Home » Another demonstration of two-tiered justice: more charges against Trump and a Trump employee


Another demonstration of two-tiered justice: more charges against Trump and a Trump employee — 28 Comments

  1. IF we let them get away with it, they will NEVER stop. We should ALL stand beside Trump.

  2. Deep State is desperate not to have someone who might destroy them, and a lame duck President with a axe to grind and nothing to lose could be the one.

  3. Anyone who thinks that Trump should be in jail forever and not allowed to run will never vote for a Republican no matter who it is.

    Republicans are all evil, racist hatemongers and have some insurrectionist plot planned to destroy Our Democracy.

    And fanning the fires of this mindset has worked extremely well for the Democrats to not only consolidate their base but to keep their base from looking too closely at what they, themselves, are doing. After all, the other guys are Hitler and everything should be on the table when fighting Hitler.

  4. My fellow Americans. On this day I have issued a full, complete and unconditional pardon of Donald J. Trump with respect to the pending federal indictments in Florida and the District of Columbia. I urge officials in New York City and Atlanta to drop their pending cases and not file any future case against Mr. Trump.

    When I was inaugurated as your President – after receiving the most votes ever – I promised to heal our country and bring us together. That’s why I am issuing the pardon to Mr. Trump.

    We need to move forward as one country. This partisan fighting must stop. As President Ford said, “Our long national nightmare is over.”

    The people of the United States should be free to vote for any candidate and not worry about the possibility that the candidate will be in prison at the time of the election.

    I say, let the people decide who shall be their next President in a fair and free election.

    In conjunction with my theme about putting the past behind us, I have also issued a pardon to my beloved son, Robert Hunter Biden, with whom I am well pleased. He did nothing wrong and, like in the case with Mr. Trump, he has been prosecuted based upon his family status. We don’t do that in America.

    Thank you and good night.

  5. Neo, did your friend give any real reason, such as an actual crime, that Trump should be in prison? I can’t ever get a straight answer when I ask people that.

  6. As the old joke about going broke once went, how did our politics come to this: gradually, and then all of a sudden.

  7. It might be best to remind your friend that being imprisoned doesn’t keep someone from running for president. Historically, Eugene Debs ran at least one campaign while in prison. Sure, he lost (he wasn’t a major party candidate, after all). But he was allowed on the ballot.

    The Constitution is the sole arbiter of who can run for president. And incarceration status is not mentioned at all.

  8. I visited Dwight D. EISENHOWER’s Presidential Library and Museum today…and guess what is there? There were SEVERAL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS that were openly displayed—they ranged from CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET—all had a simple line drawn thru their classification.

    I realized that this explained the real reason the Deep State, FBI, and DOJ raided Mara Largo. They were afraid many of the documents they had classified that Trump had declassified would end up in Trump’s Presidential Library for the whole world to see! SINCE when does the unelected, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF in any Federal agency have the authority to reclassify what a president has declassified.
    The answer is “NEVER.”

  9. It’s pretty simple for me. I don’t blindly admire Trump, in fact he is a bit of a jerk! Now, name all the other candidates that have the guts and the stamina to go up against the corruption that is endemic in our government.

    No, I can’t name one either.

  10. Ray Van Dune:

    I can name many. You have a different take on it – obviously, from what you said. But I see plenty of people on the right with plenty of guts and stamina, and I think they would fight with fewer unforced errors than Trump.

  11. junior:

    Oh yes, I know. I would have had no trouble answering if this person had wanted a response. She made it clear she didn’t want to hear a response.

  12. JFM:

    It wasn’t a discussion. It was just a cry of anguish and anger, and she made it clear she didn’t want to discuss it. I know that this person hates Trump tremendously and thinks he is horribly corrupt, vile, and evil.

  13. Neo. What does she think of President Biden?
    Does she recognize that he is horribly corrupt, vile, evil and senile or does she think he is a great man who has been wronged by the Republican media?

  14. Neo describes her friend’s voting based on media-inculcated emotion. Doing so is typical of women, and our feminized society.

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  16. Jordan Rivers fails to recognize that he or she has been inculcated with a media-driven emotion, and is part of the problem. Doing so is typical of humans.

  17. jack smith is a cutlass bearing pirate, if the gop even showed 1/10th of the agita they reserve for national hot dog day,

  18. Neo “I can name many. You have a different take on it – obviously, from what you said. But I see plenty of people on the right with plenty of guts and stamina, and I think they would fight with fewer unforced errors than Trump.”

    Really? Who are your two best candidates that could do this? Who could handle the constant straight up lies of the MSM?

