Home » Hamas attack; Israel at war


Hamas attack; Israel at war — 22 Comments

  1. “…Sadly, we seem to be entering that territory again…”

    I don’t think we ever really left. Hamas has only one issue – without the endless war they have no reason to exist, and no means to gain power.

  2. I have many Israeli friends here. They have family in southern Israel, and Tel aviv. What is happening is simply horrific, beyond words. Entire towns are being murdered, sacked by animals.
    There are no words for this. It is a war now. Democrats, stand proud, this is exactly what you voted for-the death of peace in Israel, and the death of Israeli citizens.
    I spoke to my friend earlier, his parents and family are in Tel Aviv. They recieve rocket fire routinely, but this is a war time assault.
    groups of terrorists are taking over kibbutz and murdering people at will.
    FJB, and F Obama. Under Trump we had peace-The Saudis, Israel, and others told the Palestinians that they would no longer put up with the BS. It worked for a few years.
    The word on the ground, as I have heard it, is that the IDF intends to clean out Gaza. to the ground if necessary.
    I expect Israel to be condemned for ‘barbarous’ acts to defend itself. The left is predictable in that area.

  3. The IDF needs to deal out a response that even all the propaganda the Palis can muster will be insignificant and of no help to them. Scorched earth. “..drive the enemy, burn their crops, salt the fields…”

    Enough of the “other cheek” approach.

  4. The “200 dead” Israelis I saw in the report will likely hit the “1000” mark because like many I suspect this will be the “you started this we’ll finish it” event for Gaza & Hamas.

    This is the bitter fruit of the Obama/Biden legacy. Even those in Israel who hate Netanyahu will not abide their families being killed & kidnapped and their cities turned to smoking rubble at random.

  5. This is where the Trump-centered hysteria in the Republican primaries truly sickens me. For months now we should have heard strong statements from the candidates calling out the horrendous Obama/Biden policies toward the Middle East and the alarming and obvious tilt toward Iran and away from Israel and the Saudis.

    I have lost a lot of respect for DeSantis in particular, missing the opportunity to emphatically state the American interests in the region and push back on Biden and the Democrats for their hateful policies. He and Haley and Scott would have had credibility in starting to set aside the quarrels of the past and make a case for a future GOP administration to pull us out of the current disaster. Please, someone tell us that you are not a total idiot about geopolitical issues.

    We are facing a very dangerous period in the world, our alliances and our defense industrial capacities need urgent work. Seems like we have little geopolitical leadership since the days of Reagan and possibly Bush 41 to some extent.

    Let’s hope for the best in Israel’s time of peril from Iran and their proxies.

  6. According to a post at the Instapundit, the US Office of Palestinian Affairs has deleted its post calling for no retaliation. The question is why they ever posted it.

  7. 4 short years ago, we had:

    Peace in Europe
    Peace in the Middle East
    1% inflation
    $1.75 a gallon gasoline
    2.5% mortgage rate
    A growing economy
    Full employment

    And now, we’ve got the President eating his daily applesauce and kicking his dog.

    It makes one weep to think of the national gaslighting we’re being subjected to that the whole country isn’t up in arms.

  8. Dan D:

    I don’t know what you’re talking about. You seem unaware of the facts.

    DeSantis and others have made many statements about Biden and Israel. Just because you haven’t heard them – for whatever reason – doesn’t mean they haven’t made them.

    Just focusing on DeSantis: see this, this, and this (he’s traveled to Israel four times; see the link). Also, of course, he’s condemned the attack today vociferously.

  9. Richard Milne @ 2:03 PM;

    Re: Iran

    It was barack HUSSEIN ocommie who first sent a few billion $$$$$ to Iran. Supposedly it was a return of cash to Iran that had been frozen.
    What the USA got in return was ……oh, that’s right, nothing.

    Joke Bidet – or more likely his puppet masters – are just continuing the policies of barack HUSSEIN ocommie.
    Both Ocommie, as well as the walking cadaver, joke bidet , have blood on their hands, but most likely they both believe that Israel is getting what they deserve.

