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How many people… — 14 Comments

  1. And “Biden”‘s super-charged, FORTIFIED IRS is now going after Matt Taibbi.

    Of course they are.
    That’s what they’re for, among other things.
    (One doesn’t LITERALLY weaponize the IRS for nuthin’…)
    “Taibbi: My Crazy IRS Case”—

    The WARNING has, no doubt, been noted….
    Under “Biden”:
    The FBI has become the Federal Bureau of Intimidation.
    The IRS has become the Intimidation Revenue Service.
    The USA has become…

    Ah well, several people—give or take—have noticed…
    ‘Rubino Warns “They’re Willing To Burn Down The World To Get What They Want”‘—

  2. MJR,

    According to local St. Louis KSDK Kandula bought his Nazi flag online because because “Nazis have a great history” and he admired their “authoritarian nature, Eugenics and their one world order.”


    I agree it is a little too perfect, although to be really perfect they’d have to dupe some dumb white guy, like they did with the Whitmer kidnapping plot.

  3. Marisa (5:59 pm), thanks for what to me is additional information.

    Yes, “it is a little too perfect.” What’s imperfect is that the guy isn’t white, but as neo points out, many people will never know that, and the white supremacist narrative has already been planted. Oh well /SARCASM, just a little seedling that grows with all the other little seedlings seedlings to comprise a thicket of mainstream media deceit.

    In other words, gaslighting business as usual. Move along, folks . . .

  4. In alternate reality land, he is a trans white supremacist? Or from The Patriot Front?

    Or maybe an East Asian recalling those day in the past when the swastika wasn’t associated with that Austrian fella?

    Who knows? He could just be nuts (talk about an ill fit narrative).

    Nevermind ….

  5. Maybe the guy is just another Jew hating Fundamentalist Muslim (there are a great many who admire Hitler’s attempt to “cleanse” the world) that also hates America because we support Israel.

  6. It’s a real shame that the folks supporting all these radical, reality-shifting ideas of accepting that people really are what they declare themselves to be, in spite of the ridiculous dissonant spectacle that it creates, it’s a shame really that they won’t empower this young man to be all that he can be.

    Sure, he might not be a citizen, he might not be white, or a supremecist, but doggone it he wants to be! Where’s the compassion? Has anybody consulted Sam Brinton, or Trans-secretary Pete, or the good Admiral? Come on, West Wing, the resources are there if you have questions…..

  7. If one looks at the first link Neo gave, one can see that the truck did NOT crash into the White House fence as the linked article claims. He crashed into a barrier — against cars but not pedestrians — around the very public Lafayette Square. Perhaps the driver is as stupid as the person who wrote the article.

  8. There are thousands of federal felony laws in the books. This gives the federal prosecutors enormous discretion in what charges they use. It’s like a big smorgasbord of laws and as I have pointed out before, arbitrary and capricious.

  9. “Maybe the guy is just another Jew hating Fundamentalist Muslim (there are a great many who admire Hitler’s attempt to “cleanse” the world) that also hates America because we support Israel.”

    Or maybe even a Ukrainian sympathizer. Naziism is popular these days there simply because it was, from its founding, opposed to Russian Communism. It was, for many Germans, at the time, nationalistic anti-Russian Communism. And Ukrainian nationalist quite rationally latch onto the first two parts.

    To see the flip side, AntiFA means Anti Fascist, and has its roots in the street fights in Germany with the Nazis for control over German socialism, and the country itself. They were the Soviet funded and directed proxy in that fight. They naturally, after the fall of the Soviet Union, changed their allegiance to Red China (as can be seen with their frequent use of the CCP’s Hammer and Sickle).

    This is what bothers me – the assumption, esp on the left, and even mainstream, that the Nazis were the ultimate in evil. Stalin, and then Mao, killed many more of their own citizens. Why is opposing communism a bad thing?

  10. Some people are just crazy. They like Hitler because he was famous and killed a lot of people. He came from nowhere and now everyone knows his name. The flag might have been the driver’s or it might have been planted, but there might not have much of an ideology involved.

    After the Columbine killings there was much speculation that the killers were neo-Nazis because the attack happened on Hitler’s birthday. One of the shooters did have a fascination with Hitler because of his fascination with killing people, but white supremacy doesn’t seem to play a role in his thinking or his plans (the other shooter didn’t have any interest in Hitler or the Nazis). The attack had been planned for the day before to coincide with the OKC bombing and had been postponed, but again, a nihilistic lust for destruction was more relevant than any ideology.

    You can often or usually tell from the name if a South Asian is of Hindu or of Muslim origin. It’s not obvious in this case, though my first guess would be Hindu. Sai Baba (d. 1918) was an Indian guru who tried to bring Hindus and Muslims together and had followers of both religions. Another Sai Baba (1926-2011) claimed to be his reincarnation.

  11. One might put together the U-Haul thing, missing ammonium nitrate (30 tons), McCVeigh , and the 1993 attempt on the WTC before opening the back and looking for a flag.

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