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RFK and the Jews — 89 Comments

  1. Before it hit America, I read reports of the killer virus in China and bodies being stacked in Italy. The worst spot in Italy was full of Chinese immigrant workers, and Chinese visitors.

    I remember hoping it didn’t come here, but expected if it did ,it would stay in the south and east, like most of the other new threats seemed to do.

    And, Jr. has always been out there. Might be correct in some suppositions, but def a whacko in others.

  2. Before it hit America, I read reports of the killer virus in China and bodies being stacked in Italy. The worst spot in Italy was full of Chinese immigrant workers, and Chinese visitors.

    Plenty of videos of Chinese forced lockdowns on youtube.

    I remember hoping it didn’t come here, but expected if it did ,it would stay in the south and east, like most of the other new threats seemed to do.

    And, Jr. has always been out there. Might be correct in some suppositions, but def a whacko in others.

  3. RFK Jr. has always been a crackpot. He occasionally says something sensible, but that doesn’t make him not a crackpot.

  4. Askenazi are European jews generally. Sephardim are more Mediterranean. Askenazi are lighter-skinned but are they Caucasian?

  5. RFK, Jr’s goofy ideas are preferable to a malevolent, America-hating corrupt Biden, so give him a break. He is the Democrats’ anti-Biden. He has a long history of being opposed to vaccines, and the damn m-RNA “COVID” vaccines proved him right, at least once. These do not protect against the virus, and they harm people via the m-RNA telling cells to make the viral spike protein, which is vascular-adherent for weeks sometimes. We are just lucky more of us were not laid low by the mandated jabs.

    I personally don’t give a hoot if RFK is anti-Semitic. That is a mere opinion on which he could not act in the unlikely event of his election. Besides, most Jews are Democrats, which I cannot understand.

    I would take care about any British government data on COVID mortality by ethnicity. I for one would prefer to see the actual data, not a British government conclusion. Britain is full of Muslims aka Pakis, and the mayor of London (!) is one.

  6. Pardon my cynicism, but this will have no effect on the Democrat party faithful. The Congressional Black Caucus is straight up antisemitic and friends of Louis Farakan. Just find the the photo of them partying at his mansion, including Senator Obama. Obama himself was a congregant in the Reverend Jeramia Wright’s church. Then there’s the Squad. One of them made some blatantly antisemitic remarks. The Democrats couldn’t get themselves to condemn her outright and in the end came up with some anodyne statement condemning hatred and bigotry everywhere and at all times. And they all think that Israel is an illegitimate racist genocidal state.

  7. Alan Colbo:

    Do you really not know that Ashkenazi Jews are white? Of course, for the purposes of discrimination in the olden days, they were considered brownish, or Asian-ish, or any number of things that they aren’t. Ashkenazi Jews are genetically a cross between DNA akin to that somewhat similar to the Middle Eastern Arab populations and the populations of central Europe and Eastern Europe. About half and half. ALL of those populations are Caucasian. Ashkenazi Jews are Caucasion.

    Unless they are converts to Judaism from some other population, which happens now and then.

  8. RFK Jr. does seem like the proverbial loose cannon on the Democrat deck. There was another news item on the NY Post‘s Page Six on Wednesday about a “press dinner to boost Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign [which] descended into a foul bout of screaming and polemic farting Tuesday night.” The gas warfare involved the drunken gossip columnist who was hosting the event and an elderly guest. The two men got into an argument over climate change, with the older man calling the gossip columnist some choice names; the latter then “sensed the need for a new rhetorical tack, and let rip a loud, prolonged fart while yelling, as if to underscore his point, ‘I’m farting!'” Kennedy just sat there calmly through the entire fracas: https://pagesix.com/2023/07/12/rfk-jr-press-dinner-explodes-in-war-of-words-and-farts/

    This little brouhaha is mentioned in the course of a lengthy Substack post by Josh Barro (a journalist who is openly gay, an atheist, opposed to traditional Christianity, and who left the GOP after Trump was elected– so take his column with his prejudices in mind) titled “The Kennedys Were Always Bad”– it’s a lengthy catalog of the various sins and crimes committed by the Kennedy clan– “a cadre of reckless, womanizing, substance-abusing mediocrities of middling IQ, who have produced a staggering array of displays of bad judgment and poor character over the decades, often leading to the deaths of themselves or others. I would not get in a car driven by a member of this family, let alone let them run the government.”

    Barro has nothing to say about RFK Jr’s antisemitism specifically, but he does provide a list of Jr’s other crackpot ideas with hyperlinks to sources:


    It doesn’t surprise me that this particular Kennedy is antisemitic, given his attachment to other loony ideas and causes. He’s a case of chronic recto-cranial inversion gone terminal.

  9. now this is lazy and stupid argumentation, the kind that ended with alex jones broke, it’s more accurate to say, if anything that europeans specially the ones who had concessions in 19th century china, were the targets, a payback for their part in the exploitation of china, there are exceptions, australia did not have a concession but it is an english colony, and iran got a rather strong bout of it,

  10. well it seems very convenient to harp on this, I don’t carry a brief for rfk jr, but he was perhaps the only dem figure that called out fauci’s malfeasance,

    all of a sudden, barro discovered chappaquidick, I imagine it’s one of the horrors,

  11. It wouldn’t surprise me if they did engineer it to spare northeast Asians. I’ve wondered if the release was deliberate, and this was a dry run.