    Speaking of Iran; they supply a good amount of military aid – mostly drones – to Russia . I am sure Antony Blinken and the other hate-America-firsters in DC find this to be an insignificant issue. Certainly not enough of an issue to refrain from sending Iran a few more billion $$$$$$$.

    The policies of bidet and his ocommie puppet masters cannot be explained as incompetence. Their policies are purposeful and intentional, aimed at eviscerating , in every way possible, the power and influence of the USA.

    The events in Israel are just a logical result of US policies.

  10. The question is why they ever posted it.

    And then, the question is WHO posted it. Name names.

  11. As his buddy Barack famously said, Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.

    To be fair, he’s had help from an extraordinarily incompetent staff. And yes, as in the Obama years, we are back to an academic debate of knave vs fool – likely a combination of both. Did they actually expect Iran to handle those billions responsibly?

  12. But we had to give them those billions so they’d unclench their fist…or something.

  13. Neo, those statements are all well and good, but tend to get lost in the overall messaging of the campaign and get no coverage. The way a competent campaign works is to create news for their messaging. That usually involves creating controversy by making others talk about the topic, and usually includes interviews with hostile MSM personalities where the candidate’s strong position pro Israel is taking on “but both sides” types in the media, or speaking to a foreign policy or think tank group that is likely to be hostile to the message. Then the general public starts to hear about it when they otherwise wouldn’t.

    Controversy and pushback is necessary to stake out a clear message in the eyes of the public. Trump understood that and pushed it beyond polite boundaries to create the public perception he wanted. All past successful campaigns have had competent message management, it’s clear there are no Michael Deavers on hand for DeSantis and the others these days.

  14. no this was the objective, the fruits of that iranian cell in State and other agencies,

  15. Banned Lizard (4:56 pm) said: “To be fair, he’s [Obama’s] had help from an extraordinarily incompetent staff.”

    I do not take it as incompetence. Seriously. They know full well what they’re doing, that this is just another step in the long-term quest to take down USA and, in fact, to take down western civilization.

    Those — and there are many, including many people of sound mind and good will [such as Banned Lizard] — who persist in deeming various actions by the leftist regime as “incompetent” are missing something very vital, it seems to me. ** It all is intentional ** and it is not the outcome of any incompetence, but it is the outcome of anything from knowing acquiescence to knowing collaboration to knowing incitement.

    Once this is admitted by those of sound mind and good will who are on our side, the fight will have advanced materially, because it will be more generally acknowledged (by our side) what is involved in this fight, and that it is in fact a serious war and not a series of unfortunate misunderstandings by those who are not competent.

  16. Since the actual source of the threat to Israel is Islam itself, even completely wiping out Hamas would simply cut off but one of the Islamic hydra’s heads.

    70 plus years of Israel playing ‘Whac-A-Mole’…

    Instead, present Islam with the certainty of future consequences for any further terrorism. Consequences that the Islamists will find intolerable.

    Consequence must not be merely proportionate, it must deter by attacking what the enemy values. Islamists do not value human life, like all fanatics their values are ideological.

    Since Hamas is an Iranian controlled proxy, Israel should destroy Iran’s ‘sacred’ city of Qom. Declaring it the consequence for Iran’s mass slaughter.

    Then declare that any future Islamist terrorist attacks will result in the loss of another ‘sacred’ Islamic site.

    Declare that the day that Israel is attacked with nuclear weapons is the day that both the Dome of the Rock and Mecca itself… will cease to exist.

    You deter a mortal enemy by declaring consequences
    that for them would be utterly intolerable.

    Israel has refused to identify the ideological source of its mortal enemy, so for Islam… there have been no consequences. It’s like if we had fought the Nazis but refused to condemn Nazism itself.

    How many more Israelis’ must be slaughtered before Israel will name its enemy and bring war to that enemy?

  17. Geoffrey:

    Jordan and Egypt don’t have as their stated goal to destroy Israel and the Jews. Hamas does.

    The Iranian nut jobs may not care about being nuked.

    Other than that …. .

  18. So just to summarize:
    Biden withdrawal debacle in Afghanistan
    Offers to evacuate Zelensky from Ukraine when Russia invades
    Give’s Iran $6 billion
    Offers blanket asylum to millions of illegal immigrants flooding the southern border
    And these are the experienced officials?

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