions. You very shortly get to a small or even tiny value.
    Then the generic Law of Probability is in play: The likely thing to happen is the likely thing to happen. If something happens, it’s likely it’s the likely thing to happen. So this really weird thing is extremely unlikely, considering all the unlikely things which must coincide. Maybe it’s really likely, if we only knew more about it. Then it would be likely and we wouldn’t be freaked about it.
    I suggest that reducing the unlikely to the likely by finding reasons the first is actually the second is not only normal but how we make sense of the natural world.

    But sometimes if goes astray.

    in this case, the presumed stuck accelerator stuck just on the bridge–TO ANOTHER COUNTRY–of all the stop lights and stop signs in its history to this point. Just….HERE. Could happen but putting the mortgage on it would be unwise…considering all the stop signs and stop lights up to this point. THIS point?

    I am not necessarily buying it, but I wouldn’t give someone with a raised eyebrow a hard time about it.

    That said, I once had a rental car which, due to the placement of the brake pedal and the accelerator, plus the size 14, had a tendency to a mysterious surge at red lights. Unlikely a luxury car was arranged that way but if it was, in some fashion, susceptible to an unlikely foot position–guy’s yelling at his wife and turning to look at her, reaching into the back seat for something, noting they’d been called to a secondary inspection might have made somebody nervous for some reason and once the car jumped, panic led to mashing whatever was under his foot.

    Strictly speaking, an unconfined vapor flash is not an explosion with a sharp, brutal wave front/over pressure. It’s not going to throw loose objects very far nor blow apart structures of any kind.

    Initial reports were that there were explosives “in the car”. Most professional grade, military grade explosives are, oddly, hard to detonate. You need a blasting cap. So, in Viet Nam, the line guys might pry a few flakes of explosive out of the Claymore mine to heat their rations. Burned nicely. If there really were explosives and they were securely enclosed, a flashover might not set them off.

    You’d expect a terrorist to be better armed and/or better organized. Just driving up to something and running into it doesn’t put you in the big leagues. So…maybe not.

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