Home » Psst: if you’re pregnant, you’re a woman


Psst: if you’re pregnant, you’re a woman — 36 Comments

  1. I’m surprised they didn’t leave that quote out. Probably could have found another quote from a properly woke researcher maybe even that same author.

  2. Griffin:

    I think they just didn’t notice it. You have to be on your toes the whole time, which is hard to do

  3. I followed your link to the Popular Science article, registered so I could comment, and left the following comment:
    “You do know that all “pregnant people” are women, right?”
    As a teenager, I subscribed to Popular Science and, almost religiously, soaked up a lot of “science.” It’s sad to see this coming from an old favorite source. Maybe change their name to Popular Political Science.

  4. Follow up:
    I went back to check the reactions and got this:

    “Comment Rejected
    Your comment has been rejected as it does not align with our Community Guidelines.”

    So, as expected, they are not really interested in any sort of scientific discussion.

  5. Scientific American is another magazine, once respected, that followed the “gods of the marketplace” instead of the “gods of the copybook headings.”

  6. @David Sullivan: I hunted down the article on Facebook and left my comment there.

  7. Okay, this is starting to be fun,. I just posted a second comment at Popular Science:
    “Phoebe Dodge, quoted in your article, makes the point that I made in a previously “rejected” comment. If I am in violation of your Community Standards, then she must be as well. And by extension, your article is in violation of your own Community Standards.”

  8. Sorry, Neo.
    I didn’t mean to highjack your comments sections.
    I will go to my room.

  9. David Sullivan, I’d be interested to know if your second comment survives there.

  10. Of course, for many people of potential pregnancy, consumption of marijuana produces the state of mind wherein the act needed for pregnancy is more likely.

    There’s always ol’ reliable, ethanol.

  11. David Sullivan

    I second Kate. There’s so many left trolls everywhere, it’s fun to follow the adventures from our side.

  12. Trans men to women are going to be in a real shock
    when they find out that they still have a Prostate.

  13. I used to subscribe to Popular Mechanics because every now and then they produced genuine good reporting, such as mythbusting Sept. 11 and Hurricane Katrina. But more often they did some piece of crap on global warming, and eventually I gave up.

  14. God created man and woman, Cultural Marxists created the rest of the 57 variety

  15. There are no “trans.” You are either “XX” or “XY” chromosomed. Trans is just the latest Big Lie sold by the far Left.

  16. TJ:

    Even if you believe “trans” is a delusion and all in the mind, there certainly are people who are convinced they are of the opposite sex, some of whom have medical treatment and surgery as a result, and some of whom don’t. Such people exist and are “trans”, a word which is merely descriptive and allows the listener to believe whatever the listener wants about the etiology of the syndrome.

  17. “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
    ~ Voltiare

  18. Most if not all western societies have decided to conduct an experiment in turning over control of society to its inmates.

    Inmates who deny the very existance of objective reality.

    Such an experiment is not sustainable.

  19. Make no mistake, many of these ‘gender fluid’ people are deadly serious. My daughter is part of this cohort, while she may have problems she is far from stupid. While I believe it’s a mental issue and hope it is just a fad/phase. To her and her friends this is to them as being for or against the Vietnam War was for many of us. I suggest listening respectfully and hope they do the same for us.

  20. Quick Update:
    My second comment to the Popular Science article (mentioned upthread) has survived for three hours. I upvoted myself once (I know that’s tacky internet etiquette, but it’s a science website and I was experimenting).
    There are no other comments at this time, so I currently have the “Top Comment” as well as the “Favorite” comment.
    Back to my room.

  21. I can see it now,

    “Trans woman, Shirley Y Jest, shocked by diagnosis of late stage prostate cancer, plans to sue the surgeon for an incomplete bottom surgery performed when Shirley was a teen.”

    Can’t fool Mother Nature.

  22. SHIREHOME on May 19, 2023 at 5:30 pm
    But a prostate is just a misplaced and shrunken uterus, don’t you know! 🙂

  23. No Neo. I’m not denying your point with my post.

    There are prople, “some of whom have medical treatment and surgery as a result, and some of whom don’t. Such people exist….” YES.

    “and SOME are PROCLAIMED TO BE “trans”, a word which…” advances scientific and metaphysical relativism, and opposing it is the point of my bumper-sticker slogan, “There are no Trans” language gaming that’s ridiculously fad-filled but Elite driven.