  12. in three years of investigation, how much is really known about the virus, and the motives of the designers I’ve mentioned chi haotian a grey eminence in the PLA,

    but yes this was stupid taste test of shoe leather on jfk’s jr part,

  13. RFK Jr. on Substack this afternoon:

    New York Post reporter Jon Levine got it wrong in his article today claiming that I said COVID was “ethnically targeted” to spare Jews.

    I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to “spare” Jews. I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that China and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews.

    In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered.

    That study is here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32664879/.

    Levine exploited this OFF-THE-RECORD conversation to smear me by association with an outlandish conspiracy theory.

    This cynical maneuver is consistent with the mainstream media playbook to discredit me as a crank — and by association, to discredit revelations of genuine corruption and collusion. . . .

    Ethnically targeted bioweapons are real, and history makes clear there is no population who should be more concerned about a thing like that than people of Jewish and African decent.

    Gavin de Becker, bestselling author of The Gift of Fear, just made this insightful comment on the New York Post controversy. It’s worth sharing:

    Targeted propaganda attacks work because they grab us emotionally. I am Jewish too, bar mitzvahed, grandfather escaped from Poland, etc. So the whole topic is radioactive — and from that point of view, the NY Post article is masterful: it grabs us, gets us emotionally invested, and sets people searching for adjacent material by bad people to link to the topic RFK Jr raised.

    It gets our attention and it gets us to associate crazy ideas with RFK Jr., and most of all, it gives us a person to focus all our anger and revulsion and fear on.

    What the article does *not* do is bring any attention to the fact that the most powerful governments in history are spending billions of dollars on exactly this type of biological weapon.

    In fact, the article accomplishes exactly the opposite. It distracts from ethnically targeted biological weapons and focuses attention on the man RFK Jr. instead.

  14. ee cervantes:

    A stopped clock is still right at least once a day (military time) so when is RFK Jr. going to be right about anything else?

    Folks grasp at straws to defend this loon. Is it the surname?


    Is all bold face the same as ALL CAPS?

  15. its a very big thing, when the subject is responsible for the deaths of perhaps a million people, through his malfeasance, and you can track back the body count perhaps over the last 30 years,

    it is an unproductive avenue to pursue however,

  16. “ee cervantes”
    Ok om… I’ll pay full credit for that one.
    Don’t let it go to your head. 😐

  17. My wife casually mentioned this RFK, Jr thing to me around noon-time — and it rang a bell with me. Here is the note I sent to a long-time friend with whom I correspond frequently:
    It continues to amaze me how so many folks hesitate to THINK about questions to ask.
    A ruckus popped up because RFK, Jr suggested that COVID-19 was engineered to target White people. If he had just said to target blood type A, he would have been more accurate.
    I am Type A, so sometime ago I did notice some blip about those with Type A being less likely to handle COVID-19 well.
    Here is an article from May 2021: — basically noting that Type A was most likely to correlate with COVID-19 pneumonia, and that NON-infection was more likely to correlate with Type O.
    Al-Youha SA, Alduaij W, Al-Serri A, Almazeedi SM, Al-Haddad M, Jamal MH, Shih AW, Al-Sabah SK. “The impact of ABO blood groups on clinical outcomes and susceptibility to COVID-19: A retrospective study in an unselected population.” Transfusion. 2021 May;61(5):1631-1641; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8250670/
    Here is another article from Sept 2021: — basically noting that Types A and AB are the worst, while Type O is the best to have in the face of COVID. Israelis are predominantly Type O.
    Kim Y, Latz CA, DeCarlo CS, Lee S, Png CYM, Kibrik P, Sung E, Alabi O, Dua A. “Relationship between blood type and outcomes following COVID-19 infection.” Semin Vasc Surg. 2021 Sep;34(3):125-131; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8286549/
    In other words, we do not know anything about targeting White people, but having Jewish ethnic heritage could be helpful.
    I guess that I also am saying that I did not jump to the conclusion that RFK, JR is anti-semitic. His comment rang a bell that I had encountered some medical data vaguely related to this.

  18. My first thought on this RFK Jr business: Forget it Jake… it’s Kennedy-town.

    Whole family is a blight. Made their deal with the devil generations ago and we see what that means.

  19. om: Boldface is one way to distinguish my introductory comment from the quoted remarks.

    You are free not to read.

  20. Drat, I had high hopes for Junior. Maybe Cornel West will be nicer to the Tribe.
    Or not.

    Bottom line: The closer we get to a Dem/progressive train wreck, the better.

  21. “It wouldn’t surprise me if they did engineer it to spare northeast Asians. I’ve wondered if the release was deliberate, and this was a dry run.” – Art Deco

    I didn’t read it to imply anything anti-sematic on the part of RFK.

    I’m with others. At this point why wouldn’t the Chinese have targeted ethnic groups? It would certainly make a dandy bio-weapon if they succeeded. And attempting and succeeding are two different things.

    I would say the virus certainly was more lethal/infectious to pre-diabetics or groups with high body mass– which certainly describes the US/Mexico and more recently, any country with an abundance of fast-food restaurants.

