Home » Open thread 5/4/23


Open thread 5/4/23 — 17 Comments

  1. Instapundit (Glenn Reynolds):

    “THEY ALWAYS HAVE TO HAVE ONE, SINCE THEIR POLITICS REVOLVE AROUND HATE: Don Surber: The Supreme Court is the Left’s New Trump.”

    What word would one use to describe people who always use HATE in politics? For whom, “othering” is the standard playbook? Who believe themselves morally superior because of how much they hate?

    Every single narrative pushed by the Democrats is based on a lie, usually one that is also slanderous. M Scott Peck, followed up his monster bestseller with a book about evil. It was titled, “People of the Lie”.

  2. for all of einstein’s wisdom, you would think he would comprehend that it would take a supreme being to organize the world in the intricate way it is arranged,

  3. Well, if we’re sticking to special relativity, there’s at least one reference frame in which in your grandmother is “still alive” but it’s not an “afterlife”, it’s just that the effects of her death haven’t reached all reference frames yet, and there’s one reference frame in which her birth and death (and every other event in the universe) is simultaneous and happening all in the same place.

    There are people inside physics who enjoy reading and writing about stuff like this and there are people inside physics who find it tiresome….

  4. From the exquisitely insightful Ivy Exile…(using ruminations on Foucault as a starting point):
    “Vulgar Displays of Power”—
    Key graf (RTWT):
    “…It isn’t merely that the experts have brilliant plans for enlightened global technocracy, but that it is the very acts of objection and criticism that create the possibility of failure. The ideal is the default of things, any deviation due to naysayers and troublemakers, so silencing opposition equals solving the problem. Dirty tricks become moral imperatives; with just a little more money and militancy, we’re about to reach the promised land.…” [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

    …And so we bring you, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Democratic Party…and “Biden”‘s creation of a “new kind” of Banana Republic, based on “liberty”, “democracy” and “human rights”…

  5. Where is Janet Yellen when you REALLY need her…?

    “Regional Bank Crisis Spreads To Big Banks As US Bancorp Tumbles, Stocks Dump Amid Widespread Liquidations”—

    Note, however, that ‘[m]oments after the FT report which sent WAL shared plunging to $11 (after closing at $30 yesterday), the company rushed out a press release to announce that the FT article is “absolutely false”…’

    …in which case, someone’s not telling the truth (for a change?)….

  6. I see that they now have 3 women testifying that Trump raped them. How many will there be? How come the newest ones didn’t come out of the woodwork in 2016 and since then? Did he rape them? I don’t know, but with the left doing what they are doing can I be skeptical?


    There is no shortage of women who would be willing to falsely accuse Trump – or many (or any?) other Republicans – of rape, if they thought it would help the Cause.

    There are reasons it used to be more difficult to get a rape conviction, even in cases where a rape really had occurred. The problem of false accusations is ever-present, and it was a protection against that. Now the pendulum has swung in the other direction, and political activists are taking advantage of it.

  8. The liars willing to accuse Kavanaugh were legion. They were treated as heroes by the Democrats. Their lies and slanders were never punished.

    The financial and emotional gains from accusing Trump are large. The downside is zero. Or rather positive. The lawyers’ fees and costs are paid by Democrat billionaire pedophiles and they are heroes even if they lose.

    If there were such a thing as a moral Democrat, they would be disgusted. But there are no longer such things because they got so disgusted they are no longer Democrats.

  9. I am extremely suspicious of allegations that surface years or decades after the alleged offenses, but I suppose a New York civil jury may not be. Do civil trials require notice of witnesses beforehand, like criminal trials?

  10. Kate, yes. Every witness is revealed and has to be made available for deposition. Each party has the opportunity to discover all documents and other exhibits. There really shouldn’t be any surprises unless someone changes the story they told under oath when deposed. And then the deposition is used to discredit the changed testimony.

  11. I’m seeing it reported that our crack VP—straight off of her wild successes in managing our border situation—has now been given the task of managing the extremely consequential AI issue.

    Obviously this issue will now be in the best of hands.

  12. Isn’t one of the women accusing Trump of forcefully kissing her against her will? I guess that’s some sort of sexual assault, but hardly rape– unless the left gets to redefine words at will.

  13. Our World in Data has since 15 July 2020 been collecting data on hospitalization for COVID here and abroad. As of 2 May 2023 in the United States, the weekly number admitted (10,040), the census of those admitted (9,057), and the census of those in intensive care units (1,177) are the lowest recorded yet.

  14. The liars willing to accuse Kavanaugh were legion. They were treated as heroes by the Democrats.
    They weren’t legion. They numbered precisely four. Only one testified before the Senate Judiciary committee. Christine Blasey Ford and Julia Swetnick faced the same problem: neither they nor their handlers nor our stooge media could present any evidence that either had ever met the young men they accused or even delineate a set of circumstances under which they might have met. Swetnick’s tale was hampered further by being sorely implausible – that as a community college student she hung around with high school students with whom she’d never attended school, that she’d been a witness to gang rapes she’d never reported to police, and that a pair of 17 year old Catholic high school students were running rape gangs.
    A third accuser, Deborah Ramirez, was demonstrably acquainted with BK around about 1984; her credibility was hampered by her admission that she’d been coached for the better part of a week before ‘coming forward’ and that she admitted she was inebriated during the incident. Her accusation was that she’d caught sight of his genitals at a boozy student gathering, i.e. not compelling. Members of the media tried to amplify her accusation by putting one James Roche on the air to attest to her good character and trash BK.
    And who was James Roche? A Yale alum who had shared a dorm suite with BK and two other chaps for 4 months and change (August 1983 to January 1984). One of the young men left in mid semester (after a fight with Roche, in BK’s telling). The one who replaced him disliked BK and liked Roche, but his complaints against BK in re the ten weeks they shared the suite were on the order of BK’s friends leaving flecks of vomit on the bathroom floor. Roche made a number of assertions that amounted to saying that inside jokes between BK and his buddies were common slang in the BosWash corridor. That was news to many of us of similar vintage who lived there at the time. (I was a Maryland state resident in 1983; I’d never heard the terms ‘boofing’ or ‘devil’s triangle’, much less knew what they meant). James Roche nursed a grudge for 35 years over petty interpersonal disputes with an adolescent he shared a dorm suite with consequent to a housing lottery. For a normal human being, that looks pathological. For partisan Democrats in the media, he was a fitting subject for a one-on-one television interview.
    I’m not seeing these four were treated as ‘heroes’. Swetnick was forgotten as an embarrassment and Ramirez forgotten as someone not of much use. As for Ford and Roche, it wasn’t treating them as ‘heroes’, it was pretending they were credible and important because that’s the lie you needed to tell to get what you want.

  15. Art Deco — You’re being legally pedantic. Search Bing with “Blasey ford hero”:

    Good Reads: Christine Blasey Ford: An American Hero
    HuffPost: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Is An American Hero
    The Week: The hero Christine Blasey Ford

    The first three of 108,000 results.

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