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From Giuliani — 27 Comments

  1. The Left will only accept the total destruction of their enemies. Only they and their sycophants can be allowed to survive. This fits in with the hatred of The Other that is at the core of their belief system.

  2. Indictment of the lawyers is strictly as a warning to any who would try to defend him.

  3. You can only turn the other cheek so many times, then you realize that no matter which way you turn, you are at retribution.

    Founded: 2016
    Population: 235,455,538 ++
    Mayor: D. J. Trump

  4. I read “Leadership” by Rudy Giuliani in 2005. I was so impressed by the book I recommended it to all my e-mail correspondents. (I had over 50 people on my e-mail list at the time. It has shrunk considerably since then – most have passed away. May they all RIP.)

    Rudy is no longer the man he was when he was mayor of NYC. (Who is, all these 21 years later?) He’s now in the fight of his life, as are the other indictees. How easy it would have been for him to stay on the sidelines and enjoy his retirement. Few would have thought less of him.

    Lawfare is the ultimate perversion of our legal system. The presumption of innocence, the right to legal representation, a fair weighing of all the evidence, attorney-client privilege, and equal rights before the law were the hallmarks of our justice system. No more. Lady Justice is weeping.

  5. Integrity. Giuliani’s got it. Those prosecuting him do not.

    Heroes often have integrity, but not always. Antagonists have no integrity. Giuliani is a great man. His tormentors are monsters.

  6. If you don’t think they are coming for ALL of us who support Trump…think again. This isn’t over, and it will NOT end well at all.

  7. To handle this case, Rudy needs a clear head. He should take after his former client in one way…stop drinking.

  8. he’s in fine form, who says otherwise, the ones eating this olive loaf, ordered up by marc elias and other parties,

    sydney powell is another one of the bravest most fortright persons, one could imagine, in fulton county, you have that kangaroo court like the one in the dark knight rises, presided over by a lunatic,

  9. As one of Trump’s ads summed it up so concisely.

    “They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you.”

    “I’m just in the way.”

  10. It’s doubtful Giuliani could have beaten Obama in 2008, not after the financial meltdown which some suspect was engineered precisely for the purpose of electing Obama. But imagine an alternative universe where Giuliani became President instead of him.

  11. he was the best of the three candidates, but he was cursed with some legendary staffers, rick wilson, john avlon! who slither through to this day,

  12. The indictments against Trump are meant to influence the “undecideds”. Their scheme may work. However, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  13. IANAL
    I understand all the protection given to prosecuting attorneys, but it appears to me that 18 U.S.C. § 242 (2021) specifically contradicts whatever sovereign immunity protections the Georgia attorneys may claim. I realize that Garlands DOJ isn’t interested, but if the Rs gain control in 2025, Fani and friends should think about Rio.

  14. Been out of the loop a bit so don’t know if this has already been covered here…but it’s, apparently…HYUGE (not that it matters to “Biden”, of course, or the Uber-Corrupt Media, etc., etc.)….

    “Weaponized Collusion? Jack Smith’s Team Huddled With Biden White House Before Trump Indictment”—
    Key grafs:
    ‘…When asked if he thinks the White House and special counsel were coordinating, Rudy Giuliani told the Post: “You’re damn right I do.”
    ‘ “What’s happening is they have trashed every ethical rule that exists and they have created a state police. It is a Biden state prosecutor and a Biden state police.”
    [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]
    ‘ Constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley…[said] that the March meeting was particularly troublesome and “raises obvious concerns about visits to the White House after [Bratt] began his work with the special counsel.”…’

    To be sure, ONE is most certainly justified in “trash[ing] every ethical that exists” if the target of ONE’s “trashing” is the Anti-Christ ONE has so sedulously created (e.g., Kulaks, Jews, Huguenots, Bahais, Yazidis, etc.)
    It’s a no-brainer.
    (…It doesn’t even have to be in the Constitution…! Now THAT’s convenient!!)

    File under: “We, the party of morality, decency, patriotism and democracy, have free reign to go after EVERY WHITE SUPREMACIST, EVERY RACIST, EVERY ANTI-TRANSIST, EVERY INSURRECTIONIST, EVERY PARENT, EVERY TRUMPIST whose goal it is to TRASH our CHERISHED DEMOCRACY, our BELOVED COUNTRY—oh, and also free reign to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to “WIN” every election—and don’t you forget it!!!”