    After all, this may have been just the first attempt.

    All conjecture at this point, buy why should we give the Chinese the benefit of doubt, given they hid the release of the virus until significant portions of the world had already been exposed.

  22. The theory of engineered virus to target ethnic groups is a reasonable concern. In spite of activists’ complaints, there are racial differences with medications and diseases. Some, like S hemoglobin, are evolutionary. The book, “The 10,000 year explosion,” postulates that evolution drove Ashkenazi Jews to higher math skills but left them with Tay Sachs Disease as a consequence. I don’t know enough genetics (although I have tried to catch up the last 10 years) to offer evidence for this theory. We are very early in understanding genetics. Of course Ashkenazi Jews are Caucasian.

  23. Don’t tell some of the so called ” Black Hebrew Israelites”. While that term is a kind of umbrella term for a number of different sects, there are those among them who insist that the only real Jews are black Jews. Nevermind all the Jews who spent centuries in Europe and held onto their Jewish religion and customs. It’s all a great big racist conspiracy, they say. Which also means that, according to that belief, Israel as it exist , is mostly not Jewish. I have butted heads with one of these guys on the internet. You can also find videos of the ” Black Hebrew Israelites” getting guilt ridden white people to kiss their boots on the streets and preaching that whites will all be their slaves. Again, the term ” Black Hebrew Israelites” is an umbrella term for more than one sect with varying beliefs.

  24. I hope that Alan Colbo doesn’t mind me taking advantage of his blunder to promote something interesting that I read a couple of years ago.

    At his substack, the geneticist Razib Khan published a good, brief summary of Ashkenazi genetics and early history (https://tinyurl.com/4p9pseda). Please read it, really, the story is fascinating.

    Khan entitled his post:
    “Ashkenazi Jewish genetics: a match made in the Mediterranean. How and when did the Ashkenazim come to be?”

  25. Jon baker:

    I seem to recall that the Black Hebrew Israelites were the original instigators in the Nick Sandmann incident.

  26. MollyG:

    Bold face is one way to emphasize text. I’ve done technical writing and editing, thank you.

    You are welcome, too.

  27. MollyG:

    Jews ARE Caucasian, so RFK is at the very least ignorant. He says the virus targets Caucasians and that Jews are also less susceptible. But Jews are Caucasians through and through. Plus, whatever this person he quotes says about susceptibility, Jews have been VERY susceptible to COVID and had COVID deaths in the UK in 2020 that were higher than other groups, not lower.

    RFK says he said the comment off the record. But see this:

    Kennedy called The Post’s “mistaken,” tweeting Saturday that the event had been off the record, but event organizer Doug Dechert told The Post it was on the record.

    A second event attendee confirmed to The Post Dechert told him the same thing.

    Not only that, but apparently RFK also tweeted the same idea:

    “The U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races,” Kennedy tweeted — reiterating his remarks from the dinner. “The furin cleave docking site is most compatible with blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.”

    “I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered,” he added — clarifying his recorded remarks.

    Clear as mud.

    With the history of accusations against the Jews involving them being masterminds and/or vectors of illness, this is pernicious stuff to say. His assertion certainly doesn’t seem to be backed up by any real-world evidence of Jews being spared getting COVID or dying from it. The link he cited says nothing about Jews at all. Perhaps the full study does, but the link isn’t to the full study. Nor does anything at the link talk about bioengineering, or serve as “a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.” That’s merely saying that if a virus affects different ethnic groups to different degrees – which I’m pretty sure all viruses do – it’s within the realm of imaginable possibility that it was bioengineered to do this. Why say that if you’re not trying to be inflammatory? There is no evidence for it.

    RFK is the one doing the best job of making RFK look bad.

  28. Do all Chinese look alike? Never heard that (sarc). Genetic variability in Africans or African Americans? Racist assumptions? Zoot alours!

  29. RCP:

    The most common blood type in Israeli Jews is irrelevant to this conversation, because the majority of Israeli Jews – 55% – are Sephardic. Ashkenazi Jews – mentioned by RFK – only constitute 45% of the Israeli population.

    Most Jews in the US are Ashkenazi.

  30. And of course there is that unfortunate aspect of some parts of Democrat African American politics: hatred towards Jews and Asians. Not that RFK Jr would be subtle about such a thing.

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Lets the Secret Out. COVID Was Engineered to Protect ‘Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese’ – streiff Redstate.com


  31. RFK said he didn’t say something, which he clearly *did* say. Also, he doesn’t understand racial categories.
    Let’s elect this guy President!

  32. Cicero, I would tend to agree…however saying something along these lines shows an astonishing lack of judgment.
    Even if I sincerely believe that he meant nothing malicious—i.e., that he meant to say something purely descriptive—HOW could he NOT have known that he would be ambushed?

    To be sure, the problem with such a claim is that there is no freakin’ way anyone can know how many Chinese died of Covid…and because of the nature of “record-keeping” (IOW, the POLITICAL PRIORITIES) in the West, the same could well be said.

    (Actually, when I first heard about it—and then checked it on the Internet,—I wondered if he was set up by some planted renegade in his circle…but I suppose that’s not very likely.)