    I was at a wedding recently where there were a number of men who were from Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens. They all sounded and talked exactly like Trump. The same in your face, aggressive, bragging style. It’s New York, deal with it.

  19. yes he said some stupid things in the past, but this is a question of justice, or basic fairness and much of the gop, with the exception of vivek don’t care, what do they care about, a NDAA that sanctions the mutilation of children (this is ostensibly what mcconnell was on about, till the wind up cord, gave out,

  20. Recently a friend of mine spontaneously declared to me that she (a) doesn’t understand why Trump would even be “allowed” to run; and (b) she thinks he should already be in prison for a long long time. I take it that this is a common mindset on the left. This prosecution is extremely popular with that group.

    So pretty much one of the many people that I will always say actually believe the first 10 amendments were a mistake and honestly think it’s ok to deprive people of said rights for the reason of “Well I didn’t really like them.” (It doesn’t matter if it’s free speech, right to trial, unlawful searches, and extreme punishments, they’re ok with it if it’s someone they really don’t like.)Note I say this because I’ve heard when I was listening to this NPR show and a couple of people spouting this were the hosts who are supposedly lawyers.

  21. This is absolutely abusive by the DOJ. The timing of the superceding indictment is a fishy as the day is long, one day after Hunter’s corrupt plea deal (rightfully) blew up. The differential treatment between Trump and the Bidens is obvious and damning.

    But come on, man. Look at what Trump (is alleged) to have done. He directed his employees to destroy security footage. That’s evidence that he knew that his actions were wrong. And now they’ve found the Iran battle plans among the documents that Trump previously returned to the National Archives. So it looks like he really did wave highly sensitive battle plans in front of reporters/authors with no clearances and he was lying when he said that he was just bragging about doing so.

    The deep state is abusive, out of control, and a threat to the republic. And, Trump lacks the judgment and character to do a blessed thing about it. To those who counter by arguing that the deep state is going to go after any Republican – seriously, most Republicans do not make themselves such easy targets.

  22. no there is no if and or buts about it, jack smith has a history of ethical malfeasance, reversed by the Supreme Court, but the damage was done, they put mcauliffe who infected virginia with a gangrenous growth that is only now being reversed,

  23. miguel cervantes – OK, that was the McDonnell case. This is not the McDonnell case. If McDonnell had behaved like Trump, McDonnell would be in jail right now.

    And there’s your problem.

  24. miguel cervantes – Stated another way – are Trump’s tactics an effective way to counter abusive prosecutors and other deep state hacks?

    Answer – No. Trump plays right into their hands. If the GOP can’t process that “but,” it’s going to be in for a very long patch of losing.

    The amazing part to me is that this has nothing whatsoever to do with goals or policy. It’s all personality and tactics. DeSantis is as good as Trump on policy/goals, and probably better frankly. Yet we’re all suposed to support Trump as he repeatedly goes into the firing line wearing a neon suit with big red targets on it. I don’t get it.

  25. The amazing part to me is that this has nothing whatsoever to do with goals or policy. It’s all personality and tactics. DeSantis is as good as Trump on policy/goals, and probably better frankly. Yet we’re all suposed to support Trump as he repeatedly goes into the firing line wearing a neon suit with big red targets on it. I don’t get it.

    The Democrats want it to be all about personality and tactics. Remember what Reagan asked in 1980. “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” Trump has the same questions to ask. DeSantis is failing partly because his donors don’t agree with the majority of GOP voters. He stepped out of their embrace once and was quickly slapped down about Ukraine. I like what he has done in FL but he has become the candidate of the uniparty. I wish Trump was a bit less obsessed with the war on him by the Biden controllers but who else would be up to the fight ? In 1976 Reagan flinched when the big GOP leaders thought he was too radical. He chose a wimp they approved of as VP. In 1980 he chose Bush who was another wimp.

  26. The large silence of the GOP on the two tier system of justice, especially the targeting of Trump and his supporters, says a lot.

  27. Given the current state of our politics and culture, is it really wise to roll the dice on nominating someone who will only draw the most devout, a minority of the electorate, or nominate any competent Republican Governor to run against the crooked senile Joe Biden?

  28. Mike K – If Trump were a minimally competent candidate, his campaign would be all about “are you better off than you were four years ago?” His campaign his not, and frankly it can’t be given his antics. Trump’s campaign is about whether he’s going to be convicted and whether the 2020 election was stolen. The economic sucess of his first term can only be secondary. That’s thanks to Democrats, but also thanks to Trump, who can’t seem to help himself.

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