    As the Donald, later Dierdre McClosky, author of the memoir “Crossings” — a book from the 1990s — admits, “she” is not a woman. Instead she passes for one. McClosky abjures “Trans” as impossible.

    I gave a close friend who is friends with economic historian McClosky. And their friend a Nobel Prize winning economic historian at WashU, St. Louis. Now late, having died not many years ago.

    Anyway when Donald underwent his conversion after a divorce, his family wanted him involuntarily committed to psychiatric care.

    Don anf Dierdre are convinced libertarians and believe such legal actions are immoral.

    Nonetheless, the greatest opponent of involuntary commitment was the NY State teaching professor, Thomas Szasz.

    And consistent with Szasz, both he and Dierdre McClosky believe that so-called “sex changing” is no more than the ultimate in cosmetics. It isn’t really Trans at all That’s gaslighting!

    Ultimately, in the years after Don’s conversion, his elder friend, the Nobel laureate, could not bend to Dierdre’s pronoun address needs.

    This led him/her to disavow their friendship. And that was never healed, sadly.

    My further point in rejecting Trans-gaslighting is that this entire Utopian package deal has been injected into politics subsequent to the consequent to SCOTUS Gay Marriage decision

    What’s being exploited but the Marxist far-Left is the contradictions of the Post-Civil Rights regime, balancing individual rights against positivist group rights.

    This collectivization has led Disney to mind-meld with Pride, and thereby indoctrinate radical sexualization of children via pop-culture.

    David Strom ably explains this, as the slippery slope arguments against gay marriage normalization have since proved to be revealingly true: the point was not liberation or equality but revolutionary societal transformation. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2023/05/19/disney-partners-with-pride-to-develop-content-for-children-n551994

    In attacking the myth of Trans, I’m rejecting this nonsense tout court.

    merely descriptive and allows the listener to believe whatever the listener wants about the etiology of the syndrome.

  24. Society can very easily continue happily with a small number of members who are unusual in presentation or belief. Laws and personal approaches have changed in recent years, so that active persecution, legal problems, and personal/professional restrictions are far less difficult for such individuals. The problem comes when a minority demands that the entire society change its foundational thinking and organization to accommodate the few. People perfectly willing to behave with kindness towards unusual individuals become “homophobic” or “transphobic” if they fail to “celebrate” the differences.

    It leads to the insanity now infecting medical schools and medical societies, in which someone who is pregnant might be a man. It’s nonsense, and it’s dangerous to society.

  25. Mike K, I remember seeing a few things about Jorgensen years ago. Your link says death was from bladder and lung cancer, so these were where the prostate cancer spread?

  26. The opening paragraph has an added layer of nonsense. Women are supposed to abstain from pot to avoid harming their “fetus.” Ordinary women would fear harm to their “baby.” Why would we care about harm to a “fetus” when we routinely “terminate” (kill) them?

    What’s funny here is that right-wingers have a reputation for sexual prudishness, but left-wingers keep introducing new vocabulary that obfuscates basic concepts about where babies come from, and who does what to create them.

  27. Dr. Thomas Szasz was a lifelong bullshitter. His statement that all illness must have molecular proof before it can be termed an illness is itself insane. Are we to biopsy the brain, dysfunctional but without demonstrable lesions, in all schizophrenics before we may declare them mentally ill and do what we must?

    He did not deserve to be an MD. As a nominal psychiatrist he was an aburdity. He lectured to us at our medical school. The terrible thing is that 25% of my class went into psychiatry, the most useless specialty in medicine.

    He died by suicide at age 92. He worshipped himself; he was his own God. May he rot in Hell.

  28. Neo observes “medicine has reorganized its language in ways that sound preposterous and in some ways are preposterous.”
    No, medicine has NOT done that. It may be true in Massachusetts, that state full of allegedly brilliant people, 78% of whom voted for Biden, where the NEJM board is located. That prominent medical journal which I ceased to read some 30 years ago, because of its non-medical editorial nonsense. But it is, Thanks be to God, not at all true of the Deep South, where I happily reside, where men are men, and women are women. We do have some University-related nonsense about homosexuals and “Transgenders”, but in a land where most men hunt, and some women also shoot, we are happily pretty safe.

  29. Cicero:

    Of course it’s not happening everywhere. But it’s definitely not limited to Massachusetts. I see more and more of it and not just in New England by any means; see this.

  30. Pingback:Too Stupid To Survive #99 | Stately McDaniel Manor

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