    If Kennedy had wanted to stress that the virus was engineered with biological/genetic targets (assuming that’s even possible) so that certain groups were relatively spared—without naming those groups specifically—he would have sounded a bit wonky (though the claim is not new)…but he wouldn’t have gotten himself in so much hot water.

    I would assume that he’s not going to be able to recover from this nutty gaffe, this absurd “own goal”—which may well prove to be his “Little Big Horn” (or Chappaquidick, as miguel alluded to, above)…
    …the REAL problem being that the liars, cheats and criminals and—yes Covid KILLERS—will CROW mercilessly while some of the more astute things he’s been claiming will inevitably go by the wayside…

  33. And if nothing else, the MEDIA et al. will pound RFK so as to cover up this rather “CURIOUS” “VPOTUS” gaffe:
    ” ‘Reduce Population’: Kamala Harris Verbal Slip-Up Corrected By White House”—
    Key grafs:
    ‘ Vice President Kamala Harris mistakenly (?) suggested that one of the goals of investing in clean energy is population reduction….
    ‘…”When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” she continued….
    ‘…According to the official transcript, the 58-year-old Vice President meant to say ‘pollution,’ not ‘population.’…’
    And so, just a bit more “word-salad” clean-up (like the broom pushers at the end of a parade)??

  34. The suckling cell trait, which is heritable, occurs more frequently in southern European populations than in the north. This is not related to the Chinese virus, but does show that there can be variations within races. So, I suppose it might be relevant, even in the US, whether your ancestors came from Sicily or Denmark.

  35. here’s the crux of the matter, fauci through daszak allowed a virus to be released upon a world with a death toll of 10 million people, both have escaped accountability, there was the denial of effective therapeutics, funderd by that crook sam bankman freed, there was terror visited on millions more, and the placebo of masks, there are secondary and tertiary effects, a stolen election, the possibly irreversible decline of a generation of school children, out in suffolk country, they are focusing on a dozen deaths, I would say the link I included above is more indicative of one side of the collusion,

  36. How do we have such an incompetent and corrupt set of elites?

    Well, the idiocy of the opposition has a lot to do with it. We can have Biden, Wray, Comey, Mueller, et. al – OR – we can have RFK Jr., or Trump.

    What a mess.

  37. they have been very competent at destroying our standard of living, generating a generation of ignorant youth, denying our energy independence squandering two generations of our finest in forever wars, enabling the gangs to roam free, oh you been useful endeavours not a one,

  38. you see what even the gop senators have enabled this gang of pirates to do, when obama had 60 seats, he couldn’t do as much damage, as the likes of Romney and Murkowski, and co, did with Garlands gang, Austin’s crew and Mayorkas, not to mention Haaland and Granholm et al,

  39. My wife and I, both Ashkenazi Jews, after receiving three shots each, both came down with COVID. I guess we were a fluke, or not. There are diseases that plague certain ethnic groups more so than others and we are no different.

  40. Dear Neo,

    You owe RFK, Jr., a profound apology for mindlessly repeating the NY Post lie. He said no such thing. He was quoting a refereed paper that discussed the American biowarfare program and the evidence that the US was trying to create viruses that would target specific ethnic groups.

    RFK, Jr., is being targeted by neocons because he is virtually the only politician that speaks for the underclass, the working class, and the middle class. The neocons fear that unless he is destroyed now he might win the Democrat nomination and even the presidency.

    The neocon predecessors kill his father and uncle for much the same reason. Don’t get his blood on your hands.

  41. I thought it was an unproductive avenue of discussion, now faucis reign of error from the time he denied effective antibiotics that could have severely curtailed the aids epidemic, (oddly larry kramer forgave him for that, while blaming everybody in their brother, through mismanagement of other mitigation efforts west nile, avian flu et al,

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  43. bob sykes grunts and squeals from his stye about the “neocons.”

    Poor RFK Jr., misunderstood and stabbed in the back by the “neocons?” Nope, he stuck the fork in all by himself.

  44. The suckling cell trait, which is heritable, occurs more frequently in southern European populations than in the north.

    I am unaware of hemoglobin S being found in south Europeans. What is found and which is a result of the same evolutionary pressure is thalassemia, a genetic disorder involving the globin part of the hemoglobin, not the defect in S hemoglobin. Both reduce the risk of malaria but cause anemia.

  45. When I first read the quotation, my though was “I can definitely see the CCP creating a targeted bioweapon to kill whites and blacks (actually, if they could pull it off, it would probably be all non-Han Chinese) but why in heck would they deliberately spare Jews? USDOD has long tried to figure out instrumentation that would be able to identify ethnicity. Among other things; as an aid in defending bases and other installations.

    The link RFK provided includes this:

    ” In this study, we investigated genetic susceptibility to COVID-19 by examining DNA polymorphisms in ACE2 and TMPRSS2 (two key host factors of SARS-CoV-2) from ~ 81,000 human genomes. We found unique genetic susceptibility across different populations in ACE2 and TMPRSS2. Specifically, ACE2 polymorphisms were found to be associated with cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions by altering the angiotensinogen-ACE2 interactions, such as p.Arg514Gly in the African/African-American population. Unique but prevalent polymorphisms (including p.Val160Met (rs12329760), an expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL)) in TMPRSS2, offer potential explanations for differential genetic susceptibility to COVID-19 as well as for risk factors, including those with cancer and the high-risk group of male patients. We further discussed that polymorphisms in ACE2 or TMPRSS2 could guide effective treatments (i.e., hydroxychloroquine and camostat) for COVID-19.