  15. Related (but of course)….
    “Top Law Schools Promote Ditching The Constitution”—

    (Not that this is anything new or surprising…)

    Soon, we’ll no doubt have “Top Medical Schools Promote Ditching Services to Enemies of the People” (and WE DECIDE just who those Enemies of the People are!!…)
    (Just as the Banks will “decide” who “CAN” have access to their money! Or groceries will “decide” who “CAN” have access to food…etc…)

    File under: Ah, “Joey”, We Hardly Knew Ye’….

  16. All of this rather depressing news needs to be tempered by a little levity.
    (Gotta take it where you can find it…)
    “Biden aide: He won’t make Trump’s legal troubles an election issue;
    “Co-chair of Biden’s reelection campaign insists the campaign will focus on Biden’s own accomplishments.”—
    To be sure, everything “Biden” says, claims, broadcasts, declares, invents, etc. is ENTIRELY FALSE…still, it’s rather humorous…
    (The “Bad Humor Man”?)

    OTOH, as has already been suggested, there may be signs of a silver lining in spite of all the utter crap being foisted upon the nation (Garbage In, Garbage Out, Garbage All Over the Freakin’ Place)….
    ‘”The More You Indict, The More We Unite!” – Black Social Media Erupts For Trump’—

    Well, one can certainly hope…

  17. And for those who appreciate(!) Churchill, a bit of a treat: 1990 reprint of a “New Criterion” book review…
    “Young Winston’s salvation”—
    H/T Powerline blog.
    …in which one can see the Karsh portrait so remarked upon as the model—um, perhaps?—for “The Mug Shot”…seen ’round the world…(which might well be the reason for the reprint?)

    In any event, tremendously worthwhile despite whatever one might think of the political inclinations and/or baggage of the reviewer—historian David Fromkin…

  18. Heh, I would wager that that TOO is a lowball.

    Lordy, ALL that trouble that Mr. “President” went through to establish dummy, offshore corporations.
    THAT takes a lot of effort, time, planning, blood, sweat ‘n tears.
    A lot of work.
    AND WHY did he feel he HAD TO do it?
    Why, he did it for us—yes, this too: FOR US—so that we wouldn’t have to know about it.
    So that we wouldn’t have to find out about it.
    Went through ALL that trouble so that we wouldn’t have to get upset.
    Wouldn’t have to worry our little heads.
    For US.

    So I ask you: Has there ever been another president SO CARING, SO CONCERNED, SO LOVING with regard to the people “he” “leads” and “serves”?
    So DECENT?
    I ask you….

  19. I can’t imagine, barry

    fromkin is very curt, in what churchill described, the taliban now, the fakir of waziristan, the mad mullah, his predecessor in buner almost 40 years later,
    same thing, different day,

    when I was researching my novel, with some setting in yemen and sudan among other places I had a strong feeling of deja vu

  20. Yet the ABA and former Presidents (Clinton, George W Bush and Obama) say nothing.

    Can you imagine the outrage if a conservative DA or Attorney General sued all attorneys at the Boies Schiller law firm for their activities in Bush v. Gore? The ABA would certainly come out strongly against that, as would former Presidents and attorneys general. The silence here is telling.

  21. Well, he did describe the religion as the MOST “retrograde”…but he had a lot of respect for the actual heroism of the Mahdis(?) against whom he fought as a young cavalry man in the Sudan—or was he an officer?…
    (Though I wonder whether he knew that they believed that there was no greater achievement than to die in battle against the heathen enemy…)

  22. you learn about and respect your adversary, in the mahdi case, they had killed general gordon, who had been a big deal for the better part of the last 30 years,
    with indian wahhabis, they had killed two governor generals,

  23. It is a shame that a man with such a great record as Mayor decided to hitch his wagon to Donald Trump. I recall with horror Giuliani’s 2016 RNC speech where all he did was scream.

  24. @FOAF
    “It’s doubtful Giuliani could have beaten Obama in 2008, not after the financial meltdown which some suspect was engineered precisely for the purpose of electing Obama. But imagine an alternative universe where Giuliani became President instead of him.”

    Nobody could have beaten Obama thanks to the ineptitude of George W. Bush but there were candidates who could have done a lot better than the equally inept Sen. John McCain.

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