Home » The long knives are out for Kamala Harris


The long knives are out for Kamala Harris — 17 Comments

  1. Gretchen Whitmer is evil. Is that what they want in a VP? She is someone that, should she replace Biden, I see her being open to dissolving our Constitution, in favor of a “Living Constitution “.
    There are indications that Warnock is as corrupt as Biden, so he would fit in, and Duckworth is a Illinois Democrat, so she would fit in with the Obama Machine.

  2. I thought, think, they want to dump Harris so she’ll be out of the way when they dispose of Biden. They don’t want Harris to succeed Biden as president because they believe she’ll lose in the general.

  3. What on earth is “better” about those people?

    It’s a relative measure. It’s sort of like saying that malaria is better than the bubonic plague. In other words, Kamala Harris is so bad that any one of those ultra-Leftist reprobates and harridens would technically be less bad. But they’re all authoritarian statists who hold a least half of America in contempt and none of them would be anywhere near the levers of power in a sane America.

  4. It is not about the election, that fix is already in. It is about who will become president after the election.

  5. Harris is quite hopeless, but so is Biden. Suggest perhaps that the issue is that if Harris replaces Biden, the puppetmasters will be her husband, sister, and brother-in-law. This prospect is irritating to the current crew of puppetmasters in charge.

  6. Regarding Governor Whitmer,

    I was pleasantly surprised to recently learn she has been throwing her political weight behind re-opening a shuttered, Michigan nuclear power plant: https://apnews.com/article/michigan-nuclear-plant-restart-276a7d06e639d66d434e393b42b4d392

    Nuclear energy is a miracle technology and a boon to humanity, especially with modern technology. More states need to embrace it and the federal government needs to make it much quicker and easier (and less expensive, vis a vis regulations) for new plants to come online.

  7. “Better” probably means more articulate and less embarassing, but one wonders. These people probably thought Harris was great before they got a large enough dose of her. Now they recommend other options that they may not have really scrutinized either. Who’s to say that Warnock or Duckworth or Whitmer won’t also be embarassing in some way? Maybe it’s the difference between being able to spout the embarassing lies of the Biden administration, and not being able to say anything that has any meaning or coherence at all.

    Biden is saying that the “MAGA Republicans aren’t your father’s Republican Party.” True enough, but are they really worse than Bush or Cheney or McCain or Romney or Ryan or McConnell or Hastert or Boehner? You might think Reagan Republicans were better, but what may have been the right answer 40 years ago might not be the right response to our problems now. As is usual in campaign rhetoric, Biden tries to scare voters with the things he says Republicans will do, but even if his scaremongering is accurate when have Republicans ever had much follow through?

  8. I think you are correct about insulting their black voters. This would need to be voluntary on Kamala’s part. If she is spurned she will unload on them. She will call Biden every name in the book. They may want to do this but it is not so easy as that.

  9. What? No mention of Newsom? Could it be that his intersectionality is verboten? White ‘CIS’ males need not apply?

    The 2024 dem VP must possess two qualities; a net positive vote wise with independents and the requisite megalomaniac ruthlessness. Both Whitmer and Hochul fully possess the latter.

  10. I was surprised to see neo’s phrase, “if only the Democrats can manage to eke out a win with the unpopular Biden.” “Eke out”? — as though the fix isn’t already in?

    But then I spotted Gary’s (4:13 pm) comment. Gary, ya beat me to it.

    neo continues, “But I wonder what they’re seeing in the polls indicating they might be having difficulty ‘fortifying’ the 2024 election, because they certainly seem worried.”

    They’re not at all worried about the top of the ticket (I claim), but they may be concerned about people not voting, and not voting could impact balloting results in state, local, and other lower-portion-of-the-ticket offices.

    The latter is a very different game, on a very different scale, as compared with what’s involved in “fortifying” only selected key swing districts / precincts.

  11. It’s not about whether they’ll win the election. They will harvest all the ballots they want in blue cities where it’s needed just like last time, won’t matter what kind of dumb stuff Biden and Harris do: there’s too many voters who don’t vote their own ballot which the Dems can harvest and can overcome any plausible margin in a purple state.

    It’s really about which faction of Dems gets to have the Presidency and operate the levers of the Executive.

  12. The quaint part is if Sundowner makes it to 2024, between Grim Reaper and Deep State it most likely is a long shot he still will be a candidate for the Democrat nomination.
    Agree the Democrats can produce all the ballots they need, the Republican ( read DJT) gets 80 million the Democrats will put up 90

  13. Hmm, all these columnists wanting to oust Harris are white males … at least one is gay though so there’s that.

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