    “Conclusion: This study suggested that ACE2 or TMPRSS2 DNA polymorphisms were likely associated with genetic susceptibility of COVID-19, which calls for a human genetics initiative for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    The Gavin de Becker quote is very apt.

  46. MollyG:

    You used bold face for nearly all of your comment, and you claim to have been an editor? Keep digging sister.

    Not impressive. But you be you.

  47. Thank you Molly G.! I am fascinated at how the most negative possible interpretations and cherry picked snippets are used to denigrate RFK Jr., and his own explanations of what he meant are ignored. I also find it fascinating that he is out there making the farce obvious by insisting on having the uncomfortable views aired. I don’t really know whether he is crazy or not, or whether his views are up to the incredibly high standards of the commentators, but the reactions are truly a case of “Republicans (and Democrats) POUNCE!!” Lighten up folks – he is NOT the boogeyman (nor the devil)!

  48. “…why in heck would they deliberately spare Jews?…”
    This is very intriguing question.
    One can never really know for sure (inscrutability, etc.) but here are some conjectures:
    – Because Chinese expats were known as “the Jews” of Asia; more specifically the countries ranged around the western Pacific rim, which were home to a significant Chinese “diaspora”. The reason? Having fled impoverishment in China, they moved to other places where their business acumen, sedulous work habits, strong family attachments, insularity, respect for tradition, learning and for elders enabled them to eke out a living and ultimately much more than just a living. That they often became successful and were also ALIENS, outsiders (at least they perceived as such by the natives, who generally didn’t work as hard, were not as educated and were not as successful) created resentment, hatred, contempt and even pogroms. (The situation is still prevalent today in countries such as Malaysia.)
    – The Chinese see themselves—and they are certainly not wrong—as a very ancient civilization, one that has survived through the millennia through all kinds of cyclical travails, failures and successes; with a strongly developed culture—music, dance, literature, philosophy, cuisine, aesthetic—and innovative and technological achievements. They view the Jews with fascination; as a people that has that has SURVIVED for thousands of years in spite of similar cycles of travails, failures and successes—most remarkably, two millennia, give or take, of almost total exile. (It should be noted that their views of Jews are not always based on accurate assessments…IOW stereotypical assessments do exist—how could they not?) There was, in fact a significant community of Chinese Jews—mostly traders and merchants one would assume—in the city of Kaifeng, in east-central China, south of Beijing, which community, according to Wikipedia, lasted from the 8th/9th to the 19 centuries and as of 2016 still numbered 20 members.) Apparently, there are people in Kaifeng who refuse to eat pork up to this day, which is quite unusual in China AFAIK (though it would be fair to assume the Uyghurs also don’t eat pork products.)
    Note: Such is this fascination that some Chinese harbor for Jews that some of their scholars recently completed a translation of the Talmud into Chinese.
    – Increasing Chinese-Israel trade over the past several decades, including agricultural and technological assistance (some of the latter being rather questionable if not short-sighted…but then China was SUPPOSED to have been, ahem, changing…right?) On the other hand, if international fora are any indication (e.g., the UN), China continues to support countries that wouldn’t mind seeing Israel disappear from the map (well, we did mention “inscrutable”…so go figure…)
    – Though it seems a bit far-fetched, the Chinese—always concerned about the welfare of Chinese living abroad (as long as they were politically neutral)—strove to ensure that enough North American Jews (most but not all of them of Ashkenazi background) would be left to support Chinese restaurants over the Christmas holiday—it being a long tradition (see “tradition”, above) of certain segments of the Jewish community to frequent Chinese restaurants when all others would have been closed for the holiday. This of course provided a significant boost to the incomes of hard-working Chinese restaurateurs on what would otherwise have been an economically challenging day or two.
    – Other reasons? It appeals to the Chinese sense of humor?

    Or maybe it’s all just a coincidence….

  49. Flawed as he is, RFKJr is the Democrat’s anti-Biden. His conduct re vaccines, in which he as attorney represented clients, does not compare to the communist China corruption of the Biden clan and Biden’s administrators, the awful Garland, and Fibbie Wray. Yes, just slap Hunter on the wrist for committing a felony that would put us in prison if convicted of the same illegal possession of a handgun.
    DOD Sec. Austin is worried about “systemic racism” in the US military, but he is black and made General, so where’s his beef?
    He’d best do his job by noticing none of the services, none, met their enlistment target numbers this year.

  50. tim ferrell; MollyG:

    Oh, really? Cherry-picked? Ann Althouse mentions that there is a video of RFK Jr’s remarks at the NY Post, and she has transcribed what he is recorded to have said on the video. Here is her transcription:

    The races that are most immune to COVID-19 are — because of the genetic structure, um, genetic differentials among different races, of the, um, of the receptors, of the [unintelligible] receptor, um, COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and, uh, and, uh, black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and, uh, and Chinese, and, but we don’t know that it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the, you know, the racial and ethnic differential and impact to that. We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons, and we are developing ethnic bioweapons. That’s what all those labs in the Ukraine are about. They’re collecting Russian DNA, they’re collecting Chinese DNA, so we can target people by race.

