Home » “Cis”: the worm turns on Twitter


“Cis”: the worm turns on Twitter — 16 Comments

  1. It’s always been a way to marginalize normal people using psuedo-intellectual sophistry. It’s a tried and true tactic of the Left. Get your opposition to accept your lables, your terms and definitions and you’ve effectively already prepared a battleground that is advantageous.

  2. Cis, trans, ortho, meta, para are used in organic chemistry IIRC in nomenclature for different molecules, xylene for instance. The left perverts language it seems. Is there a “para sexual” or “para gendered? TMI to be sure.

    What about “ipso, meso, and peri” being misappropriated to describe confused sexuality? You saw it here first?

  3. Always thought “cis” and “trans” were terms of location or geography.
    Maybe park ’em all in Transylvania and set up an enclave of sorts?

  4. Great! If I ever get the chance to use “Your triggering me. I feel unsafe” to the idjts on the other side it will be a happy camper.

  5. The Rocky Horror Picture Show came out in 1975. They have been pushing this pram for nearly 50 years?

  6. I too reject any such labels. My sense of my own “gendered” traits is 100% my business alone and no one else has my permission to force me to disclose my “gender” or my sexuality.

    We should have been pushing back on these personal disclosures from the beginning, on the basis of privacy if nothing else. Why should anyone have to discuss what is in essence their sex life and/or their deepest personality traits as part of a group interaction at work or school?

  7. Cis and trans are originally Latin. Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul, for example. Austria and Hungary were sometimes called Cisleithania and Transleithania.

    “Transgender” and “Cisgender” make transgenderism sound more common than it actually is. That was probably intentional.

  8. I refuse to support the mentally deluded. Unless they respond with violence. In which case, I’ll accommodate them… with extreme prejudice.

  9. When a leftist (I refuse to call them ‘liberal’) tried to argue that “Cis” as a shortened form of cisgender was not offensive in any respect, I asked him if “homo” instead of homosexual was offensive. No response.

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  11. “Cis” and “trans” mattered for double bonds and in pharmacology. On the “street”, “cis” meant normal. I could not do much to authenticate the trans delusion. Using fancy pseudo-technical language doesn’t hide the defect.

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