    That’s pretty much what’s being reported that he said. The errors are all in there, as I pointed out, and of course there’s also his lack of awareness – or seeming lack of awareness – of the historical roots of such accusations and their implications for the many anti-Semites who continue to be quite active around the world. In addition, he is misrepresenting the science of the article he cites, as well as the actual COVID morbidity and mortality figures among different races.

    There is certainly an excellent possibility that the COVID virus was bioengineered. That is a separate issue.

  51. Peter B:

    What does the Gavin de Becker quote have to do with that except from the article? See also my comment above this one.

    The article does not appear to say anything about Ashkenazi Jews, nor does it say anything about bioengineering or support any of the things that RFK said except that there are – or may be – differing genetic susceptibilities and/or vulnerabilities. That latter is a non-controversial that is true of most viruses and most illnesses. It does not support RFK’s conclusions.

  52. bob sykes:

    Thanks for “sharing” and revealing the inner workings of your convoluted, paranoid, accusative, error-filled mind.

    With defenders like you, RFK Jr. hardly needs enemies – although that all-purpose enemy, “the neocons,” will do.

    “Blood on your hands” – but of course.

  53. RFK Jr. spouts about the Ukranian “bioweapons” labs.

    Certifiable. Still a Democrat and Leftist, but not of the Brandon crime family. A different family.

    A puzzle why conservatives have taken to defending him. Anti-Ukrainuan and pro- Russian and anti-vax on Covid-19 covers all other sins I guess. But then he is also all in on the LGBTQ agenda so that may be enough for some “conservatives?”

  54. Neo: I report, you decide. As you’ve done. Please note that I didn’t state agreement or disagreement with RFK Jr.’s remarks (even if one commenter has his undies in a bunch over his very own interpretation of my use of boldface). And if another commenter wants to thank me for posting RFK Jr.’s remarks, that’s up to him.

  55. Neo, the article does indeed say that Asians and Ashkenazim are less vulnerable.

    “We found that the distribution of deleterious variants in ACE2 differs among 9 populations in gnomAD (v3). Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) and Non-Finnish European (EUR) populations, respectively (Fig. 1b). Prevalence of deleterious variants among Latino/Admixed American (AMR), East Asian (EAS), Finnish (FIN), and South Asian (SAS) populations is 2–10%, while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions (Fig. 1b). “

    Emphasis added.

    I omitted a link to the full text in my first post. Here it is. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7360473/

    First of all, not everyone with a more vulnerable ACE2 will get sick if exposed. Backl of envelope calculation: Say half the target populations; they’re more likely to get sick and more likely to be more sick than, say the Han Chinese lab scientists we paid to make this thing. But even so, Patient Zero seems to have been a Chinese scientist.

    Anyway, if you were a racist Han Chinese (odds are I’m repeating myself here) constructing a bioweapon to preferentially target 1+ billion non-Finnish whites and 4 + billion blacks, 8 million Ashkenazim either more affected or less affected than the target population wouldn’t be a major factor. Heck, we’re less than a rounding error in a target population that size.

    RFK is a dedicated leftist who still loves him some Kennedy immigration and health care laws. But he’s a threat to the major sectors of the Uniparty’s power base, including by being a voice for election integrity from inside the Left (ironic I know in a Kennedy, but it would help his chances.) Obama’s real accomplishment was to forge an alliance between the old line neo-con grifts and the Left’s base in edutainment, green politics and urban politics. RFK is a threat to big swathes of that alliance.

    With that in mind, I buy De Becker’s assertion that the article was a hit piece. True, It’s also possible that the NY Post’s political reporter is a scientific illiterate and was clueless about what RFK was saying. But i embrace the healing power of “and.”

  56. Peter B:

    As I wrote in my comment last night – to MollyG at 11:03 PM:

    The link [JFK] cited says nothing about Jews at all. Perhaps the full study does, but the link isn’t to the full study. Nor does anything at the link talk about bioengineering, or serve as “a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.” That’s merely saying that if a virus affects different ethnic groups to different degrees – which I’m pretty sure all viruses do – it’s within the realm of imaginable possibility that it was bioengineered to do this. Why say that if you’re not trying to be inflammatory? There is no evidence for it.

    That all stands.

    Nor do actual COVID rates in many of those mentioned populations seem low in actuality, so does this DNA variant even matter?

    You also write:

    Obama’s real accomplishment was to forge an alliance between the old line neo-con grifts and the Left’s base in edutainment, green politics and urban politics. RFK is a threat to big swathes of that alliance.

    That makes no sense to me. Obama did that? First of all, “old line neo-con grifts” – please define. Old line neocons such as Norman Podhoretz was a Trump supporter, for example. I can’t offhand think of any neocons who supported Obama, although perhaps I’m forgetting someone. It was Trump’s candidacy that caused some “neocon grifters” such as Bill Kristol and Max Boot and certain others to hop aboard the leftist train, but that didn’t happen during the Obama administration. The “alliance” of which you speak doesn’t include many voters; it merely includes a few pundits such as Kristol and the like, who don’t influence much of anyone anymore.

  57. Re “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dished out wild COVID-19 conspiracy theories”

    Of course by “conspiracy theories” the news outlet shills, the producers of official science, and the social media shills of the criminal establishment do NOT mean the criminal establishment’s OFFICIAL conspiracy theories such as THEIR official Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction conspiracy theory,  or THEIR official Assad’s use of chemical weapons conspiracy theory, or THEIR official Russiagate conspiracy theory, or THEIR official JFK lone shooter assassination conspiracy theory,  or THEIR official 9-1-1 inept pilots/fires brought down skyscrapers conspiracy theory, THEIR Covid conspiracy theory, and on and on with their authorized conspiracy theories they LOVE.

    By that PEOPLE MANIPULATION term (“conspiracy theories”) the criminal ruling class (and their idiotic followers) means those factual narratives that they do not like, that threatened THEIR official lies, that DISprove their official lies — see http://www.CovidTruthBeKnown.com (or https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html)

    “We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” — William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

    “2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into…3 shots to feed your family!” — Unknown 

    “I just cannot understand why all these damn anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists don’t trust a government that actively works against the public interest 100 percent of the time. I  mean if you can’t trust institutions that are deliberately constructed to subvert the common good for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful at every turn, who can you trust?” — Caitlin Johnstone, Independent Journalist

    “… normal and healthy discontent .. is being termed extremist.” — Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist

  58. ok that escalated quickly, 9/11 denialism was very stupid, in part because the 28 pages was left out of the commission report, that detailed the whole support system, re jfk many details re foreign regime involvements see charles thomas depositiion of elena paz, escalante and abrahantes ties with oswald also was left off the board,

  59. Mike K. One of my devices had an auto correct which, in an earlier life was a building inspector. Or perhaps an HOA board member.
    I meant, as you saw, “sickling”.

    Malaria used to go further north than currently. Hence, among other things, its Latin name.
    As “Michigan ague”, it was almost universal in Michigan from the early nineteenth century.

    While the anopheles mosquito likes warm climates, it requires unshaded standing water which is what you get when you clear land in damp climates–see Michigan.

    The closer you get to the Med, the more warm you have and then the water. And any African genes moving north–immigration, raids, slaves, commercial travel–would necessarily be less common in northern Europe than in the south.
    And so the evolutionary response of sickling would arise or, if imported, be sufficiently useful as to overcome the downsides.

    Point is, some whites may have it and some not and their ancestral origin may be relevant in figuring the odds.

    And the second point is that, if such is true within the “white” or “caucasian” population writ large, differences within that population between smaller, discrete populations are possible.

  60. G.B.:

    RFK Jr. is a conspiracy theorist extraordinaire. He is rather fascinating because some of his conspiracy theories are true, or close to the truth, or truer than the official word. But some are not. Not all conspiracy theories are created equal.

  61. Back in the 80s when AIDS was running wild, the KGB propagated the rumor that AIDS was a biological weapon created by the US at Fort Detrick (where biowarfare research was conducted).

    Black and gay communities, disproportionately affected by AIDS, took this as proof of genocide by the US government. The story has bounced around since then. However:

    Russia finally acknowledged, in 1992, a KGB disinformation campaign about AIDS.


  62. as max holland points out the kennedy assasination conspiracy got an incentive from soviet dezinforma, the late pacepa focused in on that angle,

  63. this is the problem when the government and it’s auxiliaries, lies about the source, the transmission rate and the treatment protocols of an agent that has killed at least a million people by their own figures,

  64. Left-wing Jews seem perfectly comfortable associating with anti-Semites in order to further their own political goals and are under no pressure to disavow those associations, to my knowledge.

    If RFK Jr will do something left-wing Jews want done, they’ll embrace him.

  65. miguel

    “their own figures” Which ones are those? Birx wanted deaths WITH Covid to be coded as death BY Covid. And there was more money there, too.

  66. by their own standard, yes they stretched those figures like reed richards, actual data like the diamond princess case, was ignored, the wrong protocols were applied,

  67. al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan, to consider too examples, one of whose latter day minions murdered a Capitol police officer,

  68. Frederick:

    First of all, “left-wing Jews” are secular Jews, and like any other left-wing group, leftist is what inspirestheir devotion. So in that sense, they are no different from other leftists of any ethnic group or other identity group. However, even some leftist secular Jews draw the line at figures like Farrakhan.

  69. Ashkenazi Jews’ closest genetic relatives are Sephardi Jews. They are closer to each other than Ashkenazim are to Europeans and Sephardim are to Arabs. Apparently, the group Jews in general are closest to genetically are Kurds.

    In terms of in-group/out-group stuff, there’s been plenty of intermarriage over the centuries between Sephardim and Ashkenazim and both groups recognize each other as Jews. Plenty of eastern European Jews (most Chassidim) pray with a Sephardic liturgy.

  70. I think Neo and others are taking things a step beyond what JFK said. The paper he is quoting specifically does say Jews & Chinese are less affected. He does not say this is deliberate, however people are jumping to the conclusion he is implying the Jews and Chinese are in cahoots when, in context of the paper, he did no such thing.

    He may be an Antisemite – but this isn’t evidence of it.

  71. Is it true that Jews were less affected? I recall reading that in Israel, many were dying in spite of having the one of the most, if not the most heavily vaxxed and boostered populatins in the world.

  72. It reminds me of the widely-believed lie/conspiracy theory after 9/11 that fewer Jews died in the collapse of the WTC because they had received mysterious warnings not to go to work that day. And, in the Middle Ages, Europeans barricaded Jews in churches and burned them to death because they blamed them for causing the Black Death. And, of course, too many other similar stories to recount. We have a long history of allowing our deep-seated fears and hatreds to direct our responses to terrible events.

    I have no idea what RFK Jr. meant, or thought he meant, by what he said. But it’s one more illustration, if any were needed after the many years he spent lying about autism and vaccines, that the man is either illiterate and innumerate in matters of science — or that he’s purposely so. And worse, he uses his “misunderstandings” to drive mass fears for his own benefit, building his brand while disregarding the harm he causes. So, sure, let’s try the guy out as President. What could it hurt? He’ll fit right in.

  73. “I’m just a man whose intentions are good.

    Lord don’t let my words be misunderstood.”

    Covered by RFK Jr. and his wink, wink, nod, nod chorus.

  74. I want to echo Mike K, a very thoughtful post.

    I have a BS, but it is not in the biological sciences. I know that the Jewish people are susceptible to Tay-Sachs disease.

    Do we have the ability to develop race or ethnicity targeted biological weapons? To put it more simply, can we make a virus that attacks, say, Cambodians (nothing against Cambodians), while leaving other ethnicities unharmed?

    My understanding of our capabilities tells me “No”, but this is a fast moving industry, and perhaps I am behind the times.


  75. Xylourgos.

    Your use of “in spite of” presumes some facts, such as the vaccines were/are useful.

    Lancet tells us that mask and vaxx mandates did no good which means either the items were useless or voluntary compliance was about the same as mandated compliance. Or both.

    Recent lawsuit and apparently thorough investigation by a private party finds that CDC may have hidden death from vax injury by recoding death certs received from coroners.

  76. WRT MRM vaccines and autism:

    Various items are mentioned such as an “explosion” of autism. Was there? If it’s talked about endlessly on the morning shows it certainly could look like an explosion.
    I’d guess, based on my own experience, that almost all of us are no more than one degree of separation from a family with an autistic member. And certainly will see them in public from time to time.
    Is this an explosion?
    Autism is on a “spectrum”. If a marker on the less-severe end is moved, then guys who get on well in life but have trouble with metaphor might now be covered. Is there a diagnostic change?

    Said it before; when in high school chemistry, we thought playing with metallic mercury, rolling it down the lab tables, so forth, was fun.
    Later and now, one must run shrieking from the room at the mention of the element. A Detroit high school was reported to have bought new shoes for every kid who’d been in the science wing on account of a report that somebody spilled some mercury on the floor. Terror
    So the MRM has mercury i it. A pharmacy rep said, below toxic levels. Uh huh. Says who? There is a non-toxic level? Is it non-toxic for most but damaging to a few vulnerable kids?
    Point is, given the explosion in, at least, concern about autism and the new reputation of mercury, there was fertile ground for the Lancet’s Wakefields study, which was SCIENCE, you rubes. Until the Lancet discovered they’d been fooled. Then it was SCIENCE not to be true and you can trust us this time, we got it right this time, and your kid didn’t become autistic because he or his mom got a shot. That was last month. Honest.
    And there is such a thing as a non-toxic level of mercury. Yup.

    I am not expressing an opinion on the subject, but trying to describe what was out there and I’d be interested in how long RFK,jr pushed the idea beyond official retraction of earlier honest, solid, unshakeable science.

    I imagine the concern about Thalidomide had blown over by then….

  77. This is the wildest thread I have read on neo’s blog! It’s like a roller coaster of theories and postulates, attacks and allegations. Definitely an E ticket.

  78. I do fault rfk jr for squandering the opportunity of a real debate about the medieval practices that have gone on the last three years, occasioned by at best an act of extraordinary negllgence,

  79. LordAzrael:

    RFK did not merely say the paper found that Jews had a DNA type that was more resistant to COVID. He spoke about that being evidence for bioengineering. He didn’t list many other groups that had the same advantage – such as Latinos and Amish – but only said Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. He didn’t point out that in the real world, Ashkenazi Jews got plenty of COVID, and in a 2020 study in England were even more likely to die from it.

    Funny how he left those things out.

    He also indicated this could mean COVID was bioengineered for the purpose of sparing certain groups. He didn’t say it was, just that it might have been. But he neglected to mention that all viruses and illnesses have different effects on different groups who have different susceptibilities, and that the vast vast vast majority are not bioengineered, and so the connection of ethnic susceptibilities to possible targeted bioengineering is zilch.

    In addition, he either said this with reckless disregard of the history of related accusations against Jews concerning infection, or is completely ignorant of that history.

    All in all, a very bad look for RFK.

  80. neo just put the pitchfork into RFK Jr. He is totally done. A crispy critter.

    But his wink, wink, nod, nod chorus will still sing his praises.

    The magic surname.

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